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Charlotte, NC

Torma Town

3.835(based on 6 reviews)
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Torma Town reviews

10 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
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Experience: 17.2 years 154 played 150 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Torma Town 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Oct 6, 2020 Played the course:once


To say I was stoked when I heard Torma Town had reopened, after a brief stint of being closed, would be an understatement. I had heard so many good things about the course, and I was really excited to check it out. Let me start outright and say: Torma Town delivered on that promise of a great course!

Being a private course there is some variance in the styles of tees: some are made out of pavers, some are carpet, there is a circular tee, etc. There may have been some slight variance in the baskets as well, but none that I really noticed - and the baskets are numbered. I don't think either of these things are a big deal, and overall they are fine. The tee signs did a decent job telling you if you were standing on the Long tee pad or the Short tee pad. This is something I really appreciate.

I bet if you ask everyone who has played Torma Town, each one of them will compliment the course on the variety of hose design. There is a nice mixture of open holes, technical & wooded holes, touch shots due to elevation change, and a few with some very daunting OB in play. This course will make you dive deep into your range of shot selection if you wish to get through it clean. Hole 6, as an example, can either be thrown as a flat shot with a late hyzer to reach the basket - or as a huge spike hyzer over the trees. This is a great hole because it is one of the few left in the Charlotte area where a spike hyzer is actually in play.

As previously mentioned, the use of elevation by the course designers is wonderful. Hole 5 is a scenic, downhill bomb towards the basket, and is definitely one of the highlights on the course. Hole 13 is somewhat reminiscent of a downhill version of "the Gauntlet" from the old Hornets Nest layout, followed by 14 which is almost like an uphill version. Hole 4 is another standout, very short shot, slightly downhill, but with OB and a steep drop off just behind the basket.

Hole 11 is a really cool downhill shot, with the basket stuck in the middle of a split tree. I am glad to see the course have an interesting basket location in play, but without leaning too heavily on this idea.

Many people have said that Matt Torma and other regulars at the course tend to do a good job of attempting to return lost discs to their rightful owners when they are found. This is something that I rather enjoy hearing. A good community can really elevate a course to the next level in my opinion. Which is especially exciting considering the overall quality of the course.


As wonderful as this course is, there are a few areas where I think the course could benefit from a bit of a facelift. One of the first areas would be the tees. I didn't mind either style of tee pad, pavers or carpet - I personally would probably prefer them to be uniform throughout the course. Although I'd say my biggest thought is that some of the tees made out of pavers seem to have loose pavers near the end. Maybe that is why the newest pads seem to be the carpet style, to avoid this issue in the future, but I'd hate to see someone roll their ankle on loose pavers.

The course would likely benefit from new tee signs as well. Between UDisc, DGCR, and the tee signs there are a lot of discrepancies in hole distance and it was confusing at times to try to figure out which was listing the correct distance on that particular hole. Better signage is always a plus, in my opinion.

As I mentioned in the Pros section, the course owners seem to do a good job of trying to return lost discs to their owners, but there is still quite a bit of rough around the course. Hole 5 is a great example of a hole that most beginners are going to dread. You have to have a decent throw here or you can end up in the rough right below the tee if they can't clear the initial section of rough, or even in the rough that creates the OB for Hole 7. It would be hard for Intermediate and Advanced players to find such trouble, but newer players might struggle here. There are also places around the course where I wouldn't be surprised if a disc were to be lost permanently, to where nobody would ever, realistically, see it again.

The biggest Con that I noticed while playing the course was the overwhelming amount of fire ant hills players will have to dodge while on the course. Large fire ant mounds were all over the open holes, every few feet. The larger ones were pretty easy to avoid, but some of the shorter ones I found myself tripping over. I haven't heard this mentioned before, so I am not sure if this is a seasonal problem, a relatively new problem, or I'm just a whiner. But it would be unfortunate if someone puts their bag down on one of these when they don't see the mound and end up in a world of pain.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, Torma Town is an excellent course, and I am very happy that it is in the Charlotte Area. It is a course I hope to add into my rotation, moving forward. It provides one the more unique and fun layouts to play in the area. For now I think I am going to give Torma Town a 3.5 rating, but if the paver tees were fixed and the tee signs were fixed - it would possibly warrant a higher rating from me. If those were fixed and the fire ants could be dealt with, this course would easily deserve a 4.0 rating from me.

While I am still not sure how I feel about Stroke-and-Distance on Hole 7, I understand why it's being utilized on that hole. I feel like the two par 4s are really well done, and a lot of fun. If there were enough space, I'd personally love to see one more par 4 added on the course, but that would just be me being greedy. Because the course is already so much fun!

This is only the second private course I've played, and it was clear to me that the course owner has put a lot of work in on this one. I am really looking forward to getting back out there!

Favorite Long Holes: 5, 7, 13, 17
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 129 played 71 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Super Fun with lots of variety 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 11, 2019 Played the course:once


This is a course I've been waiting to play since it opened and I wasn't disappointed. In a relatively small plot of land the owners have carved out a pretty cool course with an amazing amount of varied holes.

Tees were a mixture of paving stones and carpet. All provided great traction on a misty, rainy day.

Course starts of (for the average player) with a couple of nice slight uphill bomber holes (throwing from hilltop to hilltop) to a nice, long 400' hole up a slightly open fairway that narrows down to a forgiving tunnel shot. But can't run this approach hard as the basket is on a drop off and your shot/putter can sail or roll a very long way!

Just when you're thinking this is going to be a big arm course, #4 is a 175', downhill shot with OB (and a cliff) right behind the basket! Very nice change of pace from the opening grip-and-rips.

Hole #5 is a signature hole, very cool! Up on a bluff looking into a flood plain. OB down the left side, trees to the right side. RHBH players gonna need to switch to a forehand to take OB out of play

Hole #8 is another great, signature hole. Easy par 3 to the first basket, then a very tough 3 to an island green (small) if you want to play to the big-boy's basket! And there's a creek behind it, so a TON of risk reward if you play to the island green.

Hole #9.It's a long, anhyzer shot with OB left

Hole#10 is fun short, uphill shot. The sign shows 2 baskets, but only the short position when I played

Hole# 11 is not a long shot, but a precise shot into a gap into the woods with the basket tucked to the right.

Hole#12 is the only hole (if my numbers are correct) was the only one I wasn't a fan of. I'm not sure a rifle shot could find a line to a basket embedded between 3 trees. Cool placement, but tough to get to!

Hole# 13 was way cool! Tight uphill fairway with a basket on a mound. Lots of chance to roll a very long way.

Hole #14-15 were extremely tight downhill/uphill shots with lots of trees to hit!

Hole #16 was really cool. Throwing from a hill, you can either risk a show under the power line tower, or bomb a long anhyzer to the basket (tucked to the right)

Hole #17 is another tight, cool shot with a very thick vine hanging just where you want to throw! And you gotta hit a 250' slight down hill line (very tight) to an open green.

Hole #18 Starts tight on an anhyzer line to an open field. Nice finishing hole.


Navigation was slightly tricky at times. Take a course map with you, or use the one on uDisc. It was very helpful.

There is a lot of debris lining the woods and around the course and this was the only true negative item. I'm sure in a few years it will all be hauled away and this course will jump to a solid 4 to 4.25 course. The only affect the debris had on the course was in the visual. It didn't affect play one bit.

Other Thoughts:

Don't let the $5 (Millennials please note, the dollar sign on the correct side of the number) stop you from playing. This is a great course and I'll play it every chance I get.

I don't think the course is a 4.0 yet, but definitely well above 3.5 rating. So I gave the 4.0 because it will definitely be there soon.
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3 5
Experience: 10.7 years 15 played 10 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Trailer Alley Disc Golf 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 2, 2019 Played the course:once


Fun course to play, but kind of neglected for having to pay. Some of the holes are fun to play while others I would prefer to skip.


Tees are not well marked and the entrance road is very rough. It seems to be surrounded by trailers hence my review title. Hard to believe that They ask for dues of $200 to become member. I did not see any reason or benefits to membership. One basket had a bunch of rusty metal around it and some broken pieces of glass. I honestly almost tripped a few times on the uneven steps and other obstacles.

Other Thoughts:

I would have given it a 3.5 or maybe even a 4 if I noticed any efforts to maintain the course better, for safety reasons alone, than the condition it was in. I don't think I would go back to play again. Funny cannot mention any of the sweet smell on the course, but it was definitely there. Disappointing!
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Torma! Torma! Torma!

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 4, 2018 Played the course:once


Torma is one of a kind in Charlotte: a private, disc golf only venue. With it you get a solid layout that uses practically every inch of land to create a fun play.
- To get to the course, you drive through a neighborhood, taking a series of turns. Finally, you come to the end of it, and you're there. From here on out, it feels like you're out in the country.
- Course has a very simple flow to it: front 9 is essentially the open portion; back 9 the wooded. Once every handful of holes, you have a real ace run/birdie chance - #4, 9, 11, & 15. Take advantage of the easier holes because there's challenging ones right around the corner.
- There's a tremendous risk/reward factor throughout the course, as some seemingly innocent layouts have much more challenge hidden beneath the surface. Take #4 for example. It's only 153 feet. It's slightly downhill. It should be an easy 2. Not so fast. Did I mention the steep drop-off 30 feet past the hole? So, if you do go for an ace run, and your disc sails right over top of the basket, there's an excellent chance it's a goner. Now, how aggressive are you going to play this hole?
- Then take any of the tight fairways on the back 9. I'll highlight #12 here. An uphill, 245-footer. Even if you have a decent tee shot, you're then left with a basket on a raised mound. An overly aggressive tee shot, an overly aggressive second shot, and you may be feeling relived to walk away with a 4.
- The best part of the course is its creativity. There are plenty of enjoyable, challenging hole layouts through the round. There really aren't any true 'filler' holes. You could argue that two of the four simplest/most boring holes are #1 & 2. Only others that are simple/quasi boring: #9 & 15. The common trait there is they're both ace runs.
- Tremendous use of the piece of land. Some fantastic elevation layouts; holes that weave in and out of the woods; the signature hole that uses the creek and peninsula to create an island green - #7. Of all 200+ holes in Charlotte, the approach shot and green on #7 is one of the top five or 10 best/toughest shots. I thought my disc landed hole high 20 feet from the basket. Technically, I was right. The reality is that it had to be fished out of the creek.
- To prove that the course uses every piece of available land? You come across fences and/or no trespassing signs on multiple holes throughout the course. Basically, you play to the edge of the land on all 4 sides, and then the fenced in piece of land within the course.


You can tell there are aspects of the course that are still a work in progress.
- Signage needs to be improved in multiple aspects: hole distances vary between tee signs, scorecards and online. There're inconsistencies regarding long and short tees - which holes have them, which position they're in.
- At a couple of points in the round, more/better next tee signs would be a big help. I'm thinking the transition from #8 to 9, #13 to 14, #15 to 16, and when there are crossing paths. Mainly a first-time player issue.
- Last signage issue - have OB and other hazards better marked. Going back to #7, we couldn't tell from the tee pad or from our second shots about how close the creek is to the basket. It wasn't until our walk up that we realized my disc was in the creek.
- I'm not sure if #6 is a creative hole or a bad one. You're either throwing over the trees, or shooting the gaps, throwing low to the ground/rollers. In my group of three, I was the only to go high, and I cleared the trees. The other two went low and played Plinko down the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

Torma Town gets high marks for its creativity. Again, the idea of having a private course within city limits is incredible. As if we didn't have enough options already in Charlotte.
- The course leans more on the fun/creative side than it does challenge. Only two par 4s (#7 & 18), nothing longer than 491 feet, and an average hole length of 311 feet. That said, a solid round can unravel quickly if you're not careful - hit trees on consecutive shots on #13. Get a bad kick off a tree and a birdie-able suddenly leaves players scrambling for bogey.
- The course does require smart shot throwing. On holes #10 & 16, for example, you're better off having your tee shot land on the opposite side of the fairway than land short of your target on the correct side. You've got a far better angle for your approach shot if you leave enough room.
- For such a shorter, compact course, it's a demanding grind. Walking up and down the big slope on the front 9, I was feeling it by the back 9. Throw in the mental aspect of accurate tee shots, and the course will wear on you.
- If you want to break up the flow of the round, you can start on #14. That tee is right next to the main building. If not, this is a chance to get water or a snack for the final stretch.
- I must give the obligatory mention to the tee shot on #5. For a certain type of player, they'll want to throw a bunch of discs. After you throw your tee shot, it's a rather pedestrian hole.
- If you want an excellent downhill hole, the real challenge is #11. Anyone can throw on a wide-open layout. Real players seek to carve a shot around the trees.
- This is a very good course. Within the area, it's a step below the elite courses. Its best comp is RL Smith. I think this gives a better all-around challenge than Smith, but you can't go wrong with either. Well worth the $5 donation, if not more.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
4.00 star(s)

So much done with just 20 acres 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2018 Played the course:once


-For everyone who's played it knows that Torma is private. You immediately know that when you are entering the super mainstream neighborhood that you drive through in order to reach a narrow entrance down a gravel road with potholes. As for the rest of you, if you think you are going the wrong way, you probably aren't. Once you see the gate and gravel road, you are there. There's no searching after that. You'll see the kiosk and the clubhouse. And at least a few baskets. The first tee is right by the parking lot, you can't miss it.

-One special thing about Torma Town is the fact that many locals are constantly working together on how to make the course better. Not to mention they do an incredible job keeping this course in great condition. I played this course again today and it was the first time since last year. Some things have changed, but none for the worse. There are now short pin positions and short pads.

-Elevation is very well used throughout the course. On some holes such as 13 and 15, you won't really see how significant it is until you look from the basket to tee. #13 reminds me of a more daunting version of #18 at RL Smith. It's 330' from the long pad and looks every bit of it, but it's very reachable with a putter. Once you look from the basket to pad, you'll see that it's more downhill than it appears from the pad. The short pad is easier and more forgiving; it's probably the signature hole from the shorts. There are a few steep uphill holes as well (#8, #9, #12 and #14). #5 is a gorgeous "top of the world" hole.

-If you lose a disc, it will probably be found and taken to the clubhouse. Matt and his friends do an excellent job of returning discs. When I first played here last year, I saw a countless number of retrieved discs.

-The new hole 9 is a drastic improvement from the old 9. The new hole 9 is a short and easy ace run hole. Probably the easiest hole on the course at 161' long. But it looks cool as you are throwing out of the woods and up a steep hill.

-Tee-pads and tee-signs on every hole. There are ample next tee arrows.

-There is a river by the course. And a rope hanging on a tree. You know what to do if there's a club event here. Climb that rope and do that stupid and dangerous trick into the water that would make your grandfather swat you with a belt if he saw it.

-Mostly calls for accuracy, but gives a few chances to air out a big drive. The infamous hole 7 is a beast. The hole is 445' from a straight line. But is 580' if you play it safe. The basket is on a well guarded island green. I'm glad the designer didn't have the WNCDGC fever and think you should re-tee until you make the island. There are two drop zones. Beware though. There is tall grass and a murky creek that'll eat your disc. I have witnessed eagles on this par 4. I've also witnessed a 10 because there are OB stakes outside the fairway.

-Some scary pin placements. Most are pretty basic, but a couple are scary. Hole 3's original pin positions aren't too terrifying. However, there is a black basket about 65' past the 444' position. It's a score separating, snake devil monster of a green. If you go long, you'll likely be down a 45' hill and possibly past a fence. Hopefully this position will be played in future tournaments because trouble is avoidable, but can happen in the blink of an eye. I personally think hole 3 is funner if you play the black basket. #12 is scary too as it is up on a steep hill maybe 10' tall.


-If you go long on holes 3 and 4 & plan to retrieve your disc. Let's just say I hope you're in shape, or run on treadmills set on an incline frequently. I remember there being a rope on hole 4. If you go too long, you are nearly 60' below the green and down a hill that very well may be 90 degrees. The rope is very helpful, but it won't stop you from falling if you don't watch your step. If you decide to play the black basket on 3, then you better have nice calves, otherwise you'll have to rely on someone else to turn in your disc.

-The entrance is pretty narrow and filled with potholes that are guaranteed to make your car make crashing noises that make you think your wheels lost their nuts (they probably won't). Another thing is that parking can be tough if there is a tournament. Watch where you park, otherwise you'll probably wait for someone else to leave. People seem to stick around here to hang out.

-#17's fairway is a bit strange imo. It's pretty tight and it gently twists left but enough to throw something that'll gently go left. And the excessive OB on #8 is a bit silly. There are many OB stakes, requiring you to pretty much shank your drive just to stay in bounds. If you don't, then you're OB.

Other Thoughts:

-I love Torma Town. It's not necessarily a new course, but many features to it are new. The thought process in how to further improve it seems to be brilliant. Goes to show that there are so many different ideas on how to make a course even better. It's gotten better since 2017, and I have no doubt that it'll continue to stun other people.

-Baskets are often switched, so this course can either be a shorter and fun layout with many ace opportunities, or it can be longer and a bit more scary. I've yet to play the short pins but I saw where most of them are and I'm looking forward to play them. None of the holes are impossible to birdie, but the chances of you having a bogey free round are next to none. Sorry, but there are many make or breaks. Last time I played, I made eight birdies and shot only two under. That's how it usually goes for me here.

-This course is pay to play. Make sure you leave a $5 donation so that this course will stay in the superb condition that it is currently in.
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6 0
Experience: 38 played 2 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Welcome to Torma Town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


First of all, I'm the property owner so I'm close to this project but I'll attempt to give as honest review as possible for people considering a visit.

Pro's are:

1. It's a PRIVATE COURSE built by disc golfers for disc golfers.No competing with park goers, children, campers, etc... Disc Golf is #1 at Torma Town and disc golfers are always welcome. Not all courses can say that.

2. The COURSE DESIGN is unique, challenging, and offers a variety of looks. The front 9 holes are relatively open and makes you throw controlled downhill shots near OB, water, and other hazards. The back 9 is much tighter and plays mostly through tight twisting fairways. There are fairway bunkers, challenging OB, elevated greens, narrow gauntlets, and more to create thrill-packed round.

3. The COMMUNITY is awesome. The course was fundraised locally and built by an ever-growing group of amazing people. The course gets better every day because there are about 30+ local players that donate labor and materials into improving the course thus, CONSTANTLY IMPROVING.

4. The LAND is amazing. 20 acres of rolling terrain and dense woods on the Catawba River. 60 Feet in elevation change. 3 creeks. 4 Powerline towers. Wild Pears & Blackberries. Deer. Hawks. Turkeys. Turtles. Beavers. Fox...all 25 minutes from downtown Charlotte.

5. FUN is GUARANTEED...this course isn't perfect yet but it's 18 fun holes of disc golf that's easy to navigate on a beautifully manicured piece of property designed specifically for disc golfers. You will enjoy yourself. I guarantee it!

6. GLOW LEAGUE!! From November to March is Glow League which is a shortened illuminated layout.

7. The LOST & FOUND page. You might lose a disc at Torma Town but if you put your name on it...you'll probably get it back...if you lost a disc head over to the "Lost & Found - Torma Town" facebook page and look for it there.


The course is still a work in progress so a lot these cons will be addressed in time but here are some things to know before visiting:

1. GO BEFORE YOU THROW...there are no permanent public restrooms. There is only a port-a-potty onsite between hole 2 & 15. It's serviced and cleaned weekly.

2. BRING YOUR OWN WATER...the only source of clean cold drinking water is a well-water spigot on hole 14 or the drink vending machine on hole 14.

3. BRING SUNSCREEN...holes 1-8 offer mixed shade at best. Due to powerline regulations we cannot build any shade structures. During the high summer months, it can get pretty hot without proper protection.

4. HEADS UP! The course is packed onto 20 acres and sometimes it can feel a little cramped. This creates a cool atmosphere in tourneys as you are surrounded by disc golf but this also means you are close to other throwers/putters so you might have to yield to other players. There are no crossing fairways though...just close sometimes.

5. The Infamous HOLE 7...this isn't really a con as much as a warning. Hole 7 shows no mercy. It is a disc eater and round killer. You can take a par with 3 controlled shots and a putt...many will try, few will succeed. The water surrounding hole 7's island eats discs a lot. An errant shot might result in a lost disc. Put your name/number on your disc to increase your chances of a safe return.

Other Thoughts:

Torma Town DGC was started in the winter of 2016. We fought back the land, installed new baskets, bridges, and more...this is a constant work in progress and we appreciate the support as we continue to improve the course amenities and disc golf experience. I hope you enjoy your round at TTDGC and encourage honest feedback.
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