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Irving, TX

W.O. Harrington

1.975(based on 38 reviews)
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W.O. Harrington reviews

15 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
2.00 star(s)

W.O. Harrington

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2023 Played the course:2-4 times


-- Land is well used. There is a small creek (mostly dry but full of tall weeds) that makes overthrows on holes risky, and some decent elevation, so you've got uphill (2 at 329 feet, 9 at 272 feet) and downhill (1 at 272 feet, 3 at 343 feet) throws. There aren't a lot of trees, but a few are well used. Two has the basket in a stand of mesquite trees and 8 has one large tree about 15-20 feet in front of the basket with one of its limbs hanging down and touching the top of the basket.
-- Four is a good hole: About 225 feet with trees/bushes (and the dry creek bed) lining the right side of the fairway. Left is open, but you've got a large guardian tree just short and left of the basket.
-- Port-o-potty at parking lot.
-- Two picnic tables among shade trees at parking lot.


-- Natural tee pads. None of them are great, but 4 and 6 are basically unusable.
-- No tee signs. Tees are marked by blue and orange markers in the ground, and the hole number is spray painted on the ground.
-- No practice basket.
-- No map on site.
-- Holes 5, 6 and 7 basically cross each other, and the No. 8 tee is in the area, so there are safety concerns.

Other Thoughts:

-- The park is shared with a tape ball cricket field; first, third and fourth Saturday and Sunday mornings, disc golf course is not available.
-- Baskets are old, but they seem to catch OK.
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3 0
Experience: 16 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Easy to Score Well on for all levels 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2020 Played the course:2-4 times


Cool industrial backdrop, course is almost never crowded. Uses the elevation well. Hard to lose a disc and even people with only moderate arm speed can create birdie opportunities


Baskets are fairly janky and dated. Teeboxes are not concrete and not always in the best of shape. Very few natural obstacles to contend with.

Other Thoughts:

Certainly not worth a long trip for, but if you are in the area and need a quick 9 you can get through the course in under 45 minutes.
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5 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.3 years 757 played 253 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Usually not crowded 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 24, 2020 Played the course:5+ times


This is usually 1 of the only courses without people. So you can go around and around. Some longer par 3 so you can throw. A few hills


Old baskets a little swampy. No real signs no boxes. Some stickers.

Other Thoughts:

If you want to play without people around this is the best course to try.
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13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 34.3 years 285 played 37 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Little Hill, Little Thrill

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 14, 2019 Played the course:5+ times


Playing here feels like a quick snack between meals.
+ the few natural obstacles are thoughtfully utilized
+ usually free of traffic
+ additional, overlapping set of nine holes marked to make full 18 holes


The park's lack of amenities mirrors the course's lack of interest.
- overall scarcity of interesting obstacles
- occasionally overgrown and in need of mowing
- lack of tee signs (local dg club spray paints numbers on ground)
- uneven, dirt tees
- tight fence line bordering #8-9 threatens off-limits OB for errant shots (although a hole in the fence indicates most people retrieving their bad shots just ignore that regulation)

Other Thoughts:

Enveloping a hillside park near DFW Airport, the entirety of which is visible from the parking lot, this course uses hilly terrain and a few, scattered mesquite trees as scant obstacles for its short, 9-hole layout. The occasional sound of planes flying overhead on their runway approach and the random park visitor stopping to rest for a while at the picnic tables atop the hill are usually the only distractions at this mostly isolated course surrounded by undeveloped and off-limits airport property land. A cricket field in the middle of the course sees casual play.

Airing out a nice drive on the first hole's elevated tee provides the best thrill in a round where the remaining holes either throw up and down more gentle slopes or throw across flat sections circling the perimeter of the park. This makes the course very beginner friendly, especially considering fairways are mostly wide open. The few trees dotting the park are incorporated as well as can be expected as obstacles when possible, most notably the one guarding access to #4's green. A creek running alongside the park plays close to a few greens to test putts. The majority of the course, though, is just grassy field. Sometimes that's all there is between tee and basket. Play is quick and challenges are few so it's easy to get in a quick nine holes over lunch or during a break.

This course was installed several years later as a replacement for the loss of the nine hole course at Victoria Park in Irving due to the construction of an early childhood center and elementary school now occupying that land.

The first few holes change elevation as they zigzag up and down the hillside. Hole #1 throws downhill near the roadway, hole #2 returns uphill to trees guarding the basket and hole #3 throws back downhill. The next few holes play along level ground at the back of the park. Hole #4 follows along the creek, hole #5 carries over the cricket field towards a lone tree, hole #6 throws parallel to the previous fairway but in the opposite direction and hole #7 throws towards a bend in the small creek. The last two holes #8-9 lead back uphill along the fence line that borders the park.
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5 0
Experience: 35.6 years 33 played 15 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Beginner Course Best Used for a Practice Round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 4, 2018 Played the course:5+ times


OK baskets
Good for practice as it is not well known about and rarely busy here
Good for beginners
Several Ace run holes
Dog Friendly, although not officially
A few fun holes framed by mostly mesquite trees
Mowed grass throughout
Well marked next hole locations with orange spray paint thanks to what I presume is a dedicated local


Only 9 holes
Dirt tees, muddy and slippery after rains
Dirt and gravel parking lot is fixed but entrance/exit was eroded in the past and could get that way again
Short holes
Not much cover or obstacles other than scattered mesquite trees
Literally right next to DFW Airport runways and busy road so there is lots of noise.

Other Thoughts:

I play here for practice and want to throw my bag of discs at every hole, but not worth going to for the most part with a group as there are lots of better courses around. All the baskets are on the edges of a rectangular area and they make the best out of what there is but it is a shame none of the baskets are on the other side of the creek on the south side which is just unused woods.
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4 1
Experience: 7.9 years 46 played 15 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Too open and too easy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2017 Played the course:2-4 times


-Good for beginners due to how few obstacles there are


-No tee boxes
-No tee signs
-Bad parking lot

Other Thoughts:

Difficulty (1.5/5): This is a mostly open course with little in the way of obstacles. There is some elevation change on a few holes, but even that I don't think changes the challenge for me. If anyone has played UTD Alumni, I think the challenge level is fairly similar for different reasons. UTD is a significantly shorter course, but each basket has multiple trees around it to make you think about your approach. WO Harrington is longer and very few of the baskets have anything in the way of trees to make you shape lines. If you can throw 300-350ft off the tee, Harrington will be a birdie fest for you. If you can't, it'll be a par fest.

Maintenance (1/5): The grass is kept low, but I've never seen it in the spring so who know? The baskets were in good shape. Teeboxes are worn spots in the grass behind a spray painted line. There aren't tee signs at all. One thing of note, however, is the parking lot. It's small and gravel, not paved. Also, it's VERY bumpy getting in, to the point where my friend wouldn't go one day because he had a car without much clearance and was worried he'd damage it. If you have a car with low clearance, I'd be wary about going here.

Variability (1/5): There is very little variability in your shots here. On 7/9 tee shots you're just throwing it hard and landing it somewhere in the open field that is the fairway. If the basket is within your range from off the tee then it's the same shot just with some attention paid to accuracy. As for the other two tee shots, one of them you want to stay on the right side of the fairway to avoid the fallen tree/brush that's to the left of the basket. On the only other tee shot, there's a single tree directly in front of the basket, so you either hyzer/anhyzer around it or just throw right at it since the tree isn't even that big. I could honestly complete this entire course with just a driver and a putter and not see a noticeable dip in my score.

Flow/Experience (3/5): This course is surprisingly easy to navigate considering they don't have tee signs or tee boxes. They have spray paint lines indicating where you have to throw from behind of, and a spray paint arrow pointing at the basket. At most baskets, there's a spray paint arrow pointing to the next tee, and there's never a long walk from basket to tee box. All in all, whoever designed the course definitely made the most out of this little park space, it's just that the park didn't give the designer much to work with. If you live nearby or are trying to play every course in the area, then by all means stop by. But this course isn't worth going out of your way for otherwise.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 11 years 385 played 105 reviews
1.50 star(s)

There's a course here.... 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 23, 2016 Played the course:once


There is a course here with decent baskets.....
Used what elevation is there to make it somewhat interesting...
Couple of holes utilized some mature trees ....
Was easy to follow if you had the map from this site...
Tee boxes were little pieces of nylon sticking out of ground with spray painted line across.
Memorable holes:
#1 Downhill through two trees along a split rail fence
#2 Back up hill, slightly longer, protected by a couple of trees
#3 Back downhill through a couple of trees
#4 Along the side of the field under a tree's canopy
#7 Straight ahead, protected on the right by tree line
#8 Uphill, directly behind a tree...
#9 Uphill with a few trees as protection


Grass/ dirt tees..... weren't terrible, just weren't concrete.
No signage.... one or two little stakes with a number...

Other Thoughts:

In Texas for work training, had a brief afternoon to check the Texas box off my state list and this was the closest course to where I was.... That said...
I am sure this is not the best Texas has to offer, but this was not the worst course I've ever played, not by a long shot.
Played it twice, chatted with one of the locals for a spell, survived a 90 degree Texas afternoon. All in all, was an enjoyable afternoon with adequate disc golf play...
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9 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Better than nothing 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 26, 2016 Played the course:once


It has baskets?


Dirt tee boxes
old baskets that are passable due to added chains
No tee signs, 2 or 3 have stakes in the ground and the redesigned holes do have spray paint where the tee is.

Other Thoughts:

I played this course for the first time in over 10 years. It has not changed, it still is not a good course.

Hole 1 throws down from the parking lot to the basket almost to the creek and near the OB park fence.

Hole 2 throws back up the hill. Probably the best hole on the course, you can leave now.

Hole 3 throws back down the hill.

Hole 4 is a short little hole along the creek ending under a willow tree.

Hole 5 has nothing between you and the basket

Hole 6 is another wide open hole with nothing between you and the basket

Hole 7 at least has a good green with the creek around 1/2 of the basket to the right and behind the hole.

Hole 8 is a shorter hole up the hill behind the only tree and an OB fence to the right.

Hole 9 is a little longer up the hill with a few trees you got to throw around and the OB fence to your right.

I can't recommend playing this course unless you just want to check it off your list of courses played.

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2 1
Experience: 19 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 12, 2016 Played the course:once


This is course is what it is. A small patch of open land where the city put out a few baskets for entertainment. It is not going to attack a crowd. What is does provide is a nice place on my lunch hour to throw 9 or 18 ( we play it backwards for second nine) with some friends to eat up the nice weather we have been having.


Many to list but the porta-potty is now gone (not sure this is a con). Not much a challenge as many have noted your throwing in an open field and it helps to use thsi site to see the lay out.

Other Thoughts:

The one thing that makes this course slightly difficult (as with most courses) is the wind. It tends to swirl. My only tip to anyone reading this is that on hole 6 no matter what the wind feels like on the tee throw a stable to over-stable disc.
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3 0
Experience: 4.3 years 21 played 12 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Never knew this course was so close to the airport! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 3, 2016 Played the course:once


Good practice course
Makes good use of the land given
Close to the airport
Mowed often
Fence has openings in case disc flies over it
9 holes play fast, good to ay twice for 18 hole scores


Not much to this course (Reasonable: 2.0)
Fence on other side of creek (west) limits future exansion of course.
9 holes is a con without 2 pins/tees.
Natural tees are rough.

Other Thoughts:

South side of course has some space on other side of creek for additional holes in future. By cleaning out the brush over there and adding a small bridge to cross over, I see room for at least 3 more holes (for whatever it's worth). Not sure how much room is over there, but maybe enough for 9 more holes in the future. 18 hole courses attract more players than 9 hole courses.
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4 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.7 years 80 played 33 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Is a bad course better than no course? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2015 Played the course:once


Near to the airport. Well maintained.


Not many pros to come up with. This course just isn't interesting. Barely any trees, just a lot of throwing across a field. The teepads also aren't marked very well, and the teepads themselves are just worn out spots in the dirt.

Other Thoughts:

Somebody went to some trouble to get this course in, so we should be thankful it's there. It's a playable course, and if you want to practice your driving and are near DFW, I guess it can get the job done.But hit up Bear Creek or Fritz while you're here.
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5 0
Experience: 11.2 years 33 played 16 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Leaves something to be desired 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2015 Played the course:once


Good for beginners. Some elevation change. It would be extremely hard to lose a disc here. The fact that I had to think for 15 minutes before coming up with ANY pros is telling.


Worst teepads ever. They are deeply-cracked dirt pits that are mud holes when wet. No signage except for a stick with a number on it on 4 of the 9 holes. Poor use of the land and the creek that surrounds it. Wide open with very few trees...which im sure could present a challenge if there were strong winds. This is the second worse DG course I have ever played (Springfield park holds the #1 spot). 9 hole courses always carry less interest than full 18 hole courses. No practice basket. Tough to find tees. You could easily twist an ankle (or even break an ankle) on the ridiculous mud pits they call tees. The holes are all crammed into a small space, so smashing your disc into another person is a serious possibility.

Other Thoughts:

I would highly recommend skipping this course...even if it is very close to you. If you absolutely have to play this course, be aware of a few things. To start, the first "teepad" is right by the big wooden sign at the very front by the parking lot and the street. I mention this BC I hear that many people play the wrong tees/baskets, etc. I could understand with the horrible signage how this could be confusing. The tees then go back and forth before wrapping around the back end of the park and coming up by the fence back towards the parking lot. There are woods, a creek, and a lot of brush surrounding the park which would make for interesting challenges if designed properly...so its a shame they aren't used at all. Be careful to not grip lock your drive or throw too far to the right on #1 or it will be in traffic on the road.

Your best move is to just skip this course.
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5 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 1166 played 232 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs some trees planted 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2015 Played the course:once


This course uses what is available as best it can. There are a few uphill shots and a couple of downhill shots too.
What few trees are present are incorporated well.
Rounds should play quickly here and there is a good mix of moderate length and longer holes too.
This is a course that a beginner might enjoy and the threat of losing a disc is minimal here.
Hole 9 was the best hole IMO.


4's and 8's tee stake was missing, however just look for the dirt area that looks like a tee box.
The grass could be long at times.
No trash cans or benches, not that you would need to sit down but that option is still nice.
The course can get swampy after a heavy rain and many of the tees are showing signs of rutting, and might be slick after a hard rain.
Wind will be a factor here and in the summer months it could get hot here because of lack of shade.
My main con with this course is the lack of obstacles to shape lines and make for fun shots. Its mainly just a wide open field with baskets and this makes for boring discing in my opinion.

Other Thoughts:

If you are in a hurry and want to play a quick round then this would be a good course to do it on. This course was getting some play upon my visit so some players seem to be enjoying it. For my tastes I think the planting of some trees to shape lines would help spice things up here. Also the addition of at least the distances on the tee stakes would be an improvement. If you are looking for a place to work on your open shots then hit this course up. If you like a more technical course or a course that makes you shape lines then you will want to hit up another course in the area.
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.4 years 453 played 59 reviews
2.00 star(s)

W.O. Harrington 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2014 Played the course:once


Decent for a quick round.
Good baskets considering the out of the way course.
Well maintained considering location.
Good for working on forehand and backhand.


Need signage.
Teepads should be added considering wear of the course.
Not much of a challenge.

Other Thoughts:

Would be a good little course with a little work.
Needs 2 tee pads.
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6 2
Experience: 10.7 years 18 played 15 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Wind Tunnel 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 27, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-There is a port-a-potty.


-30+mph winds daily.

-9 holes.

-All totally straight shots.

-The "tee pads" resemble pre-dug graves.

-Random condoms hanging on the fence.

Other Thoughts:

Who could ask for more? Seriously, not much to see here folks.

PS- If you think your spouse is cheating on you, check the parking lot of this place- it is full of middle aged folks making out/banging like 16 year olds when mom isn't home.
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6 0
Experience: 12.9 years 43 played 5 reviews
2.00 star(s)

warm up/ lunch break 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 25, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-clean, well maintained
-if you lose a disc, well you messed up real bad
-some elevation
-centraly located
-quick round
-hole 1 is semi-exciting...
-if you're into easy birdies, well theres 9 in a row right here at WO. this is really a con but whatever


-teeboxes are embarassing, essentially ruts, dont break an ankle.
-only 9 holes and quite short
-few trees means boredome
-can be played with a putter only
-hard to figure out where to go the first time you go

Other Thoughts:

wo isnt aweful but its not great. i use it as a warmup for better courses.I used to play here on lunch break as its hardly ever crowded (wonder why). i could finish in 30 min solo. dont go out of your way to play here if youre visiting, if you do you're wasting your time
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5 0
Experience: 11.4 years 25 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

No frills course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


-no crowds, never waiting at a tee to throw
-open holes good for testing out new discs
-easy to run through twice for a very quick 18 hole round
-gentle elevation shots
-generally well maintained. Ive never seen trash lying around and fields are usually mowed
-one or two disc round friendly
-very unlikely to loose a disc (although it is possible)


-non-technical, wont need many discs or different throws
-poor (non-existant) hole signs
-dirt teepads are pretty worn
-wide open course means wind can play a factor
-lack of any real hole design can seem pretty boring

Other Thoughts:

Nothing outstanding at this course but i like to go because it is so close to me. No super long holes or super short ones, every hole is kind of middle or the road. Definately a course where you can score par or even under par. In all the times ive played here ive only seen a few other dgers on the course. I like to use this as my practice course. A good place to take out a new disc or work on technique. Signs on each hole for distance and such would be great. And kudos to whomever put those posts in the ground to mark the teepads. I remember my first time there i just guessed at where a couple of the tees were. I wouldnt go out of my way to play here, but its close and it gets the job done.
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7 0
Experience: 21.3 years 26 played 9 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Tucked in by the side of DFW 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 10, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


- Good central location near DFW Airport
- Park appears to be primarily developed as a disc golf course, no playground equipment
- Beginner-friendly
- OB raises the challenge a bit (brushy creek, airport fence)
- Uses a little bit of elevation (particularly #1 and #2)
- Not a very busy course
- Easy to get in a quick round
- Generally the design makes use of the available land


- No course map on-site
- Without a map, could be a little confusing in a couple places
- Poor signage (a tall stake with a number on it)
- Dirt tee pads are rutted a bit, and are nothing more than worn-in places in the grass
- Not a lot of challenge to be had; a few holes are straight shots across the field
- Throwing OB, especially over the airport fence, likely means you've lost your disc
- For some reason a picnic table is present and a little uncomfortably close to the baskets on #2 and #9

Other Thoughts:

- No real obvious "signature" holes, but the layout is far from poorly-designed.
- Easy to get creative and make up your own layout/safari

This is a little nine-hole course tucked into a piece of land literally next to DFW airport grounds. The field being used is not large, but the course likely is making the best use of the available land. There are a few trees scattered throughout, which are used in the layout fairly well, and the perimeter is wooded. Overall, though, this would be considered fairly open. Stepping up the tee pads to something a bit better would be nice, but they're not horrible. I could see bringing a beginner out here and not overwhelming them too badly. The hole distances are above pitch-putt-type distances, but there's not much in the way of bomber holes here. Overall this is a very playable, if not extremely challenging or memorable course. It's probably not worth going too far out of your way to try with so many other courses in DFW, but a nice, quick round can be had here.
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2 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.3 years 171 played 69 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2013 Played the course:once


Nice little course close to the airport. Baskets are in good shape and course is pretty open, with well maintained grass.


Natural teepads, no signage, hard to follow the course layout. No trash cans or restrooms

Other Thoughts:

I would like teepads and some kind of signage to at least know where the holes start.
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3 2
Experience: 10 played 2 reviews
0.00 star(s)

Probably a waste of time. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 29, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


I can't think of any real pros to this course, other than that it was really close to my apartment, and they used quality baskets.


No tee pads at all, some of them were worn down enough to the point were you could tell that's where you were supposed to throw from. The others were indistinguishable.

Other Thoughts:

This could be a great park if some of us could go out there with some mulch and posts to mark the tee boxes out. It would be a really good beginner course and place where you could go to add a new throw or disc to your game without running the risk of losing anything.

Until that point, this park is literally just a field with baskets in it.
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