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Daytona Beach, FL

Tuscawilla Park

3.55(based on 45 reviews)
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Tuscawilla Park reviews

9 0
Experience: 13.3 years 38 played 17 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Better than most 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 1, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


This course has been around a long time and has a devote following. The course is maintained well and the pin positions are often changed by the local club to provide several variations to the round. There are also 2 concrete Tee pads per hole and are a decent size. Baskets are DISCatcher which are a better quality basket imo.

The flow of the course is also well designed with the front 9 starting and ending right at the parking area as well as hole 18 also ending right at the parking area. The front 9 is also a bit easier and progressive leading into the more challenging back 9. The course takes you on a nice tour of the entire park and utilizes the full property to the extent.

While it does not have many hazards there are a few water holes which are fun and provide that little extra challenge to avoid losing any plastic (Especially from the Long tees). Hole 7 is the signature "Water hole" on the course and particularly fun and rewarding to play when you can park the drive.

The course has a nice mixture of shots that will be required for all player types. Forehand, Backhand, lefty's, righty's will all get to experiment a bit here. Also a nice blend of semi shorter and a few longer holes...like I said before it is progressive from the front 9 to the back 9 in terms of distance.

Good parking area near the course start as well as permanent awning and 2 practice baskets.


The location of this course is not what I would call Ideal. While the course is very nice in terms of Disc Golf design.. this particular part of Daytona Beach is less than desirable. There is a high percentage of homeless and shady characters in and around the park at any given time. You will literally play through people who aimlessly wander the park.

Another negative feature of the course is that it is located in a shared park with other park goers, a playground and now the infamous Zip Line course which is back up and running after an almost 2 year hiatus due to Hurricane Matthew knocking down several trees in the park. But the people who are here to Zip Line are oblivious to the Disc Golfers. Much of the front 9 of the course will go through the Zip Line lanes so beware of Harnessed up tourists.

While there is a few water hazards which are a fun challenge to deal with, you won't find any elevation here. The course is rather flat and uneventful in that sense which will always be a con for me at any course.

There are no restrooms located at the ideal parking area for the golfers (which is near hole 1). There are restrooms in the center of the park but I dare say I have never ventured in there.. You never know what you may be walking into to.

Other Thoughts:

All in all... Tuscawilla is my home course and where I played my first ever round of disc golf almost 8 years ago so it will always be sentimental in that regard. It is a very nice disc golf course if you can deal with some the headaches of the park. It has a lot of history as being a reputable disc golf location and is widely regarded by the local clubs. I still enjoy playing here when we don't feel like travelling outside of town and it always provides a fun challenging round of golf. If you are visiting the Daytona area I would definitely recommend playing the course just be aware of some of the cons (no pun intended) I mentioned above.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 671 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Life in the Fast Lane 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 29, 2017 Played the course:once


(3.171 Rating) A city park course with lots of comfort items and extras.
- CHALLENGING - The blue tees here are really going to challenge advanced players. There are 30 scored blue tee rounds on this site, and only one person shot below par for their singles round. My initial guess is that a 950 rated player will struggle to crack par. I personally played the white tees and found them to be near optimal difficulty for my 900ish player rating.
- CHAINS - Although the DISCatchers are older, they are still in wonderful shape and catch well.
- TEES - There are two sets of concrete tees, and the distance and difficulty separating them appears to be spaced well. There is also a small concrete slab (4ft x 4 ft) down fairway on just about every holes to make a red tee layout. This red tees also appear to be a nice difficulty differential compared to the white tees. There is no hole signage for these small pads.
- CHARACTER - In addition to the tees and nice baskets, there's lots of other course extras on this course. There's a fair amount of tee shading. There is tee signage at both blue and white tees describing hole and distance. There are three basket placements at just about every hole and I think a few also had a fourth placement. There's also a great finishing shelter with picnic tables. You'll also find a practice basket, toilets, water, benches and bag hangers. Finally, I'll mention there's a memorial on (7) to honor a fallen member.
- SKILL LEVEL FRIENDLY - The multiple tee format allows this course to be appreciated by a wide swath of skill levels.
- QUICK PLAY - A compacted layout allows this one to be played quicker than you would think for 6,500 foot layout. I played my round in about an hour. figure a group of four at the appropriate tees will run about two hours.


A solid course with a few issues
- SIGNAGE - Probably above average but they have seen better days as many appear a bit beat up and fading away. There were pin location markers on the hole signs which is typically a great feature. Unfortunately just about all of them were wrong or missing. In addition, the arrow below the basket to direct players to next tee was almost always pointing in the wrong direction.
- COURSE MAP - The course map available to download on this site is not the greatest looking or detailed. However it is better than nothing and you'll need it sometimes as the course navigation ques, as stated above, appear to be incorrect, or at least they were on my visit.
- SAFETY HAZARDS - I almost never care about throwing along roads and paths as a 30 second wait doesn't effect my experience of a course to wait for that lone car or pedestrian. However, Tuscawilla has some pretty substantial throwing hazards. There are major roads boarding the east and north side of this park where cars are almost always present and they are traveling at high speeds. Grip locks do happen, especially for newer players. I was especially uneasy about throwing (14 and 17) where you're a grip lock away from pinging a car.
- WATER HAZARDS - I'm so glad to have played this course during the dry season. A few of the larger ponds were almost completely dry. Playing this course during the rainy season has got to be an entirely different animal. There are ditches everywhere on this course, where I assume that after a good soaking you could see water coming into play a dozen times. It will probably be easy to retrieve a disc in this ditch, but it will likely impact your experience after your 2nd and 3rd introduction into the water.
- PALMETTO BUSHES - There are few holes with this awful plant. The palmetto bush usage is most pronounced on hole (11) where they line both sides of the fairway. In addition, on the day I played, the basket placement was in a defined pocket surrounded by these suckers. I was very ecstatic to walk away with a par.
- ELEVATION - Other than the 5 foot deep ditches and ponds, this course is entirely flat.
- UNIQUENESS - About average or touch below that. Most holes have either a light to moderate tree spacing loosely defining the fairways. There is only one true tunnel shot on (11). There are a couple pockets to hit and water can come in to play a lot if its during the rainy season. There are no par 4's or 5's, but (13) could easily be moved back a bit to add a par 4. A lot of holes also have the same general look in feel.
- SPACING - Not awful by any means but not ideal either. Several holes parallel each other with only a spattering of trees defining the lines. I'd keep my head on a swivel if other groups are on nearby holes.
- TRASH - A surprising amount of trash in the park during my round. Trash was most pronounced in the ponds and dry ditches.

Other Thoughts:

The first course I've hit in the Daytona area. By looking at other metro area reviews, this one is clearly the top course. I'm sure if I lived in the area, Tuscawilla would be my home course or in my rotation. Not the top destination course when compared to courses within 50 miles radius. I think the courses in Debary take that notion.
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12 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.3 years 278 played 276 reviews
3.00 star(s)

So this is Florida 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


The ocean is a breeze away. The ground is kept (barely) dry by a network of canals. The course is spotted with swampy ponds that, if they weren't in so public a park, would be crawling with gators. This is Florida and Tuscawilla embraces its identity.

The course is well maintained, with two sets of tees, each sporting a sign laminated into a knee-high rock. While the signs themselves are exceedingly unhelpful, they are really nice at identifying tees in a natural manor. The rocks are nearly identical, so they are easily spotted while blending into the environment.

The course itself is solid fare. Water is in play at several holes, but none of the holes boast a memorable carry. There are factors at Tuscawilla that scream 3.5(the atmosphere, the upkeep,) to me, but others that leave me thinking 2.5. (more on that later) So it settles around a three.

There are a few interesting holes. Seven is one of the rare water carries I've seen that favors RHFH/LHBH throwers. Thirteen is the longest hole, and features a pagoda of sorts. (So tempting to enforce a self-imposed double mando and throw between the pillars)

But at Tuscawilla, the best is saved for last. For the last few holes, a canal curves through the fairway, making for a few distinct lines and landing places. After the blah of seeing that canal uselessly border the far right of the fairways, its creative use on the final holes redeems Tuscawilla in a fantastic way.


But the water is not always used to the effect that it could be. Fifteen has a fantastic pin placement butting out into a small pond, but the tee is just too close. Too short of a hole for the water to pose any true risk/reward. The opposite problem affects fourteen. The first time I was here, the pin was on a small island in a doughnut shaped lake. It's not there anymore. That island looks so sad with no basket on it.

The water is also occasionally where it's not supposed to be. The drainage is acceptable here but it is Florida and there can be a lot of rain in the summer months. Fairways can be soaked. While this is the better Daytona course, Reed Canal is probably a better choice if it has been rainy.

The bigger issue here, which keeps Tuscawilla from a 3.5, is some of the navigation. I've played here several times, and I keep playing from seven to eleven. Eight through ten are oddly placed, as you have to go back down to the middle of the seven fairway to find the eight tee. Then from ten it's a bit of a haul that walks through seven, to find tee eleven.

Then of course there is the adventure course. Numerous holes feature zipliners as moving targets. I mean, the people on the adventure course are in the middle of the fairway.

Other Thoughts:

So that's what it is. A solid course with some solid flaws. But there isn't a better course within an hour of Daytona.
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3 0
Experience: 24 played 11 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Glad I found a local 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 16, 2012 Played the course:once


Water hazards without a fear of losing a disc.
Good variety in a park setting.
Nice and shady for a Florida park
Different basket layouts changed monthly
Bathrooms onsite, looked like possibly even two sets, didn't have to go that bad though.
A lot of trees but not too many, great technical "push"
A lot of short holes and a few that hit 300+ feet. Although I do enjoy stretching my arm, it was nice to play a course with smaller distances.


Had a very hard time finding hole #1 and navigation was pretty rough throughout, glad I had a local to help me through.
The course does come fairly close to a road a few times, that always makes me nervous.
Bums, lots of them, you can feel like there are eyes on you at all times. Lock your cars for sure.
The water around the park was very still, filled with algae and could be a severe mosquito breeding grounds in the summer.

Other Thoughts:

I'm glad I decided to play the course, I would definitely play again if I head to Daytona. I heard there is another course nearby that I may also check out.
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5 3
Experience: 33.3 years 13 played 13 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A little Hide away in Daytona Beach 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 13, 2010 Played the course:once


Considering Daytona Beach is famous for the races, motorcycles, and beaches, I was surprised to see a Disc Golf Course right next to the main road of International Speed Way. There isn't much shade in Daytona, it is famous for it's SUN. But this park provides a nice area to play with out getting cooked. It has a good range of flight types and tee locations. And I was not afraid of their water holes. Side note it was a thumbs up with the kids.


It isn't wide open ranges. It is what I would call condensed. It was the first time there especially with the family, so I was lost tee locations were not often clearly marked. But we fallowed a small group and was able to manuver through pretty well. There were homeless people about, but they didn't bother us and we did not bother them.

Other Thoughts:

I have to say............................
I do not remember seeing empty beer bottles or the such lying around wooded areas or in the open. "Bravo", this was the cleanest park I have been to. All trash in the trash cans. They did have a bathroom, but I didn't use it so I can't comment upon it's condition.
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6 4
Experience: 16.3 years 4 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Part of Vacation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 11, 2009 Played the course:once


A lot of nature, chameleons, snapping turtles, even glimpsed a snake leaving the area.
The holes have a lot of variety and are tough enough to challenge. Hole 9 might be the toughest hole I've played...a 5 is a decent effort. Nice amount of water without too much danger of losing a disc. A great mix of throws necessary to master this course.


While trees and wildlife are nice...it's not really a pretty course. There seemed to always be locals around (not threatening at all) some of whom looked like they had no where else to go. At several locations I saw evidence that people had been and probably were living in this park. They had left bags of clothes and other trash around.

Other Thoughts:

The folks living a tough life do NOT detract from this course.
I'd go back.
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2 6
Experience: 16.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

over all fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2009 Played the course:once


tough course. 3 tees on each hole. friendly locals. they had one guy out there selling disc which was awesome since some how my two buddies forgot all of theres.


def wear closed toe shoes!! i tee off and idk what i did but i toar the whole tip off my big toe. being a right hander i hated how much left holes there was. there was a lot of walking around for me and my friends.

Other Thoughts:

overall was pretty fun. very challengeing with all the trees and water and had a good time.
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