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Lebanon, OH


3.25(based on 41 reviews)
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Averages Score by Tee

254/65 139/58

Overall Course Stats

Total Rounds Played 410
Total Holes Played 7293
Distance Covered by Members 390.22 Miles
Average Score per Round 62
Average Putts per Hole 1.38
Total Shots 25263
Total Aces 1
Total Double Eagles 1
Total Eagles 169
Total Birdies 1695
Total Pars 3515
Total Bogies 1284
Total Double Bogies 239
Total Triple Bogies 38
Total Putts 3150
Total Penalties 11

Hole-by-Hole Stats

Hole Avg. Shots Played Aces D. Eagles Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies D. Bogies T. Bogies Putts Penalty
1 3.57 792 222 -- -- 7 99 85 27 3 1 132 --
2 2.84 633 223 -- -- -- 66 134 20 1 1 133 --
3 3.17 707 223 -- -- -- 22 147 48 6 -- 133 --
4 3.50 780 223 -- -- 9 106 85 19 3 1 137 3
5 3.08 686 223 -- -- -- 42 128 47 6 -- 139 --
6 3.87 866 224 -- 1 65 102 37 18 1 -- 139 --
7 3.68 824 224 -- -- -- 4 108 78 26 7 144 --
8 3.26 727 223 -- -- -- 27 129 51 15 1 131 --
9 3.69 822 223 -- -- 5 100 78 29 8 2 123 --
10 3.87 862 223 -- -- -- 74 99 39 10 1 131 1
11 4.64 1029 222 -- -- 33 62 76 31 12 6 134 --
12 2.94 652 222 -- -- -- 49 144 24 5 -- 123 --
13 3.51 775 221 -- -- 10 108 71 28 3 1 116 --
14 3.61 797 221 -- -- 8 96 87 22 5 2 124 --
15 3.16 699 221 -- -- -- 29 136 49 6 1 124 --
16 3.93 869 221 -- -- -- 62 112 34 10 3 128 --
17 3.70 813 220 -- -- 3 88 93 30 5 -- 121 --
18 4.57 1010 221 -- -- 14 90 74 30 12 1 139 2