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Tualatin, OR

Tualatin Community DGC

Permanent course
2.465(based on 12 reviews)
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Tualatin Community DGC reviews

14 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.2 years 75 played 60 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Criss-cross course

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 13, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


Tualatin Community DGC located in Tualatin Oregon is a decent little 15 hole course. This course plays on the Boones Ferry Community Church property. This course is one massive hill winding it's way up and down.

I've played this course a few times, once back in 2016 and 2018 and once recently. My first time playing this course it could have passed by with a 1.5 rating but they have recently made some improvements. They removed some of the garden beds in the middle of the course. I remember playing my first time and there were gardeners working in the garden beds right in the middle of a few of the holes. Other reviewers have mentioned this as well.

The course upkeep is pretty good. There's some nice maps on hole 1 with the distances on the scorecard. Several mandos on a few of the holes offering for a challenge. Nicely mowed. Decent baskets. Small tee pads.


I feel like this should be a nine hole course. They seemed to make a 15 hole course work but the lot is a little to small for it. Not to mention that all the holes overlap one another making it so that you have to walk up and down the hill several times. It also makes the course a little chaotic espeically with other people present.

If for some reason this course was packed it would be incredibly hard to play, with discs flying all over the place. A nice nine hole course with no overlapping holes would bump my rating up.

There are a lot of places to go wrong on this course. A few holes play too close to the church with exposed windows, just waiting for an accident. Some of the holes share baskets which I found to be interesting. If you throw a disc with a lot of speed you could risk going into the road.

Other Thoughts:

They seem to keep this course in great shape and have made some improvements. I think a hardware upgrade and a new layout would definitely be something that should be implemented. It would be hard to play this course on a busy day and sharing a basket with someone on another hole. Overall it's a pleasant little course. Props to the Boones Community Church for keeping this course in good shape for over 12 years!
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3 0
Experience: 15 played 14 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not a whole lot of fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 15, 2020 Played the course:once


All the holes were visible and easy to see. There were some fun shots here and there. Some of the holes were really open so you could let it fly.


A really crammed course with some really confusing holes. Nine holes would've been acceptable, 15 is too much especially since all the holes are used more than once. The course maps were not available at hole one so it would've been impossible to navigate the course without our online map. There was only one other group but we still had to yield to them more than once as all the holes crisscrossed.

Other Thoughts:

The course was kind of boring and all the scenery was the same. I'd go here if you went to every other course in the area first.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 193 played 191 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2019 Played the course:once


Course is super easy to find and you can see most the baskets from the main road. There some horse mat for and tee numbers for some of the holes. The baskets have the hole number marked inside of them which is crucial cause most the baskets are used for multiple holes same with the tee pads.... two par 4s and road and flower garden as ob add to the challenge as most holes are fairly open. Each basket is a different color which actually helps so you know what hole to play or throw to. Not much risk or losing a disc but you could possibly hit a car in parking lot or road


That being said I feel this shouldn't be a 15 hole course it feels way to crammed and if you're not the only group out that day you'll probably have issues. There was an area for maps and scorecard how ever none where inside the box when we checked it would have helped immensely. Course is hard to follow without using u disc or some sort of map. Couple holes play right next to the church, and I'm sure it's been hit numerous times. Multiple baskets and tee pads are reused and tee pads aren't marked to well.some have boards in ground or little white flags but can be tricky to find.

Other Thoughts:

There's not much space here and I feel they would have been way better off with a good 9 hole course instead of trying to force 15 holes. I'm glad to have another place to throw but no way you could hold more than 2 groups at a time here.
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1 1
Experience: 3 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 6, 2017 Played the course:once


- Variable distances, obstacles and shot types
- This course was played by only 1 other person on Saturday. Thanks bro.
-If you want to get good putter and midrange practice then this is the perfect course for it.


- May hit church, houses, garden, cars.

Other Thoughts:

If I had not been playing for 2 years now I would not be comfortable playing this course unless I was a pure beginner. Then if I hit something it wouldn't break. Some of the baskets are short which helps.
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3 0
Experience: 11.5 years 43 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Impressive use of space, great practice course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 26, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


+ Located in Tualatin, minutes from I-5, it's easily accessed by suburb dwellers looking for something more casual than an 18 hole Pier Park or Champoeg
+ Easy to play holes 1-7 & 9-10 in ~30 minutes to make for a fun lunch break
+ Fairways are open and usually only have a few trees or the church acting as scattered obstacles, makes it easy for beginners and hard to lose discs
+ The church runs a lost-and-found if you happen to get your disc stuck in a tree or on the roof
+ Course map available in a little box by 1's teepad
+ Teepads and baskets are clearly marked and color coded, easy to follow the map the first time and remember the order for future rounds
+ Grass is always manicured. Ground stays firm and drains well in the winter so conditions are always good
+ Nice variety of distance, elevation, ground slope, and obstacle positioning requires a range of shots. Even has a couple par 4s (2, 7) and a tough 3 (8). Play mandos (i.e. between the trees *or* right of the trees will vary hole 9 as a tunnel shot or big hyzer) for added difficulty.
+ Newer "pro teepads"--denoted by a white line on the pavement or white wooden plank in the grass--exist to add distance to several holes


- Some obstacles are dangerous for intermediate players who have moderate distance but lack accuracy: gardeners, church windows, cars in the parking lot
- Fairways overlap. Generally not a problem; I've never seen more than a few groups playing at once, but that does sometimes require waiting for groups on the other holes

Other Thoughts:

The Boones Ferry Community Church has set up a great little practice course. If you have hours to play or are just visiting town, head to one of the area's many great 18 hole courses. But if you've only got a short time and you're looking to have some fun in town, this course is the best option outside of Lunchtime. It offers more shot variety and less foot traffic than Greenway, Orchard, and Rockwood.
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3 1
Experience: 8.4 years 42 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great place to play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 8, 2016 Played the course:once


Manicured lawn
Obvious attention to detail (colored baskets correspond with score sheet)
Clean, no trash
Wide open for beginners
Great use of a limited area to get 15 holes in


Crossing fairways, head on a swivel when busy
Fear of busting into flames, I'm not baptized
People having ZERO respect for the property

Other Thoughts:

Great little course. Wish I still lived in the area as I would like it to be my home course. Each basket is painted to match the score card. The score card is at hole #1 and the tee boxes and baskets are pretty much spot on to the actual location. Pat on the back to whomever made it. It's impossible to get lost or turned around unless your drunk or high.

Which brings to my next point. It's private property, have some respect. Today, I saw a group blazing in the parking lot before their round. Then during the round they had to stop and smoke up again on the property.

It's on church property so you don't have to worry about muggles in the afternoon after they wake from their chemical dependency. I would shy away during busy times with the crossing fairways. The garden and parking lot are treated as hazards and they did come into play for me which was fun and frustrating. Hole 5 goes across the parking lot. It's short but can be tricky if cars are parked there. Like today when a Tahoe was parked directly in front of with a person looking at her phone paying not attention. She just pulled in, stopped in the middle of the lot. I threw a hyzer around her vehicle and got within a couple feet of the basket. Of course, as I was walking to the the basket, she drove off. Meh, good practice for me.

Anyway, the designer packed a lot of fun into a small area. Plays short and wayward shots can be recovered from easily. I went during the week in winter so no one else except the stoners. Remember, be respectful of other peoples property.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.4 years 90 played 87 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Accident waiting to happen 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 15, 2016 Played the course:once


-This course is a 15-hole course that plays safari-style with many shared baskets and teepads, and lots of crossing fairways on a small church property. Given the land size restriction, they made the best with what they had.
-Part of the land is on a hill, making for interesting shots. Mature trees make it a really nice property. All types of holes are featured at this course, from ace runs to doglegs, to uphill par fours.
-Maps are available near the first tee.
-It's the only course in the area. It's nice that the church welcomed the community and put a course here.
-Tee signs on every hole and numbers on every basket help with navigation. Still, you really need the map to find your way.
-The baskets are color-coded per the map, so make sure to use it, or you'll be crazily confused. They have the hole numbers that use each basket (2 or 3 holes per basket) on the pole.
-The grass was mowed and the course dry in the winter.


-At the front of every teepad, there's a little PVC pipe with a sign sticking out of the ground, telling you which tee it is for. And I mean RIGHT in front of the teepad. The poles stick about 3 feet up. It took me half the round before I figured out you can remove them.
-Be careful. The fairways criss-cross in a crazy fashion. Watch out for other players. You might be throwing at the same basket as someone else. When I played it was just my group and one other group, and we had to wait for each other multiple times. If it were busy, it would be one crazy, unsafe mess.
-Between the garden shed windows, people working in the garden, the church windows, the road, and cars in the parking lot, it seemed as if every hole I had to play safe to avoid doing damage. I understand they tried to do the best with the property they had, but I almost think a 9 hole pitch and putt would work better here, with the option to play a safari course if you're the only one there.
-Hole 5 plays over half the parking lot. DON'T park on that back half of the lot if you care about your car windows. Park as near to the entrance as possible.
-The teepads were a mish-mash of natural, rubber mats, and concrete (parking lot). Many of them were not level.

Other Thoughts:

-I enjoyed my round here, but I was one of the only people here on a weekday afternoon. I wouldn't dare coming on weekends. If it were crowded it would be impossible to have any fun.
-I really appreciate how the church supports a disc golf course here, and I honestly can't imagine that they haven't had a window broken or a gardener hit by a disc or a churchgoers' car window broken. It just seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
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6 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun Little Throw At This Friendly Church! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 18, 2013 Played the course:once


It's nice of the folks from the church to welcome the disc golf community to their little recreational course here. I hope the disc golfers always present themselves in a good manner.

The course features 7 baskets, each painted a different color (Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, White and Yellow) playing 15 holes. Maps are available at the corner of the parking lot near the church building. The tees and baskets are set up in this color coordinated fashion so use the map or else you'll be helplessly lost.

The church's property has this wonderful slope and mature trees making it an ideal (although small) area to build a course on. There is a flower/vegetable garden in the center of the property that is OB.

The holes range from 175' to 515' and feature ACE runs, uphill shots, long downhill blind shots. There's quite a bit of variety for such a small piece of property.


I do have a couple of safety concerns. The ladies working in the garden can be in harm's way. # 7 is a long blind throw which could easily sail into the garden area. You might want to skip this hole when someone is working in the garden.

# 9 also throws up and over the garden.

The church's windows on # 8 are definitely in danger of being hit by an errant throw.

There are crossing fairways so be extra careful when others are on the course with you.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun and enjoyable little throw. Be really careful when ladies are present in the garden. Throw a roller. At the very least, give them a shout out! I'm not sure what having a spotter here would accomplish. Skipping the hole is a much better alternative when they're working.
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4 1
Experience: 12.6 years 50 played 26 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Not Bad! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2012 Played the course:once


-Right in the middle of Tualatin
-Now plays 15 holes
-Grass always manicured
-Variety of throws
-Usage of hills


-Right in the middle of Tualatin
-Lots of back and forth
-Not set up for numerous parties

Other Thoughts:

All in all I was decently surprised when I played this course with my girlfriend. We happened to be in the area and had some time to kill so we played the full 15. There is a beautiful garden right in the middle of the course, so be careful with your throws! When we played there was a lot of traffic so the thought of hitting a car with a disc was always in the back of my head as well. I will def be back to play it again.
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8 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 227 played 41 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 27, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Maps and scorecard available by hole #1, Maintained garden as OB, manicured lawn with a couple large decidous trees that will challenge most skill levels with elevation changes and distance holes and best of all its free!


Course design/layout causing potential risks.

Other Thoughts:

More is not always better in this case. Full use of the land is definitely apparent with fairways crossing parking lots and each other. All four corners and all four sides of the block is used. Dont let this course fool you the length of some holes are challenging and I suggest a spotter when teeing off from hole#7 and #14. Volunteers that work in the garden have been hit by discs lately!! Hence the spotter.This is a course that is great for most skill levels of play for a quick fix of DG.

Like others have mentioned I have seen discs hit the church and its only a matter of time before a window is broken. The course gets used but more than two groups playing the course consider it crowded and start yelling fore! Lots of high risk factors that can result in damages to homes, buildings, parked cars, traffic in the right of way and pedestrians.
I'm happy there is a quick fix available on my way home from work now!!

They have recently added reflective collars with numbers on each basket, much easier to navigate the course now. I did talk to the Son-in-Law who lives on site and gave him some feedback.This is a work in progress course and the work done since I reviewed it has bumped up my rating as well.
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4 0
Disc Dog
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.3 years 109 played 48 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good use of available space 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2012 Played the course:once


This course was put up at a church in order to give locals a place to safely play (I spoke with a church member that was there setting up for their Easter Service). The course uses the available land very well. It plays up, down, and across the hill the church sits on. It uses the trees, buildings, and terrain as obstacles.

The person who set it up did well with what he/she had.

The longest throw is over 400 ft (uphill) and the shortest at about 150 feet, so there are places for you to crank it and an ace run or 2.

The grounds are well maintained and are mostly grass.

There were several people playing and I was informed that the course gets very consistent use. I can believe it.

They use DGA Mach 5's except the one on 9 which is a Innova Discather Pro portable version.

They were very imaginative and did well to get what they did out of this.


The tees are dirt and marked by a board with the hole number on it and a flag to identify it. But are in no way groomed and a couple are a bit awkward. Someone dug up 14 and it is not safe to use as of this writing.

Traffic is on 2 sides of the course, so an errant throw could be an issue with both the vehicles and the pedestrian traffic that was steady.

They use the buildings well for obstacles but it is only a matter of time before a disc goes through a window.

Lots of criss-crossing so be aware of those around you.

To play the course as laid out you will need the map or its hopeless.

Other Thoughts:

All in all I had a good time and if I lived locally would play it consistently.

I have played a good number of these backyard/church courses and this one is as good as any.

If in the area and you want a quick game this will do well. Or if you want to practice putt and approach or rollers it would work well.
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1 2
Experience: 17.2 years 42 played 24 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Local and Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


- This is a fun course with a nice variety of of elevation shots.

- Nice variety of distance shots and short "par 2"

- Baskets are nice. All are Mach IIIs except for one Discatcher Sport.


- Almost all of the holes are open or have just one tree in the fairway.

- The fairways cross, which isn't too bad if you're the only person out there (which I was when I played), but if there is anyone else it could get dangerous.

Other Thoughts:

I live in Sherwood so it's nice to have a course nearby even though it's not spectacular. I can still see myself coming here once a week in the summer to practice.

If you're in the area, I would suggest checking it out.
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