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Dallas, TX

Weichsel Park

3.195(based on 8 reviews)
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Weichsel Park reviews

13 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

How About A Couple Of Bridges For Us Older Players? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 9, 2022 Played the course:once


Weichsel Park DGC is a decent little 9-hole featuring some challenging holes. The course, which borders the junior high school, is fairly hilly, has water hazards in both a small creek which runs through the park and a small pond/large puddle of standing water, and plenty of trees and some snarky underbrush. The starts with two fairly challenging holes which on both of them a tunnel shot is needed to clear the creek on # 1 and the lake/pond/standing water on # 2. The course has some decent distance to contend with but I think the water and underbrush and trees and wind are the major challenges here.

The course has two sets of tees, the longs are concrete and the shorts are natural marked with pink ribbons. I tried some of both. The excellent tee signs are located by the concrete long pads. If you can remember to closely observe, the tee signs have an arrow pointing to the next tee. Helps with navigating.

If there is standing water in mid-May, what would the course look like in winter?


If there is standing water in mid-May, what would the course look like in winter?

Previous reviewers mentioned that getting across the creek presents problems. Let me tell, getting across the creek as a senior citizen is a little daunting. As I carefully made my way across the creek on hole 1, A crossing that I know you younger guys would bound across looking like a deer escaping a wolf pack. Myself, I looked like a old cautious man trying not to slip off those slippery rocks and get all wet or injure myself. Gees, I am old!

Missing tee sign on 7.

Other Thoughts:

This is a solid little 9 hole course. There were plenty of players there after work on a perfect May evening. I don't adding any more holes here. Concrete short pads with some signs would be nice. A couple three bridges over the creek would be my first choice for improvements. Maybe wide ass bridges with guard rails? Would life guards be asking too much? Wheelchair and walker approved?
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19 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 34.3 years 285 played 37 reviews
3.00 star(s)

A Creek Runs Through It, Planes Fly Overhead 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 15, 2021 Played the course:2-4 times


Challenging course spreads out to reach all corners of shady, hilly park.
+ abundant trees, elevation changes and a winding creek provide good obstacles
+ shade covers more than half of course
+ good signage
+ practice basket near parking lot
+ alternate tees marked by flags/signs
+ newly installed and better concrete tee pads replace original, crumbling tees


Overflowing creek and loitering park guests leave behind lots of trash.
- standing water after rains imposes inconvenient obstacle on early holes
- homeless/transient population often loiter and leave debris
- noisy airplanes frequently fly overhead
- little space for other park visitors who unintentionally crowd fairways while walking dogs or playing with children

Other Thoughts:

Weichsel Park, located half a mile south from the entrance to Dallas Love Field Airport, occupies shaded green space around a small creek prone to flooding on land bordered by streets, warehouses and a middle school. The course starts east of the parking lot and flows in a mostly counter-clockwise direction. While the only featured amenity is the disc golf course, visitors still frequent the park to stroll around the area.

Despite a variety of expansive fairways and greens beneath mature trees and over open grasslands, this nine hole course feels quite cozy in its neighborhood setting just down the road from busy Dallas Love Field. The layout fully utilizes the land to make the most of its topography. Fairways stretch around the park in surprising ways between tees and greens that mostly dot the perimeter. Playing this course provides a pleasant, relaxing challenge. Trees block out the sun on several holes but not the noise from arrival and departure flyovers. A shallow creek divides the course and adds an attractive obstacle on several holes. Elevation changes also affect tee shots, approaches and putts for added drama. This course reminds me of another area course, Fritz Park, which I really admire. Both feature tall trees and wide fields with lots of room to throw on forgiving fairways plus a creek nearby that threatens shots on occasion.

The pleasantness of this course is marred by remnants of homeless activity which is most easily spotted near the warehouses adjoining the park. It's also typical for transients to loiter around the park during the day. A shortcoming of the course itself is hole #6 which plays too close to the school's fence line on a tight fairway atop the hill. Playing this course when it's wet can also be an issue on several holes, but I find that more of a challenge than a nuisance.

There are some really fun throws on this course. For example, I like signature hole #2 because of its elevated tee shot that carries over hole #1's green to contend with treetop branches determined to prevent ingress to the long, protected fairway below. After rains, that fairway becomes better suited to floating a raft than landing a drive which makes it even harder to navigate. However one manages their drive, approaches then lead to an elevated basket sitting atop a small circular mound on the green which presents a little bump to normal putting routines. The following hole #3 provides another tricky tee shot with it's hard, dogleg right bend through trees and over a depression to get around the corner of a warehouse that blocks the view of the green. Shots like these are memorable, and Weichsel has a few more worth discovering.

Locals have added alternate tees marked by flags/signs which are fairly easy to spot around the course for added variety to play.

The first three holes feature elevated tee shots down into a wide hollow beneath an expansive tree canopy where rainfall forms a sprawling pool on fairways lasting for days. Throw across the creek for hole #1. Then climb the hillside at right to hole #2 which throws over #1's green towards a raised mound in the distance right of the creek. Go uphill to the right for hole #3 which plays as a blind, dogleg right shot past trees and around a warehouse building bordering the edge of the park. Hole #4 throws slightly uphill and around trees towards the far end of that same warehouse building.

Temporarily leaving the shade, hole #5 covers an open field, leading to a basket perched just across and atop the bank of the creek as it exits a tunnel beneath Denton Dr. which borders the park on the right. Turning back toward the parking lot, hole #6 stays high and tight on the small hillside, throwing along the fence line of Rusk Middle School at right. Reversing direction, hole #7 throws downhill around trees and along a route parallel to hole #6. Hole #8 plays across the creek and over open field again to a green near a low creek crossing. Across the creek hole #9 throws past sentinel trees to a sunken green beside the creek which is hidden from view off the tee.
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8 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
5.00 star(s)

9 hole in DFW 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 4, 2020 Played the course:5+ times



Great use of land with course layout.

Very challenging for a 9-hole course.

Lots of shade from mature trees.

Great variety of shots from technical to open.


At times trash around the course, maybe the city could add more trash cans.

Sometimes interesting characters hanging around the park.

Other Thoughts:

For a nine-hole this is one of the best in DFW. Not a beginners course really but a great challenging short course if you don't have a ton of time to play a full 18.

Looks like more foot traffic is coming to the park which is great!

Little tournaments are being held every week.

Grass has been kept up by the city so that helps the overall flow.

Watch out for flooding on holes 4 and 8, thats how the tee pads were destroyed.

Overall great course layout fun and very challenging!
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5 0
Experience: 16 played 6 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Not inspiring. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 8, 2020 Played the course:once


Good picture of the course map by the parking lot, important to take a picture of it. Convenient Location to downtown and uptown dallas. Good signage on each hole. Uses the land well to maximize length and difficulty


The teepads are being renovated and should be done soon. They will have added a 2nd set of boxes. It's not soon enough in spite of the temporary markings. I played on the original boxes and was happy i didnt sprain an ankle. I couldn't run up on any of them and didn't have a single decent drive. Hole 2 apparenitly floods easily, so i took the long route, and after weakly sidearming about 225 feget landed inches from was almost certainly human feces (to big to obe a dog). That was tilting though probably just unlucky. Litter abounds, and in spite of the trees you do not feel like you are communing with nature in any way. Some of the current drives are badly impacted by overgrowth. Grass was very high in several places it shouldnt be including the putting zone on 8. Hole 5 is a hazard risk to traffic if a lefty is on the tee, or any righty who pull hooks their drive as badly as I did

Other Thoughts:

Wanted to give this 1.5 stars but did meet a couple of nice people on the course. One was sharing how they were renovating it and planning to make it more of a destination and are fundraising actively for that. I wish them well for that reason.
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2 2
Experience: 6 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Nice technical 9-hole 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 26, 2020 Played the course:once


Layout was fun! Nice elevation change. Great signage, and a good addition to other Dallas courses.
Great variation of shots from hole to hole. From open, to lightly wooded, to hilly, and straight ahead shots there is a little bit of it all. A convenient practice basket in the front. And easy to read kiosk.


A few tee pads need work. Sometimes there is flooding near the creek. Every now and then a homeless person. If the city does not pick up trash it can build up.
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9 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.4 years 388 played 318 reviews
2.50 star(s)

nice layout 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 2, 2020 Played the course:once


-lots of obstacles to make some interesting holes: mature trees, a creek, and small elevation changes
-good layout that is easy to follow
-tee signs showing hole number, distance, basket location, and next tee
-new Patriot baskets
-a couple of interesting holes that make you shape a line, lots of low ceilings
-course map and practice basket right next to the parking lot


-the park is small but it doesn't feel crowded
-holes 6-8 are fairly close together but shouldn't interfere much
-the park itself is a little dirty/sleazy but the course is helping to clean it up
-the gravel tees are pretty awful. there is space around them to use but some of the tee areas are on uneven ground. the tee on hole 4 has some broken up concrete and is totally unusable.
-no real creek crossings. there are stepping stones on hole 1, a place to go around on hole 5, but no good crossing on hole 8 (i found it best to walk past tee 9 to go around to the green for hole 8)

Other Thoughts:

Weichsel Park has a fun little layout. The course circles around the park. The first few holes play from slightly elevated teepads shooting down into the "bowl" of the park. On these holes you need to stay under the ceiling while throwing slightly downhill. They aren't exactly short holes so it's a challenge to stay under the ceiling but still get distance. Holes 3 and 4 both dogleg right and hole 5 is the open bomb across the field with the creek just before the green. The remaining holes make their way back to the parking area and make use of more low ceilings and creek side greens.

The course is easy to navigate and quickly played. It's a perfect place to kill some time while waiting for a flight to come in at Love Field. There is also a bunch of food options within a few blocks.

This is a great place to get in a quick round or get some putting or field practice. There are a variety of shots to practice and lines to shape so a beginner could learn a lot about throwing the disc here. The tees are pretty poor but fairly easy to avoid however they will get worse with time. Maybe concrete could be in the future if the course gains traction and a local group. Some better creek crossings would be a big help too.

**Like this review? Hate it? Message me and let me know why! I want to make them better!**
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12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 40 years 339 played 267 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Weichsel Park

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 11, 2023 Played the course:5+ times


-- Good course flow.
-- Good variation in hole length (265-420 feet) without having really short holes.
-- Good use of the elevation available.
-- Water (small creek) is in play on numerous holes.
-- Practice basket.
-- Excellent map and tee signs, with next tee marked.
-- Two tee pads per basket (with one exception); the longer one for each hole is concrete. The local club is trying to make this an 18-hole, 9-basket course. The alternate tees (turf) are numbered as the back nine; there is very basic signage.
-- A sign at No. 1 encourages players to pick up trash in the park; bags are provided to make that easier.


-- The original tee pads were perhaps the worst I have ever seen, but they were updated to concrete. They are somewhat small but nothing egregious. The second tee pads are turf.
-- Creek crossings are not good. There are no bridges, etc. Getting to basket Nos. 1 and 5 is especially tricky (although you can walk the long way around by the roads to the right to avoid these two creek crossings), as is the crossing from No. 8 basket to No. 9 tee. A few tires filled with concrete have been added to help.
-- The added tee pads add holes (some of them good), but they also bring in safety concerns, mostly throwing through/over a tee pad.
-- During the day, the park seems OK, but there is plenty of evidence of homeless people living there.
-- Lots of trash.

Other Thoughts:

-- Holes 14 and 17 share a tee pad.
-- Holes 8 and 17 each have a basket. All other holes share a basket (1/10, 2/11, etc.).
-- As you enter the small park, you will pass the No. 1 tee on your right.
-- Be aware as you walk up the No. 9 fairway. The first basket you see will be the practice basket. The No. 9 basket is left and by the creek.
-- Lots of OB is marked. Some of it is for safety reasons to separate holes/fairways. Other OB seems to be for design, and I am not a fan of that.
-- Right behind Rusk Middle School.
-- So close to Love Field that I felt as if dozens of planes were going to land in the park. I also wondered if I could have hit a plane with a driver. Not likely with my rag arm, but I can dream.
-- Lots of standing water. It's hard to say for sure whether this is a big issue or not, but Oak Cliff a few miles away had no standing water on the same day on my first visit. On a subsequent visit, there was even more standing water here.
-- The individual holes are better than the overall course. With the tee pads fixed (water is still an issue, however), I raised my rating from 2.5 to 3.0.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.3 years 757 played 253 reviews
3.50 star(s)

this course has a great layout 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2019 Played the course:once


Whoever laid out this course did a fabulous job. They used elevation changes in the creek whenever they could. Brand new baskets and Great Signs tee pads are being added. There is some real distance on this for a 9-hole it is not a beginner's 9-hole course several over 300 feet and even some over 400. The creek and the trees and the elevation change make every hole interesting.


This is an urban park. There is trash everywhere and several of the giant trees have fallen down in are in the way. You will also see homeless people's bed stuff everywhere however if you played during the day be homeless people aren't in the park. Also try to avoid talking to people in the parking lot there can be some shady stuff going down but if you play during the day everything is fine

Other Thoughts:

This is a great 9-hole course it is not for beginners if you're in the Dallas area you should swing by and play. I enjoy playing even though the tee pads aren't poured yet
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