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Olympia, WA

Yauger Park

1.685(based on 14 reviews)
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Yauger Park reviews

0 0
[email protected]
Experience: 15.2 years 11 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Yauger course is no more 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 27, 2011 Played the course:5+ times


Baskets have been removed, nothing left. Don't waste your time driving here.


Not sure if or when there will be a place to play in Olympia.

Other Thoughts:

Shelton is the closest course, then Elma or Fort Steilacoom.
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2 0
Experience: 19.7 years 3 played 3 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Terrible 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 29, 2011 Played the course:2-4 times


None at all. Used to be a pretty good little course, but now is not even playable due to construction...


Even more construction going on now that ruins the front nine and unfortunately the back nine is non-existent as well due to constrution on the other side of the park. The few holes that are open are damn near unplayable due to flooding.

Other Thoughts:

Do not waste your time coming to Yauger to play unless you live within walking distance or want to practice your putting. The city needs to take the baskets elsewhere and start a new course in Olympia or Tumwater
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0 4
Experience: 14.9 years 6 played 5 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:May 10, 2010 Played the course:once


a variation of hole placements. this park is in a baseball park and may be very hard to be compatible during the busy ball season. It has good baskets that were placed in a variety of obstruction setting.


This course was under water so we got very wet.
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5 0
JR Stengele
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 24.4 years 255 played 191 reviews
2.00 star(s)

Yauger Park 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Feb 14, 2010 Played the course:once


Yauger Disc Golf Course in Olympia is located in a large multi purpose park downtown. There are several baseball/soccer fields within the center of the park, with a concession stand (open during baseball season), horseshoe pits, a playground, and plenty of parking. Within just a few minutes from the park are several restaurants in which to eat at, as well as a grocery store. The park itself is wide open in the middle with fairly dense foliage surrounding the outside perimeter. It is mainly hear that several of the holes are located.

The course does a fairly good job balancing out wooded and open holes considering what room they had to work with. Signs are wooden poles with tee numbers as well as distance on them. Holes range from 147 - 433 feet, requiring disc golfers to shoot through tight alleys with extreme accuracy. Water hazards play a large part on this course, especially during the winter and spring time when the course floods like it did when I played. Tee pads are slowly becoming all cement (and well done), but currently are a mixture between both that and dirt. A few holes out in the open have alternate tee pads to avoid interfering with any ball sports going on at that time which is a plus.


This course has some major design flaws. With crossing fairways several times throughout, several short holes which feel forced, and other sports continually interrupting play, this course is in need of a change. The course also tends to hold water during the rainy season as it pours in from all the local concrete neighborhoods. Because of this, holes become increasingly difficult to access or even unplayable which is a shame. The crossing fairways occur primarily in the front nine and can become quite dangerous for disc golfers and pedestrians alike. The multi use fields are used a lot during the warmer months cutting out several holes. Because of this, the course becomes more crowded with less room to move. More signs indicating where the next tee pad was located would help first timers as well. With the help of some new signs, increased cement tee pads, better catching baskets, and perhaps a new layout on some of these holes (perhaps even reducing the total number of holes on this course for better quality), this course could improve drastically. For now with all these issues, it is only a decent course.

Other Thoughts:

As other reviewers have stated, this is a tough course to grade. However, with as many issues as it currently has I know that Yauger has a lot of room to grow. The local club here in Olympia has done a tremendous job getting this course in the ground, and is constantly improving it. If they continue to make changes, there is not doubt that the ratings here will improve. There just is currently too much going against this place to be any higher then it is.

Sometimes it just makes sense to install only enough holes as the area can realistically hold. I feel Yauger forced an 18 hole course here in an area with little room to work. If this course was only 12 holes, many of the smaller holes could be redesigned and become more legit. With the continual hard work of the club this course will hopefully improve over time.
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5 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 20.4 years 177 played 49 reviews
2.50 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Oct 30, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Many of the holes, individually, are very interesting and challenging.
Significant water challenge on two holes, with a long and short tee option on 12.
Some elevation change and nice overall diversity of landscape.
Good variation in distance from 175 to 400'.
Good mix of tight wooded holes with open holes.
The concrete tee pads that are in place are Sweet!
Most of the holes have tee signs that also indicate distances, which is very useful.
OB and mandos help add to a course that has significant challenge for most levels of play.


Huge navigation issues, many of the walkouts are confusing, though not impossible to figure out.
SAFETY. This course, all things considered is not safe for any sanctioned event. Hole 1 and 2 cross over, holes 3 and 8 require you to walk right back up the fairway to the next hole. 17 and 18 play back at each other.
Numerous issues in the overall course design, generally long walkouts around the park, several holes that hold a direct risk of landing in a 4 lane road or on multi-use fields.
Course would be very difficult to play during nice days in the summer because of other park uses.

Other Thoughts:

I had a very difficult time trying to rate Yauger Park, honestly I could see someone being able to argue anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5 being the correct ranking based on what you value most in judging a course. There are definitely many sketchy aspects of Yauger. To give background to the review, when I played the course all 18 are now in and all of the holes have concrete teepads or marked concrete quivilants with the exception of 1 and 11. I can't exclusively dock Yauger too much for the multi-use problems, it's awesome that they were able to get this course in such a high use park, and it's the only course in the immediate Olympia area. The almost sad aspect of Yauger is the fact that many of the holes, standing alone, are very fun, I played the course in October when the park was nearly empty and I had a blast picking out the right shot for a number of interesting and challenging holes. The tough pin positions on the two water holes, hole 5 and hole 15 also stuck out. The crux of the issue at Yauger is a lack of foresight on a number of holes; some holes seem like they were forced into spots either just to have another hole, even a cool hole, even where it might not be appropriate, like holes 3 and 8, or simply to connect the two very different sections of the park. And many of the holes require shooting very close to other holes. On the whole, I would say on a less popular park day the fun factor at Yauger is a 3.5, it's definitely both a fun and tricky course, but some of the overall design issues bring it down. I hope that the course will continue to be shaped, the hardcore crew of disc golfers in Olympia have put a lot of effort and care a lot about the course.
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4 2
Experience: 15.3 years 2 played 1 reviews
1.50 star(s)

Only if your close 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 24, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


There is now concrete tee's.


The course is not very well thought out and/or is to cramped. At times you will have to skip multiple holes or disrupt organized events that the holes cross. The signage is non existant so holes are hard to find if you have never played the course.

Other Thoughts:

Watch out for cars in the parking area if you are a newer player; hole 17 is dangerously close to the border of the parking area.

Hole #9's tee changes if there is a game going on and you have to use the tee of hole #8.

Hole #11 sometimes will have to be skipped altogether if there is a game happening. (I know of no alternate tee)

Hole #12 watch out for heavy pedestrian traffic at times, mostly if you use the alternate tee. The pro tee has no signage.

#13 is over a parking lot and at times you will have long waits or to many hazards to play it.

#14 is over a pond, its a simple throw and is no big deal for experienced players, though there is no alternate tee for begginers and you can almost expect to lose your disc.

Hole #15 is over the front entrance to the park. Carefull for cars.
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6 0
Ghost in the Darknes
Experience: 7 played 4 reviews
1.00 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 21, 2009 Played the course:once


Beautiful area with a great use of the limited space from all the other activities going on in the area. Great new tee pads as well.


As a first timer, the lack of signs made the course impossible. I had to talk to some homeless guys to find the first tee pad. (I now realize there are directions to it) And once I found it I played the first 3 holes with relative ease, never found the 4th hole, and threw off Tee pad 9 to hole 6. Saw that Tee Pad 5 and 6 are the same. YOU NEED SIGNS!

Other Thoughts:

What would have made this course ok is simply a map. If someone would just spend like an hour creating a map of the course and upload it here, then people who don't know the course could play it. Until that happens I wouldn't recommend anyone going to this course without a local.
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4 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.3 years 45 played 37 reviews
2.00 star(s)

a good partnership. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 20, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


nice new concrete tee pads!
nice mixture of technical "heavily wooded" shots on the front 9 and wide open "let her rip" shots on the back 9.


although the signage is improving, some of the holes were still poorly marked.
#5 [off the right of #6 teepad] is basically not playable if there is softball happening on field 1.
i didn't find #6long until my way back to the car. [it's by the horseshoe pits]
some holes you had to walk back down the fairway to get back to the course [ ex: #3, #8]
and some fairways crossed [ex: #1, #2 and #6, #7]

Other Thoughts:

the signage on the back 9 was pretty confusing.
we had a really hard time finding #11
also, it took awhile to figure out which was #12 [both tee and basket - we shot at #17 first]
same story with #14. [we shot at #15 first]

some improved signage would really help this park out.

we played on a weekday morning, so there wasn't a whole lot of competition for the park, and that was nice. if we were playing on a thursday evening, when there's softball, i sure would be uncomfortable making some shots in case i interfered with a bad release in an official game.

i played my wolf [understable midrange] on just about every drive in the front 9. i thought that was interesting.]

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3 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 22.7 years 495 played 493 reviews
2.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Feb 14, 2010 Played the course:once


There is limited space at this course and the designer did a decent job fitting the disc golf course in with all of the other activities. Not too hard to navigate except for a couple of spots. Some good technical shots and decent mix with a couple of longer holes mixed in.


This is a horrible spot for a disc golf course simply because of all of the other sports and events always going on in this park. Lots of crossing into soccer fields and many other non disc golfers on the course during the summer months and during the winter months the course gets flooded. The course was crammed when it was nine holes and now it's eighteen.

Other Thoughts:

Not a horrible course for practicing and there are some fun drives on this course, there is nothing special however. It's been said already about the other uses of the park and that is the biggest downfall. If you are in the area and want to play real bad go for it you will have an ok time but I recommend going early in the morning to avoid traffic and wear boots in the winter.
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4 0
Experience: 29.3 years 11 played 6 reviews
1.50 star(s)

2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Dec 4, 2008 Played the course:5+ times


I've edited my rating of this course according to it's degradation in overall quality. There is construction on two separate ends of the park, which forced the course from being 18 holes down to 9 holes. I think that the eventual acceptance of Yauger Park as a "family-friendly" 9 hole course is it's biggest pro, at the moment.

I believe in the local Club, and I expect that there are future courses on the horizon.


In it's current incarnation, Yauger Park has approximately 9 playable holes. This number of holes is sometimes fewer depending on the flooded areas of the park. Also, there is little or no signage, which unless you're accustomed to the course layout, can lead to confusion.

Other Thoughts:

This course is IN Olympia, which has been in need of a course for quite some time.
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6 1
Experience: 23.5 years 45 played 3 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Yauger is going "permanent" 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 11, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Good shot selection, some very tight anhyser shots and some bigger 400+ holes. There is "winter" water hazards that really come into play, and two all-season water holes. New number plates on baskets, new tee signs make it much easier to find your way around. Concrete teepads by the end of the summer!Bathrooms and water fountains throughout the park.


This is a multi- use park, people really use it! This means you occasionally have to wait for pedestrians. This also means space is limited. There are two holes with alternate teepads while softball or soccer are being played.

Other Thoughts:

If you would like a tour or have any questions call (360) 359- 5206 Chris. Doubles every Wed. 5:00 through Oct.
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6 1
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 59 played 20 reviews
1.50 star(s)

needs good design work 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 1, 2008 Played the course:2-4 times


A place to throw in Olympia. There are two ponds that come into play for an added water feature. Top Foods has an extensive beer selection down the street.


This place needs serious design help. There is no map and the tees actually have old and new tee numbers on them. The new tee #2 throws to a basket marked #1. The course feels like someone placed a few temporary baskets out there and then more and more were added. A non-local really has no idea what basket to throw at.

Other Thoughts:

My friend played this course in the afternoon and swore he will never play it again. Several holes have the entire fairway as a heavily used pedestrian path. I purposely went early to try and avoid this. Even then while I was lining up my drive on #16 tee, a jogger pops up and ran strait down the path to me. I had to wait until they passed before I threw.

While playing this course I couldn't help but think what a well designed course Van Zee is in Port Orchard. It is small but very enjoyable to play. Yauger is a crowded, multi-use park but it has the space for a well designed 9 holes (or 12 or whatever fits best). The design flat out needs to be better. Then map it and sign it. I give the locals credit for making this course but please give some strong thought to how it can be improved. Don't have 18 just to have 18. Pick the number of baskets that make the most sense. If you want to play more then start a new round.
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6 2
Bronze level trusted reviewer
Experience: 34.3 years 35 played 22 reviews
1.50 star(s)

A work in progress... 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 22, 2008 Played the course:never


Considering the space available, I guess they did all right with course design. Plenty of parking and other options for activities in the park for non-golfers in your group (though why you would have a non disc golfer with you seems odd).


Not much distance except on a couple of the alternate tee spots. Several of the alternate tees, I couldn't actually find, though distances were listed on the tee posts. The few shots in the woods seemed to me to require as much luck as precision.

Other Thoughts:

In addition to the practice basket, there was one basket between hole 6-7 and about 5 more around a large parking lot, and at least one more over by hole number one. I can only assume the long term goal is to turn this nine hole course into an 18 hole course. However, the additional baskets near the lower parking lot are so close to each other, that most of the holes look like they will play between 125-200 feet, which seems to me to be too short. I would rather have a 12 or 13 hole course with decent holes instead of 18 holes that are all short, but of course, that is just my personal opinion.
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8 0
The Valkyrie Kid
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 46.4 years 1562 played 1507 reviews
1.50 star(s)

They Somehow Squeezed It In! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 12, 2008 Played the course:never


The course starts out with two holes set in a wooded area . The next three play right along the side of soccer/softball fields. #6 through #9 then play up and behind a skate board park, a picnic area and another ballfield. Yauger Park is an extremely busy park and I'm impressed that the designers were able to squeeze 9 holes here. Navigating the course is fairly easy, although it did get a little messy around 6 & 7.


The designers of this course had very little room to work with. The park is so very busy with softball, soccer, skateboarders, familys picnicking, joggers, bicyclists and horse-shoe players. Holes 4 & 5 are both strikingly similiar. On both of these, you tee off down a narrow jogging path with the same swampy, marshy rough on the left, and open ballfields on the right. The dirt tee pads are a little rough in places.

Other Thoughts:

First of all, kudos to the designers/developers for squeezing this into the space they did and for getting the parks department's approval. Disc golfers on this particular course are going to have to really work on their disc golf etiquette and people skills considering the close proximity they share with the other park users.
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