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New Berlin, WI

Valley View Park

2.895(based on 54 reviews)
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Valley View Park reviews

10 0
Dire Wolfy
Experience: 9.3 years 10 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Decent course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 4, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This course is very beginner friendly and has a lot of fun, ace run type holes, when the course is clean it tends to be very fun to play.
Most people are nice and usually don't complain at the pace you're moving at, if they are in a rush usually they just nicely ask to play through.


The type of people that come here since it is a free course, they can range from extremely stoned to extremely slow. Just yesterday I was playing in a big group and offered for the people behind us to play threw, they said we were moving decently and they didnt want to, then about 5 minutes later a group of stoners came walking by and said "there is multiple groups behind you ladies" and proceeded to block me while I was on the tee and they walked on the fairway. This is something you could expect to see from a free course like this.

The trash: There are trashcans on almost every hole, but people just litter alot, trash can be found in the strangest of places when searching for your disc.

Other Thoughts:

Usually in the mornings on the weekends this course isnt that busy, if you were to play earlier than 10:00 am would be more fun because less of a crowd.
Update 6/14/17: summer holes have been in place for a while, course is very over grown at the moment, watch where you throw.
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5 1
Experience: 25.3 years 76 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Has a nice mix of wooded and open holes. The fact that there are multiple pin positions is nice. Decent technical shots in the woods. Good course for practicing approach shots & throwing putters/mids from the tee. Concrete paids are good. Good variety of different shot selection needed from the tees.


The holes are short. Most players could play the hole course with a putter & maybe a mid. It is wet a lot (because it's in a valley). Some of the signs are broken/vanidilzed & many of them aren't legible. Tall grass on a few holes can make it difficult to find a disc in the event of a bad shot. If its been raining recently it can be very muddy & flooded in many parts of the course.

Other Thoughts:

The leagues here are well organized & are fun to play in. I enjoyed the original course setup from years ago better but its still good now.
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4 0
Experience: 14.3 years 19 played 11 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Shake my head.. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 20, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


As you walk up to the first tee box you will immediately realize the reason for the name of the course.
The tee box is elavated 75 ft higher than the pin while overlooking a good 2/3 of the course.
Getting started: The first 3 holes are somewhat typical disc golf set ups. Good solid shots resulting in good scores.
Getting woody: The next 7 holes are in the woods with tricky routes and skinny lines to be hit.
Getting back out in the open: Some anny- BH/flick lines with slightly longer but less wooded holes, followed up by hole 15 that goes back up the hill leading you back to the parking lot.
The Final 3 holes are also somewhat typical. 16 is perched up on a big mound with 17 following that up, and then hole 18 letting you get one last "View" of the beautiful "Valley"-also leading you back to the parking lot.
If you can throw some solid approaches from out of trouble area's or just hit great lines with mid-ranges, there is no reason this course wouldn't be a good time for discer's of most ages and skill levels.
You might need to bust out the driver here and there, but not more than 2 or 3 times.
-Drive for show and putt for doe.
They also have two set ups as I have found out today.


A little on the easier side. Shouldn't have any issue saving par.
It gets packed! Way too many noobs, way too many punks that litter!
The signs for the holes are mostly written and tagged all over, finding any given distance on more than half the holes is pointless. Play it by eye, most holes are just a standstill off the teebox with a good solid mid or putter. Although the teepads could be a little bigger, you really only need enough room to do a standstill anyways.
The course also has some high brush in certain spots, making it extremely difficult to find an errant drive.
This course has turned into a pigstye! It's not even my home course, I only play it 2-5 times a year, but it's absolutely disgusting. It makes me sick. Trash is scattered by any given tee box, basket's are a little sketchy from vandals, the list goes on.

Other Thoughts:

It's a good course to play on. It's a fun time and worth a little trip. It's very clear there is no regard for course upkeep by the grounds-crew, but (I don't blame them one bit). Mostly high-school kids go out there and just trash it. This puts a damper on the entire round. It's reasonable becuase it's alot of fun for alot of different level players. It's a decent lay-out as well. But no where near as enjoyable as it should be due to the trash. Shake my head...
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5 0
Experience: 15.5 years 1 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Pitch and Putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 10, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Helps you build on your technical shots. Without a crowd you can get a round done in a short about of time. There seems to be A lot of different types of shots needed to play the whole course well.


Being in a valley, it's wet most of the time, there tends to be a more rowdy younger crowd there, signs are all broke. Basically one tee pad with one pin. THere are a few exception where they have a second type of pads and some of the holes can be moved, but half of them can't. PLan to pack in pack out, not many places to get rid of garbage. Although you will see piles of it all over.

Other Thoughts:

I think the course can be fun, love the wednesday night league there, easy course to get to, great for newcomers or people who want to work on the short game.
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11 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Short and technical 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays half in an open grassy area with elevation, and half in dense woods with thick rough and some small creeks for a little water hazard. The open holes take advantage of the steep elevation changes to keep things more interesting, especially the very fun downhill 1st hole. The wooded holes are short but tight, with narrow fairways and some punishment for errant shots with lots of trees and some brush.

There are a couple of the open holes that play a little longer and let you throw a mid or fairway driver. The shorter holes offer some good ace runs, and have a good balance between right and left turning holes to keep it fair to righties and lefties.

There are decent concrete pads, that are plenty large enough for the lengths of the holes. There are basic hole signs with distance and layout, and despite vandalism most were intact. The baskets showed their age, but for the most part still caught fine.


The course gets a bit overrun with large groups of less experienced players. This combined with how close many tees are to the previous hole makes for some close calls if you're not paying attention to the group coming up behind you. It also means a round can take quite a while on a nice day. It may also be the reason there is lots of vandalism here.

The course gets a little repetitive in spots. The middle of the course is nicely technical, but all the short putter shots in the woods start to run together a little. The last few holes are just plain boring, and lose the seclusion that's so nice on the rest of the course. You can easily play this course with just a mid and a putter, it doesn't really test many different disc golf skills.

Other Thoughts:

There are some fun holes here, and the wooded section of the course gives you a chance to work on shaping lines with your putters. Beginners will find the course technical but approachable, while more experienced players will find the course pretty easy without too much challenge or variety. It's not a must play by any means, but it's not one to avoid, there is some fun to be had here.
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3 3
Experience: 18 played 3 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not too fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


There are many holes that you need to use different types of shots. Some are a challenge but the course isn't too hard.


Way too many people go to this course. Mostly young kids and young kids=trouble. Cops are almost always driving though to check on things. The tees are getting old and they are sinking/cracking.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course a lot 10 years ago. I loved it then but over the years it's become worse to play at. As stated before there are a lot of people that play it so you often find yourself waiting between holes. Not my course of choice but it's close to my home so I do go there early in the mornings.
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12 1
Experience: 19.3 years 200 played 14 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Valley View, not so much 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


Cement teepads
Metal baskets
Easy to navigate
Well-balanced holes (right to left, left to right, straight)
Plays in a loop around the park
Close to a gas station and food places


Crowded with punk teenagers with no respect for the course
Course has been moved and modified over the years to keep the residents around the park happy.
Vandalism, stolen baskets a concern
Strong police presence in the park due to immature amateur golfers
Very, very, very short (no driver needed, just a beat roc and putter)
SInce the course gets so much play, the trees have really taken a beating over the years.

Other Thoughts:

I grew up about 5 minutes from this course and played every day after high school and during summer breaks from college. I like this course, but over the years it has gone down hill quickly. When I first played the course, the layout was much more challenging and fun. However, the New Berlin Park & Rec and Police Dept. have been trying to get the course removed for quite some time. The vandalism and theft is a serious issue. I remember one time where three baskets were stolen at the same time. Someone has a really nice private course somewhere. Punks! Hole 1 is the longest hole and it is reachable with a putter (downhill). Hole 14 may require a driver, but a roc can get there (320ft) This course is great for aces and -15 or lower rounds (record of -18 by a few folks) My personal best is a -17. I have over 35 aces here. This course is for beginners or people looking to work on their short game. I recommend Brown Deer or Dretzka if you are in the area. Much better courses, especially BD if you are looking for a challenge. So a 2/5 sounds good to me, too many people rate courses too high and I have no idea why. I have spent hours picking up cig butts around hole 1 while waiting to tee-off and have sometimes got in mild confrontations over littering in the park. Treat your courses well or they wont be there very long!

Ask a local player and they can direct you to the long tees here. Hole 1 has a nice long tee where you can pump it. Also, a few more holes have long pads that can add some more challenge.

I have played here over 1,000 times easily! You can play 3-4 rounds in a few hours.

Eat lunch at Crossroads down on Beloit and Sunnyslope, good grub and cheap! Awesome subs and pizza bread.

Please be respectful here and don't be a silent witness to vandalism and littering, take a stand!

Nice little course here, but nothing worth driving out of town for.

A typical league winning score here is a -10 to -12 for open and -6 to -8 for am's
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