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Minneapolis, MN

Wabun Picnic Area (Minnehaha Park)

2.295(based on 26 reviews)
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Wabun Picnic Area (Minnehaha Park) reviews

5 0
Experience: 7.3 years 34 played 6 reviews
2.50 star(s)

EZ but great for learning putters/mids 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 13, 2018 Played the course:2-4 times


Clever use of the space to create challenge while still being very friendly to new players. Course flow is a bit weird but everything is marked okay. Probably my favorite course for bringing new players. A great spot to get to know a new putter or mid range. Leave the high-speed drivers at home.

Good baskets and teepads. Signs are pretty good.

Beautiful park, definitely explore after your round. Great views of the waterfall and the mighty Mississippi if you walk further into the park.


Get here before the kids on picnics arrive or you'll be sorry. This park is packed and disc golf is not priority one on this space. Most park goers have no idea what those strange chain things are and you really should be wrapping things up by 10:30 am on the weekend.
The path is directly in the way on hole 2 and really close throughout the course here. Be patient and really alert for pedestrians and bikers.

Other Thoughts:

I can't really think of how this course could be better given the space available for it at this park. It isn't perfect but it is a clever use of the available area, but seriously don't try it on a beautiful Sunday afternoon in August unless you want to try to shoo oblivious kids out of your way.
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1 2
Experience: 8.2 years 17 played 11 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Putters only 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 7, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


Short. Great for working on accuracy. Good course for newer players.


It's RIGHT in the way. If you're there on a nice summer day there will be people in the park and surries from the nearby Minnehaha Falls rental pavilion. There is even a tee box (hole #8) where you literally shot into the park's picnic pavilion (to be fair it's just to the left of the fairway, but discs naturally go to the left)
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4 0
Experience: 5 played 5 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Excellent course for beginners or casual players. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 17, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


This is an excellent course for beginners or casual players.

The course is crammed into a relatively small area and it's difficult to imagine it being much better given the constraints. I've never found the course to be in poor condition. The concrete pads are solid and the baskets in decent shape.


All of the holes are similar, with the scattered trees providing the only challenges.

As part of a huge urban park, other park users are almost always in the vicinity. Pedestrian/cycle paths line all edges of the course. In spite of the proximity to other activities, I have seen only a few non-players enter the actual course, though with children nearby one must always be wary.

Other Thoughts:

While there are usually other players, this course has never been what I would call overcrowded.

We've been able to park our vehicle in the modest lot nearest the course every visit except one, although from chatting with others I wonder if we may have been fortunate in that.

There is a swimming pool to the south of the course and the washrooms there are usually open. If these washrooms are closed and you are in dire need, you can probably impose at the veteran's home.

The ground is flat and even, which is a plus if you're prone to tripping and stumbling, but a minus if you're looking for variety.

While not heavily wooded, there are trees, which provide scenery, shade, and a hint of challenge. Most markings are in place; notable issues being the missing sign for the #3 pad and the missing label on the important side of the #8 basket.

Pad #2 is across the pedestrian/cycle path from the rest of the course; this is the only instance where you must throw across an area routinely used by other park patrons; though on a few other holes you throw parallel to the pedestrian/cycle path.

Holes 2 through 5 are designed so that you throw away from the busy Ford Parkway just north of the course. This means you must zig-zag back and forth from basket to pad, and the nearest pad to the basket may not be the next pad. I've gone from the second basket to the fourth pad at least once.

Hole 6 is by far the longest of the course. Basket #6 is obscured a bit by trees; if you walk a bit to the left of the pad, you should be able to locate it easily enough.

Basket #8 is not as obvious a target as it could be from the pad, which faces a bit left of target and toward basket #3.

It would be difficult to lose a disc here, but there is a slim chance when playing #5 along the eastern edge where a wayward shot could disappear over the fence to the left.

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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.4 years 1162 played 739 reviews
2.00 star(s)

great for newbies 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 23, 2017 Played the course:once


The course is set up in a very busy park right along the Mississippi river. Nine holes, nine solid concrete tees. These serve their purpose just fine on a short course like this. The baskets are chainstars which are in fine shape and caught nicely. The flow of the course is very easy to follow. This is an excellent course for newer or lesser experienced players and is a great warm up course for some of the bigger badder courses nearby. Also a good place to try and get a few aces at. The park seemed well maintained and had a number of other things to do here too. The course is free and is permanent. This would definitely be a fun little spot to play in the winter too.


For more experienced players there isn't much to offer here. I played it just to check off another course. With that being said it is still a fun little course. It was nice to get some birds after getting clobbered by Kaposia. The distances are very similar. Almost exactly the same on everything except 7 I believe it was which was like 20 ft. longer.

Other Thoughts:

Not a destination course by any means but a fun, quick round if that's what you're looking for. Or if you just want to bag this it'll take you about 15 to 20 minutes if it's not too busy. Nice little niner though, just nothing too special. It is what it is.
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4 0
Experience: 9.3 years 59 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Really Fun Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 4, 2015 Played the course:once


-Teepads are concrete
-Course is easy to follow
-Marked baskets and they are in excellent shape
-Great for beginners and people learning how to play.
-Fun Location with lots of activity.
-Ace opportunities.


-Its short (could be viewed as a pro)
-With the traffic (4th of July) some people seem wander through the course, so be careful before you throw.

Other Thoughts:

The top review of this nailed it perfectly. I happened to have played Blue Ribbon Pine yesterday, while its an amazing course and very challenging but it wasn't a lot of fun. Holes were far past my skill level (Same with the newer group I was playing with) and risk losing a disc every other hole it felt like wasn't helping the fun factor.

I had a ton more fun at this little course and yes I played better, I actually played the best I ever have and I know playing more difficult courses set up for that, but still its nice to feel like you aren't going to be throwing triple bogies every hole.

This was course is very fun and yet has some challenge on a few holes, I highly recommend playing it, I hope to make it back over there. I am also interested in trying this course in the winter.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Great Beginner Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 19, 2015 Played the course:2-4 times


I think most people are in agreement that we need short, nine hole courses that are suitable for beginners; if every player started at a course like Blue Ribbon Pine, we would not have as many people.

Wabun Picnic Area may be the best course that introduces newer players to the game that I have ever played. First of all, the course sits in Minnehaha Park, which is a park with hundreds of visitors a day; all of them are potentially new players. Even though the park is busy, the course itself has little interference from the rest of the park minus one walking trail that passes directly in front of hole 2.

The course has concrete tees, tee signs and solid baskets, which is everything you would want to see in any course. The course had an easy flow to it; no hole is longer than 250', but a few of the holes need a bit of shot shaping for a chance at the deuce.


For any player that isn't a beginner, there is little need to bring more than a stable midrange or putter. It is definitely a pitch and putt course, which can be a pro and a con depending on what you like.

For an experienced player, there is little challenge. For someone who is bagging course, this is an easy one to do.

On hole 8, it is easy to think you are throwing to the wrong basket. The tee sign is turned towards the fifth basket and the eighth basket is a bit off to the right of that.

Other Thoughts:

Looking at this course from a strictly utilization aspect, this course is perfect in every way when introducting new players to the sport. Good location, easy course, concrete tees, easy navigation.

Like mentioned previously, this course is not going to wow an experienced player, but bringing your girlfriend or child out here or just a bag a course will be a great day in the park.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun course at Nice Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 30, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Lots of aces to be had here!
-Great place to bring the family, other parts of the park contain hiking trails, Minnehaha Falls, picnic areas, playgrounds, bike trails, etc.
-This course is great for a casual and quick lunch 9, for beginners, to teach new people or young people the game, etc
-A clean and safe park. The course is near major roads and there are not thick woods so no worries about getting mugged or anything here.
-Baskets are in decent condition
-Very easy to follow, good tee signs.
-Concrete pads
-Nearby views of the Mississippi river


-This course is quite short and there is not a lot of variation in hole length. As others have stated, there isnt much need for drivers on this course.
-This park is in a large city and disc golf is not the main priority here, there will be other park users here at most times and they probably won't watch out for you.
-There are trees but they don't usually force any certain type of shot, you can often throw over or through them. Again, this is a knock against the challenge of the course for those looking for something a little more difficult.

Other Thoughts:

I found this course to be pretty fun. It is a good place to take the kids and have a fun, cheap afternoon or if you insist on having a disc golf date, this is the place to go. This course isn't a must play by any means but you won't be dissapointed if you stop and have the mindset that this is a nice little pitch and putt in a nice park. If you are looking for more challenge then go to BRP or Kaposia or one of the TC area's many other options.
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1 2
Experience: 11.3 years 20 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Warm Up 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 4, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


-Good starter course
-Short course
-No chance of loosing disc
-Birdie chance for every hole


-Finding the right basket can be difficult
-People walking through the course
-Same elevation throughout entire course
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4 0
Experience: 42 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

First course I ever played 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 9, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Easy to park, cement tee pads, solid baskets in good shape, nice park with places to sit and eat, good for kids
A very good disc golf park for introducing people to the game.


Navigation is a little hard if you don't know the layout. Signs weren't great last time I was there but it could've changed.

Other Thoughts:

This was my first ever exposure to disc golf and I loved it. I've been playing for 5 years strong now. Something about going out there and growing ace runs on your first day is pretty important in terms of "getting hooked" on the game. I really wish his was a block away from my house just for casual days- that'd be so ideal! I really like this course.
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6 0
Experience: 28.4 years 27 played 9 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Good Beginner's course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 27, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


Right in Minneapolis
Good Baskets


Too short for experienced players
There can be a lot of traffic and a lot of newbies who don't know the rules.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, I think it's a decent course for what it was made for. I don't think the intent of this course was to challenge anyone more than a beginner.

There are no long holes on the course and just about anyone who has been playing for a while should be able to put for birdie on most holes. Most of the holes are potential aces for better players.

I gave it a 2.5 because it is a good beginner's course and I think having easier courses to bring in new players are a good thing. If you are a pro or experienced player you'll probably want to go elsewhere unless you want to work on the short game.
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2 0
Experience: 21.3 years 28 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 10, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


*Nicely marked course
*Positive atmosphere
*Well maintained
*Cement tees
*Beginner friendly
*Great practice for approach and putting
*Great for beginners or introduction to disc golf


*Short course
*Pitch and Putt (Leave your driver at home)
*Flat course, no elevation change
*Baskets could be marked better, can get confusing what basket to shoot at

Other Thoughts:

The course feels like it was just stuck in a picnic area, with no real design to it. Great for beginners and practicing approaching, putting. Need to go elsewhere for a challenge.
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1 3
Experience: 13.4 years 21 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2011 Played the course:once


Nice use of space with what was there.
Good flow
Some of the holes were short but technical


Not many cons for the fact that there is not much space and I think they made the best of it.

Other Thoughts:

I would absolutely play this course again
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1 3
Experience: 13.1 years 23 played 8 reviews
2.00 star(s)

First course ever 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 15, 2011 Played the course:once


Nice tee's with par and distance info (in yards).
Very low risk of losing a disc on this course.
Can be played in about 30 minutes.


Holes are so lose together, sometimes it's confusing which basket is next (if the basket number marker is facing the wrong direction).

Other Thoughts:

The course was a good one to introduce me to disc golf. I was hooked after the third hole.
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5 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 34 played 28 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Short, simple, clean. For beginners & practice 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 16, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


-Good course for practicing approach shots (from the tees)
-You won't lose a disc here
-Good facilities in the park (bathrooms, picnic area, etc.)
-Baskets are in good shape
-Tee pads are decent cement slabs
-Each hole has a sign


-Signs are in yards instead of feet for some reason
-Holes are pretty tightly packed together
-No hole is over 250'
-In reality, it is possible to get an ace on any hole here without an extreme amount of luck
-Other park users don't seem overly concerned with not getting your way during a round

Other Thoughts:

As the description alludes to, this course is really an after-thought and is probably there solely to add another element to the existing park. It's adjacency to the picnic shelters makes me think it was installed as an added activity for people renting out the shelters to use (it'd be nice for those family reunions you don't want to be at anyways). All that said, the other patrons of the park didn't seem to realize that they would be getting in the way as they sit in the middle of a hole talking.
As for the actual holes, no imagination is needed in coming up with a line to throw and you really only need to utilize one type of throw on this course. The course was obviously intended for beginners or people new to the game; and it succeeds in catering to them. This being said, even a more advanced player could benefit from coming here, as it is a good course to practice your basic approach shots. I'd rather practice those shots on a course like this than in a field. Even a complete newbie should have a chance of getting an even par (or better) on this course; something that can't be said about many other courses. The holes are all straight with minimal obstacles between tee and basket. The baskets themselves are nice; not beaten up at all. There is plentiful parking all around the park and nice bathrooms on site as well. The course is serves the purpose it was intended for and the equipment and facilities are nice, but it certainly should not be considered a destination spot for people serious about the game.
One last thing, it was a little challenging to find the course the first time I was here. The turn for the parking lot is the first one once you pass the Wabun Picnic Area sign coming off of 46th.
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6 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

The Perfect Beginner Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


I can unequivocally state that this is the most perfect course for beginners that I've ever encountered. It's short, simple, well marked, easy, almost impossible to lose discs here. When I think of all the brutally difficult courses players have cut their teeth on, with their water hazards and thick underbrush and so-on and so-on. It's just too bad that everyone hasn't had the chance to play here their first 10 times before taking on a more difficult challenge. Enough preaching.

Wabun Picnic area is right next to the Veterans Hospital. It's in a very large park, actually kinda hard to find the course itself. The course is next to the mighty Mississippi River in an area of the park with a water feature for kids, a gazeebo and a play area. The course has concrete pads. The signs are simple but effective flexible blue thin strips that they use in state parks to identify campsites #'s. Here they have the hole # and distance in yards. The baskets are the DGA ones with the red #'s facing the right way (except # 8 is facing the wrong way.) I don't think any of the holes are longer than 83 yards (that's 249 feet for you non-math majors). The mature trees are spread out just enough to add a little challenge.


It's a pitch and putt. Leave your driver at home. It's flat with no water hazards or underbrush. These are only cons if you're looking at a challenging intermediate and harder course.

Other Thoughts:

Like said before, this is the place to bring the wife or girlfriend or 8 year old daughter. Let em experience the joy of the game without the drudgery of looking for discs in the bushes or 450 foot uphill holes. Let them shoot par on a course before they tackle a full sized course. If a total rec player like me can shoot -6 and -7, any decent player should be looking at shooting 9 under.
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1 2
Experience: 16.3 years 61 played 38 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Wabun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 21, 2010 Played the course:once


The course layout sign and the tee marker are always nice to have. Baskets in good shape and the Tee boxes were in good shape good too.


Little muddy. Some of the baskets are to close to each others.

Other Thoughts:

Must watch for other people useing the park. The two days, I went it was busy, both the course and the park.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 77 played 35 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Ace Race! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Quick & Clean...
Well kept course...
Easy to follow....
Great for a first timer..
Good course for approach & putting practice.
Nice park with lots to do...
Great for a quick 9 at lunch...
Not many people play here


Easy & short...
You will not need a driver here.
The holes are all very straight and don't have much to play around.
You have to watch out for ather people because some of the holes play next to a walking path or by a picnic area.
Not a chalanging course but it is great for putting.
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3 0
Experience: 29.5 years 2 played 2 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Same old Same old = Easy Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 16, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


* Nicely marked, good atmosphere.

* Quality beginner course.

* Nearly every course is a hole in one opportunity.

* Great place for couples to throw.

* Tons of evenly spaced trees provide a good canopy for rain or hot weather.

* Great location right alongside the Mississippi River.


* No place to let one rip.

* No elevation changes.

* Traffic on walk/bike paths can be a pain sometimes.

Other Thoughts:

Last time we played the park was packed and groups of people would just walk through the middle of the course. Avoid this place on holidays and during special events at the Minnehaha falls.
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1 0
Experience: 9 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

best course for newbies 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 1, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Short,well marked holes,mature trees it is a very nice course for beginners for the simple fact, you cant lose a disc unless you try too.


Not challenging for the long arm players, possible for more experienced players to walk away from this course with a scores of -1 to -9. No elevation

Other Thoughts:

Another 9 holes somewhere, the park is huge.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 15.7 years 1512 played 480 reviews
2.00 star(s)


Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2009 Played the course:once


1) Excellent nice large concrete tees. This course doesnt absolutely need concrete because the holes are short enoughy ou dont always need a runup but it is nice to have them. I assume because of location if there wasnt concrete the ground would be destroyed.
Tees had also been shovelled clean since the 10 inches of snow the cities got. Always a bonus feature to a a course in winter.

2) Blue Stakes (Flat like the buried gas line or utility stakes used) mark the tees, which is nice for a first timer. They also have the distance (in yards), and hole # on them. Fairly inexpensive way to do tee signs, which is good!

3) DGA baskets with the number plate. All of them actually face the tee which is also helpful when figuring the layout for the first time. I have seen so many plates facing the wrong way and that can really confuse some tee areas especially on courses jammed into small properties where you can see 3 or 4 baskets from every tee.

4) This property was fit for a disc golf course because of its massive sprawling mature trees. I like the open feel parks that incorporate the mature trees as their obstacles. It gives an old feel to the course.

5) There is a small map of the course at the first tee. This is helpful to see the layout for the first time, and since it is so short once you see the ma you shouldnt sturggle to find the next tee.

6) Very beginner friendly becaus eit is mostly open, sure there are some obstacles, but for th emost part even a beginn could score well here. No chance of losing a disc either.

6) Course appears to be very clean and in good condition. I can imagine that it does get a lot of traffic in the summertime, both from disc golfers and just people using the park.

7) This course is set in an absolutely beautiful location. You sit atop the Mississippi River Bluffs. It is a nice rolling property with all sorts of amenities, perfect for a picnic, family gettogether, bike ride, stroll along the paths, and disc golf too. Others have mentioned the falls and the river bluffs which is certainly worth looking at.


1) While I love courses set amongst the massive mature trees found here, I do not feel like they were used efficiently. I think there could have been some much better basket locations forcing different shots. Safety wouldn't have been a concern either, but then again this course was not designed for the above average player.

2) Although the disc golf is seperated, some of the peripheral holes do bring other areas into play especially on a busy summer day. The gazebo/shelter near 7 tee could bring a lot of people around it creating an overflow onto the open part of the lawn (which happens to be the disc golf course). There are walkpaths running along 3 or 4 holes that an errant hyzer shot (which beginners are known for) could strike someone. You actually cross the path on one of the drives also, so please be careful, runners, bikers, and other pedestrians may not know there is a disc golf course there.

3) In general there is only one obstacle per hole. If they could have incorporated more obstacles to force the thrower to make a clear decision as to how they approach the hole it would have been better. Having one obstacle makes you deside left or right, but having to forces more shot shaping. It doesnt have to be a tight wooded course, just incorporating more of the trees and such into the design to be a little more challenging.

4) A few of the baskets are relatively too close to other baskets or the next tee. SOme errant shots could be dangerous.

Other Thoughts:

I was very happy with this course and I look forward to coming back. Despite how short it is and how there isn't a ton of challenge for an average or better player, I look forward to beating my first round score of -4. I missed a 15' too that could have been -5 on my first time playing the course. The best part about this park is my brothe rlives about 1 mile north so whenever I come to visit I will hit it up because of its proximity. Keep this course in perspectice . . . no it isnt championship caliber, but it is in nice shape, it is fun to gun for aces and hit as many birdies as you can. There is enough obstacles that you COULD get really creative and try and do some shots you wouldn't normally try, I enjoyed myself, despite the minimal challenge. I will be back.

WARNING: I did play this course in 10 inches of snow. The ground was not visible but from all indications the course was in prety good condition. I cannot comment on the turf and cleanliness completely accurately, I can only go on what others have said, so if something I have included is incorrect please let me know and I can edit my review.
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