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Burlington, NC


3.645(based on 46 reviews)
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Wellspring reviews

1 0
Experience: 14.6 years 82 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 28, 2012 Played the course:once


-Solid woods course
-Easy to navigate
-Field course Cedarock close by.
-Beautiful park for animals,horsebacking,hiking,and of course lots of Disc golf.
-New signs!
-Left and right/ up and down
-Squirrel watching ;)


-Old baskets with no color tend to blend in with the surrounding forestry.
-Nothing over 300ft at this course until 17 which IMO might be the signature hole for me here.

Other Thoughts:

Played both courses on the same day for the first time. I wish the discatchers were in the woods course though.
17 is an awesome hole for sure.
-The biggest downside for Am's and Pro's is that the two courses should have really been combind to make an Above average course with a little of everything. But instead the course layouts seem to be generated more towards recs. Dont get me wrong distance from the gold/blues adds difficulty, There is still no risk reward or those really hard "I want to get par" holes at either course. All about the birds.
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4 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.2 years 179 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Into the woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 6, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The thing that makes Wellspring so great is that it's the yin to Cedarock's yang. The duality of the courses which sit directly beside each other makes them a perfect dg combo.

Wellspring is short and wooded, and probably the best of its kind in Central NC. It offers a great atmosphere inside of Cedarock park where you're right in the mix of an old growth forest which has good elevation changes and a small creek running throughout the course.

The layout for most of the course is very well done, and uses the space in a way that doesn't make you feel like you're crammed in there. It also uses the elevation changes from short but steep hills to make a lot of the shots unique.

The course isn't overly wooded and not incredibly difficult with the exception of some of the holes which will provide a challenge for even intermediate level players. It will force you to use a variety of shots (break out your thumber) and offers multiple lines on many of the holes.

The course is designed so that horrid drives will be punished but having a not good drive will leave you with a chance to save par. It's really all about the birdies here.

The baskets are very well placed on a lot of holes which makes drive precision a key and your putts possibly difficult no matter if you're inside 30' or not.

Personally I like the white layout the most out of the two and not really because it's the easiest.

For 17 and 18 you do pop out in to a more open area and 17 is a long downhill bomber with a pond on the right. It's a really fun and well designed hole.

Brand new Discatchers, yes they finally replaced the baskets here.


The pads are short and not very wide; the shortness isn't really the problem because it's a short course but the width does bother me sometimes.

I don't really like the blue layout as much. I can see why they put it in (to add a more difficult counterpart) but essentially they just stuck a tee pad right behind a group of trees. It makes the first 30' the hardest part of a lot of the holes.

There are also some holes on both courses that will really make you scratch your head as to what to do, I guess that might be a good thing for some but for me it goes a little to far.

Other Thoughts:

A great way to play this course is to make one giant loop with it and Cedarock. You can start at 1 on Cedarock and play through 8; you then turn left and walk in to the woods where you'll find 16 on Wellspring (it hugs the right side of the woods). You play 16-18 then go right to 1-15 on Wellspring and then pop back out of the woods and continue Cedarock on 9.

Holes I love -

#1 - it starts you off with one of the harder holes on the entire course (both layouts). i like the challenge right off the bat.

#3 White - it's a great valley shot with the basket tucked in on the right in a cluster of trees, watch out for roll aways.

#9 White - R to L hyzer shot off a small cliff, just a nice looking shot

#11 Both - one of the longer wooded holes on the course, it's an L to R shot over a slight valley and the basket sits up on a hill guarded by trees.

#14 Both - not a terribly difficult hole, you have to maneuver a gap near the begging and once you're past it you should be fine. it's a great looking hole.

#17 Both - a long downhill bomber that's more open, you've got dense woods on the left and a pond on the right, plus large trees in the middle. If you can get it down and past the obstacles should be a 3.
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3 1
Experience: 17.4 years 42 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well worth a round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 12, 2012 Played the course:once


This was my first round @ Wellspring and did not have a lot of time so it was a (shorter) red tee round for me. I played alone and found it very easy to get around the course - only had to walk up a few holes to see the exact basket location. The signs look new and make it easy to determine distance and locate the basket. It plays pretty short - throw out the par 4, 600 foot plus 17 hole and the average hole length from the red tees is about 204 feet and 220 from the blues. I checked out a some of the blue tee pads and it looks like they would add a number of strokes to your round with more difficult angles and tighter lines. All but 2 holes are in the woods and many of the tee shots are tight so in spite of the short length, Wellspring still offers plenty of challenge. It must be from growing up playing ball golf but I hate like random obstacles that come into play off the tee. @ Wellspring, the designer did a great job laying out almost all of the fairways so if you put the disc where you are aiming, you can get a lot of birdie opportunities. If you can throw 200 down a tight line and can shape it both left and right, you will easily best par but if you tend to spray T-shots, I promise you won't be showing off your scorecard. There is a good mix of left and right tee shots and a variety of dog leg angles so if you play this course a lot, your approaches on longer courses are sure to improve. It's a great 2nd option and totally different experience to the parks other course.


Tee pads are a little narrow (but you don't really need a lot of room to T a 200' hole) and a few holes are too close so you could get hit by an errant t-shot. It was just a little wet when I played and the hills and creek banks were slick - play next door @ Cedarock in wet weather.

Other Thoughts:

Wellsping is a blast to play and I can't imagine anyone thinking that they would not like to come back for another round. Locals should feel very fortunate to have these two different courses to enjoy.
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0 2
Experience: 13.6 years 8 played 6 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 31, 2011 Played the course:once


Pros: Nice for beginners due to it being a shorter course. Fun to play with some interesting shots to the left and right and helps to develop aim skill. Most baskets can be made in 2 good throws. This course covers a nice path through the woods.


Cons: Course be slippery after rain. There is a horse trail on the last 2 holes and we had to be careful and wait for riders to come through. I could see a rouge disc from the woods causing some trouble there. Careful on the back area of the woods, disc can end up in the pasture with the goats.

Other Thoughts:

Other Thoughts: Overall, very nice and easy to play. Quite enjoyable.
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4 0
Disc Golf Greg
Experience: 16.6 years 21 played 16 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 10, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


-Dual tee's that not just make holes longer but also change angle of shot
-Good use of elevation including both uphill and downhill shots
-Mando on one of the holes
-Course gives that you that secluded feeling and is not interfered by other park amenities
-Hole 3 and 17 are personal favorites of mine and make great use of the land. Hole 3 being a semi-short technical shot. A RHBH player needs a gentle turnover shot and can score an easy birdie that way. A bad drive will leaving you trying to save Par. And 17 is a 600ft long shot with a pond that comes into play. On the other side is the thick woods, and in the middle lies mature oak? trees. Great hole which is very hard two get a 3 on.
-Trash cans, and litter is never an issue.
-The tiny creek that winds through the course is a great touch.
-Cement tees
-Nice variety of shots, course neither favors lefty or righty.
-Disc Shop where you can buy snacks and discs


-Lacks tee signs. With tee signs I would have given this course a 4.0 rating.
-Cement tees could be a little wider/longer
-Could use a few longer holes, hole 17 is the only one where you can air it out.
-Some of the walking bridges need new boards to repair existing gaps

Other Thoughts:

Overall a nice course which is for sure worth a drive out to play. This park also has a second course which is more open called Cedarock.
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5 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16 years 117 played 110 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 21, 2011 Played the course:once


This is a mostly wooded course with only 2 open shots. Most holes are relatively short with one hole being a 600 foot bomb. The park actually has two 18 hole courses which is a big plus.

Other Pros:
- elevation used
- dual tees
- nice variety of turns
- was not crowded
- very clean


There weren't tee signs, which would have made navigation a bunch easier. Yes, most holes are rather short but the woods is also fairly tight.

Other Cons:
- #4's basket and #5's tee play kind of close to each other
- tee pads were concrete but too short

Other Thoughts:

It's a fun course and plenty of disc golf in the area, so it's worth a stop by. I do like short wooded courses and this did not disappoint. Bring a map if you're a first timer!
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9 3
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 20.3 years 616 played 565 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Reedy Creek lite 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 14, 2011 Played the course:once


Wellspring is a classic disc golf course. You feel like you're stepping back to the earlier days of disc golf, and can sense of how far it has come since the 1980s. That said, enjoy the tradition, but don't expect to be wowed, or overwhelmed by anything the course has to offer.
- Solid, heavily wooded course. The first 16 holes are all in the woods, ranging from narrow/nearly non-existent fairways to more open, ho-hum layouts.
- Very good use of elevation. There aren't any extreme elevation holes, but a majority has solid aspects of uphill or downhill shots, or a little bit of both. You see this from the very beginning, with #1, being a tight uphill layout, and have it continue throughout the round.
- Course has plenty of birdie, and ace chances. It's short enough that on most holes, you can be aggressive with putters and mid-range discs off the tee. It's almost a great course for beginners.
- Along those lines, I really appreciated that you had a chance to salvage any shots that went off the fairway. On most of the wooded holes, if your shot strayed into the trees, there was still enough room to make a shot towards the basket, instead of being forced to simply throw back into the fairway. It still brings in a solid risk/reward factor, but it's not going to automatically mean you're looking at a bogey.
- Course has 2 sets of tees. For the most part this is a pro, but there's a slight negative to them. Having two tees is always good, but there's only one hole that offers truly different look from the tees - #13. On several holes, the pro & amateur tees are right next to each other, or one behind the other, where you're essentially throwing the exact same shot.
- I loved having the small creek weave its way through the course. On almost every wooded hole, there's a small bridge, or bridges, over the creek. It's mostly shallow, so no real chance to lose a disc. Only potential risk area I noticed was on #4, where it was up to 2 feet deep.
- Very nice scorecards and maps online. Not that you'll need the map, because the course flows so well. The maps is more handy on some of the holes with blind tee shots.


Tee pads are, ahem, antiquated. They're short and narrow. It's not a problem on every hole because many are so short, but on other holes where a run up is needed, you might be better off throwing from the dirt next to the pad.
- Metal baskets in the woods are always a bad combination. They're hard to see in the shadows or among the trees.
- A couple holes are squeezed too close together. The biggest culprit is #4 basket is only about 30 feet from #5 tee. If you're on #5 tee and there are people behind you, you'll need to keep a close eye to make sure no discs are flying your direction.
- The course is almost too short. If you take away #17, the short tees average only 205 feet, the longs average only 222 feet. Along the lines, it'd be nice to see a little more variety in the tee pad layouts.
- It's also a slight letdown to have 16 straight wooded holes, only to end with the only two open holes. It'd be a much better finish if you ended with one of the more of the difficult wooded holes, such as #1 or #15.

Other Thoughts:

After several holes, I was having major dejà vu. Then I realized this course is a slightly scaled down version of Reedy Creek - from distance, fairways width & challenge. The only major difference is that Wellspring isn't overcrowded with college kids.
- I really enjoy the isolation and beauty of the course. You really feel out at nature playing both here and Cedarock.
- It's great coming to a park and having two good courses to play. The fact they're polar opposites means you're going to get a little bit of everything playing both.
- There were some really fun, and challenging holes here. If you're throwing straight, you're going to see plenty of birdies and score low. #3 stood out to me as the epitome of this course has to offer. It's a 208 foot hole (205 from short tees), tight fairway over a slight ravine. A good tee shot will give you a tap-in birdie, an average tee shot may give you a long, difficult birdie putt, and a bad tee shot will find the trees, forcing you to scramble for par.
- Don't talk about about a course BD likes. He'll thumb you down.
- This is a solid course. It's more fun than challenging. All things considered this is a good, average course. Nothing overly special or unique here that you won't find at other courses - Reedy Creek, Cornwallis in Durham are similar.
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5 9
Experience: 13.8 years 8 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Fun nice wooded 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 19, 2011 Played the course:once


Tight wooded course that requires technical shots. Holes 17 and 18 have open fairways making it a nice ending. It uses its terrain very well with a bunch of hills. Some tees are on hills where you can get out some nice shots. Paths and fairways are marked clearly by paint on trees. There are 2 sets of tee boxes making it nice for any level of player. See some park workers doing maintains by cleaning fairways and fixing things up.


Some hole tee marker numbers are faded and need to be repainted. Some bridges need to be repair, but I see some guy going around doing some work on the course. Baskets need to have some color, because they blend in too much with the terrain. Needs a map on the entrance sign to the course.

Other Thoughts:

Over all its a really fun course to play by making you want to come back over and over again.
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2 4
Experience: 23.3 years 33 played 10 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Difficult But Fun 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 2, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Great if you like tight, wooded courses because there are very few open holes. Lots of elevation change as well. You almost feel like you are hiking and playing disc golf at the same time. But the course is a blast to play.


Could be better marked, but there are usually plenty of locals out there to follow around.

Other Thoughts:

Played with two friends last time out. To illustrate how tight some of the lanes are, one of my buddies, teeing off on 13, hit a tree less than halfway down the fairway. His disc bounced off the tree, off the ground, and into the basket for 12. We got free beer that night!
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3 1
Experience: 19 played 18 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 18, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful location. I played the other course here when on business last time. You could really play 36 different.holes in a few hours. Great up and down walks. Baskets are good at securing discs. Very friendly locals around on this afternoon. I highly recommend this complex with the bathrooms and scenery.


Absolutely no markings. Thanks to the locals I could find my way around. Needs new markers and tee painting.. A printed off the internet hole guide is a must. These are the reasons why I only gave a 3.

Other Thoughts:

If you love outdoors you have got to come and if you have time play both courses. I was there around from 2 to about 4 in the afternoon. Locals from teens to old guys like me were super friendly and helpful. You MUST be able to climb up and down. Bring some peanuts for the chip monks.
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0 25
Experience: 24.1 years 20 played 19 reviews
4.00 star(s)

hHOME SWEET HOME 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 29, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


great course for ams and pros.JAY REDDING SHOT A 2OVER PAR TWO YEARS AGO IN SNEAKY PETE(pro woods). this pass year i won the am title with a 3 under in pro woods. it can eat you alive if you let it. looks deciving to an advanced player, not even worth trying for a newbie. i played the woods 5 years before i learne a back hand and this is where. no hole over 300 except one THE BEST PAR 3 IN DISC GOLF PEROD!. A 686FT AM 746ft PRO work of art. can take any phenomal round and flush it down the drain. harsh woods on left pond on right (probly have 10 or 15 disc in there and one CE WRAITH(poyur a little beer out for you baby). throw a tee bird to roc on this hole and make you putt. the hole as gradual down hill the hole way pobly 75 ft above the pin when you drive.OH YEA BARRY SHULTZ PLAY HERE 5 YEARS AGO AND DIDNT FINSH IN THE MONEY.


david wiggin jr won his first advanced tourey here and is the youngest person to win a b-tier tourney.

Other Thoughts:

i witnessed back to back aces on the same hole here. hole 8 pro pad LEFT HANDED that holes is the most non left handed hole on the course. hits hits the first one, we celbrate wink. he says"let me see if i can do it again" and the mfer did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISCS SITTING ON TOP OF EACH OTHER i yell and just for i hav seen history the main man CHRIS SCARLETE SPEACHLESS. and as sure as im riteing this he tried uit a 3rd time and it faded rite b4 it hit it again. BEST 2 SHOTS IVE EVER SEEN I CAN DIE A HAPPY MAN NOW.
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12 1
Experience: 15.2 years 25 played 12 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 23, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


- This course has a good mix of left and right turning shots, as well as a few good overhands and a few straight shots.
- The fairways are tight enough to punish errant throws, but they are well defined, and fair.
- A few holes can be played with multiple routes.
- Very good use of elevation. A few holes play from a hill then across the creek, then back up a hill. A few play downhill the whole way (17, and 18.) Then 8 plays pretty steep uphill.
- It's right next to Cedarock Disc Golf Course, it's polar opposite.
- A few holes really stand out as fun to me: 8 is pretty neat where the fairway goes up a hill for about 75-100 feet, and then cuts 90 degrees left and another 75 to the basket. There's a mando right around the big tree at the corner. 17 really stands out because of how you just come right out of the woods to a big, fairly open downhill bomber. There's a big pond to the right and down the hill and a few mature trees in the middle to punish a shot that fades to early or is too high. And then 18 right after that is fun. It's a cut out of the woods and you throw over or around a 30 foot tall tree that sits in the middle of the fairway about 2/3 of the way down, with basket sitting to the back left edge of the opening, with a 15 foot drop off into the woods about 30 feet behind it.
- The course seems to be kept pretty well, I didn't see too much trash the last time out.
- The two sets of tees offer a few different looks on some holes with a bit of extra length from the blue tees.
- The course is pretty scenic with creek running through it and the hilly terrain. 17 is a beautiful shot with the pond to the right.


- Some of the tees have rocks embedded into them, it's not a huge deal but it makes the footing somewhat awkward on a few holes. I think it's more mental than anything, though.
- The holes could use some nice tee signs showing length from each tee.
- I think a few trash cans out on the course we keep this course from having any trash (though it's not really a problem.)

Other Thoughts:

Just when you start doing pretty good, this course can eat away at your score with a few bad throws. A really nice course that I have a ton of fun when I play.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Typical NC woods 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Located in Cedarock Park which also houses the Cedarock course. You can play 2 totally different courses right next to each other. There are also bathrooms, a playground, basketball court, and picnic areas in the park. Course is set back in the woods and is mostly secluded from the rest of the park. Mutliple concrete tee pads for 2 different layouts. Short tee pads are fun to play as they change not only the length on some holes, but change the angles and lines you need to hit. Several of the holes use the hills well. You need to throw uphill several times, but also need to be able to control your throws going downhill. No repetitive feel to this course like some wooded courses. Every hole feels like a new and different shot.


Navigation can be difficult your first few times on the course. I got lost a few times when I started playing this course. No signs telling you where to go. There is also no signage to help determine basket location or distance. That would be a great area where they could improve this course.

Other Thoughts:

This course is exactly what I think of when I think of a wooded course. There are ace and birdie runs available, but there are also tight enough fairways to punish you if you are not accurate. You must be able to thow shots that break left and right. Definitely a course that makes you learn to shape some shots. Mostly a putter and mid course. But hole #17 changes everything with a huge long bomb hole overlooking the fishing pond. Hole #18 is also relatively open compared to the rest of the course. I really like having 2 totally different style holes to finsih the round. Even though this is a heavily wooded course I never fell like it's unfair or overly punishing. It's just a straight-up well designed course.
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4 4
Experience: 16.3 years 15 played 14 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Cedarock's nasty little brother 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


I personally love this course.
Beautiful heavily worn in woods shots.
Easy to navigate to next tee.
Multiple tee's (red and blue) offer a great challenge to experienced and heavily skilled players.
Easy to shoot well, or terrible, great risk vs. reward.
Good scenic shots, with lovely elevation change.


Needs signage, thats the only thing keeping this away from a 4.5 for me.
Teepads are a little small, this really hurts run ups.
Watch out for the drunk farmer on hole 10, at times he shoots his Shotgun out towards the course... its really lame, and very scary.

Other Thoughts:

Absolutely worth playing!!! This course is a must see for those traveling through, and a regulars dream come true if you're local to the area.
If you can Deuce 17 from the longs, let me know and i'll buy you a drink.
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1 0
Experience: 21.3 years 31 played 17 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short, wooded, and challenging 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 3, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Wooded course with distinct fairways. I love these types of wooded courses where what you are supposed to do is clear. The designers did a very nice job of carving out a narrow fairway. The course is well maintained with difficult but attainable birdie chances. Big arms will be able to play almost every hole with a mid range disc or two. Although, the course is highlighted by a very long #17 (700'+) with water in play on the right.


Very popular course so it's often crowded. Be prepared to play slow. Might like to see a few holes lengthened a bit. Out in the middle of nowhere so it's a long trip to get to it.

Other Thoughts:

Nice course for the dogs to run around but overlapping holes means social dogs will interact. There is a way to play both courses in Burlington as a 36 hole loop but only locals really know the route.
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2 11
Experience: 18.3 years 32 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 25, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


love the choice of open or wooded course. Throw any way you need to and it will get to the basket. open but tough and makes you comite to your shoot. My favorit is 17th hole 686 am and 720 pro par 3.....


horse poo... on hole 1 and 17.

Other Thoughts:

come early to play both or just a figure 8..... Yes it can be a 36 hole course..
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8 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 47 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Fun Technical Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 26, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


- This is a fun little technical course to work on your short game and even more your accuracy, especially on the longer pads.
- There is a fairly good variety of shots that can be used from the tee. This is one of the few courses where on a hole or two I will actually pull out a thumber on a drive.
- The shorter tees offer an easy course that is pretty straightforward and the longer tees make you think a little more by having some strategically placed trees.
- I really liked hole #17 because after an entire course of tightly wooded holes you get to play a long open hole that you can grip it and rip it.
- This course has two teepads for I believe every hole.


- The biggest and most obvious con for this course is no tee signs. With several semi-blind hyzer/anny holes you have to essentially walk the fairways on a lot of holes to see where the basket is.
- This course used Mach V (or that type) of basket. This along with no tee-signs makes some baskets very hard if not impossible to spot from the tee pad.

Other Thoughts:

I find this course to be very fun to play. It is short enough for a beginner to attempt and tight enough to test more advanced players, especially if playing the longer tees. If you are passing through Burlington I would def. stop by for a round at both of the courses in the park.
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3 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 40 played 33 reviews
3.50 star(s)

woods! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 8, 2009 Played the course:once


Provides great contrast to Cedarock - this is a tight, wooded course that requires much more technical shots. Like Cedarock, it makes great use of terrain - no two holes are alike. There are many bridges in place, and navigating the course is quite easy. Benches on almost every hole are always a nice touch. Multiple tees on each hole allow players of all skill levels to enjoy playing here. This was one of the better wooded courses I've played - while most of the shots were through tight alleys, there were often several options on what you could throw. 17 and 18 are the only open holes on the course, giving you a few chances to air it out before you finish.


Like with Cedarock, I think that this course could benefit from bigger tees. Being a shorter course though, a run-up is not completely necessary so it doesn't take much away from the course.

Other Thoughts:

This was a great course to play right after Cedarock. They are completely different - Cedarock favors those with more distance, while Wellspring will favor those with better accuracy and a good short game. These two parks make for an awesome day of disc golf - well worth the stop if you're passing through town.
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5 5
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 30.3 years 394 played 276 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A- = Almost As Good As It Gets 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 18, 2007 Played the course:5+ times


What I personally like and how this course stacks up (from the longs):
1) Holes with good risk/reward -- B+ (Appropriate punishment for inaccuracy leaves you struggling to save par on a few holes if you don't get out of the shoot cleanly.)
2) Holes that have rewarding birdie opportunities -- A- (Several holes are a little short, but many feel great...especially when you can string together multiple deuces. I invariably leave the course feeling that the course got the better of me on several holes....and I really want another round to do just a little better.)
3) More wooded than open - lots of variety of shots required caused by hole shape and topography -- A- (Lots of shot shapes required and the use of the available topography is maximized.)
4) Natural beauty (Appalachian beauty preferred) and seclusion -- A+ (When the streams are flowing and course has been picked up, it is absolutely idyllic! It is a remote location so there is nothing to be heard but birdsong and a running brook)
5) Bonus amount for multi-shot holes with defined landing zones, good risk/reward and multiple options to play them -- C (17 is only par 4, but it is a beauty - demands accuracy and the pond lurking on the right midway down the fairway is a real risk for lefties.)

Other Thoughts:

It's all about feeding the addiction, so I ranked this course subjectively based on my own "personal addiction factor". The grades above tell how well the course will draw me back to itself again and again and again. Since I have played a decent number of courses (115 18-hole, 50 9-hole as of early 2009), my hope is that players/explorers who have similar addiction tastes will find my ratings list helpful as they choose courses to play and explore.

I fully expect others with different tastes/philosophies to disagree with me....that's the fun of things here. See my profile for my rating philosophy.
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3 2
Experience: 16.2 years 1 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Beware of hole 10! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 23, 2009 Played the course:once


tech. shots needed for pros and newbies like me. Fun course with great use of natural enviroment.


BEWARE OF HOLE 10. If you disc flies over the small barbed wire fence, do not touch the barbed wire. You will get and electric shock.

Other Thoughts:

The directions getting there were a bit fuzzy. Disreguard the 6.4 miles and after 3-4 miles, start looking for the left at Friendship-Patterson Mill Rd. The wellspring course is past the farm area, not next to it.
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