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Fort Carson, CO

Turkey Creek DGC

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Turkey Creek DGC reviews

2 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 33.3 years 52 played 42 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Sigh.... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 26, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


-Great, full-color signs with dead accurate distances and directions to the next teepads
-Scenic course for the location
-Well-maintained teepads
- Its free
-Never crowded


Where to begin?
-Teepads are good, but need about six more feet on the end. WAY too short for the run up needed on these holes
-Even with a map and directions on the teesigns, this place is way too tough to navigate
- Tall grass swallows discs and covers you in seedpods and pricklies
-Almost every hole is a blind drive. You have to have a spotter for nearly all your drives and mid ranges, which is a huge pain when there's only two of you playing
-The two 800 foot signature holes aren't fun. They are stupid long and the wind shear prevents any spectacular 500 foot drives
-No shade. The place is a barren wasteland.
-The practice/warm up basket is in a weird location (close to the 1st tee though) that doesn't really give you a good variety of warm up throws
-Pars are overly generous....if there's no wind. When the wind kicks up you're doing well if you are bogeying every hole
-Not an easy place to get to, or find for that matter. GOOGLE maps isn't accurate, and neither was my car GPS

Other Thoughts:

WEAR LONG PANTS. I cannot stress this enough. There ia no way for them to do maintence on this course, so expect to be triapsing through the disc eating tall grass.

I'm torn on this one. I want to play it again., because I had fun, but my daughter couldn't hang and my other partner wore shorts and now has to go take a bath in calamine lotion. The wind is just ridiculous. There are no obstacles to speak of, but the wind is obstacle enough. Because of the weird layout, there's no place to keep your drives low. They will go nose up, and then you're screwed.

As an active duty soldier at Ft. Carson, I'm glad they decided to put a disc golf course here, but the layout is like a fever dream. Nothing makes sense. It is totally different than any other Colorado course Ive played. I will play again,but this is not some peoples cup of tea. I reccomend playing it just for the experience, but other local courses like Widefield, Pueblo and (from what Ive heard) Cottonwood are just much better.

Last thing: don't bother looking for locals to help guide you through the course. Id be surprised if this thing gets more than 10 rounds a week. Just a weird course all around.
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0 2
Experience: 12.4 years 4 played 4 reviews
0.00 star(s)

"Stuck" in the sticks .. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 9, 2012 Played the course:once


Tee-off pads have very clear signs giving you an idea of where the basket is going to be as it isn't easy to see them.


This place is COVERED in low-lieing brush that quickly cover your lower legs/pants and shoes in prickly seeds. Even with jeans and a decent set of shoes, I still had issues getting around with all these plants.

Other Thoughts:

Needs atleast somewhat better maintainence, not a place I'd go back to.
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1 0
little oz
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 103 played 31 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wild Lands! 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 31, 2012 Played the course:once


Holes 1-3 go through pinon pines and require shot making skills, so i thought they were the best holes on the course. After that the course opens up and if you want to work on your wind game, this is the place. Nice concrete tee pads. Signage is clean, gives elevation change and distance. Nobody else on the course, so no idiot groups of 7. This course will give you a real walking workout and the scenery is good. This is wild, untouched land. Good baskets. The designer made good use of the land and elevation changes. It's nice that they change par according to the distances, so you don't feel like a loser when you get a 5 on a 850 foot hole. It's a "nice par" instead of a deflating double bogey.


knee-high grass/brush throughout=prime snake country, so be on the lookout. When you throw a shot, don't just watch the vicinity of where it lands, but watch it hit the dirt and take a mental picture, or you will be looking for a long time. Course starts to become monotonous. PAY attention to the signs for where the next tee is located. If you don't, you will also be wandering, as some tees are 50-100 yards away and not visible from the basket, and since the course isn't used much, there isn't a trail to follow. The layout isn't intuitive.

Other Thoughts:

The course is about 12 miles from downtown Colorado Springs. Wear long pants and real sturdy boots. NO JOKE. Shorts/running shoes and knee-highs won't cut it here. Bring at least 2 litres of water. Footing is iffy and uneven a lot of times. When you pull in to the barnyard, go right and park near the picnic pavillion. I asked a soldier where the office was, and he said it was closed down, and i'd have to go to the "ITR" on base. Not being military, i have no idea what/where that is, so i left a note on my dashboard with my cell number, telling them i was on the course and to call me "if i didn't do something right". No problem this time, though.
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3 0
Experience: 4 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Loooong Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2011 Played the course:once


Beautiful area with a good course that is pretty much deserted. It has concrete tee pads with new hole signs. Some nice hole designs, that can be challenging. Fairways are mowed at times, although the staff said they can't get to it as often as they'd like.


Not a lot of shade. Lots of cactus and yucca, so watch where you're stepping. The only course map was on a poster in the Information Center. I took a picture of it with my phone, but it was still difficult to navigate at times. I've created and uploaded a new map, hopefully it will make it easier for those that follow.

Other Thoughts:

My son and I enjoyed playing this course, but be forewarned, it will take awhile to get through it. We spent 10-15 minutes looking for a single disc a couple of times. One was never found, even though we saw the area that it came down in. I wouldn't recommend wearing shorts because of the ground cover, and WATER is your friend. Take plenty! This is a long playing course and is great for those with the big arms. Those of us with average drives will struggle on some holes, but it wasn't really overwhelming. Don't forget to sign in at the Information Center. :)
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3 1
Experience: 14.7 years 74 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Meh.. 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 13, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


This course has some potential to be a really good course, Concrete pads. Nice looking signs. Excellent baskets. And very important for me, hardly any people. With the massive distance involved on most holes, the fact they made them par 4+ in most cases is a definite bonus. It's in a great location with great scenery and abundant wildlife viewing potential. Also I have never ran into any other discers here, it's quiet and peaceful. I bumped it a bit, do to my recent play there, a lot more fun when it's not blazing hot with wind.That being said....


I understand you get what ever land the army gives you to use, but with the land this monster takes up there could have easily been 2 maybe even 3 really good courses. Some of the holes are ridiculously long, especially if you have an average arm.
Even with the new signs navigation was difficult, I had played the course last fall/winter without the signs and had given up after 9. The signs are adequate but they simply show the tee, some green, a basket at the end, and an arrow to the next tee, they show no trees or any land mark to get any kind of bearing.
It really started feeling repetitious after the front 9, just long wide open shot after long wide open shot. If there is any wind the course loses what little fun factor it had.

Other Thoughts:

If you want to test your monster arm, this is the place. If you are a rec, amateur, or woman and don't have a consistent 400'+ drive into a headwind this course is probably not for you. It will also tear you up if you don't warm up prior to playing. Be sure to take lots of water, there is no where close to get any more. Bring sturdy shoes/boots some of the walks between holes can be 500'+ and the terrain is pretty rugged. Walking this course has got to be easily 2-3 miles. I can usually get through an unknown 18 in less than 2 hours playing solo, this one took closer to 3+. It is worth playing just so in your mind you can think "this would be a better hole setup" or "Why is there not a hole between where this one ends and the next begins?" This course has so much wasted potential.
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3 0
Experience: 30.3 years 43 played 1 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Nice course with a ton of potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


This is a great big arm course. Many of the holes are 600 feet plus. Many of the holes have beautiful sweeping fairways. It is out in the middle of nowhere and nobody other than disc golfers and hikers seem to visit the course. The concrete tee pads and benches are great.


There are absolutely no signs or maps on the course. I haven't been able to find a course map anywhere. My first couple of rounds were mostly spent looking for the next tee or hole. Several of the holes are blind from the tee. If you haven't perviously walked the hole you have no way of knowing where to play to. What is a female player supposed to do with multiple 700 foot holes. Alternative tee positions for ladies or rec players would have been a nice touch.

Other Thoughts:

This course is less than a year old and I picked up 3 glass bottles and a few beer cans durning my round. We have a great opportunity to have a beautiful pristine tournament course in southern colorado. If this course gets trashed by golfers the Army won't hesitate to pull it out.
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6 8
Experience: 19.2 years 741 played 33 reviews
5.00 star(s)

Lets make a day of it 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 25, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


Beautiful scenery afar around you, hardly anyone around except the Ft Carson staff. This course is a "crushers" delight,a true Big Arm Farm.New signage to help first timers.Its not as hard as people say its just the longest course in quite a few square miles.The course has partially mowed fairways to help scores as well.Almost every hole has some type of mostly downward elevation and just a couple harder uphill holes.Definately pushes you to calculate elevation variance and on high wind days this course can really take you to school.By sheer length this is one of the longer courses I 've ever walked.There are benches now though to help with that.


Little shade,some dangerously thorny shrubs an cuctus as well.As I said earlier this is a long walk course.If you don't come prepared here you'll cut out early. Just stretch, use the practice basket. WARM-UP! This is a longer walk then Sakuna Pines.Better eat your Wheaties an bring some energy drinks.

Other Thoughts:

Playing this course multiple times and recording a decent 18 round score here will improve any disc golfers game.
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