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Cupertino, CA

Villa Maria

Permanent course
3.365(based on 11 reviews)
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Villa Maria reviews

3 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 1.3 years 136 played 83 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Stop on a Roadtrip drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 17, 2021 Played the course:once


- Well put together course for the space it has.
- Variety of shots from tight tunnels to open spaces.
- Not too much distance but enough to challenge you.


- Tee pads were short
- Hole 7 was missing for some odd reason.
- Parking was a bit confusing at first.

Other Thoughts:

Overall a really fun course for the space it had. I was driving between Santa Cruz and San Fransisco on this day and it turned out to be the perfect stop!
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9 0
Fukui San
Experience: 3.4 years 14 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

My new home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 27, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


A well thought out and executed course featuring tight lines, wooded disc golf, and friendly little lizards scurrying around everywhere. (I've seen no sign of the rattlesnakes we're warned about on a sign on Hole #1, and I've played here a lot.)

-Not usually crowded, though I mainly play on weekdays.
-Course layout that challenges your ability to throw straight and flat or on a slight RHBH anhyzer or forehand. Decent variety, though you're not going to use your big RHBH hyzers here much.
-Solid concrete tee pads and good baskets.
-Disc golf course is only for disc golf, don't have to dodge ball golfers or pedestrians. Good bathroom facilities on premises. Nearby field where you can practice and putting area as well.


There are two pin locations for every hole. Some holes rotate between the locations frequently, but some seem to stick in one (usually the longer) placement.

Also not sure why #7 remains missing. The space where it should be seems like a fine place to have a hole. Maybe too many errant tee shots from #7 hitting people putting on #6? In the same vein there's too much overlap between the fairways of holes #1 and #12.

Tee Pads are a little too short. I have to start a step behind them and step up onto the pad.

Other Thoughts:

I moved here a year ago and this has become my home course, worth the 25 minute drive and $6 parking fee. I really should spring for the $95 annual pass, but I'm not quite sure how it works, calendar year or year from date of purchase. Since I've been here we've been in drought and I only know this place with a hard, dusty ground which allows skips, but I know from pictures it can grow grass if it were to ever rain.

It's currently a 11 hole course with hole #7 missing for reasons I do not know. The space where hole #7 should be seems fine. My only guess is that maybe drives from #7 hit people putting on hole #6.

Rundown of the holes:
1. Relatively open and flat. Long pin position is straight ahead. Short pin is way to the left. Both guarded by trees.
2. Long pin have to curl around a tree or two and veer left to get to it. Short pin nearly halfway shorter.
3. Uphill drive, short position is to the right and tree guarded. Long position is straight ahead and open. This is where trees begin to close in on you.
4. First tunnel hole which dumps out downhill left. Depending on pin position you want it to slide a little or a lot.
5. Tight tunnel you want to keep as straight as possible. Shots to the left will slide downhill into woods. Pin will either be 197' straight ace run or a curl uphill to the right around a corner.
6. Tunnel that finishes a little to the left of fairway. Your shot could slide downhill far past the basket. Never seen short pin placement.
7 is missing, but would be a downhill drive through woods.
8. RHBH players would want a controlled anhyzer that finishes left at the end and fights through trees slightly uphill. Makes me want a better forehand. A recent clean up has opened up the lefthand side of the fairway a bit.
9. Kind of open and straight but with some bottlenecks that attract discs and a little uphill. Long pin is guarded well by trees. Short pin is to the right.
10. Steep downhill finishing to the right behind trees. Shorter placement is blind to the extreme right. Be careful you don't hit people on #11's tee.
11. A little more open but the trees that are there attract discs. Slight downhill.
12. Not long but the tee shot makes you navigate the tree directly in your way. If you have a RHFH with enough power that'd be ideal. A ring of little trees have been planted around the basket to eventually become a formidable defense ring. Short placement is to the right through even more trees but gaps easier to hit.

I'd like it if they added a few holes, though I'm not sure where they'd put them. There is space, certainly. A more feasible hope might be to put a second basket on each hole to have long and short pin positions available permanently instead of rotating them. It's about a half stroke or more difference per hole on average to my noodle armed self between long and short positions.
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2 0
Experience: 3.9 years 5 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight Squeeze 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


The course is very accessible, good walking paths to/from the tee pads, and most of the people playing are very social. There are a couple of really tight fairways where you are punished heavily for inaccuracy.


Poison oak although not as prevalent as previous years is still a problem for errant throwers, and the transition from #6 to #8 (as #7 is closed) is difficult for first-time visitors.

Other Thoughts:

Parking was free during the pandemic but is now $6 for entry fees, and that may not be worth it for some people - but if you turn your round into a picnic it can be a quick course to play, followed by lunch and another round before headed home.
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3 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 193 played 191 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2019 Played the course:once


The parking lot is very big once you find the course. Most holes have cell phone holders and bag hangers on tee post, super awesome feature . Spinner locations for the basket location, The layout itself is fairly easy to follow but make sure you play the right basket on hole 1. Nice Mach 5 baskets, They're numbered on the top which helps with confusion and facing the right way. The first couple holes let's you air out shots then 3 starts a string of tunnel technical shots through the trees. Most can be birdied but if you hit early or go off fairway might have a tough save. Good mix of elevation change. Good kiosk at start of course with map and scorecards. Some ace runs to be had. Wind can be huge factor and make you a better wind player and good course for most skill levels. Tight enough for advanced but short enough for new players. Tee pads are excellent and built up on the elevated holes perfectly


6 parking fee and kind of hard to find the course it's in the upper loop of the park not near the pay machine. The open holes are kind of an eye sore, and the wind is a huge opponent here. When I was here the wind made this course way more challenging then it actually is. The holes themself are all right but no standout type shots. Most our hope you get through the woods but if not you're still going to save par because the length is short

Other Thoughts:

This course isn't bad and a good warm up to the day. It's pretty dry here and sunblock and chapstick is a smart thing with the dry wind
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3 0
Experience: 29 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Relatively easy to navigate, short-length, 12-hole course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2019 Played the course:once


2-4 pins per hole. Cement tee boxes. 2 practice baskets, but they are not located in an ideal location. DGA Mach V baskets throughout. Decent signage. Many holes have phone holders so you could film yourself teeing off (never seen this before.). Not too crowded, even during a peak time on a holiday. Modest elevation changes. Most of the course is wooded and require shots that navigate through and around tree clusters. Well maintained and still has that newish feeling. Several tee boxes were implemented on a slope and they built them up proper; slightly elevated, with wooden borders. Many holes have comfy wooden seating areas (tons of bowl holes;)


Course map needed a couple times to find the next hole. Poison oak is rampant. $6 parking fee must be paid at the lower Chestnut lot closer to the entrance. Bring bug spray, a few holes the mosquitos/gnats were annoying.

Other Thoughts:

Definitely a confidence booster if you struggle on longer length courses. Course has more holes that reward a RHBH player than LHBH. I played when almost every hole was on its B setting, which is the longer distance.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 74 played 74 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Villa Túnel 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2019 Played the course:once


• Easy to find
• Nice practice area with two baskets
• Multiple basket locations
• Restrooms
• Tees are great
• Signs are great (with bonus phone holders)
• Baskets are great
• Aces and birdies await


• Lots and lots and lots of poison oak (throw straight people!)
• Not terribly scenic for where it is

Other Thoughts:

• When you enter the parking area, you'll want to go right for the course, unless you want to be by the restroom, then go left.

Random Thoughts:
I feel like reviews of this course may be premature at this point as it feels like they're still working on it and possibly adding holes (so I hear). But for where it is now, I would describe this course as a short 12-hole course in a tight area that's just ok for me.

Hole descriptions: #1 is the only hole where you can really let fly and not be in too much trouble unless you go left. There's only one tree to really contend with on the right. #2 isn't long but is pretty much about hitting the gap and getting past the tree on the right. #3 is a short, tunnel, straight ace run. #4 is a soft, right to left, tunnely shot where you're hitting a gap about 150' out. #5 is another straight ace run. #6 ditto. #7 is a short tunnel downhill pinball hole. There really isn't a direct line so throw and hope for some tree luck. #8 is about throwing a straight tunnelly shot with a soft left finish to hit a gap about 250' out. #9 is pretty much a long tunnelly straight shot. #10 is a short, tunnely, soft right shot. #11 is really about not hitting the tree straight ahead. Throw something straight, miss the tree, and you're good. #12 has two lines, a forehand large tunnel to the left or a backhand tight tunnel to the right (both with full-ish strength). After that....head around again, why not?

Bottom Line:
Again, I highly suspect this course will be quite different in the future, but for now, it's a good place to work on straight, low-ish upshots/drives. Keep it in the fairway and you'll be in great position for a low scoring day.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Villa Maria DGC In Cupertino Has Selfie Phone Holders On Each Tee Pole So You Can Video Your Form And/or Aces! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 26, 2019 Played the course:once


The Silicon Valley Club has put together a great little recreational course here.
Everything has been done first class like money was not a factor. How I wish all courses (Howard DGC) could be constructed this way. There is so much to like about this course. Everything is brand new, constructed of new materials and so very well thought out. The concrete tee pads are built with nice wooden borders. There are two practice baskets. The tee signs are great. There are poles with bag holders at each hole. The baskets are brand new DGA Mach V's with the hard to read red numbers. There are a couple of different shaped tee pads, depending on the run-up and angle needed. They have these little black selfie holders on each bag rack to film yourself throwing. They've recorded quite a few Aces already. It took me half the course to finally determine what the hell these little black plastic things were. But what would you expect from a high tech club like the Silicon Valley DG club.

The course is definitely a recreation level course. It's fairly tight and technical in places with both A & B positions but there are lots of holes playing sub-200 feet or in the 200-300' range. There is some elevation here although nothing too severe. Hole # 12 has 13 bushes planted around the basket's B position. As they grow, they will certainly change the look of that hole.

There was a group of eight getting ready to tee off early on a Saturday morning. They call themselves the Hellyer Beer Friday Safety Team and have been friends since high school. How fortunate they are to have a close group of friends like that to golf with. I would like to thank them for their hard work and information about the course. And guys, if I have messed up your name, someone PM and let me know.


The parking situation is kind of a pain. It's $ 6 to park and you have to pay at the automated vending machine in the lower Chestnut Picnic area.

Big arms probably won't be thrilled with this course but it's perfect for the recreational crowd.

It might be a little too technical for others.

I guess the practice baskets are in kind of an unusually location. And two practice baskets for a 12-hole course seems kind of excessive but this club seems to have an unlimited bank account. I was hoping one of the guys might slip me a $20 just for visiting. I'm, for sure, expecting a small kickback for writing this wonderful, positive review I've written for their course.

Poison Oak although I don't think I would recognize it yet after playing 215 courses in California. I guess that's the advantage of being a terrifically accurate driver and never missing a fairway. If you believe that line, you probably believe everything I write in these reviews!

Other Thoughts:

I really liked this course. It's so new and fresh with no vandalism, no graffiti, no rust, no geese, no shady homeless dudes hanging around and probably, no picnickers to throw around. The park area where the course is appears to be disc golf exclusive. This is another course that I would love to pack up and take home to Washington with me. It might be my favorite 12-hole course anywhere!
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3 0
Experience: 14.4 years 5 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2 months old course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2018 Played the course:once


Not crowded, some elevation changes for uphill and down hill shots but not extreme elevation changes. Course is mainly flat and cart friendly. Plenty of shade. Parking is $6. Two practice basket located left of tee box 8 which is left of tee box 1 and basket 12. A lot of the tee box has wood stomp to sit and a place to clamp your phone for video shorting


Need some kind of sign for where the practice baskets are located. Maybe a sign near tee box 1? If you get lost finding the course like going toward the archery range then no phone signal

Other Thoughts:

Today most of the holes was holes was on location "B" which was around 300-350 ft so distance was fine.
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6 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 31.5 years 81 played 32 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight, Technical, Fun! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 12, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


- nice park very accessible from freeways
- awesome tees, seating on cut logs, retaining walls, and the ubiquitous bag posts at SVDGC courses
- Mach V baskets. Some may not like them, but I think they're pretty sweet
- technical course with some very fun holes
- already a nice little scene developing
- 11 holes so can be played twice easily for all kinds of dg enjoyment (doubles, wolf, skins, etc)
- Is a great winter course when the grass is green
- some really lovely shots. Hole 3, 6, and 11 stand out to me
- Even the more open shots require lots of technical skill and accuracy


-Poison Oak in the extensive rough. If you bring kids or newbies, be prepared for this
- Hole 9 tee is kind of short and doesn't allow for a run up on a 300' plus hole.
- A little tight in there and errant throws can easily leak onto other fairways or tees.
- not sure what happened to hole 7, which for me was a course highlight.

Other Thoughts:

A welcome addition to the west valley, which finally has a course. This is a fun, social, not too difficult, yet oddly challenging course that winds its way around an old walnut orchard (like a lot of other courses around: Emerald Hills, Lake Sonoma to name a couple). Players have to hit their lines consistently to score well here, which is easier said than done! Thanks for all of the hard work SVDGC!
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3 0
Experience: 18.3 years 42 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Tight course with nice tee pads & baskets 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 12, 2018 Played the course:once


- Nice area with beautiful trees and easy to walk/hike.

- Restrooms are really clean and parking is easy with #1 tee box close by.

- Challenging holes that reward accurate throws.


- Poison Oak is plentiful on some of the tight holes. But easily avoidable if you know what it looks like.

- Parking is $6 and you can purchase an annual pass for $95 from Santa Clara County Parks.

- No rewards for the big throwers as there are lots of trees and tight shots. Definitely a Technical Course!

Other Thoughts:

This course has 12 holes as of 9/12/18. Hopefully they will be able to add an additional 6 to make a full 18-hole course.
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5 1
Nick Ferchau
Experience: 18 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Lots of tight tunnel shots and challenging tee shots which require multiple throwing styles.

Well maintained park and restrooms

Good use of space to allow for several 300' plus holes along with shorter more technical holes between 200-300'

Beautiful environment


Poison oak off the fairway, but not terrible

No big open tee shots if you are looking for max distance throws
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