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Virginia Beach, VA

Virginia Wesleyan College

2.135(based on 8 reviews)
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Virginia Wesleyan College reviews

2 0
Experience: 40.2 years 343 played 11 reviews
1.50 star(s)

now more difficult than ever to get on 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 29, 2018 Played the course:once


The VWC campus is very pleasant.
Climbing tower apparatus has been moved and no longer conflicts with disc golf.
Nine numbered baskets and seven numbered tee signs - but not all are currently playable due to construction.


Private property with manned entry gate to restrict access. Even if access is gained, threat of being forced to leave before completing a full round is a con to me.
A fence has been installed around most / all of the campus boundary. No more than 5' tall, it is climbable for many. But getting on campus is no longer as simple as parking in the church lot and wandering towards the middle of campus.

Hole 1 - its return is not a positive (see newly posted photo). Immediate jail. The trees directly in front of the tee now bridge overhead to building behind tee. All possible shots over the woods are thereby cut off. Only shot is blind anhyzer directly over the only pedestrian path through this part of campus. Buildings and windows within fairway.
Holes 1 -3 very near buildings and #3 fairway not maintained. Basket 5 largely overgrown and nearly swallowed by encroaching woods. # 6 is a year plus away from similar fate. Tee sign 9 being absorbed into the woods as mowers gradually concede more to woods.
RHBH bias.
Footing is uneven on tees 3-9, but soft, not with roots or rocks. More like mower tracks from wet season.
None of the tee areas have any trace of a worn area near them. Not sure that anybody really played here even before the recent construction project.

Temporary Con: major construction going on at VWC. Effects: #3 now fenced off to immediate right of tee, makes this short hole very tight. No way to get to point of #4 tee per photos from 2010 without extremely long walk around entire construction area. 4th fairway tighter. Fairway for #7 now less than 15 yards wide the entire length of hole. Dirt piles line the right side of fairway past basket. These make for extra challenge if you look on the bright side. But, hole 9 is not playable, a strong con. Its tee area, fairway and basket are within the construction fence.

Other Thoughts:

Review photos and comments on this site in advance to have an idea of where you are going. Construction breaks up the course flow: plus no tee sign at 4 & 8 and others not as easy to see anymore. Though perhaps moot now, from 8, find hole 9 to the right of Birdsong Field, the sign is barely visible as the woods swallows it up. However, the entire hole is behind 6' construction fencing.
What will happen after the construction is completed (2019?) ? Will there be a way to go from basket 3 to tee 4 ? Will number 9 be playable again?

I attend my Nephew's baseball games several times a season. When looking over his most recent schedule, I noticed he had a game at Virginia Wesleyan College! Going to his game got me on campus without jumping a fence !
Current construction impacts course negatively - makes #9 unplayable and creates the dead end after #3. Clearly it was better before, but combined with upkeep issues this course merits only a passable rating at this time.
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1 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 305 played 42 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Virginia Wesleyan College 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 13, 2015 Played the course:once


My three pros-

+Surprisingly nice signs showing hole info
+very easy flow, once i found the baskets it was easy to navigate as there are consistent little sign posts that are easy to spot from a distance
+pretty campus with nice landscaping


My three cons-

-I parked at the nearby 'ebenezer baptist church' and walked across to the campus but once there i walked for another 20 minutes looking for the baskets. There was a nice landscaping guy who pointed me along the right way but the walk to find the course was exhausting.
-The first hole is somewhat blocked by overgrowth and kinda unplayable especially considering the heavy traffic walking paths around the basket; holes 2 and 3 were super close to a building and full parking lot along with more walking paths so there is some serious risk to hitting something. I was amazed how close the holes were to the building and parking lot, if the course got much usage id think broken windows would be very common. A couple holes couldve been longer such as #8 and one teebox is setup directly behind a huge climbing tower thing which creates an interesting obstacle but i doubt it was planned that way...
-the course is only supposed to be 9 holes and the 9th is missing

Other Thoughts:

I was without a phone when i played and had a strict 45 minutes to play so spending 20 minutes wandering the campus looking for the baskets was a downer. I did see a campus security guy while looking for the baskets but i just tried to blend in as a student and wasnt bothered. The campus is nice and felt tiny compared U. Texas where i went but i was quite jealpous tey had there own disc golf course. This course seemed like maybe an old class project and i could see it being phased out over time, though it could be really great with a few improvements.
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1 2
Experience: 10.4 years 27 played 8 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 16, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Nice easy course to play. Does not take alot of time to play a round. Hard to lose your disc. Not busy. Signage at the tee is good. Baskets in good shape. Easy access.


1st hole has been removed, looks like a new memorial and landscaping has been done recently. Signage leading from one hole to another could be a little better. Just a little work would make this a fun daily course. No formal tee box but you can figure it out.

Other Thoughts:

Nice little course and fun, I think all skill levels would enjoy it. If you google "virginia wesleyan disc golf" the first link has a nice map of the course. We started at hole 2. Security van passed us and waved no problems at all. Did not run into the bike security which a previous review said they got kicked out.
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1 2
Experience: 10.4 years 55 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Virginia Wesleyan 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 11, 2014 Played the course:2-4 times


Uncrowded, and by the looks of it, an unused course. Fun and close to metro area. I liked this course because it was a good way to get in a quick round or 2 without having to drive too far or wait to play due to crowds. Easy to park and walk to since you need a pass to park on campus.


Only a 9 hole course with the first hole missing. There is some kind of a memorial where the first hole used to be. But we just used hole 9 for hole one since it was close. Also by the sounds of previous reviews it seems this course is open to the public as long as you park off campus and walk on...not the case! The first few times we played we saw campus security several times. They would wave to us and even say hello until we ran into a security officer on a bike. He stopped us and asked if we were students or in any way affiliated with the school. We said no and were asked to leave the campus because it is private property. There is no way of knowing this due to the lack of signs or fences . If you decide to try to play here, you will be asked to leave if you are not a student or have any affiliation with the school. Also when you look up this course on line, it is not listed as a private course which it should.

Other Thoughts:

This course needs to be listed as a private course. It is a fun and seldom used course. Good luck if you try to get on campus and play because you will be asked to leave by security.
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5 1
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11.3 years 89 played 33 reviews
0.50 star(s)

Disrepair 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 30, 2013 Played the course:once


- I was surprised at how few courses there are in a bustling area as big and populated as the Tidewater area, so having a few more baskets to throw at is a plus. Especially if you go to Virginia Wesleyan.

....and that's it for the pros.


- Absolutely abysmal layout. There's no rhyme or reason to this course. Nothing to tell you where to begin and the vast majority of holes have no logical progression to them. For instance, we started on hole #4 and couldn't tell where to go next. "Oh, wait...there's a sign across the street." Got to the sign and the throwing lane is directly THROUGH a huge climbing tower that looks as if it belongs to SEAL Team Six. All this, coupled with the fact that hole #1 was nonexistent -- literally, we could not find any evidence that this course had a first hole -- makes this course nonsensical. Another example is #7: You finish the hole and there's no real indication of where to go next. Come to find out that it's way across a barren field and the sign for #8 (such as it is) faces a pond. Very awkward and completely unnatural.

- No tee boxes whatsoever. The signs at the supposed starting point for each hole were sporadic at best and gave you the distance and par, but no signal as to from whence you're supposed to throw your first shot.

- Some baskets were okay, but some were bent to hell, as if someone took a baseball bat to them.

- Did I mention that the layout sucks?

- No topless Hooters girls frolicking along the #8 fairway.

Other Thoughts:

The only reason this course even gets half a star is because there are eight more baskets to throw at in Hampton Roads. That's it. This course is a nice amenity if you go to Virginia Wesleyan College, but other than that there's no benefit to going out of your way to play it. It's shoddy, disheveled, and in a state of chaotic disrepair. If I had to use two words to describe it they would be "strategically ridiculous." It literally seems as if someone put in the baskets in some random places throughout the campus and then another guy with glaucoma came in and installed the tee signs.

Bottom line: if you live in VB this might be worth checking out just for a change of pace, but if you're visiting Hampton Roads you're better of skipping this course altogether. It's not worth the time.
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4 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 117 played 110 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 17, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


This is a clean and pleasant campus with water fountains and ponds. Good Tee signs with bag hooks. My favorite hole was #8, you throw from an open field into a cluster of trees with the basket inside. It is a private course on a college campus so you might have the course to yourself. Most of the course is begginer friendly, but there are some challenging aspects to keep a more seasoned player interested.


Holes 1-3 are short holes with buildings, parking lots, and walkways way too close to the basket. Also basket 9 has a blind walkway behind it. You really need to becareful on these holes! I hope they can change these basket positions. Tees are grass/dirt that can be slippery.

Other Thoughts:

There is a guard house at the entrance of the campus so if you do not go to this college you may not be able to drive right in. I parked at a church on Baker Road and walked over. The first tee is near the Godwin and Clarke buildings. The 4-8 tees are in the open areas near the woods. From 8 cut across the soccer field to find 9. I can't rate this very highly but if you live nearby go ahead and check it out for yourself.
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6 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.6 years 938 played 71 reviews
2.50 star(s)

short but nice 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 21, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Well groomed with great signs and baskets. Each sign post has a bag hook to hang your bag from. Well placed basket locations, and close to the dorms if you live on campus.


holes are mostly ending on the left. could use some signage to point to the first tee from the parking lot and from 3 to 4.

Other Thoughts:

I started by parking around the corner from the school at a church, then walked across campus to the course, wasn't that long of a walk and the course was easy enough to find. The tee signs were great. The holes were short but the tee placements made up for it, the tees were almost all on the left but everything was extremely well kept. The campus was extremely nice and had lots of beach cars around all painted different, kinda cool. A quick round but fun, great for newbies.
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4 5
Experience: 17.4 years 11 played 8 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 23, 2008 Played the course:once


This is a nice short college campus course, with good baskets, and good signage. It makes good use of the space and trees available. There is also a small creek that comes into play, but not deep enough or wide enough to claim any discs.


It is hard to get in to the college to play unless you go to the school, or know somebody that does. The first couple of holes play beside walking paths for the campus, which could get dangerous if noone is paying attention. There is a long walk between basket for 8 and tee for 9. If they could have used the land with the trees near the edge of the campus to make it 18 holes, the course would improve greatly.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice little college course, good for when you don't have a lot of time to play, and can get onto the campus. It is possible to bring a stroller along for the parents out there.
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