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Weatherford, TX

Weatherford DGC

3.715(based on 35 reviews)
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Averages Score by Tee


Overall Course Stats

Total Rounds Played 279
Total Holes Played 4591
Distance Covered by Members 251.09 Miles
Average Score per Round 57
Average Putts per Hole 1.63
Total Shots 15778
Total Aces 1
Total Double Eagles --
Total Eagles --
Total Birdies 303
Total Pars 2318
Total Bogies 1434
Total Double Bogies 278
Total Triple Bogies 33
Total Putts 2143
Total Penalties 23

Hole-by-Hole Stats

Hole Avg. Shots Played Aces D. Eagles Eagles Birdies Pars Bogies D. Bogies T. Bogies Putts Penalty
1 3.49 838 240 -- -- -- 12 109 87 10 2 118 1
2 3.32 797 240 -- -- -- 16 124 77 3 -- 111 --
3 3.58 858 240 -- -- -- 1 108 97 12 1 115 --
4 3.47 833 240 -- -- -- 12 122 65 20 1 138 1
5 3.16 758 240 1 -- 1 21 144 52 2 -- 111 2
6 3.48 835 240 -- -- -- 13 119 71 15 1 117 5
7 3.29 790 240 -- -- -- 24 138 49 9 -- 109 3
8 3.60 863 240 -- -- -- 15 100 83 17 5 116 2
9 3.37 809 240 -- -- -- 26 124 61 8 1 119 --
10 3.75 783 209 -- -- -- 2 74 84 26 2 118 --
11 3.46 724 209 -- -- -- 18 90 62 14 4 112 3
12 3.29 687 209 -- -- -- 13 122 47 6 -- 111 1
13 3.03 634 209 -- -- -- 42 107 37 3 -- 114 --
14 3.41 716 210 -- -- -- 12 103 67 6 1 115 --
15 3.24 681 210 -- -- -- 18 113 53 6 -- 103 --
16 3.72 781 210 -- -- -- 2 82 85 18 3 120 --
17 3.32 698 210 -- -- -- 15 106 62 7 -- 114 --
18 3.95 814 206 -- -- -- 3 64 80 36 2 124 3