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Newark, DE

White Clay Creek State Park

Permanent course
3.355(based on 30 reviews)
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White Clay Creek State Park reviews

5 0
Experience: 17.4 years 24 played 21 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 13, 2010 Played the course:once


This course was a lot of fun to play. This course is not long at all, and it gives you a real opportunity to score a three or better on each hole. The course has a natural flow to it, so it is easy to follow and know where the next hole is. The course is well maintained in a pretty park, and had pretty good tee signs which gave you a good idea of what was required for the hole. The course would be a great course to take newer disc golfers too as it is much shorter than other courses in the area, and would be less frustrating to play. I always like it when a course offers you multiple ace hole opportunities, and this course does just that. The course also had really nice tee pads with plenty of space for run up.


No score cards or directions as to where to go when you pull into the park. If there wasn't someone else in the park with a bag on, we wouldn't have known where to go to start this course.

Even though short doesn't make a course bad, a couple times while playing this course you felt like you had already played that same hole.

$6 bucks out of state is a joke, especially since bathrooms weren't even open. I don't know, that just bothered me.

Other Thoughts:

This course was a lot of fun to play for the first time. We had just finished playing Carousel earlier that day which is sooooo long and difficult, White Clay was a nice change of pace and offered fast play without having to think too much about what or where you are going. When we come back to Delaware again to play, I'm sure we will try and play this course again.
After playing this course again this past week, I have come to the conclusion that we will not seek out this course again. The entire course is very short and repetitive. I would say this course plays extremely well for a left handed player as there are a lot of left to right holes.
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6 0
disc gopher
Experience: 22.4 years 25 played 9 reviews
4.00 star(s)

my home course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 17, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


-very creative hole layouts
-multiple pin placements (alternate pins are not in very good shape though as they are old/rusted)
-decent signage, but its almost not even needed because once you have played the course once, you'll know it well enough that the signs aren't needed.
-creative layout.
-a little bit of everything, not too much of any one style of hole...a couple long holes requiring great distance, a couple pins are hidden behind huge bushes or obstacles, etc. great variety here.
-very few non disc golfers on the course.
-fairways are very well maintained
-baskets in great shape.
-challenging, but still beginner/am friendly.


-pay-to-play, but if your in-state and play disc golf regularly you NEED to have an annual pass. its a no brainer.
-my main gripe with this course is...THE BRUSH. It has eaten soooooo many of my discs. a spotter is a must or you will lose at least 1 disc while your playing, maybe more. they should really do something about this insane brush.
-i would personally enjoy some more wide open shots, but thats not what this course is...if you want to watch your disc sail 400+ feet, go to brandywine. if your into slightlyyy more technical shots, this is the course for you.

Other Thoughts:

i love this course, i can't say enough about it. it would be flawless in my opinion if they cut down some of that nasty brush and poison ivy. But other than that, i have no complaints at all.

beginners should shoot in the 70's, intermediate ams should shoot around 60-55. pros should get anywhere below 50.
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4 0
Experience: 15.5 years 15 played 7 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Short and Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 24, 2010 Played the course:once


The holes are all relatively short distances, nothing too crazy. No distance drivers needed. Can see most of the baskets from the tees, except for a couple of the doglegs. Excellent concrete tees. The round took me and my rookie friend a little over an hour, and we took our time here and there. He was new to disc golf and was able to par/bogie all the holes using my extras (made him a fan of the game instantly). The light hills made it interesting and there were some good tree obstacles, but again, nothing too crazy. The course was mostly easy to navigate, only a couple times did we have to look around for where to go next. The fairways were all well kept, good approaches, and nice baskets. If you are new to disc golf, this is a good course to start out on. If you are more experienced, expect some possible aces, easy 2 shot holes. I laid up my destroyer easily by most of the baskets, was hard to not overshoot (friend used my shorter driver).


No signs in parking lot for where to go (head downhill from picnic area, opposite side of parking lot from little amphitheatre) and no signage on course for next hole direction, which is needed in some areas.

Other Thoughts:

All in all a good course. Nice if you are short on time or just want to waste an hour or so, or can play it twice for more fun of course. Again, great beginner course. I was amazed at the short distances most of the holes were. Thouroughly enjoyed it, was a great diversion on a sunday afternoon. And again, my friend who never played before loved it. Even when he sliced off the main drags, he was still able to get it back.
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4 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 92 played 92 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Pretty Decent Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 1, 2010 Played the course:once


Good solid 18 hole course which is challenging enough for the advanced player yet not impossible for the amateur. Not necessary to have a cannon arm to be successful here provided you have a reasonable degree of accuracy. Features a nice assortment of wooded holes without many mammoth trees blocking your way. Concrete tee pads are more than sufficient and the course is easy to navigate. Pins are pretty visible from the tee box for the most part. Course is well kept and clean. A must play prior to taking the challenge of playing morale killer courses like Carousel and Iron Hill.


Many holes surprisingly seem to favor the lefty thrower, which is great for lefties but bad for righties without a good anhyzer in their arsenal. Course could use "next tee" signs directing you through the course. Probably not enjoyable to play in the summer for the average player who veers into the rough with great frequency- thorns galore here. Doesn't have the variety of elevation and long open holes to meet some peoples' taste. While not a factor in the offseason, paying to play is a turn off.

Other Thoughts:

Played in the "Hangover Open" on New Years Day when the shrubbery and rough weren't major factors and shot reasonably well for my first time here. I liked the course and feel one can reasonably improve their score each time out with some adjustments. Delaware seems to have a loyal disc golf following, and while I wouldn't take another 2 hour ride just to play this one course, it certainly is a good place to play.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 776 played 417 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Tech Lite 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 7, 2009 Played the course:once


Decent concrete single teepads, multi-position pin postions, signs showing current location of basket.


High grass and some thick underbrush make disc-loss a possibility. A few non-players on the walking paths. $6 to enter park, but you could also play relatively-nearby Lums, Brandywine, and Bellevue on the same day for that one fee.

Other Thoughts:

The holes on this course are what I would describe as "tech lite". No holes could be described as wide open, but none are super tight. Many holes will have a defined and often-narrowing fairway, with a tree or two guarding the approach to the basket. Obstacles come into play at various points - narrow-windows to throw through early, grouping of trees in the midst of the fairways, and/or somewhat-protected basket locations. Most holes are flat, only a few with minor elevation changes. 2/3rds of the holes fall into the 230'-310' range, average distance ~280'. Nice variety of shots needed - was left/right turning neutral. A few holes have extra, unmarked baskets.

Navigation: The course is fairly easy to follow, despite the lack of a map. A couple of tips: To find tee #1, start at the top of the nearest parking lot to the entrance. Walk down the path, keeping the picninc tables to your right. In a clearing to your right is the practice basket - walk towards then past it, tee #1 will be on the left. Also, the tee just to the left of basket #3 is #17; To find #4, go right to the main path, then left up to the tee about 150' away.

Favourite hole #9: About 300', fairway lined with trees on both sides, need to go straight the first 200' or so, then a gentle right-then-left turn to reach the basket set in the edge of the woods.

Played on Labor Day, and there was a Beatles tribute band playing a free show. It ended with Helter Skelter just as we were approaching #18, so it was a mad dash to the car to beat the worst of the traffic!

This course is good for players looking for something beyond open grip-n-rip, but not wanting the other extreme of tree pinball.
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4 0
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.5 years 19 played 15 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Just Fun to Play 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:May 2, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


This is just a fun course to play. It has a bit of everything, some technical holes, a couple where you need good distance and some in between. It doesn't have the length of a course like Brandywine or the extreme woods of a course like Lum's Pond but it has a bit of both in moderation. The course does use elevation well and on the front nine it alternates uphill hole followed by a down hill hole several times. It doesn't feel repetitive though because of the different shots required. This is a great course to bring a group of friends with varying abilities. It is still challenging effort for the good players without being so impossible to cause the newbies to want to quit. As optidiscic said this course is the perfect complement to Iron Hill. After playing Iron Hill a couple of times you can come back to White Clay and feel like Superman or Chuck Norris (depending on your point of view).


Some of the holes are a little short and a few of the alternate baskets are in disrepair. There is also no teepad on 18 but I assume that is because the managers did not want to disturb the root system of the many nearby trees.

Other Thoughts:

This course is challenging enough to not be boring but is easy enough to be a lot of fun. My favorite hole on the course is definitely hole 17, a great tee shot from an elevated pad and a difficult uphill approach shot to be in position to make par.
With the renovations to Iron Hill, northern DE has a great group of courses in a small area. Brandywine has the length and ability to "air it out;" White Clay has the accessibility to many levels of players and the requirement for finesse shots; Lum's Pond is the place to go for a quick round and a BBQ afterward; and Iron Hill is the place to go when you need a challenge.
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13 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.4 years 156 played 149 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Soft Clay complements Hard Iron 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2009 Played the course:once


A nice course in an area of nice park that seems to be dedicated mostly to disc golf. These holes all pose some challenge to beginners and experts alike. Nice big concrete tees. Permanent dual baskets at most holes! Not too difficult to navigate. Plenty of local DGers to ask advice or to follow around. You will have to utilize your entire game here; big arm distance placemement and precision control finesse are needed to score well. Every hole employs a smattering of trees, bushes, and elevation but it's never so overwhelming that it frustrates you. It's a fun course to play and is either a good warm-up for nearby Iron Hill or a good place to play after your ego is destroyed by nearby Iron Hill. Fun bar scene in Newark so plenty of great food options. I really enjoyed holes 3 and 17. Course is not super difficult but is not boring either. A pleasant play.


I snuck in on Easter Sunday and never payed the park fee. This course is not worth the drive or the fee to play if you are out of state.(Seasonal Park Pass Makes Sense) Many of the holes seem similiar; having moderate length, moderate obstacles, and moderate elevation. There are thorns prevalent throughout this course. You can keep it in the fairway and not deal with this but I noticed that any slightly errant shot could be punished by ripped clothes and bloodshed. There are even some holes framed by a thorn bramble, hole 10? I saw thorns around the trees in the fairway often as well. These are the nasty multi-flora rosa type that can be tamed if aggressively attacked. I was surprised that these seem to be incorporated into the course as either part of the green on 10 or as a penalty for overdriving on hole 1. This is especially cruel as it is a blind shot and you can easily overdrive into these. Hole 18 was so short and had no tee? That was weird and perhaps the most anti-climactic finisher ever? There is a big natural fairway to the left of the entrance road just past basket 18. I think a massive dogleg here would be a cool finish! Dreaming again I guess.

Other Thoughts:

Course is difficult to get to if your not familiar with area. Remember route 896 is a route and not a road so pay attention as this route switches roads very often. Once in the parking lot make sure you park to the immediate left corner and walk the path beyond the picnic tables down the hill and you will see the info kiosk and tee #1 hidden to your right.I think Delaware is a very underrated disc golf state. Delaware disc golf has got quite a scene for such a little state.
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7 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 17.1 years 65 played 46 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Another typically solid Delaware State Park course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 14, 2008 Played the course:once


Groomed, well-defined fairways. Half the holes have permanent alternate pins (the old ones are rusted, but there are guaranteed 18 brand-new pins). Tees are solid concrete. Really a beautiful park. OK paper signage. Some elevation changes and left-right variety. Seems like a great place for a first-time player, but also a technical challenge for the experienced.


Some of the alternate pins don't seem to exist (13, 3, 16). No "next tee" directions despite their need at several holes, including directions to the first tee! Hole 18 seems to be an afterthought... very short with no teebox at all (it is the only pin on a slope however)! Lots of casual walkers on the trails that wind through the course (even in December) so be careful. Oh yeah, THORNS THORNS THORNS... which isn't a con if you like being punished for moderately bad throws.

Other Thoughts:

First tee is down the hill, past the picnic tables. Note that on many holes (1 and 8 especially) the "A" position is much more interesting, so don't just reflexively play all the long positions.
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9 0
Silver level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.4 years 348 played 32 reviews
3.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jan 26, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Nice rolling uphill and downhill shots with plenty of brush and tree obstacles to keep things interesting. A few holes go in and out of woods, some have nicely protected baskets. Course is great to practice and learn on, as none of the holes are exceptionally long and have wide fairways, but fun enough to keep you coming back. 6 holes have 2 baskets, sometimes varying 200+ feet, the alternate holes being old baskets which are remnants of the original course layout. Most players throw to the new pins, which on 4 out of 6 are the long pins. 17 is a beauty of a shot, launching from an elevated tee through an opening in the tree line across the field to a basket protected by pines.


During the summer months the course can be almost unplayable unless you're throwing with unfailing accuracy. The fairways are wide enough, but he rough gets thick, sharp, knee deep and eats discs. A couple holes can be though to find your first time out. Tee 17 is right near Basket 3, while tee 4 is 75 yards up the trail to the right of basket 3. A sign could easily help this. Tee signs could also use an update, more than half show multiple pins, which isn't the case anymore. Some players have no respect and there is trash on the course.

Other Thoughts:

If you're going to play Delaware courses often the state park pass is totally worth it. First tee is about 100 yards downhill from the parking lot, past the picnic tables. (Left side of parking lot as you're pulling in.)
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5 4
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 18.4 years 152 played 127 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Well, it was fun 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Nov 6, 2007 Played the course:once


Well defined fairways and nice fresh baskets. Some holes had alt. pins. Concrete tees are wonderful for drives.


It's hard for an amateur to always hit the fairway. I got pricked several times in the thorns and brambles off the nice fairways. Also spent 30 min. looking for a Beast at the 17th.(found it though)

Other Thoughts:

A very nice place to shoot a round, but the pay to play is just still overwhelming, especially since I'm out of state.
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