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Chambersburg, PA

Wilson College DGC

2.055(based on 11 reviews)
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Wilson College DGC reviews

0 0
Experience: 13.9 years 45 played 18 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Very Nice College Campus 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 6, 2011 Played the course:once


Beautiful College Campus! Old buildings and a nice courtyard to play through. Baskets and tee signs are in decent shape.


Short course. All 9 holes can be played with a putter and midrange.

Other Thoughts:

It seems that I have been running into a bunch of college campus DGC's. This is now my 3rd college DGC and rate it as reasonable. The layout is pretty decent for the limited space they had to put 9 holes but it is a pretty fun layout. As far as college courses go, I would rate this in the middle. If you're in the area, stop by and play. I would go out of my way to play it again, but my two young boys felt like rockstars on the course.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.4 years 85 played 85 reviews
2.00 star(s)

An Easy A+ for Gym Class 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Dec 23, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


- Gorgeous! I went to a mundane state university with that pedestrian Soviet-era boxey type of architecture, so I'm always a sucker for pretty buildings. The collegiate atmosphere is complemented by a nice lawn with which to put nine holes. Even in December the grass was nice and green and manicured well. Tees are nicely-broken in and signage is in good condition.

- Trees serve as hazards and obstacles on many of the holes, which makes up for the very short hole length (see below).

- Most notable hole: #8 due to the longer length (~350 ft) and trees/road serving as hazards

- Just a turn off US-30 in the heart of Chambersburg

- Made for a physical education class, which is awesome and makes me jealous of the students


- It's pretty much on par with most other collegiate disc golf courses I've played: small hole lengths, cramped, and extremely easy. Compared to others though, this one utilizes the space better and seems to be frequented more often. I played during the holiday season when school wasn't in session and I'm not sure how much foot traffic it gets when classes are going on.

Other Thoughts:

As I said before, this is your typical college course with small holes, small course area, and an even smaller challenge. Compensate for this by making it a Roc or Buzz-only round!

I really like how this right off Route 30. I stop here every time I head out this way and it's a very quick round and a nice opportunity to stretch after driving! If you're in the area, make sure to check out Whispering Falls in Greencastle, about 25 minutes away.
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2 0
Experience: 14.3 years 7 played 1 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Short But Sweet 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 16, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


As an amateur just starting to get used to the game of disc golf, this was a fun little course for me. Though the course is very flat, what little elevation there is gets used quite nicely. Hole number 6 comes to mind; a blind tee shot about 250 feet from the pin. Hole 8 is beautiful with a 350 foot fairway lined by towering trees and would be a great hole on any disc golf course.

The signage is adequate from what I saw, but I went with a few guys who had played before and therefore asked them rather than check out the signs.

On the whole, it was a positive experience, and I plan to play it again soon.


The length. Hole number 4 is less than 150 feet, and with the exception of the aforementioned number 8, the others really feel quite short.

There are no real tees; just worn down patches of grass. I hear that it was just done as a project by some students so I suppose they did the best they could with whatever limited funds they were given.

I was quite peeved that some of the holes force you to throw across roads and sidewalks; particularly frustrating was my second round on hole 2, when some lady parked her car directly in the line I wanted to take. I considered putting a disc through her window, but that's another story.. I played when college was not in session so I can only imagine what might happen then.

Other Thoughts:

I probably wouldn't drive more than the half an hour it takes me to reach this course. That being said, apart from a course just down the road in Greencastle which has scary reviews for a novice, it's all that's in the immediate area.
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14 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.1 years 89 played 68 reviews
2.00 star(s)

pitch and putt 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 1, 2010 Played the course:once


This is a good beginners course with some nice tee sign and baskets in good shape. Other than that there isn't much going for it. The tee signs show two routes to each basket which is nice for both lefties and righties. It has good flow and what little elevation change is available was used to its maximum potential. The scenery and the red maples make you feel like you are taking a stroll in a beautiful park not playing disc golf on a college common. There are several ace runs available, so bring you're A-game.


The dirt tees (worn down patches of grass) are uneven and have roots jutting up on more than half of them. Most of the holes play over or next to parking areas and heavily used walkways so please be careful not to hit a car or child, I saw four or five running around. The course is short and not very challenging except for a few trees in front of a few tees.

Other Thoughts:

The tees are marked with painted round cement cylinders in the ground. To get from basket 7 to tee 8 go through the pines, cross the parking lot and its by the road. There were also women sunbathing by one and nine on the common. I will let you decide whether this is good or not.
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12 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 22.3 years 156 played 149 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Quad Nine 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Mar 19, 2010 Played the course:once


Beautiful college campus setting sets the backdrop for a pleasant quick nine holes through the main college quadrangle. Perfectly manicured grounds with zero disc loss. It's a great way to stretch your legs out a bit if your traveling on I-81. Complements the more epic Whispering Falls nearby as either a warm up before or ego booster afterwards. Par 27 course with birdie chances galore but this is no ace hunt course. Every hole brings some type of challenge which makes your little round interesting. I counted 6 times while standing on the tee that I had to rethink the route I wanted to take to the basket. Holes 6,7 and 8 did not have multiple routes but all were great holes with6 an uphill blind toss to an open pin then 7 a drop in anhyzer and 8 a 355 foot tree lined fairway that would be a great hole on any course. Minimal elevation but what was there was utilized well. I particularly enjoyed hole 5. It's short but theres 2 routes to the basket that both take the perfect shot to get there. I got a few birdies and I felt I earned them here. I got one bogey and that was my fault...not the designs. Fair course with plenty of challenge for being so short and quick. You could conceivably shoot under 20 here but if you did you were smoking hot. Aces possible except for the long 355 #8. Great place to bring your putters and approach discs. Natural tees sufficient for a course this short. Decent signs. Safe setting.


It plays through the heart of campus so some common sense applies. Watch for sidewalks,people and cars. Holes 2 and 4 seem slapped together and while both are technical shorties I'd rather play away from roads, people and buildings than flirt with a confrontation. Theres a nice green space near the river nearby..hmmm? Hole 3 throws from below a nice natural rise that to me was screaming to be an elevated tee. It's a college course...your not going here for a challenge. It's a fun relaxing round with little stress involved.

Other Thoughts:

Play the roads and sidewalks as OOB to add some challenge. I think soft putters are the way to play much of this course to minimize risk if the campus is busy while there. Worth 2 rounds as there are multiple lanes to try out on many of the holes.
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12 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 19.3 years 102 played 19 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Fun beginner course or practice round 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 1, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


This course was put in for a Summer college class and has been opened up to public play. It plays in the front lawns of a relatively small College campus. Very well laid out holes for the limited space they used.
• This is not a long course by any means, the longest hole is 355', the shortest is 140'. Most are under 280.'
• Even though it's short, Wilson is not lacking in challenge. Many holes have a low ceiling or tight tee shots.
• Many left and right bending holes, although most can be reached with a midrange.
• Great for after work rounds; can get through 36 in under an hour if solo.

Other Thoughts:

• Quite a few holes play across sidewalks, roads and oft traveled footpaths. Open eyes are a must here.
• Along the same lines, many of the students don't/won't know what you're doing, be aware of headphoned walkers and booknosed studiers!

Wilson is a great course to play if you're in the area, and can be a great place to hone your midrange skills.
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