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Alpharetta, GA

Wills Park

3.285(based on 38 reviews)
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8 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 21.3 years 558 played 429 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Will's Thrills 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 30, 2013 Played the course:once


Will's Park in Alpharetta, GA is a fun course with low scoring possibilities throughout. The first hole is next to a pavilion with bathrooms and water fountains. Long and short concrete tees on some holes. Baskets are all in good shape. I liked the current layout, although I never played the old one.

I liked the level of playability here mostly. I finished with a 52, and as a good but far from great player, it is fun to go under par at a course that I have never played. Trees and creeks are the main obstacles, elevation changes are minimal. Not championship caliber, but should still be fun for many average players. Most holes require some shot shaping to get close to the pin. Mid range and putters can be thrown out of the box on several holes.


Many other people playing or walking the trails weaving through the park, so be careful. Signs indicate snakes in the water. BEWARE! The area has been getting a lot of rain, so muddy patches were scattered throughout. Dogs must remain on a leash. A couple of holes were kind of dinky (1, 17). Long walk after hole 17.

Other Thoughts:

Will's park is not one of the best courses around Atlanta, but it is fun. I am glad I chose to give it a try. The layout is fast and easy to follow, and birdies are there for the taking. Similarities to Sugaw Creek in Charlotte.
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7 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.8 years 201 played 147 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Creeks and Trees 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 16, 2013 Played the course:once


18 holes with good baskets, great tee pads and multiple basket positions to keep things a little mixed up. Signs at pads are adequate, and show lengths, basket positions and basic layout. Course is built in a nice park with lots of other activities nearby plus some nice restrooms. Everything is clean and well kept.

Mostly short technical course with some extremely tight gaps, and lots of trouble if you don't hit your lines. A creek or creeks wind through most of the course and add some OB risk to many of the holes. There are some really cool looking shots from the tee pads. Hit a tiny gap and you have ace or birdie opportunity Miss and you are toast.

There was a couple relatively open holes in the 300' range as a respite from all the tight lines.


Navigation is very tricky. Without a local guide I would have spent another 30 minutes wandering around.There is some backtracking plus a long walk from 16 to 17. Not great, but with a mixed use park these things happen. There are some small signs posted on trees to help so make sure you slow down and look for them.

A pedestrian bridge crosses the fairway on 18. We had to wait for some kids to cross. Keep your eyes open.

Not any length or holes for people that want to throw a few bombs. This is mostly a technical course and one-trick pony.

Wasn't thrilled with 13. You either follow the fairway and have no chance for a birdie on a 265' hole, or try to punch through a line of trees, and hope for the best. That fairway shape/design is pretty funky.

Other Thoughts:

This is a fun course with a lot of cool looking, tight shots off the pad. Most of the trees are large and create some nice challenging fairways without the pinball effect that smaller trees and typical pine forests give you. It is a fun place to make some mids and putters do their thing around trees and over the small creek. There is some under brush and thorns, but it is not so thick that is is a problem.

Hole lengths vary from 190' to 356' when I played. Hole 2 is a cool 380' design with creek to the left and brush to the left. It's tight, but fair and fun. 14 is also a cool home with the creek running up the middle of a tight fairway. Hit your shot and it is plenty fair. Miss and trouble awaits.

BEWARE!! The locals all warned me about Copperheads today, and they weren't kidding. We encountered 2 in our round. Keep your eyes open, and be alert. This review is mid May and the reptiles are active. Obviously this is less of a concern other times of the year.
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1 0
Experience: 3 played 3 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Better have great aim or you could disable a child... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 24, 2013 Played the course:once


The location is great.
The targets and pads are kept very well.
The maps offered are accurate and easy to read.
Very scenic course for being in a city park.
You don't have to go searching for your next target, the layout is easy to follow.


You better have excellent accuracy of you might end up hitting a person or dog.
Even when you are away from trails, you might still get the wondering jogger run in your way. Just too many children and adult activities woven between the Ts.

Other Thoughts:

When the weather is nice and the park is packed, its certainly not a great place for people who are trying to learn.
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7 1
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 13.6 years 321 played 303 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Sweet and sour 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 31, 2012 Played the course:once


-Great park in Georgia which pretty much everything a park could have. Like Connor said, there are basketball and tennis courts, giant baseball stadium but best of all, a disc golf course.
-Great variety of open holes and very tricky wooded holes and a few hills. Also, two holes have island greens but isn't a penalty stroke if you miss if on #9. Dunno about #11 though. Not to mention many ditches in play that carry a little bit of water.
-Nice grippy teepads like everyone has said, no foot faults yesterday and I have a large run up even though I'm short.
-18 disccatchers are in great shape and catch very well. I played with my cousin and uncle along with my brother and father (who are all beginners) and they made some pretty nice shots.
-#11 is a very cool ace run. Very tight and punishing with an island green protected by many trees. There are two routes that can get you there but a straight shot will not. I also liked #6, open hole that is 300 feet long but slightly downhill. I missed the birdie but any birdie on a hole that long or longer feels good.
-Bathrooms in the building after you finish #2.
-Good chance for an ace, most likely on #17 and maybe #1 and a couple others. Try your best because many holes will NEVER be aced here. I actually saw that #3 was aced! That's a shocker, I bogeyed that one, maybe because I drove with a midrange which went too straight and hit a tree but congrats to whoever it was who did.
-Water fountains are availible, I think in the building. You will need some in the summer because from what Connor said, it's cold water.


-Firstly, there is a lack of benches and trashcans, there were a couple of benches but I remember zero trashcans. So go to the building after #2 if ya have trash.
-Course did seem to be a little bit crammed in despite very narrow holes. Particularly on the back nine and despite #9-#16 being too close, it leaves an extremely long walk to #17, It's about 1400 feet down to pavilion 1 where #17 is. Also, a bad roller gets you on #9's fairway. Thing is, some holes are too close to each other and the back nine wasn't very good. I only liked the first two on the back nine. #16 and #17 were okay too. #15, was the only really good hole on the back nine along with #11. #15 is a cool shot that goes back into the woods. The tee is not in the woods.
-It took a few minutes to find #1, it's across #18 which you will see when you park. #18's basket is close to the road by a hill. Cross the bridge and past the tennis court or basketball court, I don't remember which it was.
-#14 is a bit ridiculous, you have no room to throw on your teeshot. I know it's a short par 4 but that doesn't mean it has to be that tricky and #18 was pretty boring. It's memorable because you don't have any room to throw but it can be very frustrating since the creek is to the left and there's no room right. It's definitely one of those tweener holes. #14 isn't, it's fine as a par 4 but #18 is just irritating. This course can be better.
-Very muddy, I got my shoes a bit dirty, my NEW ones by not even going in the ditch, but I did which made them more dirty. It's no problem if you are wearing your old shoes though.
-#11 could have a long tee on the hill and be a fun, nicely downhill shot but it's still an awesome hole over a couple ravines.
-#15's short basket is missing and since I was playing with people who started yesterday, I couldn't find #2 short tee. #12's long basket is pulled but we know why.
-I really don't find this course really fun. I gave it a 3 because that's what it deserves. The course was in good shape, but I didn't like the back nine. Half the holes have no real line on the back nine. I mean, #6 is pretty fun, #9 has an island green, that was really fun, #11 is over a couple ravines and #15 was fun too but the rest of them were a bit bland to me but those four stood out to me. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd say it's #15. It's a great shot that goes into the mouth of the woods, but one problem, it's beside the running track. People will jog here as part of enjoying their day, so yield to them.

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is a cool little course in Georgia. Worth the stop by. I came excited because this is the first course in Georgia that I played and I left pretty happy. It was great for my aunt and uncle to offer coming to play after the Chick fla bowl (Go Clemson). It has it's ups and downs and it's easy holes and it's holes where you'll suffer if you miss. Come play this course if you are in Georgia because some 18 hole courses are boring but this one is unique and has some holes that can save you and some holes will hate you. It's not hilly but it's got some really cool holes, all can be exciting to play. This was a tweener between a 2.5 to 3. The reason it's a 3 is pretty much because the front nine was really good and some holes on the back nine seemed a bit ridiculous.
-Signature hole, dunno, maybe #5 considering it was favorited twice. #6 is fun too because it's an open slightly downhill shot.
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11 0
Connor Jones
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.3 years 76 played 35 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The first cuttttt is the deepeesttt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 12, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


An extremely fun little course. It has a very solid variety of shot shapes and quite a few holes have different routes you could try.

Nice teepads, the perfect size for a course of this style.

Extremely awesome bridges connecting some of the holes.

Discatchers are all in good shape.

There is a lot of other stuff going on in this park, I think there are some tennis courts, basketball courts, equestrian center, baseball fields, so if someone in your family is in to these sorts of things, you can drag them along and play some disc golf.

Nice bathrooms that as far as I remember were kept clean, including water fountains with water that is actually cold!


No real length out here, which isn't really what this course is all about, so it's all good.

Even with some of the safety improvements, there are still some holes that are kind of iffy. As long as you don't veer off too far, you should be okay, but as well all know this is not always the case in disc golf.

Other Thoughts:

Wills park holds a special place in my heart. This was the very first disc golf course I ever played about four years ago, on the old layout. I didn't play again for a couple of years and I didn't even know wills was the first course I played, until I revisited it and had all the repressed memories of my horrible first throws brought back to me, haha.

This is an extremely fun course, it's not overly challenging for the most part, but there are enough holes out here that do provide some difficulty to not make it overly easy either. A perfect balance.

This is the type of course you want to play on a nice spring day, maybe bring a brew or two(although it's probably not legal in this park) and some food. An easy course to just relax at without getting overly frustrated.
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6 0
Experience: 17.3 years 21 played 3 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Excellent Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 12, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-Concrete tee pads
-Great baskets
-Challenging, but not impossible
-Great combination of open holes, tight holes, wooded holes, short holes, water hazards, and difficult holes
-Great location, close to 400 for easy access


The park sees a lot of action and can be very busy with many other activities on campus like basketball, tennis, baseball, and pool. There is also a trail that runs close to a couple holes, but this isn't that much of an issue. The park is a popular spot for disc golfers, so it can play slow some weekend days because of all the people playing. They also need to cut down several downed trees that have been there a while. Hole 11 is especially clogged with downed trees. These need to be removed.

Other Thoughts:

Great course! The new design is fantastic and the tee pads are a great addition. There are water hazards which makes you play with more skill, rather than spray and pray throws.
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4 0
Disc Golf Dan
Experience: 27.8 years 6 played 2 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Will's Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 20, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Will's Park marked the beginning of my disc golf career nearly 15 years ago. It's been about 5 years since the last time played the course. I had no idea that the park underwent a redesign and added completely new holes to the back nine (11-14)! New baskets (Discatchers) and concrete pads have been installed on each hole. I also like that there is now a practice basket at the start of the course. The new design starts right by a set of bathrooms and water fountains. I always loved this course and I love it even more now! Lots of variety between holes, great surroundings/landscape, and East Roswell Park is only about 7 miles away! I highly recommend playing at Will's, it's pretty sweet!


Some say that it's muddy but I find there's typically only mud if you are in or near the creeks (bring a towel). Lots of surrounding sports; tennis, baseball, playgrounds, pavilions, equestrian and joggers but you usually don't come in close contact with many bystanders. #17 is a bit of a stretch, just stay to the left of the baseball fields and the pad is right in front of a green pavilion.

Other Thoughts:

I recommend going early in the day due to the amount of activity the park gets.
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13 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 26.3 years 103 played 58 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Much Improved 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2011 Played the course:once


Huge improvement on the old layout. Finally got to play it today and the course is much better than it was, most if not all pedestrian interference has been eliminated. Nice new Innova baskets and concrete teepads -- improved over the old baskets and dirt teepads. The new wooded holes play through a beautiful wooded area with large trees & magnolia trees. Great bridges built throughout the course area during the recent renovation. This is a fun course to play.


The biggest con is the lack of fairways on several of the wooded holes (9,12 & 13) -- these holes don't have valid routes and could really use a chainsaw. Overall the course is very short and lacks challenge, even from the long tees -- I only threw my distance driver (wraith) one time in the entire course.

The configuration is awkward (due to the park's constraints, not the design) ... and there is still unfortunately a very long walk between 16 & 17.

Other Thoughts:

The design is a massive improvement over the level it had deteriorated to in recent years, so kudos to Keith Johnson and everyone else responsible.

As an open level player, I found this course seemed short / not very challenging. It will appeal much more to beginner/intermediate level players than advanced/open level.

Worth playing if you are in the Alpharetta area, but not a must play course -- this course is not among the top 5 courses in the Atlanta area.
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7 0
Experience: 15.4 years 142 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wills Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 6, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Fantastic new layout. Begins next to the tennis courts and FINALLY has a practice basket. All baskets are brand new discatchers and all holes now have concrete pads. Great job handing the mud by putting gravel and mulch where it was needed. Cleared out alot of the brush and thorn bushes. The newly added holes (12-15) are good woods holes that are challenging and require a variety of different throws. Good tee Shots on most of the holes can lead to birdie opportunities.


Still alot of mud and I wish they had worked around having to make the long walkbetween 16 and 17. some of the bridges are just wooden planks and are wobbly. Very busy park so you may need to wait for people to pass before teeing off on some holes. Bad Tee shots can lead to high scores

Other Thoughts:

Overall, this is one of my top courses. You need many different throws to be able to master this course, which adds a higher challenge. I live within 5 miles of East Roswell (Annual Atlanta Open Host), Wills Park, and Sequoyah Park....Wills Park is now my Home Course.
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12 0
Experience: 42.1 years 25 played 5 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Born Again DG Course! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 3, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


The Godfather of Wills Park DG - Keith Johnson has put in hundreds of man-hours redesigning, constructing and maintaining the course. Since the new layout and concrete tee pads were installed in December, this course gets better every day. KJ should get a Nobel Prize for DG.

Location - in the heart of Alpharetta.

Well thought-out layout and flow. Still a long walk from #16 to 17 but they wanted to keep #18 part of the course.

Although the course lacks length (this is almost entirely due to the growth of other facilities in this multi-use park), there is considerable variety of shot required. For instance, the first two holes require vastly different short to midrange anhys. Hole 7 begs for an accurate straight drive with a touch anhy landing. #15 requires a low, powerful anhy to clear the overhanging limbs in the fairway and penetrate deep enough into the woods to get near the basket. Off the #16 tee is a shortish midrange right bender for a birdie and you close on #18 needing a power drive low and over the creek to clear the trees and then bend it back right to stay in bounds.

Practice basket by the Restrooms. Many of the holes have water hazards but it is very shallow. You would have to get unlucky to get in deeper than your shoes. Some of the banks are steep but they don't call it a hazard for nothing...

Heated bathrooms by the tennis courts. IIRC, even had hot water to wash hands. Nice on those frigid winter days.

This is a multi-use park and DGers should be courteous to other park users (including the horses and dog walkers). A little courtesy and patience with others would go a long way towards improving our sport's image and increasing participation. I have found the other park users to be courteous and friendly when treated with respect.


Can be muddy - this old park was probably never graded. Although there are plenty of drainage creeks, the park just has a bunch of low spots that don't drain so the course can be muddy during rainy periods. This has improved vastly in the last month as mulch and gravel has been placed in trouble spots.

New hole 11 is going through an "adolescent rebellion". Several huge trees are down and the bridge needs improvement.

Other Thoughts:

I started playing disc golf at Wills (and the old Chastain Park course) back in the 80s. Pretty sure this course is older than 1989. After a 20 year hiatus from DG, it's great to come back to where I started.

For what it's worth, here is an idiot's hole by hole assessment of the new layout (that is a right-handed idiot to be precise).
1) A shortish, blind BH anhy off the tee gets you in birdie position. FH hyzer would do it, too. Ace run, anyone?
2) A strong, low anhy drive (or "S" shot) is needed to get within 25 ft of the cage. Fairway pinches down and there is trouble to the left and beyond the basket (short configuration - haven't played the long yet). Probably the easiest hole to get a penalty. Leftys get a break here.
3) Non-pros can huck a flat drive down the narrow fairway (~300 ft). A little hyzer tail at the end of the flight gets you in birdie position.
4) See the basket, hit the basket. Trees/Creek/OB to the right. If you can turnover your driver with any degree of control, you can avoid all the hazards on the right.
5) Slightly uphill (300+ ft?) basket guarded by a row of very mature hardwoods but plenty of openings to hyzer in to the pin.
6) Looks far but it's downhill - easy to overcook your drive the first couple times. Sometimes horse trailers are overhanging the edge of the parking lot and ruin a nice RHBH hyzer run. OUCH!
7) Short and straight but the basket is tightly positioned. Trouble to the left (creek, brush) and behind the cage. Can't tell you how many times I've been rejected by the stairs in front and to the right of the basket.
8) Tricky hole. Kinda like #3 but the fairway necks down farther from the tee. A drive short and to the left can get you into trouble (barbled under brush and a bunch of trees). Requires a precise drive to birdie and easy to get into trouble.
9) Another 300+ ft drive with the basket tucked into the woods and across a narrow creek (but my disc found it today). Haven't seen it during the warm season but this hole could be much tougher with the leaves on. Probably a fun hole for a pro to make an ace run. I'm happy if I can get across the creek with a line on the basket.
10) Plays longer than it looks from the pad. Big tree on the left of the fairway guards the basket. Get past it and finish left and you could ring the chains!
11) Short and downhill. Big trees guard the basket. Throw a putter, dude. Stay out of the ravine.
12) Got an anhy FH? Bust it out on 12 - ace or birdie for the taking. Most RH'ers throw a hyzer down the right side of the fairway but a power anhy FH does the job, too.
13) Hard to see the line here. Update - Throw a flat midrange to the right of the "lying down tree" w/ 3 sucker trunks. Shot should finish left cutting in front of the pine tree in the middle of the "fairway." Bit of poke and hope here...
14) First time out you're like, "WTF is this, Gus?". Just huck it through the opening on the right and fly it down the creek line to finish back into the fairway (hyzer). It's a bit of a hike to 15 follow the signs.
15) Either RHFH or anhy BH. Throw it low and hard. A lot of hook at the end will leave it short with lots of trees between you and the dish. another difficult birdie.
16) Short hole. Any decent throw off the tee will give you a chance to bird. RHBH anhy or a flick hyzer will do. Leftys will like this hole.
17) After a 1000' walk from 16 to the teepad, you have a short (maybe 175 ft), straight hole. Easiest ace on the course but the basket is tightly placed with OB on right (path) and behind plus the creek on the left.
18) Good finisher. 300+ ft but plays longer b/c you have to power a drive up the left side, clear the opening between the trees and bend back to the right. Too far left and you're OB. Too far right - lumberjack city.

Wills Park is back and will continue to improve this year. Step aside East Roswell, Wills is the new Home Course. Schweeet!
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8 4
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 25.3 years 1329 played 136 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Very fun but dangerous 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 20, 2011 Played the course:once


Wills Park is a really fun course in a busy multi-use park outside of Atlanta. The design has a very traditional feel to it although the baskets, tees, signs, and everything look brand spankin new. The front nine holes, while not very challenging, still require well-thrown shots for birdie. Some of the more picturesque holes on the front play parallel to a small creek and mostly penalize bad shots with OB potential. The back nine is really the teeth of this course. Set in moderately dense woods, errant shots here make recovery much more difficult than on the front and the fairways require that you shape shots rather than just control distance. On both the front and the back, the designer has done an excellent job of mixing up distances, fairway density, and angles needed off the tee.


My main con with this park is that to get to the magic number (18 holes), the design is inherently dangerous for the front 9 holes. On several holes you play right near walking paths where a shank or bad ricochet will end up with a pedestrian getting hit. Most reasonable players will wait until peds are out of the way but then again, most casual disc golfers just don't have that awareness. Even by dropping to 14-16 holes I believe this course could A) remove some of the "filler" holes on the front 9 and B) Reduce a lot of the pedestrian danger.

All-in-all I had a lot of fun playing here but was just wondering how long this course is going to last before it gets modified or even worse, pulled altogether.

Other Thoughts:

Other reviewers have noted the mud and I could certainly see that being a challenge, especially on the back holes. We visited during a dry stretch and had very good playing conditions, so there is hope to avoid the mud!
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7 1
Experience: 17.3 years 19 played 12 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Play it again for the first time! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 5, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


With the renovation of this disc golf course in late 2010, everything that used to be wrong with Wills is now right. A full set of new Innova Discatcher baskets have replaced the old worn out Mach 2s (or whatever they were), there are newly poured concrete pads on every hole, well marked signs at every tee, useful "Next Tee" stakes at the foot of every basket, and even a practice basket near hole 1.

This course weaves artfully through a high-traffic multi-use park, so there are plenty of "facilities" around in case you need to take a pit stop or you want to set up a picnic at one of the pavilions.

There are a mix of tightly wooded and relatively open fairways on the course, but none of the holes are open or safe enough to be boring. Even the extra-short 17 (formerly 15) has out-of-bounds looming treacherously close on either side of the fairway and basket. Those who like creekside disc golf will love Wills, where most of the holes play along or across a network of small creeks that run through the park.


All of the major problems have been removed from this course, but there are still a few nits to pick, as with almost every course. The primary problem here is the abiding muddiness of Wills Park. I don't know what the problem is, but there are certain fairways that never seem to dry up, even in the Summer. It can be a pain to negotiate your way around, and frustrating to constantly be wiping the mud off your discs. I don't know what if anything could be done about it, and this con is certainly mitigated by the new installation of concrete pads.

Some of the narrowest fairways run alongside a creek with extremely deep and treacherous banks. The climb down can be annoying or moderately dangerous.

There remains a lot of cleanup work to be done here, especially with a couple of recently fallen trees on the fairways. There is also a significant need for more good bridges like the one that Craigd installed at the nexus of #9, #10, #14, and #15. A couple of major creek crossings have been set up with narrow wooden planks that shift under your feet as you cross. They'll hold your weight but you have to take care of your balance. These latter issues should be resolved in time, but until they are, be careful where you step and be ready to catch yourself slipping on the muddy banks.

Other Thoughts:

As I noted in my "Cons" section, all of the major cons are now gone. More specifically, the redesign of the layout has removed all of the walking paths, benches, popular picnic areas, and horse trailer parking zones out of play. You'll no longer have to wait forever to play your next throw, or have to skip two holes because of the equestrian RVs parked in the middle of the fairways. The holes that were formerly affected by these problems have been tweaked to take the problem zones out of play or replaced by a new run of 4 holes back in the woods where only the disc golfers go. The holes that never had any problems have remained unchanged other than their numbering.

About the renumbering of the holes, there are still several parking lots around the park that will give you easy access to the course, and nobody is going to force you to start at #1, but the new hole #1 uses the basket location for the old #13, with the pads moved to the other side of the tennis court, and old #12 is now playing as #18. If you want to play from 1-18 in order, park at the lot by the tennis courts and follow the signs and markers from basket to tee. Much has changed, but much is still familiar, and the personality of the old course has been well preserved. It is still a relatively short but technically demanding course with lots of trees and creeks in play.

Reviewers who put a premium on the little details like concrete pads and bathroom facilities will probably rate this course higher than I have. I will be willing to raise my rating once the course has matured a bit. For now, I'm pleased to be able to raise my rating from a 2.0 for the old layout to a 3.0 in the new, and am definitely having a lot more fun out here than I used to. Those who gave up on this course years ago should come back and give it another chance: you'll be pleasantly surprised!
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1 0
Experience: 31.3 years 139 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Great Renovation 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 31, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Tee Signs, Nice wide concrete Tees, New Innova DiscCatcher Baskets, Good assortment of varied control shots


1's Tee area is not a good 1st impression of the course.

Confusing course flow @ 9-10, 14-15, 16 (a 10 sign on the right handrail of bridge and a 15 sign on the left handrail would help.)

Other Thoughts:

To all who worked on this renovation, THANK YOU. It is now a joy to go back to the course I learned to play on.
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5 0
Experience: 10 played 10 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Major Course Redesign 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 2, 2011 Played the course:once


The Wills DGC has had a major renovation. The course now has new Innova baskets and concrete tees. Several of the old holes have been relocated into the woods, making some fun and challenging wooded holes. Some of the holes have been reconfigured away from the walking track, tennis courts and ball fields. Most of the non disc golf interference has been worked out of the course design. The holes have been renumbered, a practice basket has been added and the longest walk between holes has been significantly reduced.


The course has a thousand foot walk between holes 16 and 17 and hole 18 is uncomfortably close to a picnic pavilion. Course navigation can be a little tricky in a couple of places at this time.

Other Thoughts:

Wills DGC redesign has made significant improvements to the course. The course should now be put back on your metro Atlanta's must play list. Wills is Georgia's oldest surviving disc golf course and the redesign is a welcome upgrade to Georgia's disc golf course collection.

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4 0
Experience: 17.1 years 56 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Wills Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 28, 2010 Played the course:once


Very interesting course, player friendly (don't let water hazards scare you- it is just a creek running through the most of the course). I love what they have done with it.


The temporary signs are pretty good, but it will be better when they get the permanent ones in. It was kind of hard to figure out where to go after a couple of holes (especially 16 to 17), but we were able to figure it out.

Other Thoughts:

Very cool course, and I like where they are going with it. Pads are nice, as are the baskets, and even the temp signs are good. I don't see how the other guys were losing discs, at least this time of year. I can see it being overgrown during the summer, and prickly bushes were definitely present even at the end of december, but there were no inaccessible spots (I threw it into the deepest spot of water I saw on the course, and that was only about 1.5 feet deep and I could get it back easily). But the course was fun, and not hard to choose decent shot selection. There are no "impossible" holes, and the wooded sections give you a good technical work out, and there are several very ace-able shots if you get the right line. Looking forward to some permanent signs and bridges for when I come back down here!
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5 0
Experience: 2 played 2 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Major Improvement 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Doesn't cross the walking path anymore so traffic is less of an issue.
Has a practice pin at the start.
crosses the creek at multiple places for an added challenge
Several deceiving holes that give anyone who pays attention a huge advantage.
LITTLE TO NO BRIERS on the fairway.
Legitimate bridges in some parts of the course
The new concrete pads make drives less dangerous in wet conditions


Loads of briers off the fairway.
Still a lot of cut up brush that needs to be trampled.
One hole has a few vines hanging down that will stop your disc directly above the creek.
Lost discs have a tendency to not be returned.

Other Thoughts:

Be careful about losing discs on on of the back holes.(still haven't trained my brain to the new hole numbers) but on one of the new holes that cross the river i have seen 3 discs lost in the space of 30 minutes.
Pesonal Message: if you found a brand new orange star groove with a green stamp on old 1 that was mine and i would love to have it back.
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11 1
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.6 years 64 played 60 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Like new Coke without all the suck 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 24, 2010 Played the course:once


I suppose one could say that the course is completely playable even on a weekend. I never played the old layout but was always warned to play during the week if you wanted to get a round in.
New baskets, usually I am not picky about brand but I was glad to see discatchers since there are many blind or semi blind positions and the yellow band is easily spotted in the woods.
The temporary signs are more informative than a lot of permanent signs. The distances to next tees are on there which is a plus because there are several with 200+ foot walks. The baskets also have next tee arrows on the base which were probably the most accurate we had seen.
Line shaping and accuracy is put to a premium here which is a great thing, if you played here often you would certainly be a force in the woods.
The creek adds challenge without adding fear as it is pretty easily accessed for disc retrieval.


Still pretty tight confines, especially when you cross the artfully crafted bridge from 9-10.
Lots of briars to get into off the very tight fairways (I know, keep it on the fairway).
Some roughness but no more than you would expect for a "new" course.
The transition from 14 to 15 is odd and we watched several people skip 15 because they couldn't find the tee (signs will fix this).
Some 'poke and pray' holes on the back 9...but they were fun so its not a huge negative.
Lots of muddy areas.

Other Thoughts:

There are several fun holes on this course, in fact I would say there are more fun holes than not fun holes.
Hole 5 was one of my favorites, I enjoyed that huge line of guardian trees.
Hole 12 just had an epic look to it as well.
Hole 17 and 18 were fun and hole 6 was a blast with practically the only elevation on the course. (15 has a slight downhill)).

If you live in the area and have not played this course get out there! I can totally see why this course has spawned so many world champions and excellent players. You really have to be able to shoot accurately to shoot well.

This course will easily be a 4 once it is broke in and all the signs are installed.
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10 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 182 played 120 reviews
3.50 star(s)

The New Wills 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 17, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Most people who remember the old Will's Park layout will certainly enjoy this new design. Although I'm nowhere near a venerable "Will's Dog", I can probably and reverently speak for them when I say that this new layout is a welcomed improvement. The first things you'll notice are the concrete tees pads. They are roomy and have been backfilled so if you need a little extra room you won't have to worry about tripping over a big lip. Secondly you'll notice the old worn baskets have been replaced with new Innova Discatchers complete with next tee indicators pointing the way to the next tee. Look for them down at the bottom of the pole near the collar. Tee signs with updated info are being installed soon. There are multiple pin placements on holes two, nine, twelve, and thirteen. They're on an organized schedule to be moved frequently so look for consistent changes there as well.

Hole one begins near the tennis courts and that means there's plenty of parking at the tennis lot for disc golfers. As you walk down the bridge you'll notice the very clean bathrooms and water fountain. Once you're ready to start the round the soon to be installed kiosk and course map will give you an idea of how the course is laid out. Beyond that you'll find the practice basket for a quick brush up on your putting before you start your round.

The course itself is a really great layout. Even though this park is heavily crowded with non-disc golf users the layout pretty much eliminates any of the old pedestrian problems. No more fairways dubbing as walking trails! It incorporates a small creek on about eleven of the eighteen holes. There's a good mix of lightly to moderately wooded holes with plenty of opportunities to get birdies. Lefty and righty players are both represented but the right hand, back handed players may find an advantage on the new wooded holes. One of the new woods holes even rings up at as par four, something the old layout was missing. In my opinion three of four new woods holes offer a degree of difficulty that previously was missing at Wills. There are lots of trees and plenty of opportunities to get into trouble if you get off the fairways, especially in the creeks and ditches.

Of course there is still plenty of the "Old Wills" here too. Lots of holes asking for controlled drives with careful approaches, staying dry, and plenty of those finesse shots. Plenty of ace opportunities and several "must get" birdie holes if you're competing. One important thing that didn't change, the course is still lots of fun!

Oh, I almost forgot, the course is now tournament ready!


The layout still has a long walk but now it's between new sixteen and seventeen. The consolation is that it's much more relaxing and pleasant than the trek from old eleven and twelve. There is also a weird flow at one point at the ten, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen interchange. After one walkthrough you're fine but you might want to note the layout on a map on your first visit. Some of the creek banks and ditches in the back make for some punishing retrievals if you find yourself off the fairways.

I went back and read the cons on the reviews of the old layout and, not surprisingly, everyone agreed that the biggest problem with the old layout was the non disc golfers all over the course. Now that this is fixed, along with some of the other issues that were pointed out, I think most cons will just be some minor pet peeves of the individual players.

Other Thoughts:

This is now a great course with all the amenities. It went from a course that I really liked but avoided because of some major pedestrian issues to a course that I look forward to playing. Thanks you Keith, Chris and the Wills crew for all of you hours of hard work to make this happen.

This course is well worth the drive to play when you're in town. There are a couple of other courses within a 30 minute drive so making a day trip to the area is now worth it too.

To get to the parking lot near hole one, turn off Old Milton Parkway onto Wills Road and turn left into the lot to the left of the big gym. Walk down the bridge and you'll see the practice basket. Continue past the practice basket and you'll see the rec pad for hole one. Continue past the rec tee to the opening in the woods to the right for the main pad. Enjoy!
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