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Kendallville, IN

The Woodland Trail Disc Golf Course

Permanent course
2.255(based on 2 reviews)
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The Woodland Trail Disc Golf Course reviews

8 0
Experience: 6 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bixler Lake East "in the woods"

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 21, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


Level cement tees for longer blue holes
Arrows from one hole to the next
Grabby baskets
Free M-F
Rough, long grass was laying down in December


Several shots had underbrush blocking line
Can be muddy/swampy after heavy rains
Tall prairie grass on 1-3 and again on 16-18.
$3 weekends

Other Thoughts:

I hadn't played this course in 18 months. I was not impressed with it before but thought I would give it another try. Much improved from last time. All the longer blue tees are now cement - rough enough to get a grip even when wet. The shorter red tees are just two 24x24 paving blocks and looked too slick to try.

Free Monday - Friday. $3.00 on the weekends for non-residents. If you wanted to cheap out, you could come in off of Allen Chapel Road and drive through the sports complex to the parking lot.

I have seen standing water in a couple fairways in the past. We have not had a good rain for a while. The course was slightly muddy, but no water. I was able to walk through #14 (15?) that had six inches standing water during the summer of '22.

All the tees are labeled. The cement tee is slightly narrower toward the target to give you a general direction. At the base of each target is a wooden arrow spiked into the ground pointing to the next tee. Woodchips that had been dumped on the fairways are now spread out on the paths between holes. I was able to find all the tees easily except for 5. It is to the right and slightly uphill from #4 target. The arrow may have been under the leaves. The targets have a black band around the top. A bright color would be easier to see in the woods, especially for my poor eyes.

The prairie grass on the first three and the last three holes will swallow a disc. A spotter is a must. It dies back/lays down after the first frost until spring.

Park in the gravel lot just before the gated access road to the beach on the east side of Bixler Lake. Walk uphill towards the sports complex on the newly paved road to the maintenance building. The first tee is on the south side of the building. The course play in an elongated loop. The first three holes are in the open with the prairie grass, holes 4-9 are on the left nearer the baseball diamonds. Holes 10-15 are nearer the old course and the windmill museum. 16-18 return you to the maintenance building.

There is some variety, but a lot of 250-foot straight shots with a bunch of trees in the way. The last hole is a beast - 500/570 feet ending between two rows of pine trees.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 6.8 years 71 played 51 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Property Has Tons of Potential drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2023 Played the course:once


I had the opportunity to run this course with my brother a few weeks ago. I was feeling pretty optimistic when I pulled into a large, well kept park. Unfortunately, it didn't quite keep up with my expectations.
-The course really does have some nice holes. 18 was actually a great finishing hole, a 580' par 4 with pines throughout the fairway. Just enough to force you to hit a line, but also offering a real chance to air it out.
-Hole 1 was also a nice starting hole. A 337 slightly downhill shot that seemed to promise of great things to come.
-Hole 3 was another strong park style hole, with a few trees and a nice fairway.
-Hole 12 was a decent downhill shot with a large tree and a windmill in the fairway, a nice tie in given the fact that the windmill museum is next door.
-Plenty of parking
-Some wooded holes had some nice lines with shot shaping.
-Baskets were solid


The course just falls apart in the middle sections, here's a few issues:
-At some point you start to realize you've played lots of holes in the woods that are <250', I believe there were 9 holes that fit this description.
-A couple of holes (maybe 7 and 8) were completely unplayable due to water. Several other holes had swampy spots or were near complete marshlands.
-A few of the walking paths between holes were flooded over
-A few fairways were completely overgrown. Putting out inside the circle on 11 I found myself in waste high grass.
-The first few fairways were covered in groundhog holes, don't twist an ankle
-The long teepads are rubber pads, not great, but passable. The short "teepads" were a single paver in the fairway

Other Thoughts:

This property actually has tons of potentials. The overall park seems well kept and popular, but they basically stuck the course on all the unusable space. I think you could have a decent 9 hole round by play 1-4 then 14-18, but a lot of the property the course is on doesn't seem redeemable. Still, it's better than the other courses in town so if you find yourself here you could do worse.
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