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North Garden, VA

Walnut Creek Park

4.125(based on 50 reviews)
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Walnut Creek Park reviews

8 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 40 played 33 reviews
4.50 star(s)

As good as it gets? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2009 Played the course:once


This course is amazing. The views offered here are like nothing I'd ever seen on a disc golf course before. A picturesque lake is visible from many of the holes, and you throw over small parts of it twice. This is easily the most scenic course I have ever played - I would recommend bringing along a camera if you have room in your bag. In addition to the beauty of the lake, there is also a designated swimming area that provides a nice chance to cool off after a few rounds on a hot day.

Awesome views aside, the course itself is great. It has to be the best mix of open and wooded shots, uphill and downhill shots, doglegs, blind shots, etc. that I have ever seen. The course makes great use of the land - the open shots all feature different types of hills and slopes, and the wooded shots are varied between straight tunnel shots and sharp doglegs. The course is also very well marked, with quality signs at every tee and signs marking the trails to the next hole.

Like most other reviewers mentioned, the highlight of the course is easily Hole 17. The view from here is as good as it gets, with the winding lake to your right surrounded by tree-covered hills. The fairway is insane - the first 1/3 is a very steep hill, which briefly flattens out, followed by another steep hill that slopes off to the left of the fairway. The basket is 460 ft away next to a creek. This hole alone makes the course worth checking out.


I really don't think that there are many negatives here, but that's just me. If you prefer shorter courses that require less hiking, this is not the course for you. The tees here are all natural, but most of them were nice and flat without any roots so it wasn't really a big deal. The trails between the wooded holes are well-established, and most of them have bridges built where needed, but there is one or two places where the bridges are broken and you have to do a little exploring to find your way around. None of these factors really take away from the overall quality of this course, though.

Other Thoughts:

The 4.5/5 rating that I'm giving this course is the highest I've ever given. Aside from a few small things like the natural tees and a broken bridge, this course is close to perfect. I'm hesitant to give out a 5/5, but I can't imagine a course being any closer to one than this.
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3 1
Experience: 10 played 10 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beauty in Virginia 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 26, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


Very pretty park with a lake in the middle. Rolling, heavily wooded hills offer challenging elevation changes. Course is on the long side, but there are several easy birdie opportunities. Multiple tees for many of the holes make for interesting variety.


Costs a few bucks to get into the park during swimming season. Not a course for beginners.

Other Thoughts:

I have played this course only a half-dozen times. I have never played it particularly well, but it remains one of my favorite parks nonetheless. Challenging, beautiful, and quiet when you go early in the day.
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7 1
Experience: 27.3 years 26 played 4 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 14, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Awesome views... empty your bag on hole #17...Plays through a wooded county park with an idyllic lake that comes into play on 4 holes.

For a mid to advanced player, one of the best tests of golf in central Virginia. Multiple pin positions and tees on most holes. Holes 4, 5, 7, 12, 16, and 18 have baskets in both pin positions... pick your poison...

As varied as a course without many true par 4s can be. Variation in holes from "must deuce" to "real tough 3" holes.


Memorial-Labor Day $3 for county residents/$4.50 non residents to enter park ($2/$3 for children)
27 of 35 (white/blue) teeboxes have stone, others are natural, but only bad after heavy rain.

Other Thoughts:

A real fun course that keeps getting better as the local club adds pin positions and builds more tee boxes each year.
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3 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 41.4 years 86 played 31 reviews
4.50 star(s)

has it all 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 31, 2007 Played the course:once


In hindsight, I can't really think of why this course doesn't desrve a 5. The previous reviews reminded me of the dirt tees so I'll use that to justify the .5 off. Just a beautiful mix of holes, uphill, downhill, sidehill through some gorgeous woods and wrapped around a lake. The course probably has the two best finishing holes of any (near 100) that I've played.


natural tees, too darn far away

Other Thoughts:

Can't wait to get back here. Hope #17 is in long when you play it. The water hazard on the right is obvious but don't overshoot the pin to the left either (not as obvious from the tee). Make sure you've got enough arm if you decide to go for the pin on #18, they mark the distance to clear the water (as well as the D to the pin) on the tee sign. Don't miss this course if you're in the area.
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9 2
Experience: 25.5 years 10 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Beautiful, Majestic course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 27, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


The setting is absolutely beautiful.

A wide variety of holes. Open fields and wooded areas. Challenging water hazards.
Multiple tee & pin placements allow many variations on the course.
Maps & scorecards available on-line. I highly recommend the map. Some holes are better marked than others.

The view from the 17th tee takes my breath away every time.

Picnic areas and a beach. Fishing.
Bathrooms (changing rooms), water fountains and vending machines


Multiple pin placements may cause some confusion

Natural tees can be treacherous

Other Thoughts:

I will never get over the stunning beauty of this course. It's a must if you are in the Charlottesville area. For a good throw and a good hike.

Bring your swimsuit and take a dip in the lake after throwing on a hot day.
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5 1
Experience: 8 played 8 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Majestic, with caution!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 12, 2009 Played the course:once


In the foothills of Charlottesville, this course has it all. It is the perfect example of challenging. Most shot aren't easy. You will go through trees, cross lakes, brave the wind, and walk up steep hills.


It's signature charm is also it's fault. Depending on your skill level, you may get annoyed with the intense obstacles. Experienced players will eat this course up, while beginners may struggle. Make sure you have a decent disc inventory and some good traction shoes.

Other Thoughts:

So I need to say what I learned at this park. It's terrain is majestic, but though it never occurs to us disc golfers, it can in fact be dangerous. My experience at Walnut Creek was cut short. I was in the woods on hole 7. There were dry leaves that covered a mud slick. It was the perfect "natural boobie trap". While trying to retrieve a disc I slipped and took a nasty fall into a steep ditch. I sprained my knee and ankle. I was playing alone, so I had no one around to help me up, not a good scene. I had to crawl on my hand and knees to get out of the slippery sink hole, and then I had to limp back to my car. So, unless you are extremely saavy in these types of situations (not many people are), or it is your first time at this course, be sure to bring a friend just in case the majestic terrain decides to claim you. This course was laid out my some intense minded players, boy scouts possibly. Remember the age old rule your mother taught you and BE CAREFUL. Once my injury heels, I intend to return to Walnut Park, WITH A FRIEND THIS TIME, and finish what I started. This course is too beautiful NOT to conquer.
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8 1
Experience: 18.4 years 27 played 3 reviews
4.50 star(s)

Beautiful course in a beautiful park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


A nice quiet setting for some great disc golf. The first hole is a great indicator of the beauty this course holds. Anything from a deuce to a double bogey (if you find the water) is possible from the first tee. Each hole has character. Requires shots that fly straight, right, left, high, and low.

Update: Several holes now have both short and long baskets in place. This makes for some great two shot holes and variety. Also, more teepads have been constructed in the last few months. These changes bump up the course to a 4.5.


Not much. Occasionally you will have to wait for bikers to pass by since some of the holes play near the trails.

Other Thoughts:

I love the design. Throwing from open into the woods, woods into the open, over water, beside water, etc...

Favorite hole: Hole 18 short to long. Almost 400 feet of carry over water if you want the deuce. Layup area to the right if you want to play it safe.

Hole 17 always deserves mention as one the best holes you'll see. Huge downhill shot to a basket guarded by water and trees. The extreme right to left slope of the fairway on the way down will cause shots that fade early to carry well off line. If you happen to land short off the tee, the approach shot is really tricky.
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25 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 45.4 years 995 played 118 reviews
4.50 star(s)

One of my Top 5 Favorite courses 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 20, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


My Score = 9.6 out of 10
It's currently my #4 Favorite of all the courses I've played.
If I could, I'd rate the course 4.8

After a scenic drive in the VA countryside your anticipation builds as you drive up to the lake, and you're not disappointed because this course has it all. The terrain is fantastic! The lake is in play on 4 holes and in view on several more. On hole 1 you see the lake on your left with a side sloped fairway that sucks discs down to the water. Hole 2, from the Blue tees, has a fantastic and somewhat risky drive through the trees over a finger of the lake. Hole 17 has the lake on the right, an 82 ft elevation drop, and a creek next to the basket. Hole 18 with the basket in the long position is a majestic hole! From the Blue tee only the very longest throwers will risk driving straight at the basket; the rest of us mortals will have to avoid the lake on the left with our drive, then throw over an inlet of the lake again to get to the green. The majority of the rest of the holes play in the serene and beautiful woods which are filled with old growth trees. You're really out in nature and totally away from the cares of the world. There are a few more open bomber shots as well, though, for good variety. There are also lots of big up and down elevation changes making for some cool shots. There's a good mix of left, right, and straight shots too. Holes 16-18 from the Blue tees may be the best finishing holes I've ever played. With 2 sets of tees and 2 basket positions per hole, there is great variety that caters to many skill levels. Six holes also have 2 permanent baskets (4, 5, 7, 12, 16, 18). The tee signs are first class with detailed maps of the tees and basket positions. There is an excellent map and score card available online, and a good message board at the course. Make sure to check there for the current basket positions. With the multiplicity of layouts this is a very helpful feature.


-The tees are the biggest area needing improvement. Most tees are dirt or grass, but a few have crushed gravel. Some of the dirt tees can get very muddy and slippery when it rains or when the ground thaws. This is my only real disappointment with the course, so I think that concrete tees would be the most important improvement they could make.
-Because of the terrain 11 of the baskets were hard to see from the tee, so make sure to bring the course map.
-The baskets are mixed between shorts and longs, so it can be hard to figure out where you're aiming. I'd suggest that you make sure to mark down the current basket positions from the message board so that you can know where to throw.

Other Thoughts:

*Course Level: White-Short = White level; White-Long and Blue tees = Blue level.
*With 2 tees and 2 basket positions there are endless possible combinations. My personal preference is that, at least occasionally, the baskets be set up in either all Long or all Short positions, but others like the tremendous variety available by mixing them up.
*Favorite hole = 18, Blue tee to long basket, par 4. It's a gorgeous hole with the lake all along the left side of the fairway and manicured grass on the right. There's plenty of risk vs. reward trying to decide where to go across the lake. Do you play it safe and stay to the right, or should you try to get your disc closer with the increased risk of going in the water? Then your second shot has to get across still more water. What a fantastic finishing hole!

With it's beautiful, peaceful terrain, water holes, challenge, variety, and elevation changes Walnut Creek is one of my Top 10 favorite courses! I always enjoy the course and I play it every time I have a chance. I consider this a destination course that is worth even a long trip to play. Walnut Creek is on my short list of "Must Play" courses, so make sure to play it!

You can find even more thorough review notes and hole by hole rating information at the Yahoo Group "DG Course Reviews", http://sports.groups.yahoo.co...ourseReviews/
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2 15
Experience: 27 played 17 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Great review above 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 15, 2006 Played the course:never


See the review above. I also really enjoyed myself here. Plan a day of biking, fishing and discin'.
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17 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 87 played 86 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Picture Perfect Mountain Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 10, 2021 Played the course:5+ times


Landscape, setting, varied challenges per hole. Excellent signage and nice tees. A good number of truly distinctive holes, including one of the best in the state.


Thickets and underbrush, especially on the back, could lead to a fair amount of time searching for discs.

Other Thoughts:

Located a few miles south of Charlottesville in rural Albemarle County, Walnut Creek is among the most scenic disc golf courses I've played. The course is wonderfully laid out and takes full advantage of its natural setting, and requires the full range of disc golf skills. The course is also rough around the edges and unforgiving, with thick, punishing rough on many holes. So bring your camera, some spare discs, and bug spray, and enjoy this beautiful course.

Walnut Creek is a mostly woods course set among the beautiful Central Virginia foothills and overlooking a picturesque resevoir. The layout of the course is well considered, with a good variety of longer holes interspersed with holes requiring left or right hook, or up or downhill shots, or a combination of all. Extensive work has obviously gone into clearing the fairways, which are challenging without being unreasonable. Watch out if you veer off the fairways, though; the woods are thick and unforgiving, and nasty thorns add an extra penalty on some holes Even when you don't have a view of the lake, which is most of the time, the woods are exceptionally beautiful and serene, however, with lots of established hardwoods. This is also one of the hilliest courses I've played, with lots of steep up and down. The finish of the course is the best, with an interesting hole 16 requiring a shot down into a gully along the side of a steep incline followed by the steep hike up to the tee for 17, one of the best holes I've ever seen, with perfect view of the lake, beach, and foothills, and a long, significantly downhill shot to a basket nestled against a mountain stream and the treeline. This hole is actually comparable to the famous Top of the World shot at DeLaveaga - the hill is just as steep, nearly as high, the hole is almost as long, just the view isn't as expansive, but I think it's just about as beautiful. #18 comes back across the edge of the lake and requires precision and features a great view too.

Finally, Walnut Creek is long on playability. Two tees and two baskets and two perfect signs for every hole. Many interesting and challenging pin placements. Two water holes, including a potentially unique #18 that long-to-long requires two separate water carries. Long, stable tee pads. Along with the excellent variety of holes, wonderful landscape, and great views, Walnut Creek has to be one of the better courses in the region, if not the country. Overall I rate this course as Excellent, and well worth a road trip to play.

Favorite Hole - #17 - Tee on top of a steep, steep hill with a beautiful view of lake and surrounding foothills. Wide open shot across field to basket protected nestled against a mountain stream and the treeline.
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