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Orange, TX

The Nazz

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The Nazz reviews

6 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 161 played 142 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A little quirky, and pretty fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2018 Played the course:once


A short distance off I10, this course is a quick stop on your way to wherever you're going, or a great round if you're a local.

The Nazz is a church course mainly set on the property behind the course, but going around the front a bit too. The holes are all pretty fun, engaging the land in creative ways. I don't think there was ever a "same hole twice" feel.

Church courses are usually hit-or-miss for me, and this one was a hit. It was really fun, the short technical holes in the woods still offered some challenge, and I think this was the only hanging basket I actually liked.


It's a little bit short of a course. I enjoyed having a putt after every drive (unless I hit a tree, but today was just my lucky day and that only happened twice!). But it's not beginner-friendly distance, just kind of all reachable in one drive, maybe even aceable.

The tee pads are in rough shape. They're carpet, which is grippy enough, but over natural turf, so they can be rather lumpy.

Tee signs are a minimally informative, just a post with the hole number on them. Sometimes not even that, and sometimes just some flags sticking up.

Navigation can be kind of jumpy, but use the course map and don't be afraid to walk through the woods.

Other Thoughts:

I really enjoyed this course. I'm not saying it's the best course in the area, or has outstanding design, but it was fun to play. I got to get some discs out of my bag I normally don't use, throw some shots I haven't thrown in a long time, and that's kind of what this game is all about- having fun and pushing yourself.

I still need to bag a few other courses in the area, but I'll definitely play this again.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The Nazz Delivers! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 2, 2017 Played the course:once


Designer Larry Martin has carved out one enjoyable course here at the Nazz. The course starts behind the main church building and first circles the church in a counter clockwise direction before heading into the woods for some technical golf. The baskets are Discatchers with the yellow bands and numbers. Amazingly, a couple look like they were installed yesterday. The tee pads are carpet with a fire hose used as a front board. It worked well as a front board and if the woods catch on fire you might be able to help the firemen. The signs are just little yellow posts sticking up with the hole number on it. Some of the early baskets had cool little red arrows hanging from the basket pointing you to the next tee. Why doesn't every course put these on their baskets? After # 13, Larry has painted bright pink markings on some trees leading you to the next tee. There are a variety of homemade benches on various holes. I think I'm spoiled after seeing the large, traffic block benches on some of the Austin courses.

The strength of this course is the stretch of technical throws on holes 7-14. Although short, each of these has a fair route to the basket. This fair route might be tiny but it's doable. A couple are ideal for a little flick toss. I liked # 10 and it's cool hanging basket. The hole is probably 125' but the route is minuscule and easy to miss.


Short distances for the most part.

The middle, wooded holes might be too technical for some player's tastes.

Kind of a primitive feel with the carpet pads, simple little tee signs and homemade benches.

Navigation was a little tricky in places. I missed the # 15 tee.

Other Thoughts:

Solid church course. Larry is passionate and this is his baby. Currently, the church is recovering after the effects of the flooding. Beaumont got hit bad and this neighborhood shows it. The course is a little beat up at this time and getting the church put back together is everyone's priority. Eventually, Larry will get back to his course and begin some of the cleaning up that needs to be done. Some tee signs washed away, lots of debris floated in and the course has looked better. But these Texans are resilient and better days are ahead.
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4 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.8 years 1560 played 25 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Friendly slice of West Texas 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 19, 2017 Played the course:once


There is a good mix of distances on the holes and a good mix of open throws and tight fairways, a few out of bounds to keep you honest. Though some of the fairways are tight there are good lines to throw. The shots are there and thought and placement will result in a good score. Many holes are well shaded to get a reprieve from that Texas sun. Though the tee area is dirt or carpet or grass, the footing is great at least in dry weather. The baskets are all fairly new and high quality. Scorecards are available, as well as rest rooms at the covered open sided area near hole 1. Plenty of parking available at the church grounds, but maybe not during church services, however the course designer told me the course is open even during church services.


I had no real complaints, although concrete pads are usually a plus. Some of the holes are a little tough to find for a 1st timer without a map, but after the round I found out maps are available.

Other Thoughts:

Larry Martin the course designer has a real passion for the game and had a real passion for putting the course on the churches backwoods lands. He has succeeded in clearing fairways and is thinking of ways to improve the course. His passion there has brought enjoyment to many. Please be respectful on the church grounds cause we all hate it when we lose courses because of people littering and misbehaving. Larry is a gracious host and will probably show you around if he is available as he did for me. Look for the big yellow banner near the street stating the disc golf course. Also mere mortals will not shoot a 3 on hole 6. It is way to far to get to the opening and even if you could it is not a big opening. Unless you are a top pro, feel very good about a 4 on that hole.
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2 3
Experience: 7.6 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Short but challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 1, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


Contrary to a previous review they have or have added a map of the course.
The score cards have a map conveniently on the back.
The course offers a good mix of open and wooded holes.
The wooded holes are very technical.
Some baskets have arrows pointing towards the next tee. Others have a single path that is easy to follow to the next hole.
The course is under continual upkeep. A dry erase board lists improvements to be made.
Quality baskets.


Holds water.
Slippery after rain (obviously) and in early morning.
Some holes should be par 4s in my opinion. 6 especially.
Holes 12 and 13 ate my discs. (My number is on them if you're find them, call me...)

Other Thoughts:

Fun, will return.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice Course Church 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 2, 2016 Played the course:once


The "Nazz" is an 18 hole course that plays around a church property and in the woods that the church owns. The course has nice brand new DisCatcher baskets plus tee posts and navigation signs scattered throughout the course. The course covers a lot of ground, there is a lot of walking in between holes at times, but the navigation is never an issue here.

I like this course for its good mixture of holes. It starts by throwing near the church in a lightly wooded area, with artificial OB like gravel roads in play. It then moves to a more secluded area that has tight fairways with well defined lines on most holes. The holes are on the shorter side, but the fun factor is still there on most.

The Nazz can be played fairly quickly and it is very easy to find off of I-10. It is less than half a mile north of 10. Easy on and easy off.


I felt that some of the lines off the tee, although they were well defined, were impossible golf shots. Hole 6 is a good example of that as well as hole 11. Hole 11 was short enough to get there in one shot, but the line is just not a golf line, making a two virtually impossible.

The holes that play near the church play a little bit too close to the parking lot, church building and the holes get close to one another. This would be a tough course to play if church was happening.

Other Thoughts:

I felt that the Nazz is a good course, but did not really have a signature draw to it, but there were no bad things that took significantly away from the course.

You will not be blown away by anything or a play a hole type that you can't find anywhere else, but there are solid holes, and this is a solid play.

It is a good addition to the Golden Triangle. I would rank this course over Klein but below Lumberton. I would definitely come back and play this again. I would recommend this course to any player regardless of skill level, because anyone can get enjoyment out of a course like this.
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8 1
Experience: 8.3 years 2 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 19, 2015 Played the course:once


A local church has built a course on its grounds for every one in the area to play. This is a new fledgling course and they have put their money onto their cages. The atmosphere is nice as they have an outdoor pavilion with a fire place and seating ring to keep you out of the weather if it turns bad. The one thing I really liked is they have a disc return box if you find lost disc on their course. The course is pretty open in the front and get into heavy woods in the back. There is water on several holes most is not too deep if your disc sink to the bottom.


Because this place is new some of the holes in the wooded area are still rough and have some stumps sticking up. Watch your step I almost tripped several times. I did not see an information center displaying a map of the course or a print out of the course. I was playing with a group and we had a guy who knew the course other wise I would have been lost on several holes. Some of the tee boxes are uneven due to them being dirt and getting use.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I enjoyed my round of disc golf with friends on a new local course. With time im sure this course will only continue to get better as it develops.
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