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Westminster, CO

Westminster DGC

2.85(based on 47 reviews)
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Westminster DGC reviews

12 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.4 years 161 played 142 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Bring your own shade 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 9, 2020 Played the course:once


Westminster DGC is in a huge complex of sports fields and open fields, with a large lake in the middle. I saw a lot of these open spaces in the suburbs on my trip, and kept thinking "why isn't there disc golf in more of these?" but here, they did it.

There are 18 holes going up and down the slopes of the park, a few level ones, and some that bring the nearby creek into play. Overall the hole design is somewhat varied. The holes are all pretty long with a few under 300' exceptions, some up and downhill, some left and right (though mainly straight). And a few obstacles here or there.

A few holes have multiple pin positions, and usually you can see from the tee where the basket is but there's a few where you can't see either position from the tee and either have to guess or walk up. I didn't see anywhere where it would be posted.

Tee's are large concrete pads, signs are informative and good looking, and usually the only thing sticking up and really help you find the next tee.

Navigation is fairly straightforward with a few exceptions. Pay attention to the tee signs so you don't get lost


The biggest con is the unrelenting openness and length of this course. It is long, there is no shade, there are very minimal obstacles. The sun just bears down you without mercy. Maybe being from Louisiana affected me, because even though it was in the mid 90's, I wasn't really sweating, I wasn't that hot, but I just felt the burning happening. There is no solar mercy on this course.

Navigation is tricky because some of these holes are really bunched up, and it's easy to walk to the closest tee, which sometimes isn't the next hole.

Also with navigation and layout, maybe we parked in the wrong parking lot but it was a long walk back to the car. Hole 1 and 18 aren't exactly close together.

Other Thoughts:

"Why isn't there more disc golf in these [natural spaces]?" Well I kinda had my answer after this round. I have a feeling some of the shade and openness problems would still persist, and really those problems are only such big issues because of the length of this course. If it were shorter, we wouldn't be so tired of being out in the sun for a couple hours. My brother-in-law and 7 year old nephew I played with also struggled given the length, and usually just started halfway up the fairway anyway.

Most of the issues on this course could be negated by just not subjecting you to enduring them for so long. As far as course design goes, there weren't a lot of options to integrate more trees, make the holes less open, but there is the option to make the course more accessible for newer players, and keep people from being out there for so long.
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5 0
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
2.50 star(s)

A Walk in the Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 2, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


Location is convenient and easy to find.
Good mix of medium to longish holes.
Close to park restrooms and drinking fountains.
Baskets were in good shape
The course is not crowded, I didn't see another player all day!


- It was difficult to find the course after parking since it is quite a trek to get to the first and tenth holes. The course layout is lacking forethought.
- Signage that remains was typical of most courses, but shows where you've played rather than directing you to the next tee. This was a very difficult course to navigate because of that.
- Come prepared with a course map. There are course maps posted, but they are not near parking or near the first tee. I found them while walking to my car.
- The course is heavily weeded on several holes, even around the baskets, and you can't help but walk through them. I stopped twice to deburr my shoes and socks and burrs had worked their way under my feet.
- There is not much shade or benches on the course.

Other Thoughts:

Each time I've played this course, it seems to be lacking in maintenance, but that also increases the challenge. I didn't lose a disc, but found two while trying to locate my tee shot on the "fairway", which was about the same as the rough.
This course has great potential, but needs TLC and rethinking.
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7 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 93 played 81 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Directly adjacent to my hotel? Gotta play it 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 11, 2018 Played the course:once


-Right next to the Westin Westminster, like literally across the street. Very convenient, I had planned to play certain course on my trip to CO, but this one was an awesome surprise bonus.
-tees are nice concrete pads with ample room for a normal run up. Tee signs are pretty good, I played as the sun was setting, so I couldn't make out some of the more guarded pins, so the tee signs were super awesome
-Fairways are in good condition, it seems like there used to be grass, but it dried up and died a while ago, but the ground is intact,a nd easily traversable
-Rough, wow, this is some rough rough. Hmm, let me rephrase that, the rough is difficult, which I think makes the course better, more fun, and more challenging.
-Elevation is used pretty well, not on every hole, but on some, in my opinion 11 uses it best, you play along a hillside.
-Concrete walking paths from the park follow the course pretty well, or more likely, the course was designed to follow the paths, in any case, the paths are great
-Water use: I assume there is a creek/river of some sort running along a good majority of the holes, but it was pretty dry when I played, so if my assumption is correct, this course incorporates water into its design well. Also, there is a massive lake/pond in the middle of the park, it doesn't come into play and I can kinda see why, but I was a little disappointed
-Holes themselves are designed well, each hole is pretty unique, most holes have a clear "normal" play, but there is room to get weird also


-Basket visibility: as you may have read above, I played as darkness was creeping over the course, so the baskets were hard to see, so for me this is a con, although I'm sure you could see them alright in daylight.
- Baskets themselves are meh, probably the middle of the line in terms of quality, it's no DISCatcher, but it gets the job done
-I had a tough time navigating this course, it seems rather compact, I'm sure locals breeze through, but I struggled a bit. That being said, with the help of UDisc, I got around no problem
-No benches
-Not the prettiest park, granted, I played in November and none of the trees had leaves anymore, but, I've seen better locations
-Some garbage on the ground, not a lot, but just enough to make me unhappy
-Fairways don't intersect, some tees get close, which is a little confusing, but I don't think any cross. Like a mentioned earlier, this course is a little crammed

Other Thoughts:

Like I said at the beginning, this course was a surprise bonus play for me, so if you come to the Denver area, stay at the Westin Westminster for a short walk to a Disc Golf course, also, try the French toast it's awesome.
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 12.9 years 117 played 81 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Needs a lot of TLC 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 27, 2018 Played the course:once


+ Variety in distances

+ Great for stretching your arm (the distance is most of this course's challenge)

+ occasional benches/trash cans & restrooms/POJ's are scattered around the grounds, but most are nearer to the front 9

+ tees are nice and large, concrete, in good shape

+ Signs present on most holes (more on those later)

+ Some holes, especially on the back 9 have good use of the elevation available

+ Plenty of parking

+ Some holes, like those near the creek are rather scenic


- Grass gets pretty long in summer, I'd recommend long sleeve pants and lots of water as there's not much shade

- During events cars might be parked in the middle of #2 making you decide if you wanna risk hitting one or not

- Baskets are showing signs of time/wear, with some starting to spit out discs

- Signage/Navigation/Flow: Signs are missing on 5, 13 & 16. They're also postioned in some of the weirdest places I've seen. Some are on the side of the tee, and most are actually on the back side of the tee, which gets really confusing when you're used to signs facing the direction you're throwing and being near the front of the tee. The map on this site and the maps on the signs don't seem 100% accurate or to scale. I think some changes have been made to the course over the years that explain these discrepancies. Navigation isn't the easiest your first time out b/c of the map issues and the fact that you have several baskets visible from several tees, making it confusing as to which you're actually going for. The course also doesn't have the best flow I've ever seen. There's a fair amount of backtracking to the next tee, especially egregious on 9 > 10, where you basically have to retrace your steps along 9's fairway to get to 10, and on 16 > 17, where you end up having to walk right in the flight path for 15.
The course also doesn't play a loop, and neither Tee #1 nor Basket #18 are close to parking.

- Not a lot of variety in shots required

- Fairways aren't totally clear on several holes, and there's plenty of overgrowth to lose a disc in, especially near the creek

Other Thoughts:

Westminster is a challenge but most of that comes from the distance on most holes, difficulty in navigation (fist time out) and the weather, which the day I played was sunny and 102F. I'm sure (as stated in other reviews) that the creek comes into play when there's more water flowing but that wasn't so the day I played. That said, the foliage near the creek can get pretty hairy itself. If you're looking for a nice, long course to grip 'n' rip, it's great. The back 9 gets more interesting w/ elevation coming into play but your main challenges are still distance/overgrowth. Hole 14 was a personal favorite, w/ the basket just out of view headed downhill, nestled near the creek, making for a nail-biter of a RHBH and rendering a RHFH useless w/ the foliage to the left.

I left Westminster definitely feeling like I had played a round of golf but I'm not sure how soon or often I'd go back. The course just doesn't flow for my tastes, w/ the backtracking and long walk at the end back to parking. When established in '03 I imagine it could've been close to stellar but it seems like in the last 15 years there have been changes to the park itself and the basket layout, rendering the map/signs in need of an update. That, coupled with long grass and aging baskets gave me the impression of playing in an abandoned theme park or ghost town of sorts. I can imagine lots of plastic in the air and many people enjoying themselves in years gone by but that was the past, and now you're left to traverse a post-apocalyptic hellscape by yourself and wonder what happened to the place.

Would I suggest it? Sure. If I lived nearby I might even be happy to have it closeby, but it's not a destination and should be left to locals and baggers. With a fair amount of TLC and some reimagining of certain parts of the layout it could possibly be returned to former glory but for now, Buzz Aldrin's description of the moon "magnificent desolation" comes to mind.
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1 2
Experience: 8.3 years 37 played 37 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Long Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 7, 2017 Played the course:once


Great tees and baskets
Well marked (a few signs were missing, but not tough to follow)
Holes 7-18 were challenging with water on nearly every hole


Holes 2-6 were long shots across a field
Some park traffic on paths, nothing too disruptive
Could be very windy (not when I was there though)
No vegetation, minimal trees

Other Thoughts:

I put 2 discs in the water, but was able to retrieve both
Plenty of room for more holes
Course starts and ends in strange locations (not near parking lots)
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8 0
Experience: 16.4 years 11 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Weed City 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 13, 2015 Played the course:once


Great tee pads and signs.

Good Mach baskets.

Set in a nice park area with a lake and many nice sports facilities.

Very good place to practice pure distance drives without having to worry about obstructions.

The holes here are longer than average for those who want to throw some bombs.

There are a few well designed holes that are very cool, mostly in the back 9.

The front 9 is well mowed, and except for the water hazards it's difficult to lose a disc there.

The water hazards add a little interest and pressure.

When I was there it was not very crowded.

It's not very difficult to navigate.

You have to walk for a good bit across the soccer field to get to the first hole from the parking, but other than that it is designed so that you loop around and end up back at the parking lot without too many wasted steps.


Unless you just want to work on your maximum distance drives, the front 9 is going to be very boring. The holes are all just wide open, long distance shots in a flat and treeless area of the park.

The back 9, while having much more interesting shots, is an abyss of uncontrolled vegetation. The fairways consist of 6 foot tall thorny thistles, prickly bushes and yucca, with small foot trails from the tee to the basket. Often, making a great shot in terms of the game will land you 15 feet deep in this mess and you'll have to bushwhack your way through to reach your disc. It seems from the pictures posted here that they cut all of this stuff out a few months ago, but it grew back with a vengeance.

While the signs and pads are nice, they are it when it comes to amenities at the tees. No benches, no trashcans, no nothing.

There is basically no shade, and nothing to break the wind.

Other Thoughts:

If you have the time and the means to play another course, I would recommend doing so. If you're in the area and just looking for a round this will do. If they cut down the weeds on the back 9 it would greatly improve the course, but the front 9 would still just be long, wide open shots.

Not a destination course, but not completely horrible.
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2 2
Experience: 14.6 years 22 played 16 reviews
3.00 star(s)

It could be better 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 21, 2014 Played the course:5+ times


The course design is excellent and the holes are long. It really doesn't overlap at all and it is a great walk


The terrain is horrible, the course really isn't maintained. It's either thick weeds, mud, bugs, or murky streams. Come in hiking boots and jeans. There are prickly weeds everywhere. Easy to loose discs here as well.

Other Thoughts:

The design of this course is so great I would rate it a 4 if it were maintained at all. The rough terrain is just such a factor here that I can't look at it as a great course to play. I can't even take my dog here because of the weeds
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2 1
Experience: 17.3 years 93 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Bomber Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 17, 2014 Played the course:once


I just played this course for the first time, I work in the Interlocken tech loop so the course I play all the time and this was a nice change from the short technical 200ft holes, this course is like almost 400ft each hole and lets you rip em.

-Wide open holes with some technical shots
-Do not need to many discs with you, bring a big throw disc and a overstable disc
-Water hazards on most of the holes but there is no way you will lose a disc as the water is very clear and to shallow


-Bad course to play on a windy day since there is not much tree cover

Other Thoughts:

-Play the alternate tee for hole 1, its way cooler!
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7 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.3 years 498 played 490 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Typical Front Range 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 8, 2014 Played the course:once


+Nice pads. huge and grippy concrete
+Overall nice place, Westminster clearly has some $$$. Baseball/softball fields were super nice.
+Nice signage, colorful with map of hole (see cons as well)
+Nice baskets with a few basket locations per hole.
+Some minor elevation, especially in the first few holes.
+The few holes that were interesting here involved the creek. It probably won't eat your discs either.
+You shouldn't lose a disc here. It is possible but not likely.
+Lots of parking and I'm sure you can use the rec center for bathrooms, etc.


-Horrible layout. You start somewhere that you can't park close enough to then you go right past some parking lots after a few holes and then you end up way away from the start. You also do a lot of uneccesary walking around instead of having the next pad close by.
-Open, open, open. Very few obstacles on the whole course. If you like throwing 400+ hyzer bombs all day and not having to control your disc at all then you will like playing here. I didn't really enjoy it. Also no shade on hot days.
-The distances listed on the signs were way off. They were longer than the real distance in most instances. According to them, my 350'ish drives magically became 500'+ drives for this round.
-Very crowded.
-Prairie dogs everywhere making holes to trip in.
-Walking/biking paths weave through the course and are busy.

Other Thoughts:

-This course involves a lot of walking and a little fun.
-I wouldn't stop here unless you need to waste a few hours while your kids are at the rec center swimming or something. This course isn't even great for course baggers because of how long it will take you.
-It seems that parks in Colorado (esp in suburbs) were kind of an afterthought. They weren't prepared for the explosion in population and construction so they didn't set aside much nice land. That is reflected in the lack of quality disc golf in the I25 corridor.
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1 4
Experience: 19.1 years 136 played 59 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun work on Hyzer bombs 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 27, 2014 Played the course:once


Teepads 4
Tee signs 4
baskets 4
Flow 4
Difficulty 2
I really enjoyed this course except for big walk back to cars. Nice tricky fairways around the little creek.


Big walk back to cars was a drag. I started on 3 and finished on 2. Missing some terrain everything tends to be hazers

Other Thoughts:

I enjoyed this course it was clean and easy to follow
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3 5
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 13.4 years 344 played 195 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 18, 2014 Played the course:once


-cement pads
-good tee signs
-a few technical shots with trees and water obstacles
-multiple basket placments
-free to play


-not easy to find the start
-good amount of walking without throwing
-pretty flat
-could use some better signs to navigate you around the course
-layout could lead to safety issues

Other Thoughts:

Decent course that could be better with a few more signs and a couple holes changed.
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1 3
Experience: 11.4 years 13 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Westy! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


Good Distance Holes and lots of great obstacles to go through and around.
Great location with not a lot of other people in the way.


Difficulty can be high for those who are not as accurate.
Lots of holes on the front 9 due to prairie dogs.

Other Thoughts:

Great for Intermediate to advanced players. Beginners Beware!
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1 1
Experience: 11.4 years 14 played 14 reviews
3.00 star(s)

westmonster 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


distance! (beginner arm here) 250 or better on your drives to play here (imo). One hole was playing over 600....Some challenging holes midway trough course with trees and dry creek calling for a reasonable placement of shot, but not impossible.


Distance......Maybe not the best place for beginners. Strong potential for lost discs along the dry creek. Witch is not dry, and comes into play in several areas. The weeds/overgrowth can swallow a disc in some areas as well.

Other Thoughts:

I am about 3 months into disc golfing and found this course to be be a challenge and fun. (+13 with one melt down hole that cost me 4 and a lost disc.....) When i bought my beginner three disc pack, i came right to westmonster form the store. I was a little discouraged @ that time and wondered if disc golf was for me? Three months later I found this course to be a fair challenge requiring some well placed shots, and other areas with room to rip at it with reckless abandon.
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1 5
OG Neal
Experience: 29.3 years 17 played 7 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Uninteresting 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 11, 2013 Played the course:2-4 times


-Good for big arms
-Easy to navigate
-Minimal foot traffic
-You only need to bring two discs
-Nice tee pads and hole markers
-Free Parking


-Boring, two drives and putt
-Not much of a challenge
-Like Bird's Nest, big space without a lot of thought

Other Thoughts:

Start on hole #3 next to the parking lot. This way you will end in the lot. I don't know why you would make people walk two holes to start when you just could have numbered the holes correctly, weird.
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1 2
Experience: 12.3 years 5 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Westminster 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2013 Played the course:once


Close to a lot of other things in the Westminster area. The first nine holes (what I've played) are not bad, but not particularly interesting.


There are a lot of weeds and seeds and stickers that will end up in your shoes in this course. Also, there is little to no shade until around the seventh hole, so bring sunblock or be ready to be cooked. Though the baskets are well maintained, most of the tee signs have been ripped up pretty badly and could use new stickers.

Other Thoughts:

This is not a good course for people who can't throw the disc very far. I'm no master myself and it can be daunting when you see most of the hole distances over 500 feet. It can be frustrating for players to be three or four over par before they even get within putting range.
I just hope the back nine is more interesting, which it looks like it is... and has a lot more traps.
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9 0
Wise Fool
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 125 played 118 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Some Good Holes But Lots of Filler 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2013 Played the course:once


-DGA baskets that are in decent shape.
- Nice concrete tee-pads that are nice and long.
-Tee-signs at each hole (that show pin position and give the hole length.
-Each tee-sign is numbered on the back, which makes it easier to navigate the course.
-The course is fairly easy to navigate and it is usually pretty obvious which tee-pad is next and which basket you are throwing too.
-The course has a good amount of elevation.
-Water comes into play on quite a few holes. Hole 1 pro tee-pad throws over a part of a lake and quite a few holes on the back nine throw around a river.
-The holes that throw near the river are the best holes on the course, because since the river is pretty overgrown, it provides some interesting risk/reward situations of do you go for it and risk having to look for your disc in the thick brush or do you take the safe route and avoid the brush.
-For those that like long holes most of the holes on this course are over 350 feet, with quite a few in the four hundred range in the right pin position and even a few exceeding 500 or 600 feet.
-Information sign at the beginning of the course.
-Multiple pin positions on all of the holes.
-Some of the pin positions are on hillsides or have drop-offs right into the river, which adds some risk and reward to putting.


-While this course has some nice holes that are a lot of fun, it also has a lot of throwaway filler holes. Holes 2-8 are mostly wide open shots with very few obstacles and aren't very exciting.
-The course gets very muddy and wet, so if it has been rainy or snowy don't wear your good shoes.
-Many of the tee-signs are peeling and hard to read and need to be replaced.
-There are groundhogs in the area, which add to the muddiness.
-The area around the creek and the pond are quite overgrown and while it does add some nice risk reward, it also can be frustrating to find your disc in the brush at times.
-The course plays near a lot of sidewalks and bike paths and on a nice day you will probably be waiting on some holes for other park users to get out of the way.
-There is a very long walk back to the parking lot from hole 18 and some of the holes have a bit of a long walk between.
-I wish the distance was balanced a little bit better, there are very few holes under 300 feet and the long distance gets a little repetitive. Players who don't throw very far. may become frustrated by the consistently longer distance holes. Overall, it would be nice to have some shorter holes to add variety to the course.
-Water in creek is very murky and finding a disc in it won't be much fun.
-No trashcans or benches on the course. No shade either so if it is a hot day out bring lots of water.
-It would have been nice if they could have brought the lake into play on more than just one hole.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this course definitely has some fun and interesting holes but it has far too many, wide open filler holes that are not very exciting to be a truly great course. Its a pretty good round if you are in the area and looking to get a round in.
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 12.4 years 299 played 209 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 21, 2012 Played the course:once


-First of all this course is very easy to find and is just a short walk from the parking lot.
-The park itself is very nice and open.
-The concrete tees are nice and the baskets still have their structural integrity.
-The course is very easy to follow. A person who has never been here can easily find his/her way around without a map
-Beginner friendly. Unlike the other courses in the Denver area, this course is big and open with just a small chance of losing your disc in the water.
-Has a few interesting shots with elevation and blind tee shots that give this course a little spice.


-The tee signs were put in a few years ago I assume, because now they are a mess or gone. Some tee signs show that the hole is 400' away when it couldn't be more then 250' away. Brand new signs would make this place at least half a star better.
-I mentioned that the fairways are well kept, however, if you do not keep it in the fairway there is all kinds of thorns and brush that will pick you apart if you are not careful.
-There is a long walk back to the parking lot from hole #18.
-Have a person spot you. Like mentioned, there are a few blind tee shots to precarious pin placements so a spotter would help locating a disc.
-This course has a lot of repetitive shots and I could see it become boring if I played here often enough
-This course is very crowded with other discers, it is good that the sport is really active out here but bad that you may have to wait.

Other Thoughts:

When I was up in Denver on vacation I played here and Interlocken Park, this course is a bit easier and a lot more fun to bring my family that does not play disc golf as much because of the low chance to lose discs.

This course is great for the land that it is on and is a passable course. If you are in the area and you are a newer player or just want to play quickly this may be a course that you should consider.
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3 0
Experience: 20.3 years 38 played 2 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 29, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


The course uses the entire lower half of the park. While it crosses over paths, it is designed to be able to see incoming traffic. 12-18 are across the main parking lot, little to no foot traffic, and Big Dry Creek ups the challenge level. Worn paths and good tee pad markings.


First 10 holes are relatively boring, all field play. I have lost three discs on 14+15. Not many tree or obstacles to make things interesting. That being said, when the wind blows even the slightest bit, theres no chance of playing here.

Other Thoughts:

Bring your binoculars! there are many hawks/falcons living in the area. I saw a green warbler my first time out. The creek drys towards the end of autumn, so discs lost in the creek are more obtainable. Its a course worth checking out at least.
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7 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Three Totally Distinct Courses! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 10, 2012 Played the course:once


Westminister DGC is one the more disc-combobulated courses I've ever encountered. The first 7-8 holes play across a praire and are mostly long, kinda boring and not really very stimulating. Then you get to the middle section of the course and I really liked it a lot. It was perfect for me, an aging recreational type player. There was some risk-reward type holes. There were some birdie ops. I was excited and had fun during this part of the course.
Then I came to the final stage of the course and it was like some madman had constructed it. Every hole was long, played across the dark, murky creek and featured way too much risk and more arm than I have. Advanced/pro players would love these holes and the challenge they offer. I mostly skipped them or played them ultra safely like an elementary wussy girl would.


Besides the tri-personalty of this course, there are a few more cons I might wish to point out. There is quite a walk to the first tee. The teesigns, when new, were probably wonderful. Now, the fiberglass covering is broken off every one leaving the information underneath exposed to the weather or vandals or both. Most of the info is now unreadable. There is also no way to tell which position the basket is in. On this course, A or B is sometimes 150' different. Not knowing is a real problem. How about drilling a hole in the sign and putting a colored washer in either the A or B position like many courses do. That would really help here.
# 4 sign says the basket is either 498' or 576' and the basket was set about 200' directly in front???? What's this about?

Other Thoughts:

I'm totally not sure who this course is designed for? That's probably why the ratings are so totally all over the board. Those last holes are awesome but not for a Rec player like me. And I'm talking about mid-July. What is that creek like in April? I wanted no part of it today, in spring it might look like the North Shore of Oahu. You could probably surf in it. If it ever completely dries up, you might find more than some discs in there, there might be some missing disc golfers down there.
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2 1
Experience: 19.4 years 22 played 9 reviews
3.50 star(s)

westy 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 20, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


solid course, some decent length and tough throws on the back, overall challenging but not super difficult


can be very windy, many of my friends dislike this course for some reason i cant figure out

Other Thoughts:

fairly wide open, lots of birdies to be had
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