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Trenton, TX

Trenton Memorial Park

2.55(based on 2 reviews)
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Trenton Memorial Park reviews

1 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.3 years 757 played 253 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Nice small town course

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2024 Played the course:once


Nice clean park with trees New baskets. Used the tiny amount of land that they put this on pretty well. No crowd.


No signs just sticks. Small.

Other Thoughts:

They have a UDISC sign that is where you should start on 1.
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12 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Small town, small park

Reviewed: Played on:May 5, 2024 Played the course:once


Brand new DD Vet baskets.


VERY small area to cram in 9 holes

Other Thoughts:

Ok, this course hopefully is not finished yet. I found out about it 2 days ago and made the trip up to check it out today.

What I found was 7 baskets and 8 surveyor sticks with hole numbers on them. The baskets had hole numbers on them too. The hanging basket has both a 6 and 8 on it. But no 9.

The park is larger I think, not sure why they put the course here unless they just don't want (or can't afford) to clear and keep clear the area on the other side of the single lane bridge. There is a football/soccer size field that does not look like it is getting used over there.

I was unable to figure out where to tee off for hole one. I spent half the time I was there looking for a downed stick or hole where the stick might have been. I eventually did an educated guess on where I would have put the tee and threw it from there. That does give you a nice little right handed turnover shot to the basket.

Holes 2 and 3 parallel each other, #2 is a little chip shot with rough on the right. Hole 3 throws back along the park road. Nothing marking a mando, but I would mark one on the poll just to keep players from throwing over the road and making another turnover shot.

Hole 4, the basket is hidden by a tree from the tee, but it's just a little chip shot over the parking lot behind the 2nd large tree next to the horse shoe pits.

Cross the road for hole 5, this had a narrow fairway over some PAR equipment to the basket next to the park sign. The RHBH shot is got a low clearance, but it's a short hole.

Cross the road again for hole 6, this plays along a tree row on your left and way right is the city fire station. The basket is a hanging basket over a drainage ditch that did actually have running water today. You are also throwing over hole 7's tee pad.

Hole 7 is the longest hole on the course, you have a tree line to the right, the fairway is the ditch and to the left are some ball fields.

Hole 8 Throws back to #6's basket and is a shorter shot with tennis courts to your right and that tree line to the far left.

Then there is hole 9. The stick was having you tee off from the cement of the horse shoe pit. If you look straight at the stick, it points to basket #3. The only other basket in that direction was basket #1 that is further back to the left. I threw this shot over the parking lot/road and aced the basket. I looked for a #9 on both baskets 3 and 1 and even walked back to 2 to make sure none of those baskets had a 9 on them. So either basket #9 is not installed yet, or you are suppose to play to the 3 basket and they didn't put the number on it (yet)

In general, this is what you find in small towns. I hope they eventually put signs in at least. I don't mind the shared baskets or shared fairways because you are not going to get a lot of play out here.

Would I play here again? No, it's a one and done course for bagging. I might stop by again if they do get tee signs or tee pads to update the pictures, otherwise I will never be out there again.
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