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Perry, FL

Woods Creek DGC

2.835(based on 6 reviews)
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Woods Creek DGC reviews

10 0
Pizza God
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 36.5 years 1821 played 635 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Best 14 hole course I have ever played

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 8, 2024 Played the course:once


Tee signs show distance and hole number and are all still in good condition
Cement Tee Pads
Good mix of shots
Decent flow
Majority of the course is just disc golf with no other park users.
Plenty of parking


A couple of holes cross walking paths
14 holes?

Other Thoughts:

I think this might be the ONLY 14 hole course I have ever played.

I get there late afternoon and could get a group of golfers with bags on the last 2 holes. Always a good sign the course might be decent.

If you read the earlier reviews, this course started with 9 holes and has been expanded to 14 now with tee markers and cement tee pads.

Hole 1 starts near the parking lot and is a pretty long shot flowing left to right with a fenced in pond on the right. Of course my disc fly's over the fence but hit the fence on the far side. it was OB of course, but at least I was able to reach my disc without jumping the fence. (I didn't see a way to go around)

Hole 2 is also another slight left to right down into a grove of trees.

Hole 3 is a good little ace run. I assume the sidewalk and across should be considered OB to add to the difficulty.

Hole 4 is your basket shot thought the tree's, just pic your line and shoot for the bird

Hole 5 is a good left to right shot, but you DO NOT want to be too far right, it looked like a mess in there.

Hole 6 is a fun hole, but is not a good hole. The shot is a decent right to left shot, a natural hyzer for a right handed player and it throws over a fenced in drainage ditch. However you are throwing over a sidewalk and if someone is walking north, you can't see them coming. There is also some PAR equipment on the fairway.

Hole 7 is a good little birdie shot, mostly open with the basket tucked into the trees and the creek on the right. Straight at it with no fading right is the shot.

Hole 8 is the longest hole and the only true par 4 hole. You have a fence line for the park on the right and the sidewalk on the left side. But there is plenty of room on the fairway.

Hole 9 unfortunately throws across the sidewalk but is a simple 300ft birdie opportunity. There is a fence line behind the basket to the right if you overthrow it. And a few tree's to navigate.

Hole 10 is another good birdie opportunity, But there is a sidewalk to the left that should be considered OB. The best gap is straight at it but you have a low celling.

Hole 11 clocks in at almost 350 and is a tight tunnel shot till you get to the open area where the basket is. With the low celling, this would be a tough 2 for most players.

Hole 12 is another bird opportunity. The basket is hidden behind a tree and you can't see it from the tee. It's behind the last tree down the biggest gap. Simple right to left (or right handed hyzer) though the gap will put you under the basket.

Hole 13, what I would call a "filler hole" You are throwing across the sidewalk, but there is a mando 1/2 way down the fairway taking out the big hyzer open shot for a right handed thrower. It's not marked, but this should be a double mando between both trees you see in the picture, at least that is how I threw it. The basket us under a large tree's with low hanging branches.

Hole 14, getting you back to the parking area. 2nd longest hole on the course and is a sign par 4. You do have some large tree's to the left side and the sidewalk to the right. A majority of the hole is open after that till the basket is tucked under some tree's near the parking area.

In general, this is not a great course, but it's not bad either. As i was playing hole 10, I met a couple throwing hole 3. We talked for a bit, they were walkers in the park and saw people playing so they purchased some discs and fell in love with the game. They had yet to play any other course, but said they play the course now instead of walking though the park and LOVE IT. Hearing a story like that made my day.

Would I play here again? Actually if I was in the area, I would. it's not a hard course but does have some fun holes to throw and just enough shade for those hot humid days.
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9 0
Experience: 10.4 years 68 played 1 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Nice little 14 hole course drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 21, 2023 Played the course:once


Brand new chain star baskets. Great pads. Good signage for distance. Nice wooded and open shots.


Directions to next tee could be better, but with UDisc, not an issue.

Other Thoughts:

Fun little course. Great condition. Well-maintained. Was driving through and glad we stopped for it. Recommended.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 49.4 years 245 played 198 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Course Completed 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 26, 2022 Played the course:once


The course is done now so some info in the previous reviews will need to be updated.

The course seems like it's set at 14 holes now as it starts and finishes by the parking lot. It features one nice concrete tee and one basket per hole The course has mostly mid-length holes with some trees and light woods and a couple of open holes. The course will provide a good challenge for rec/beginner players and more advanced players could have a fun putter round here. The course is shiny penny new and very well maintained.


Not too many cons for this one. It might be a little open or easy for some folks but it's pretty and I think most people would enjoy a round here.

Other Thoughts:

Clearly, the best course in Perry and it would make a great daily/weekly course for those of the low to mid skill levels.
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4 0
Experience: 7.3 years 6 played 6 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Great Potential 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 9, 2019 Played the course:2-4 times


- Finding the tee "area" for hole 1 was easy.
- The middle of the course has some beautiful live oaks.
- The fairways were freshly mowed.
- The walking path through the course adds some interesting OB challenge.
- While the course has a walking/running trail running through it, it isn't highly used and didn't pose a problem.
- Portions of the course are pretty shaded.
- Most of the 9 holes required a full pull to get to the basket.
- The par 4 on hole 3 is the best hole on the course (once you find the basket tucked away near the fence on the right side of the fairway).
- Hole 8 is a nice ace run, but not easy by any means.


- The baskets have some heavy chains which take some getting used to.
- Once the course is "finalized", getting permanent tee signs and tee pads will greatly improve the course.
- There are some remnants of laminated hole layout stapled to the 4x4's representing Tee signs. These could be updated and replaced helping those new to the course.

Other Thoughts:

If I lived closer, I would find the course one that I would play regularly. It will only get better once it looks more like a permanent course and less like a temporary course. Time, funding and man power will solve this.

- Until this course gets heavy use, there could definitely be some "gorilla" holes from one tee to another basket increasing the interest of the course.
- There is a pile of decorative bricks near tee #1. If the course designers could get 4 bricks per pad and set the corners of the natural pad, it would help.
- Mounting some large visible numbers atop the baskets would be a big help. Currently you are guessing which basket you should be trying to reach. For regulars, no problem, but for first-timers it will greatly help with their experience.
- Hole 9 has a potential for a double mando through two pine trees that adds complexity to the hole.
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8 0
Mr. Butlertron
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 21.6 years 675 played 131 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Perry's Best Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 7, 2018 Played the course:once


- free to play, plenty of parking
- it's more fun than an average 9 hole course
- lots of room for course future course development.
- open enough for beginners, challenging enough to interest higher skilled players
- course well landscaped
- course isolated from most park activities
- it's the best place for disc golf in town


- no multiple pins
- walking path through the middle of the course
- flat
- a little RHFH favorable
- natural tees
- the course has unfinished amenities

Other Thoughts:

The Bulldog is a great example of opting to make a solid 9 basket course with multiple tees instead of a more compact, less savory set of 18 separate fairways. Hole #1 starts right next to the parking and sort of shadows the walking path in counterclockwise direction around the property. Fairways feature open, mostly flat, landscaped grass with somewhat of a green belt of trees through the middle of the course. The tree trunks and canopy help loosely define the fairway shapes on an otherwise open layout. Even though the holes are fairly open and forgiving, there's enough distance and variety to remain fun and challenging. At the moment, the tees are still natural, marked with a mix of signs, flags, and bricks. I expect that to change sometime is the near future.

It's hard to be overly critical with my cons because the Bulldog is still in development. Nonetheless, I'll make an attempt. Natural tees are an obvious one, so are the lack of information on the tee signs. Another is that the shot selection from tees sharing the same basket felt too similar on many holes. I'd like to see more lateral separation and fairway shot variety and or distance from the pin between tees sharing the same basket. The terrain is fairly flat, a hanging or raised basket might help spice things up a little, too. Be careful of mole hills and holes in the ground, they're spread throughout the area.

Courses like the Bulldog are always a pleasant surprise for a bagger like myself. You just never know what to expect when you travel to a multi recreational area course. I thought more park activities would interfere with my round or that the layout would be really boring. I experienced neither. The baskets looked cheap, but caught incredibly well. I'm interested to see how this course evolves in the future. There seems to be a lot of potential.
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5 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 10.7 years 694 played 670 reviews
2.50 star(s)

Perry’s Best 2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 28, 2017 Played the course:5+ times


(2.391 Rating) (RE-EVALUATED) A recently expanded park style course that will appeal to Novices thru Intermediate level players.
- UPGRADES - I felt compelled to update my review for this course despite not re-playing it. Five additional holes have been added, a couple of the original have been tweaked, baskets have been upgraded to pro 28s and concrete tees have been poured. Even though my formula has been tweaked to produce slightly lower scores from my earlier reviews, there appears to have been enough upgrades to land this course into my 2.5 ratings range. I had originally scored it a 2.065.
- SKILL LEVEL FRIENDLY - The course seems to play well for a wide swath of skill levels, except perhaps Advanced players over a 950 rating. The par 3s average around 275 feet long. There will be birdie and bogey potential for your typical rec players. When I first played here there were short natural tees marked as well, but I'm no longer sure if that's still the case.
- FUN FACTOR - The Bulldog has most of the elements to make for a fun round. A few good ace runs for higher skilled players. The odds of losing a disc is very minimal unless the creek is raging or the dry retention pond is full. The fairways are lightly defined and wide enough to not frustrate novice level players.
- MAINTENANCE - The course was well kept and clean when I played it. Grass was always kept in check. In addition, there wasn't too many chances to throw into heavily overgrown areas. Errant shots are usually not punished further.
- RAW BEAUTY - I found this course to be about average or a touch above average in terms of beauty. Holes (1), (13) and (14) are on the bland side of the spectrum, but a few holes have a bunch of older pines and massive oak trees to weave around and it makes the line pop a bit. Old hole (4) was my favorite, which had the creek along the right most of the way. I believe this is hole (5) now.
- NAVIGATION - The updated report from my friend was that there is new tee signage and that navigation is decent.


Who plays 14 holes?
- HOLE VARIETY - Like many non 18 hole courses, the Bulldog just doesn't have the same level of variety that you'd see on your average 18 hole course. There are no monster 4s or 5s. None of the holes are that exceedingly hard. The longest holes should challenge Intermediate players but Advanced players won't really be tested like the back tees at Tom Brown and Jack McLean in Tallahassee. There is however some creek elements in play a few times. Most of the holes also weave threw a lightly wooded live oak and pine canopy, as noted above. A few holes have less than a handful of trees in play. Overall I would rate the gameplay variety as average or hair below the typical course.
- ELEVATION - Really none to speak of. No more than 15 feet of elevation change along the entire course layout, which is sadly about the average for Florida.
- AMENITIES - Being in Perry Florida, this one is not blessed with the type of park budgets that cities like Tampa, Tallahassee or Atlanta have. To my knowledge, only one set of concrete tees. No multi basket placements and also still not 18 holes.
- ANIMAL BURROWS - Watch where you step. I saw at least a handful of dirt holes, one foot wide by one foot deep, from burrowing animals. (Not sure which species.)

Other Thoughts:

In my old review I said I would "play this course again and update my review as improvements were made." I did play it again, but it was a month after my review dropped and it hadn't changed at all in that short time. I then changed jobs and moved, making a replay highly unlikely. Thanks to DGCR member Thrembo, whom I live vicariously through for Florida disc golf, I now knew that enough significant upgrades had been made to warrant a relook at the numbers. To me, it's got to be close to a ½ point better than my 2017 review when considering all the adds. I think there is still some modest growth potential left. Especially if they add 4 more holes. If you find yourself traveling along US 19, and you got time, I highly recommend checking it out.
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