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South Elgin, IL

Village Center DGC - Old Layout

1.355(based on 17 reviews)
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Village Center DGC - Old Layout reviews

3 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 18.3 years 221 played 73 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Smelgin 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 30, 2010 Played the course:once


Nice DISCatcher Pro baskets. Score Cards with map (distances are definitely wrong on a few holes though). Some longish holes (3 holes over 300 iirc) give you a chance to throw a driver, although long throwers will be fine with mid and putter. Somewhat scenic (located on the banks of the Fox River).


Where to start...the way this course is split in two really ruins what little flow there is. There is a long walk between the front five and the back four (never said that before). The tees here are rather silly, there are two blocks marking the front of the tee area with a short pole directly between. The pole has a flag marking the hole number (this is the only signage), but putting it in the front center of the tee is idiotic. Maybe this is one of those courses designed by someone who has never played DG. Hole 2 (basket is across the stream running along the right side of the fairway) could be a decent hole if there was a bigger opening to throw through. As is you are forced to lay up across the creek from the basket, a bigger opening would tempt players to try to park it. As is there is no reason to go for it. Most holes are very simple grassy, park-like holes without much in the way of obstacles. The exception is five which does not seem to have a proper fairway. You throw over a prairie, and any shot that doesn't make it to the basket is in the rough.

Other Thoughts:

I had quite an odyssey trying to check this course off my list. The first time I came out here I played the front 5 only to discover a carnival set up in the park used for the back 4. I came back a week or so later to find the whole course unplayable due to said carnival/festival. When I next came back, we had to wait for the grounds crew to finish mowing. While playing we commented on how much you have to walk for just 9 blah holes. At the end my girl said, "so, we never have to come back here, right?" Instead of playing the whole course I would recommend looping holes 1-4. Actually I would recommend skipping this course unless you are trying for completeness.
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3 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.6 years 831 played 777 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Meh... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 30, 2010 Played the course:once


The course plays through two separate small parks across the street from one another. The front 5 play through a mostly open park with some scattered trees, and some tall grass, with a creek that comes into play on a couple holes for some risk. The final 4 holes play through a grassy park with mature trees to avoid and one shot off the top of a small levee through the trees. There are some different lengths, with some holes that call for a fairway driver, and some ace run holes.

Apparently some course improvements have been made, making the navigation much easier. The tees are marked with short metal poles that have bright numbered nylon flags on them, making the tees easy to find. All the baskets are pretty obvious from the tees. The discatcher baskets are in good shape and catch well. There is a sign on the 5th basket with directions to the rest of the course, and a couple signs along the way to reassure you that you're going the right direction.


The course is a little boring, especially the last 4 holes. There is no real elevation, and not enough trees to force different lines throughout the course. There isn't enough length to really throw any drives here, all holes are easily reachable from the tee. The fifth hole is a little silly, most of the fairway is made up of tall grass and brush.

The tee posts are nice, but they were placed directly in the middle of the two tee markers on all the holes, it's not a huge deal, but they do make it difficult to throw from the intended tee. The flags are easily removable, so I would worry about vandalism and theft. There are no tee signs, so you have to guess on hole length, and if the flags disappear you'll need to guess on hole number too.

The last 4 holes play through a heavily used park, that can fill with tons of picnicking families and fishermen, making some holes unplayable on a nice day. Some holes play near one another, and though I can't see this course getting a lot of traffic, it could be a safety issue.

Other Thoughts:

This course just doesn't have a ton going for it. It's an ok place for newer players, though the long walk to the second half of the course and the longer walk back to the car are pretty excessive and discouraging for such a mediocre course. More experienced players won't find many challenges or variety here to keep it interesting. Like so many Chicagoland courses, I only recommend playing it if you want to check it off the list, otherwise don't bother.
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