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Monticello, GA

The Monty @ Deer Ridge

3.155(based on 13 reviews)
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The Monty @ Deer Ridge reviews

4 0
Experience: 9 played 9 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Course but Needs Maintenance 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 22, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Excellent tee signs, plenty of markings pointing you toward the next hole, as well as markings on the ground indicating hazards like tree roots and holes.

Good mix of hole design. Doesn't feel repetitive at all.

Mostly shaded as the entire course is wooded

Very secluded. I've played there 5 or so times and I don't think I've ever seen anybody else there.

Fun art and random things around. Not a game changer but it's a nice touch. For example, hole 13(?) has a lawnmower on top of the basket.

Plenty of benches & trash cans around.


Course could use some TLC as of 4/22/19. It's starting to get a bit overgrown.

Very unforgiving course if you miss the fairway - the brush can be very dense in some areas and there are lots of thorns and spiderwebs to be wary of. So try and keep it on the fairway.

Some holes also have very unforgiving fairways. Courses will often have trees in the fairway to make you play around them, but this course has so many (especially on the longer holes), that even great players would need some luck to get through cleanly.

Other Thoughts:

Once you finally locate the course (it's to the right of the gate that you can't get your car into), you play the first two holes and have a somewhat optimistic feeling in your gut. The holes have been straightforward, there's not a lot of dense brush to lose your discs in, and it seems like an overall good course.

But then on hole 3, you notice the plaque that's nailed to a tree commemorating somebody else's ace from times past. Wow! Good for him! However, you'll quickly notice you can't even see the 3rd basket from the pad. Don't worry, it's just because they've moved it. They're not letting anybody else ace this hole. The 3rd hole is shaped like a capital "J" now, and the curved part of that "J" is filled in with gigantic trees as well as all of that dense brush that didn't exist on 1 and 2.

As you continue through the course you'll find yourself thinking three thoughts over and over again. First, "Man, this course would be way better if there wasn't so much dense brush everywhere." Second, "How in the world did a spider even get it's web across this gap?!?". And third, "Why in god's name are there so many trees RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FAIRWAY".

That third question will especially bother you on the par 4 and par 5 which in your memory will be the same hole. They're both long doglegs to the left, and your drives on both will be very similar to hitting up a slot machine at your nearest casino or gas station. Will you hit your line? Probably not. You could hit a completely different line - if that's the case then just tell your friends that's the one you were aiming for. They suck at disc golf; they won't know any better. You'll probably just end up hitting a tree though. Don't worry. Everybody will. And you can all have a communal gripe session about all of the stupid trees in the middle of the fairway after everybody gets a double bogey.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 264 played 100 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Monty @ Deer Ridge 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2016 Played the course:once


Has excellent tee signs

Has next tee signs throughout - worthless course map is not really needed

Course flows pretty well

Has some benches throughout course

All wooded fairways - which will be challenging to the casual player

Some holes have doglegs and changes in elevations

Most of the holes are under shade where this can be really appreciated in the hot and humid summers

Area exclusive for disc golf

Quiet - I was the only player on the course on a Saturday afternoon

Free Parking


Has tee pads where a couple are concrete, some are natural and some have carpet. Some of the natural ones aren't flat where they have exposed tree roots and the carpet ones are really slippery when wet.

Tight fairways on most holes - lots of trees where some fairways can be quite unfair and deflect discs into other trees

Some of the fairways have exposed tree stumps that you have to be careful to not twist your ankle on

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice course that's really out in the middle of nowhere disc golf-wise. The course is unique and charming in that it has some interesting artwork on its tee signs and some artwork out near the picnic table between holes #9 & #10. The course must have evolved after other reviews as I couldn't locate the trailer from hole #15. I had some difficulty locating hole #1 but if you're visiting, look for the welcome board across the street from the parking lot near the entrance to the landfill. You'll see a small gap into the forest where you'll find the first tee and then the course flows pretty smoothly without many long walks in between holes. The playing in the woods that seems never-ending will have you wishing for an open hole to play afterwards. I didn't have any experiences with ticks nor insects but then I had some picaridin sprayed on me so that worked well. It would be nice if they can modify some of their tee pads like gravel or concrete, but I certainly appreciate the TLC they put in so far.
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4 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The Monty at Deer Ridge 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2013 Played the course:once


The Monty Disc Golf Course in Monticello, GA offers a very fun and challenging round. It's "an intriguing course" (TM) that's slowly but surely being improved and transformed to a great course. It's a true labor of love from Luke and crew and their hard work is sure to be appreciated by all. I really enjoyed the solitude the course provided with just a touch of a nostalgic feel. Overall I felt like the course had a real disc golf "vibe" to it and I loved the atmosphere. Random items decorated a couple of the holes and gave a nice personal feel to the course too. The hole of the lost towels and the picnic table hole that's peppered with bizarre items including a skull and a sewing machine were quaint features as well.

The course itself has plenty of good golf too. You'll find a predominantly wooded layout with plenty of technical shots. While on paper the course may sound slightly on the average or even shorter side, don't be fooled into thinking it's an easy course. This course makes you work! The demanding holes will absolutely not reward any halfhearted shots. You have to have accurate drives, controlled approaches, and of course make your putts if you're going to play well/compete. Though at times the holes are tight and wooded, not once did I play a hole that I'd consider "unfair". This is a good example of a well thought out wooded course design.

Though there's not a lot of elevation changes, the designer did manage to pull in some slight up and down shots in the design. There's also a pretty decent mix of left and right turning shots. I liked the fact that there were a few short must make birdie shots along some longer shots including some 300'+ and a longer wooded par four.

Currently, making your way through the course is pretty easy with the makeshift tee box signs and next tee signs. The tee pads, except for number 1 and 2 being concrete, are natural but do the job. They are nice and wide and for the most part, compared to some other natural pad courses I've played, are in pretty good shape. There seems to be a mixed models of baskets but overall they are in good shape and catch well. Most are painted blue and added another touch of something you don't see every day on other courses.


Though the natural pads were in good shape and roomy, they were pretty slick after a good dose of rain. I also thought there is some punishing rough if you get off the fairways on a lot of the holes. This makes errant drives or bad tree kicks difficult to locate. I think the pictures here on DGCR (which are pretty outdated) hint that there is much less underbrush than in reality. With that said, I imagine in the winter it's much better.

I felt like a few of the holes got a little repetitive. A steady diet of tightly wooded holes are the meat of the course and for some, especially those who don't like technical wooded courses, they may find themselves growing weary of some "same shot blues". Also, unless the temp holes near the parking lot are being played, there's not a lot of opportunity for the big guns to indiscriminately crush drives (and I know that's a deal breaker for some).

Other Thoughts:

This was my kind of course! I had a great time and wished I lived closer as I'd play it all the time. It's too bad my first time playing here was in some steady rain. I'm looking forward to coming back soon and playing it dry.

Remember that the course is still a work in progress. In some folk's opinion a course slowly coming together is like sausage making. They love sausage but hate watching it being made. But I was able to overlook the perceived cons of a slowly developing course by imagining the overall potential. Luke mentioned that the county may be annexing the course. If that happens, hopefully one day there could be regular maintenance, concrete tees, professional signs, etc. At that point this would be a highly rated course and certainly well worth a lengthy trip to come and play.
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1 3
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 96 played 40 reviews
2.00 star(s)

The Monty 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 22, 2012 Played the course:once


Long, extremely tight fairways cut through a dense pine forest requiring a series of pinpoint throws to score well. Dense rough punishes errant throws.


Long, extremely tight fairways cut through a dense pine forest requiring a series of pinpoint throws to score well. Dense rough punishes errant throws.

Other Thoughts:

I am not trying to be a smart alec with my identical pros and cons, but instead am trying to say that depending on your tastes, you will either really like this course or really dislike it. I really disliked it, while the other player in my group really liked it. This course is the result of a labor of love and you can really see the effort that has gone into making it happen. It looks like several holes have trees marked for removal so I believe this course is continuing to evolve. Ultimately my lower rating is based on the fact that every hole, with the exception of distance, is pretty much the same: very long, very tight, pretty much straight, and lots of pine trees everywhere. It should also be noted that many of the holes appear significantly longer than the posted distances and the course has changed from what is posted in the photo section (the final three open holes have now been pushed back into the woods).

****4/2/12 Luke has asked me to go out and take another look. My review may be unfair or out of date or both. I will head back out there as soon as time permits.****
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2 2
Experience: 14.6 years 22 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Rustic 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 20, 2011 Played the course:once


There is a ton of potential here and if this was really done by 2 guys on a shoe string budget they deserve the golden disc award. Everything here looks homemade, I think that the baskets are homemade. If you look at the back of the signs, there is something else on the other side.


This place is rough and rustic, look for the animal skulls along the way. The 18th basket is right at the entrance to the county landfill. Are you getting the picture here?

Other Thoughts:

I don't know the history of this course and don't live in the area. The best word that I can find for this place is rustic. From reading these other reviews it appears that two guys built this on their own with no support. If this is in fact the case, job well done. It looks like a labor of love. If you like concrete tee pads with great signs that show you the distance and where the next tee is, this is not the place for you. I was there on a Saturday at around 10:00 AM and was the only car there at the start and the finish.

****2/14/12 Luke has asked me to go out and take another look. My review may be unfair or out of date or both. I will head back out there as soon as time permits.****
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9 1
Connor Jones
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 76 played 35 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Whoa. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 23, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Awesome layout,seriously...awesome.
It's very wooded,so you're pretty much in the shade 90% of the round.


The terrain out here is pretty rough,make sure you wear some appropriate footwear.

There are a large variety of things out here,mostly ticks,lots of them..I pulled a few for sure,I also got some chiggers at the course,but I didn't really prepare very well,so make sure you layer on the deet and wear some long socks.

Other Thoughts:

I couldn't really think of a lot to put in the pro's and con's section,as I think I find it easier just to describe what I want to convey here.

This course is seriously great,It's in my top 3 as far as actual course layout goes,a ton of memorable holes. Mostly par 3's with either one or two 4's,not really any "gimmes" so to speak and it plays very tight,but there's always a gap to work with,sometimes only one line,but there's always something.

Now,what keeps this course from excelling isn't the lack of fancy signs,or concrete teepads,I could really care less,the natural tees played fine(at least when it was dry),the signs they had worked perfectly and the rock markers worked well. What really stops it is just the amount of limbs/roots/stumps/etc on the holes and inbetween the holes.

I've gotta believe in time,some of this will be done away with just by being played,but more than that,the amount of work they have had to put in out there is ridiculous,you can tell that the two man team has cleared out almost everything inbetween holes by hand,it is staggering.
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0 3
Experience: 20.8 years 73 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

from Cali 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2011 Played the course:once


Awesome pin placement, in the woods but not to hairy, lots of controll needed but to me thats a plus.


Home made tee signs, only two holes with concrete tees, everything else marked but rocks painted red. So far outta the way.

Other Thoughts:

This course has so much potential to be a 4 needs alot of the brush cleared out and needs to be marked better, and if they wanted they could make it a 27 hole very easy, lots of land back there in them georgia woods.
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4 1
Experience: 29.3 years 55 played 21 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A beautiful course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This course requires control on the tee and has several different types of shots. the course is definetly out of the way but is well worth the drive just based on the uniqueness of the course. Heavily wooded but IMO if you execute your shots skillfully you won't need luck to get you through.

The course has an excellent vibe of being accomodating to disc golfers. You can defiently tell that the course is well loved and taken care of.


While it would be easy to point out cons such as tee signage, a basket missing on a certian hole(#15), and other asthetic issues it would be wrong. This course is obviously a work in progress and to fully appreciate it you have to understand that the majority of the work is done by one individual. So IMO the con's are not really con's thier just needs that will be filled at a later date.

Other Thoughts:

One of the best courses that I have played-just in terms of shot making and great enviroment.

I'm looking forward to offering my services to help this course to become better than it already is.
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6 0
Experience: 27.2 years 3 played 3 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Deer Ridge is actually called "The Monty" 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 27, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Just to update, the 5 other reviews on this course are old, so please disregard on those reviews the things that I correct here; Holes 1-13 are in the woods, and new pins and short/long pad locations have been installed. The course is well-marked, and signs exist for every hole. All teepads are natural except 1 and 2, which are concrete. The baskets have all been painted metallic blue, and the numbering on the baskets is correct.

Also, new work is being done that will add four stellar holes in the woods. The Monty is very close to having 18 in the woods and 5 alternate pins in the open.



Some folks don't like natural pads. I may be biased, but I think these are some of the best natural pads around. When the course is where I want it to be, then I'll worry about getting pads.

CON: The deer tick cycle begins in late February and runs until mid summer (some time in June). Though you may get them on you other times, they aren't nearly as persistent as during the season. They don't enjoy Permithrin or 100 percent deet, though the permithrin keeps them off better than deet. In the early summer, the tick population is comparable to Lake Russell's woods or the old Ant Farm in Hogansville, the course that mostly inspired the Monty.

Other Thoughts:

1. The Monty is going through some changes that I think will really put it on the so called map.
2. The map on the back of the message board is wrong as far as layout is concerned. It won't be changed anytime soon, but I'd like to note that it's wrong.
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6 0
Experience: 17.6 years 40 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

An "off the beaten path" find 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 30, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Well removed from other park activities.
Very clean, very little trash.
A different type of throw required on nearly every hole.


Can't really say anything negative, this is obviously "a work in progress".
No scorecards available.
Basket missing on #15.
Hard to see the baskets, maybe some bright paint on them?
No signage on the back holes.
Once again, the above statements aren't "cons", just observations.

Other Thoughts:

Heavily wooded. Your disc will skip on the pine straw!
Liked the benches, fit in well w/ the pines.
This is obviously a labor of love. The course was installed "by disc golfers, for disc golfers".
I expect this course to do nothing but get better as it evolves.
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8 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 113 played 45 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2009 Played the course:once


This course as has been stated is not yet finished but has great potential and is fun to play. there is a large blue board at the start of the course with a map on it and score cards available, I loved the old log cabin style log benches stattered throughout the course. There is a nice ballance of hyzer and anhyzer shots required and some open holes to end up. The wooded holes all had decernable fairways and multiple possibilites on many. The land is prety flat here so the most use of woods and other challenges were taken advantage of. The small creek comes into play often. There has been a lot of rain in Ga. lately so the creek may not allways have water. especially like the use of the abandonded 18 wheeler trailers and the name of the hole shows the sense of humor. "Trailor Trash" I love it. There is also something you don't see in many disc golf courses, Deer stand! I bet at dusk or dawn you would stand a good chance of seeing deer. I very much liked the paths created, lined with small trees taken out to make fairways. Nice use of natural resources. Coupled with the laminated arrow signs once I found
# 1 geting around was pretty easy. Altho most of the course is in the 200' to 300' range there are a few longer holes and one over 500'.


It was a little hard finding hole 1 mostly due to the wet conditions makeing it hard to get into the woods. I wandered around playing various holes until I found 1 and then all flowed well from there. A few places requireing crossing the creek could use some help. I did not find baskets for 16 or 18 and the grass could stand to be cut in the open area.

Other Thoughts:

When attempting to find the park you need to look for the Jasper Co. Recreation sign, it's easy to miss. Look for the blue board to the right of the ball fields. In the intrest of honesty I had to put the "Cons" in my review but truthfully I thought they added to the charm. I hope to come back again and see what additions have been made.
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2 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17 years 52 played 24 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Cool Homegrown Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 24, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Biggest pro is the fact that this course is privately maintained by one or two people. An unbelieveable amount of work has been done here. Good mix of wooded (1-13) and open holes (14-18). I really liked the first 13 wooded holes. You are isolated from the rest of the park, and the holes are good, fair, and challenging, requiring all kinds of shots. Clear fairways, both visually, and in terms of ground cover - its well cleared out here. Good signage, and next tee markers, all home made.. Paths on the wooded holes are well marked. Two sets of tees, mostly grass. This course shows what only a couple of people can accomplish with some hard work, imagination, and a love of the game. Attention to detail, and sense of humor abound here....like the mural on the trailer on 15, and "the hole of lost towels" (5??).


Any cons are minimal, given all the hard work and TLC, but here goes... Mostly grass tees, but in decent shape, and well marked. A couple long walks on the front nine between 5-6, and 6-7. 16-18 open and not as interesting as rest of course.

Other Thoughts:

It's been a year since I played The Monty, and they have done a ton of work. Newly painted baskets with new numbers. Excellent home made signage everywhere. I think there are now two new wooded holes. This course appears to be constantly evolving. It always feels like an adventure here. Big time kudos to Luke for all his hard work here.
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4 0
Sea Bass
Experience: 24.2 years 84 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Going to be a great one 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


-Course has no interference from other park activities.Most of it is in the woods, so you get a isolated feeling.
-Fairways are fair.Unlike many woods courses there are clear paths to each pin.Good shots will be rewarded, bad shots will be punished.
-Schule.Most woods courses in ga have a buttload of briars, kudzu, poison ivy/oak, when you get off the fairway. Thats not the case here.Its mostly pine forrest, so there is very little undergrowth.Dont get me wrong, its not briar free, but its avoidable most of the time.
-You wont feel trapped if you get off the fairway.Due to my previous "pro", many times you feel like there is a chance to recover. This can lead to some intresting results.
-Great use of land provided. You have to do the best you can with what you are given to use, and a great job of that has been done here.
-Good mix of shots.Hyzers, Anhyzers, straight, and low ceiling.This course will test your accuracy. The last 4 or 5 holes are pretty open, so you get some of that too.


-TICKS TICKS TICKS!! In the summer you will pull 5 or 6 off you, go home and find 3 more that you missed.I have pulled multiple ticks off me playing in january in with temps in the 30's. Bring some deet, and do a tick check whenever possible.
-Natural pads. Tees out here are slick when wet, and a few have some roots and rocks in the way.
-Baskets.Does anyone remember the old lenora baskets? Along with a few discatchers from deer lick, every basket here saw their best days a long time ago.
-Did I say ticks?
-Tough to navigate for a first timer. At the time of this review there are signs and some directional markers.Some will get beat up in the next few months, as they are not meant to be permanent.There is a 300 mile walk between 6 and 7. The path is well marked, but its a long enough walk to make you think you screwed up.
-Little bit short.Its not pitch and putt by any means, but you wont throw your arm out either.Most holes are in the 270'-320' range.
-Dont forget the ticks.They go right for the crotch.

Other Thoughts:

Most of the cons here have to do with one thing, and one thing only. 2 people do everything out here. There is almost no park support, so Mr. Anderson and Luke have done everything out here.They cut the fairways, keep it mowed, you name it.Everything your local club does at your course with workdays and course installs, these guys have done by themselves. Believe me when I say that there has been a monumental amount of work done here, and every time I come back there is something new.

This course is not completly finished.There are 18 holes that you can go play right now, but the course is in a constant state of development. With time, many holes out here will change.When its all said and done this will definitely be a great course.

Fun Fact- The movie "My Cousin Vinnie" was filmed in monticello.
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