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Newport, OR

Twisted Pine DGC

3.135(based on 4 reviews)
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Twisted Pine DGC reviews

10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 15, 2024 Played the course:once


Twisted Pine DGC is a completely flat but somewhat wooded course that offers three different layouts to cater to all skill levels. There's an am, semi-pro and pro layout. We played the semi-pro layout which is basically just a mix of different tees and baskets mixed together to be played in one single loop, like the am layout. The pro layout has you do two loops of the course and play all of the longest configurations possible. The trees are pretty much all short grabby pines which like snatch discs.

The baskets are mixed. There's Discatchers for the short pins and Mach III's for the long positions. At least for the middle layout. The Discatchers are all in great shape and catch well. The Mach's are older and don't catch as good but aren't terrible either. Two baskets on every hole makes for a multitude of layouts to play which is always a good thing.

Large concrete tee pads on each hole. I'm not sure how many are out there exactly, but most, if not all holes had two tees each. These are nicely done. Level, grippy and in good shape.

There's a good mix of shot shapes required off the tee here. Many of the holes are open enough were you can choose from a few different routes but there's still quite a few where there's basically one line you need to hit (unless you lay down a roller). They did a nice job of tucking some pins into the treeline or up on some little mounds to add some extra challenge. About as good of a design as was possible with the land given.

Navigation is very simple. There's not much for walks between holes and even when there is there's well worn paths leading there. You shouldn't need a map for this one.


A lot of the holes feel pretty similar. This due to the fact that the terrain is basically all exactly the same. They did what they could but there's only so much that could've been done.

The trees are disc snatchers. We got a couple stuck in them, one of which I had to actually climb to get it down. I seen it mentioned to bring tent poles to get discs out of the trees and that's actually a really good idea if you have some laying around.

The course appears to get pretty busy so it won't be the fastest round if played during peak hours. This is magnified by the multiple layouts overlapping.

The course is completely flat. There's a few mounds that they have some baskets on but overall it's as flat as it gets.

The parking area is pretty small. If that's all full you'll have to park at the day use area which is a decent bit further away.

There's walking trails that meander throughout the course so you'll have to watch out for walkers and cyclists. Not a huge inconvenience does come into play in spots.

Other Thoughts:

This was a fun little course. Great place to get off the highway and stretch your legs if you're passing through. Not a must play but for sure worth a visit if you're nearby.
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10 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.3 years 202 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Bigger and Better 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2021 Played the course:once


-parking right by start/finish of course
-nice course map and practice basket located by tee pad 1
-quality signs at the tees with hole number, hole map (including line to the basket), par and distance indicated
-nice long concrete tee pads
-new yellow Discatcher baskets for the entire AM course and the older DGA's are used for the Pro layout
-helpful sings with arrows showing the way to the next tee pads
-hole 9 offers a good view of the Yaquina Bay Bridge
-great for all skill levels
-right by the beach


-very disc-catchy trees
-not a ton of variety on the AM course layout (didn't play pro layout)
-no elevation change or signature type holes other than a pretty sweet suspended basket on hole 7
-must be careful for other discs flying into your fairway.. many holes play side by side.
-often really windy

Other Thoughts:

Twisted Pines is a great upgrade from the little putter course we played here a few years ago. Sure kids under 8 years old might not like it as much, but for the 9 and over crowd, this is now a legit disc golf course featuring both a Pro and Am option.

The highlights for us were the suspended basket in the middle of the tree on hole 7 and the view of the bridge at hole 9's basket.

One other nice feature is that they use different color baskets for the different layouts, so I was never confused as to which target we were going after.

My main advice is to keep an eye on your disc as I'm pretty sure the pine trees have needles made of glue. We managed to get 5 or 6 discs caught in their branches. Luckily, they are short enough to retrieve discs, but man, those trees are vacuums!

Also, the fairways definitely overlap in places so keep an eye out for discs flying about.

Overall, our family had a grand ol' time and Twisted Pine and we look forward to our next trip to South Beach State Park!
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9 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Twisted Pines-It’s Like Playing A Entirely New Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 6, 2020 Played the course:once


I last played here five years ago when it was called South Beach and the course was a great little putter course, perfect for chasing ACES. Of course, I was always a little confused by how cold it was as I wrongly thought I was in South Beach, Florida.
The state parks system has now eliminated the little putter course and given the course an entirely new makeover. The course is now named Twisted Pines and features both an AM and a PRO course. Due to (1). My age (2). Total exhaustion and (3). The fact that this was my fourth 18-hole course today, I chose to only play the AM. So therefore, my review is basically for said AM course.
South Beach State Park (Oregon version not Miami) is a long flat piece of sandy land with some scattered Madrona Groves and other coastal plants. The course starts and plays 9 holes out before the back 9 loops back to the starting area with the kiosk. There is a course map here as well as online.
The tee pads are nice sized concrete. There was no sign here at # 1 but later holes did have signage. There are lots of next tee signs pointing you in all the right directions. I did, however, find some of the signs to be downright confusing, especially when referring to the PRO course. The AM course is a total average recreational course. Distances are in the 175' to 300' range. Most holes are similar and feature a few trees to navigate around or maybe a smallish gap to hit.
I didn't find any exciting or signature holes here although I did get all fired up with PRO 4's basket placement. It's a hanging basket in this very cool, old Pine? Madrona? Tree that has seven branches/trunks growing out from the original tree.


Mostly a blah 18.

Totally flat.

Oftentimes windy here by the beach.

Most other reviewers complain of mosquitos.

Some semi-confusing signage when regarding both courses.

Other Thoughts:

I liked the previous little putter course more. It was unique and played to an otherwise mostly neglected clientele of disc golfers. I wish they could've figured out a way to leave it while adding the big and bigger boy courses. Then, I think you would have had a real unique disc golf experience with something for all.
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5 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great addition to OR Coastal disc golf 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2020 Played the course:once


Very nicely defined fairways and greens.
Terrific course design.
Challenges for all levels.
Accurate pars.


Mosquitos!!! Bug spray will not save you.
Twisted Pines (Pinus Contorta) will grab your discs, bring a telescoping pole or something you can throw...we couldn't find any rocks to knock out discs down from the trees.

Other Thoughts:

***Research the layout on udisc/keosk before playing***

I liked this course a lot. The design uses the land in a very cool way. The pro 18 circuits the course twice, so you can stop by your car or campsite mid round for a snack or to re-up on suds.

The course is super windy (1/3 mi from the beach), but mosquitos have full shelter in the woods...so if you're not standing in the sun, you're getting destroyed by pests. The wind is a pro by my opinion, it's in your face for half the round and at your back for half. Play your greens smart!

Combined with Wilder and Waldport, the Central Oregon Coast is becoming a destination for disc golf. Kudos to the designer of Twisted Pines, you've created a good one!
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