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Dallas, GA

White Oak Park

Permanent course
3.385(based on 45 reviews)
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White Oak Park reviews

13 2
Experience: 39.6 years 102 played 6 reviews
4.50 star(s)

White Oak 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 13, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Awesome piece of property for disc golf. Rolling hills with scattered hardwoods. Need distance and control to score well on most holes. Hole 17 plays over water to an "island" type green that is almost unheard of in this part of Georgia. Course is in a "passive" park, so no football or baseball players to contend with. Multiple tees and pin positions make this a course with many faces. Clean restrooms and two pavillions near hole #1 make this a great tournament friendly course. Hole #6 is one of the most scenic holes in the state, you can empty your bag off the long hole just for the thrill of seeing your discs in flight. This is my home course and I consider myself lucky to live so close to this park. The next closest 18 hole course is Deerlick which I used to play on a regular basis until White Oak was installed and although Deerlick is an OK course it does not flow as well as White Oak nor does it have the elevation changes that White Oak offers.


This course has only been in the ground a couple of months so there are no real tee signs or tee pads. 5 or 6 of the holes you shoot to are "blind" tee shots. (once you have played the course a couple of times this is a non-issue) Would like to see more ammenities such as benches, trashcans, etc...

Other Thoughts:

As one of the course designers, my opinion may be a little biased. We are in the process of improving the ammenities on this course and once we have signage and concrete tee pads I think this will be one of the best courses in the state.
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10 4
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 20, 2009 Played the course:once


This land was tailor made for disc golf. The course is great to allow you to stretch out the arm as well as choke up for more technical shots. Most holes are on rolling terrain with baskets on slopes to add an extra challenge. Holes 10-11 add a nice change of tight wooded as well as a "what do I do here" element as opposed to the mostly open course. Trees come into play and are very strategically positioned on all holes. The pond adds some nervousness to holes 9,16, and 17.


Even though there are shorter tees available for the beginners, this may not be a good starting course. Go about 15 miles east to Oregon Park.

Other Thoughts:

The course is in it's infancy and will definitely improve with age. Tee signs, trashcans, and eventually tee pads will be added. Thanks for your patience.
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5 12
Redneck Machismo
Experience: 131 played 23 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Better than Most 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 8, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


The course is longer bringing in massive elevation changes. Good distance is at a premium to make birdies yet at the same time a lot of touch is required on many approach shots. The course is largely secluded from other parts of the park limiting interference with other park users. Many holes utilize a strong risk/reward aspect due to the baskets being perched either on or near steep down hills. The area seems conducive to high winds which of course raises the level of challenge greatly. The land is simply beautiful with picturesque rolling hills.


Many holes unfortunately are poorly thought out. Almost every shot is blind which really gets kind of silly. Hole 11 is an especially bad design being almost entirely luck; I really don't think you can get it close without getting lucky? Overall I think the land could have been used better. Some holes seem kind of repetitive especially with the over usage of blind shots. In addition almost every basket is perched on a hillside lending to too many roll-aways and raising the luck factor too high.

Other Thoughts:

Overall I like this course much better than most in the area.
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13 1
Sea Bass
Experience: 24.2 years 84 played 13 reviews
3.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 19, 2009 Played the course:once


-Awesome use of land provided.The land here is hills and big old oaks.They did a very good job bringing every tree and every bit of elevation available into play.
-Clean bathrooms in parking lot near tee 1.
-Easy to follow.Course flow makes great sense, look for pvc poles with the hole # on them to mark the tee.You might have to walk up on a few holes to spot the bucket, but usually the pin is right about where you expect to be.
-Great course length. The hills make short holes feel long, and some long ones feel shorter. Noodle arms will say this is a "bombers" course, but they are wrong. The hills make a huge diffrence with how your d feels.I'd say overall the course is a little longer then the average course, but not by much.
-Plenty of shot selection. As open as most of the course is, you will find yourself throwing all kinds of shots.Great job with using all the trees, water and hills to make you think about your shots.


Please keep in mind that this course has been in the ground maybe a month and a half at the time of this review.Most of my cons have more to do the newness of the course,And i'm sure most of these will be changed in the near future.

-Natural tees can be slick when wet.
-Could use some tee signs.
-Need some trash cans and benches near tees.
-Almost every pin is on a steep slant or right at the edge of a steep slant.Many times even layup putts wont stick and you will roll away. This rewards luck over skill, wich is always a con in my book.I dont think every pin should flat, but some of these are too much.

Other Thoughts:

This course is SWEET. Dont take the cons seriously.This course is brand new, and most of the issues will be fixed in the future.

I can't even put into words how much I enjoyed this course. Its just plain sweet.Simple as that. If you can only play one course in the area choose this one. If you live in the atl. area get out there asap, you wont be dissapointed.I'm going to go as far as saying that when this course is finished, it will be the best course in the area.
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16 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

great potential 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 7, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


White Oak Park has a new course and in my mind is well on its way to becoming one of the greats in Northwest Metro Atlanta. This review will have to evolve as the course progresses with time. I have played from the short tees and long tees and both are really fun (some holes only have one tee pad). Well here is my initial review...

Most of the North Atlanta courses have uniqueness to them and separate themselves from one another, this course is no different and it is wonderful. This is one of the hilliest courses I have ever played. I can't stress that enough. It is nice for a change. They make for some fun and at times frustrating (in a good way) holes. Most holes are fairly open but do have a few trees as obstacles here and there. Some of the pins are set so that an overshot could easily add two strokes to your card as you stand and watch your disc roll away. That adds to a nice challenge. Number four is a good example. Good shots are rewarded though. As you hike along you will continue to make your way through some uphill, downhill, and even a few more blind shots. Pretty soon you will be introduced to the lake on number nine. It starts off flat and then drops off towards the lake. It's another good down hill shot. Be careful because an overshot will get you wet! It is a good hole. The next couple, ten and eleven, put you in some woods for some very tight shots. This is where I saw one of the steepest up shots I've ever seen. The trees don't make it any easier either. You just stand at the bottom, look up, and plan your route. Its makes for a good change of pace. On to eleven's tee. This has the steepest bank I have seen in disc golf. It starts out with a 50' slight down hill and then drops like crazy eventually rolling to a creek bed. It is so steep that the trail to reach the pin has to switch back a time or two. It's an unusual perspective of the basket looking down at it from the top of the hill. It's really cool. You won't find any holes like this around Atlanta so it's also a nice change. The next three are good playing holes with lake views but far enough away not to worry about losing your disc in the water. Legend has it that a bull lives behind the barbed wire fence to the right of fourteens's fairway so be careful going after an errant shot. But then again the old lady who warned us might have been crazy (At least according to Scott). Fifteen plays back up by the lake and a hard hook right could land you in the lake. Seventeen's long hole requires you to throw 150+/- over the lake and then to a peninsula with a slope circling the basket. It's enough to insure a roller will get wet. Eighteen finishes with a strait shot across a shallow valley and ends up near the parking lot that lead you to hole one.

This is a nice layout in general. The course does not interact with other park activities so that is nice. The views are nice and I am looking forward to seeing it in the summertime with foliage on the trees.

There is a great covered pavilion between one and eighteen that will come in handy for future tournaments. The bathrooms are also nearby.


This is a new course. One should expect that some things will need to be improved over time. The things that you would expect to find at a brand new course are here. No concrete, no signs, no benches, no trash cans, or any other amenities you might find at some of the other mature courses. I expect you will find these things appearing in time.

You may need to look or ask around on you first time in order to figure out the course. It has an easy to follow flow though. The first time you play you have to walk up and find the pins on some holes because of the blind shots. No big deal after your first visit though. While experienced disc players should like this course I don't think it is the best one to introduce new players to the sport. I just think that the hills and water are too difficult for the first time players.

Those with heath issues that prevent them from moderate exercise may want to pass on this course due to the hills.

Other Thoughts:

I am really looking forward to watching this course grow. I saw many players at one time so I have a feeling there will be a good crowd to help maintain and nurture the course. I seem to say this a lot but this course is worth a fair drive. Unless you live in the area it seems to be out in the middle of nowhere, but it's worth it.

The park is nice and has multiple activities. You can enjoy walking trails, wildlife, fishing, large open fields, and playgrounds for the kids. You can just hang out on the gazebos that overlook the lake for a quick lunch. Make a day out of it! Play a couple of rounds and enjoy...
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