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Batavia, IL

West Main Park

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West Main Park reviews

7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 19.2 years 305 played 283 reviews
2.00 star(s)

My Bag is Lighter for Having Played This Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2020 Played the course:once


- challenging narrow fairways that force excellent shot placement
- good mix of wooded and "open" holes
- lots of potential
- quality baskets


- doubles as a dog park nearby (didn't bother me early in the morning, but others have commented on dogs running loose)
- presence of wild parsnip
- rough/undergrowth is extremely overgrown and eats discs like crazy
- tee signs are very basic
- no tee pads

Other Thoughts:

This is a hard course to rate and you can see the previous ratings are all over the place. This course has a lot of potential and challenges the player to use excellent shot placement.

I was tempted to rate this a 1.5, but I really this it is a 2+ caliber course, maybe more like a 3 with some improvements. The problem is, I really didn't enjoy playing it. The #1 problem here is just that the rough is so overgrown that there are places everywhere for discs to get eaten. I lost 2 discs on the first hole - that was painful. There is also wild parsnip around which can really mess you up if you're traipsing through the prairie grasses looking for discs.

I truly don't mind a challenge, and some of my favorite courses are extremely challenging (Idlewild in Kentucky, Canyons in Lockport, IL, etc). This course will challenge you, but if you have to spend too much time hunting for discs in the rough it gets hard to enjoy. I think if some of the undergrowth was trimmed back this could be a much better course.

I should have heeded the warnings not to play in summer that I only saw after the fact - perhaps the course would be more playable in winter when things die down. The tee signs/tees could definitely use improvement here, but for me it was the difficulty finding discs that put a damper on the round. There are signs at the beginning warning of wild parsnip, and it looked like it was everywhere. I'm no botanist, so maybe I was wrong, but there were plants all over on the early holes that looked just like it.

There is a nice mix of technical wooded holes and more open holes - although due to the prairie grasses, etc. the "open" holes still have tight fairways and are pretty challenging.

I'd like to go back to add some updated pictures to the site, but I can't say I'm excited to try playing this one again.
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12 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 437 played 23 reviews
2.00 star(s)

shrugs shoulders 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 2, 2013 Played the course:once


-Easy to Nagivate
-New Baskets
-Has decent length

This course was created on a piece of land on that is basically exclusively being used for disc golf. It is also partially a dog park, but did not interfer in any way shape or form. They installed brand new Innova Discatchers and are in awesome shape. The course featured some decent length. There are some opportunities for bigger arms to air it out on some of the holes. That generally comes as a premium in the Chicagoland area. I had absolutely no problem finding my way around this course. If course nagivation is not your forte, there is a map at the beginning of the course you can photograph with your phone. However, I would not bother. Someone has maked the basket with black marker for which direction to go if you need it.


-Fairways too narrow
-Natural tees
-Basket placements illogical
-Not beginner welcoming
-Poor use of space

This course is not beginner friendly. I feel a very small part of it is only the length. I don't feel it's crazy long and I do not have the distance of most. Most of the holes a beginner player has no realistic chance of duecing. Not really a big issue if you are looking for a true par 54 course. However, majority of the fairways are only mowed about 10 feet wide. If you do not have pinpoint accuracy, this will be a huge issue. The weeds/grass is about waist high and will lead you to looking for your discs. I played a solo round, and without having a second set of eyes, I used my experience to play my round. I only threw my Element, Buzzz, and APX the entire round with the except of hole 11, where I threw a Cyclone with the expectation for a chance at a duece. This gave me almost nothing but safe pars the entire round. A newer player does not know how to control a disc as well and will lead to many lost discs, based on the number of them I found just walking knowing my disc was in the fairway. So with the length of the course, basically my second shot would be considered a NAGS shot.

A few of the basket were in really strange placements. I prefer that basket are not on a straight line off the tee. But a couple of the basket seemed like they were tucked off to the left or right with no real thought of disc flight or strategy. Hole 11 comes to mind, blanking on the other ones. I remember throwing off the tee and walking up assuming that the basket was in one place, and then had to search for it a little. Also, the natural tees are a huge mistake. People will be slipping and falling as they wear down. Especially if they are trying to crank one out there.

This course could have been something wonderful. I stopped a few times and looked around. There are plenty of mature trees and pines where this course could have been awesome if the right designer was involved. It really felt like someone walked the grounds once and said, "That'll do". There was plenty of opportunity with this course. There are other designers in the area who work with each other and work towards something great for the entire community. It also feels like a unfinished product. It's got that we'll cut the wood and build the bookcase for you, we are just not going to sand and stain it. That's what a good designer does. I am kind of glad there is not cement tees yet. I hope the park district realizes that the need some improvements and find someone to work with them.

Other Thoughts:

All and all, the course will not be too bad to play late Fall through early Spring. It is not something I will do in the summer again. In it's current condition, I can only give this course a 2.0 reasonable. It is not a 2.5 decent/typical course and it's definitely wouldn't be a 3.0 good course. However, it should be if it was complete. Doing some more clearing, and a little more wider mowing, as well as adjusting a couple baskets or tee locations I would give this course a 3.0 WITHOUT installing tee pads. Add the pads, and it would probably be a 3.5. I wish this was near my house. I would love to work with the park district to make this something special. Unfortunately, it is about an hour ride for me so it is not an option. If the park district desides to utilize their investment and decide to bring someone in for inprovements down the road, there is plenty of opportunity for greatness. This land could easily accommidate dual tees or baskets (really both), and some of the most interesting holes in the Chicago area. You could make shorters holes for newers players and families and add/keep longers holes for advanced players. With dual options, and tweaking this place really could be a 4.5. This course could be packed everyday. It is a shame I was the only one on it on a Friday evening while school is out.

Like I said, 2.0 in current state. Greatness is there, maybe in time someone will make it something special. For now, I would wait to play it until the ground freezes.
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12 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 23.3 years 351 played 178 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Broughtavia 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jun 1, 2013 Played the course:once


This course is located in a large multiuse park. It's pretty much secluded from all other activities. The rough is down right nasty! Tons of trees and thick vegetation. This is a challenge and you will be punished by errant throws. This land is very unique to the Chicagoland Area. The land is very flat.

There is a course map at the end of the parking lot.

Brand new Innova Discatchers.

Tee signs are plenty adequate with hole #, distance, & description.

We took a picture of the map and did not have to use it once. The course flow was pretty good.

There is some risk and reward. Staying in the fairway is a premium. There are chances to take out a distance driver and smash it.


I have the biggest issue with the tee pads. The natural tee pads were wet, muddy, & slick in places. With as much rough that comes into play slipping on a shot is super frustrating.

The course needs some more clearing. The tall grass and heavy rough is going to scare away newer players. Keep an eye on your shots!

There are a ton of holes where the pin is tucked on the left side or right side of the fairway. They are very sharp angles and not ideal for disc flight.

Hole #2 could have been a really cool looking hole. It has an awesome natural tunnel. The visual stimulation is killed by having the basket placed all the way at the end of the right side where it's not visible.

Other Thoughts:

With proper tees I'd bump the rating up to 3.0. With a few pin position changes and some minor clearing/mowing it could go to 3.5. The land had 4.0 disc golf potential and is very unique for Chicago. A top designer could have created something special out there.
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2 6
Experience: 17.4 years 31 played 4 reviews
2.00 star(s)

to new 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 6, 2013 Played the course:5+ times


Long and tight. this is a hard course with many challenges and absolutely no room for arrent throws. tucked behind the rest of the park so there is not much foot traffic other then frolfers.


not enough throws! Its tunnel shots and straight fairways from start to finish. There are a couple holes that have no line available to take but midwest discgolf still has time to fix them. The rough consists of huge thornplants everywhere, dont where nice shoes or clothes. The tree will eat your discs! There are very full pines that are generally impossible to recover a disc from uptop. Roughs are hard to see through aswell and it's the middle of winter.

Other Thoughts:

i dont know how to add discs lost on the info page but believe me many many discs will be lost. so far there are no tee boxes, i do not know what they are putting in but anything short of concrete will be a poor decision. the plants that were cut down for fairways still need to die so walking is a larger challenge then you'd think. it will definately get better but its still a work in progress.
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