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Paris, TX

Walker Park

Permanent course
2.425(based on 6 reviews)
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Walker Park reviews

6 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 28.5 years 257 played 85 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A mish-mash 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 20, 2021 Played the course:once


- OK variety of shot shapes and distances
- 18 holes
- Flows well when you know where you're going.
- Starts and ends near the parking lot.


- Natural tees
- Inadequate signing
- A few holes that are close to a street and a park shelter
- The flow of the course can get confusing without a map

Other Thoughts:

The park is fairly wide open on the front, gradually getting more wooded as you go along. Tees are natural and marked with a single metal post with the hole numbers pasted on. Baskets are a mishmash of different versions of the DisCatcher model.

The course winds and zigzags through the park with a few conflicts with a city street along the western park boundary and a large park shelter. Otherwise, disc golf is the park's main use.

In general, the course provides a decent test of a variety of shot types through its use of the available topography. The park is mostly flat, but has a good variety of trees to provide challenge.

The course would benefit from hard surface tees, better tee and wayfinding signage and general course upkeep.
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2 0
Chained Evil
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 1179 played 232 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Sleepwalker 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 17, 2017 Played the course:once


This course offers a decent mix of short, moderate, and longer holes. Also there are some holes that are dog leg right and some dog leg left holes as well. The course uses what elevation is present as best it can.
Posts in the ground to mark the tees.
The front 9 is pretty open for the most part allowing you to air out some throws. This course provides the opportunity for some safari action if you are bored with the current set up.
This course would be a good place to work on your approach/midrange game on several holes.
Disc lost should be at a minimum here.
Hole 5 allows you the chance to air out a drive as its the longest hole on the course.
6 was a nice tunnel shot hole and the best hole on the course IMO.
There are a few holes in which the basket is protected which helps to add to the challenge.
The back 9 holes were more wooded and provided some lines to be hit.


The basket for hole 9 was missing. I would guess its been gone for a while as per previous reviews.
The baskets have seem a lot of wear over time. They still do their jobs but aren't the prettiest girls at the ball. Some only had 1 set of chains.
The front 9 was pretty open. This can be a pro and a con depending on your point of view.
Holes 3-5 play around or close to a playground area so please be cautious when you throw.
The sand tees are showing signs of rutting so footing could be a factor especially after a heavy rain.
The flow is a bit off at times making you backtrack in spots. First time user might spend a good bit of time trying to find the next tee, correct basket, etc.

Other Thoughts:

This course appears to not get the love that it needs. The missing basket is a huge con and makes it feel incomplete. 18's tee marker is missing and you basically have to decide where to tee off from as its not well defined. They used what is available as best that could be used here and with a few improvements this course could be a tad better.
If you are in the area and are looking for another course to play then hit this one up. Its not a destination course but it still has something to offer.
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3 0
Experience: 14.4 years 6 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Decent City Course That Needs Attention-My Home Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 31, 2015 Played the course:5+ times


-This course is playable for any skilled player, from beginner to expert.
-All holes have tee box markers
-They have added 5 new holes within the last 3-4 years to make it 18.
-#5 is a fun long par 5 distant hole.
-There are some tougher "throw through" holes on the SW tree line on holes #6 and #11.
-Really can rare back a let it rip in places on this course.
-Baskets are good enough, but not perfect.


-Most holes are open and not much risk/reward built in.
-Tee box markers have hole #, but no additional info.
-Tee boxes are, or have been, dirt and are overgrown or nonexistent. #9 basket is gone (stolen).
-Not all Tee boxes are placed toward the hole and the layout causes you to backtrack several times. This could/will cause confusion if you're not aware of the layout or new.
-Trees are a little overgrown in places, as well as fallen, and needing to be cleaned up. #11 tee box is covered up by a fallen tree.
-Some baskets need attention and they aren't all standardized.
-Very little to no guidance on the course bulletin board.

Other Thoughts:

I've played this course many time in last 5 years, it has gotten better since then and really enjoy playing it.

It has it's ups and downs on attention it gets by the city and usually falls on the people who are passionate, or not, about the park at the time.

It can be overgrown at times if they don't get out and mow it. It's almost not playable during those times.

Overall this course is a good one to play, maybe not a "drive 2 hours and play every weekend" kind of course, but definitely worth your time to check it out and the city.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.5 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.50 star(s)

typical but fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:May 21, 2014 Played the course:once


-good variety of distances throughout the course
-makes decent use of the given area but flow is so-so
-posts for tee signs
-natural pads in good condition
-various old discatchers but they catch great, repainted bright yellow
-lots of great trees that come into play, very old and large
-friendly locals, tuesday (?) minis


-there are some odd walks and backtracking between holes but overall it works in order to maximize the space
-the layout maximizes the space used but doesn't make the best use of the obstacles present
-no stand-out holes, only easy birdies/pars and long bombs
-some obvious filler holes

Other Thoughts:

Walker Park makes for a fun but typical round of disc golf. It is about what you would expect out of a city park in terms of terrain, design, and maintenance but a hair above average. The space is maximized and utilizes each area of the park but sometimes at the expense of a more natural flow and the best use of the obstacles available.

Most of the holes pretty wide open but several fairways have extremely tall and large mature oaks, pick a side around which to go. A few of the holes around the edge of the park have more trees and/or brush lines that come into play making them a bit more interesting, hole 6 comes to mind.

The small canal running through the course is mostly dry but I'm not sure if the locals play it OB or casual. The baskets are a mixed variety. Yes, they are old and yes, they are single-chained but they catch just fine. Every good putt went in and even a few bad putts stayed in too. I have to respectfully disagree with the previous reviewer below, the quality of the baskets is far from being the most lacking thing here.

A word about navigation: after hole 3 you will see two tees ahead. The left one is hole 4 which plays short with the basket next to a tree. The right one is hole 5 and is plays like 600-700' all the way down on the right side. Hole 10 also plays all the way to the back of the park. Tee 15 backtracks halfway up 14's fairway and then throws back to the same corner.

A decent round for locals, probably a lot more fun with a group of buddies. Not a lot of interesting holes, risk and reward, or forced lines. Worth a stop if you're in town but not worth traveling to play.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.7 years 52 played 41 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Fun course for smaller town 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


This course offers a pretty good variety of hole distances and shots. There are 2 par 4's and a par 5, which is a very nice change from only having par 3's on a course. The design of this course is great. It really maximizes the land that is given in the park. You play through open parts of the park and have several holes that play through some dense trees and foliage.


The equipment at this park is below par. The baskets are all mismatched and are old. Some of them catch better than others. It is frustrating to have a really good putt and see them bounce out because of a single chained basket. The tee pads are natural, and were in decent shape for natural pads, but concrete pads are always a big step up, especially for when the course is wet. There were tiny, yet very sharp stickers, all throughout the grass which often made for an uncomfortable feeling.

Other Thoughts:

If this course would have double chained, consistent baskets, which concrete pads, I would definitely give this a 3.0 as it was a good course.
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10 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 27.9 years 225 played 19 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Typical City Park Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 19, 2012 Played the course:once


This is your typical city park course with some great mature tees. The design did a good job of mixing up the hole lengths and forcing different types of shots to score well. Single chain, freshly painted, bright yellow basket caught well and were easy to spot, as were the posts at the tee boxes with the hole numbers visible from a good distance. The ground seemed sandy and I would guess playable after a heavy rain with no worries about mud. The tee boxes were in good condition for natural tees but didn't show much sign of use so I can't say if they will stay in good condition long term. The course is fairly cart friendly and I was able to play it with my toddler in a jogging stroller with only a few notable problems.


Sounds great! Why did you only give it a 2.5 Decent/Typical rating? Again, it is a typical park course, nothing special or stand out about it. No signature hole. The design seemed to put a premium on each hole with no regard for flow, forcing you to backtrack in some places and have longer than ideal walks from basket to tee. It was odd teeing off from the base of a swing set. If a course has a pylon/wire arrangement to keep vehicles off the grass I will play that as the park boundary and OB line. This course had two baskets very close to this wire, too close if it is played as the OB line. The baskets worked fine but were an odd assortment of old DisCatchers with some in better shape than others. No map, no hole numbers on the basket coupled with no tee signs depicting a hole layout, what was OB or distance made navigation and play tricky. I was able to find my way around with some back tracking but a new player would probably be lost and give up. With this being the only course around, navigation is key to getting new people involved in disc golf. If the sandy soil made walking a little bit tougher than it would be on hard packed ground, then it made pushing a jogging stroller downright exhausting. You have to cross a concrete drainage ditch a few times without the aid of the bridges so to take a child in a stroller you have to step down and lift the stroller up and place it on the other side (or walk around to one of the bridges). The premium parking area was close to baskets to warm up on, the (empty) bulletin board, trash cans and the 13th and 18th basket but the 1st tee was located near a smaller parking lot at the park entrance.

Other Thoughts:

It isn't normal for me to critique a course but I'll see some things that could be addressed. Tee signs are expensive but the current posts are fine. I'd just add hold distances and possible text detailing what was OB. Hole 1 was a fun little turnover but not worth starting in a different spot than you finish. Hole 2 and a few others bring trees into play on the green but that takes these great trees out of play on the tee shot. Moving the basket 80' back and to one side would make better use of them. Hole 13s basket should be farther around the corner to force an attack off the tee, where it sits now a 250' straight shot leaves you with an easy putt giving nobody any reason to bring the rough into play, though throwing at the parking lot is frowned upon in general.
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