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Wagrain, Austria

Wagrain DGC

Permanent course
3.335(based on 3 reviews)
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Wagrain DGC reviews

6 0
The Katana Kid
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.8 years 185 played 56 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wear boots - it is wet 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 16, 2017 Played the course:once


I met Andreas, the owner who designed the course in 2005.

Google maps took me to a Catholic church where I parked, but there were different mountains around with ski lifts so I chose one and started walking with 6 select discs in my hand. Unfortunately I chose the wrong mountain and after 15 minutes I was lost.

Fortunately Andreas randomly drove past me in a small village street of Wagrain. He drove me to his hotel and got me a course map, which I uploaded here.

He looked at my tennis shoes and said I needed rubber boots for the course. I acknowledged that the only two reviews of his course said the same thing and I was prepared to take my chances. I survived, but boots really are a good recommendation. There's a lot of wet areas on this mountain and it's steep in many places.

He drove me to the course, which has no signs, and walked me up an unmarked path to the first tee, which he said is the 18th. Andreas is a disc golfer and wanted to see me drive up the hill into the woods before saying goodbye. I hope I didn't disappoint him too much with my straight as an arrow, but only 200 ft drive using my Leopard fairway driver.

Andreas deserves a high score for this course layout. There is a good use of elevation, up and down, as well as the basket placement near many guardian trees. The distances are not too long, but they're not too short either.

There are 3 distinct sections of the course. The first hole, or "18" is not on the map, but it's the beginning of 5 baskets played in the woods that take you steeply up the hill. You get out of the woods on 5 then you enter an open field where holes 6-12 take you around this field with a few dips in and out of the woods. These dips in and out of the woods are well thought out to create maximum challenge. The course ends on a downhill run starting with 13. The nicest downhill shot is on 17. Be careful with the rough here, which presents the greatest risk to disc loss.


I wish I had studied the map before plunging into the course since I got lost in the meadow. There are nice tee signs but there was an 8 spray painted on a tree where 10's basket is, which means they take safari serious here.

There is a mountain bike course crisscrossing all but the open field area. Andreas told me the Austrian authorities will not allow him to have disc golfers on the course during biking hours, from 9am to 5pm, not because of the danger of discs hitting bikers, but for the safety of disc golfers. So if you go during the middle of the day then beware and don't tell Andreas.

Other Thoughts:

The hotel Andreas runs, Jugendhotels Oberwimm, is a youth hostel for groups so he's not looking for individuals who want to stay there. He told me that if other disc golfers want to come they should find their own place somewhere else in the area. He is aware of 5-10 people per week that come to play but there may be more. The course is there for his hostel youth group customers.

The best way to find the place is to give Google maps "Bikepark Wagrain" which is where the course is. Although there is no disc golf course sign there is a bikepark sign. The ski lift is called "Flying Mozart" and there are signs in the community pointing to that. To get to the course from the hostel you have to walk up the road past the chairlift then find an unmarked trail near a full sized crucifix.
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4 2
Experience: 15.5 years 24 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wet and Muddy, even in summer 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 29, 2009 Played the course:once


Very challenging.
Lots of steep elevation change.


6 of the holes were on a steep slope of the ski resort and it was just deep mud.

Other Thoughts:

Should probably play in rain boots or very high water proof hiking boots.
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