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East Stroudsburg, PA

Yetter Park DGC

Permanent course
3.435(based on 23 reviews)
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Yetter Park DGC reviews

13 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 8.3 years 79 played 67 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fast Quick Community Par 3

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Mar 3, 2023 Played the course:once


Yetter Park is a fast, quick community Par 3 amongst graveled forest, running along the river -- however water barely comes into play and is more background scenery than anything. It is also amongst the flattest courses I experienced. There are holes at other flatter courses that still have more elevation than the entirety of this course contains. Only several elevation holes with about a dozen feet difference between tee and pin. After nearby PB, I appreciated that.

Trees dictated trajectory at nearly every hole. There are two baskets per hole, blue or yellow, which are at the same difficulty and just provide different pin positions. Sometimes blue was farther in distance, sometimes yellow.

There are almost no doglegs, so barring bad kicks, major turns won't be an obstacle in general. You are faced with a consistent straight on disc golf at every hole, avoiding trees and sticking a good trajectory will be the name of the game.

Its greatest benefit is its 5-minute proximity to Pinebrook and the courses complement each other really well in different strengths and focus.

There is now a lost disc bin at the entrance. Tees were good, signs were well illustrated and informative. Portopotty in parking lot.


From my neck of PA, I was rather put off on just how utterly graveled in Yetter was. Not only the walking trails, which make up the majority of fairway but also all around the baskets. It's a downer on the enjoying nature aspect, but on the plus side it means very little mud after rain and come summer this course will have extremely little roughage to deal with.

I doubt it's enforced often, but the billboard has a $10 non-county resident fee, that online seems to apply some summer weekends to the park in general when some event is on. Strange, but okay.

Related, it was empty this time of year but I imagine it's annoying when the trails are full as the DG and the walking trails are completely enmeshed throughout.

Other Thoughts:

Yetter is a 3.25 to me personally. I'll round it up but 3.5 is really pushing it imo.
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2 4
Experience: 22 played 16 reviews
4.50 star(s)

really nice small technical course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 23, 2021 Played the course:once


All different shot shapes Easy to find next tee Porta potty at the front entranceGreat for touch shots


If you have a big arm and like to really whip a disc, this may not be the place for youWatch out for bikers or walkers

Other Thoughts:

All wooded Nothing much more than 300ftBut it has almost every type of shot shape
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11 0
Gold level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 7.4 years 239 played 200 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wetter Day? Yetter Play! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 28, 2020 Played the course:once


+ The whole course plays within an active community park with lots of healthy trees to dodge and a little river to one side.
+ All eighteen tee pads are solid blacktop with a three-sided outer frame which cleverly points towards that hole's fairway.
+ As this is a public community park, benches and trash cans abound. Please don't litter!
+ Plenty of stock paper scorecards for the taking as you enter the park next to the practice pin area.
+ All eighteen tee signs are prominent and well constructed. They're a little faded but have all the info and a good diagram.


- Some parts of the course have areas of visible trash. Most notably, the hillside next to hole 2 has residential garbage everywhere.
- This course uses 'next tee tape' wrapped around one of the spokes at the top of each basket, but many of them have worn away or been scraped off. As a result, first time navigation was a bit uncertain.
- No lost disc box.
- Much of the course plays alongside, on top of or directly crosses the park's gravel walking paths.
- On the short side with not much to differentiate it from other courses.

Other Thoughts:

My favorite hole to look at at this course is hole 8 because of the active river flowing alongside it. I would say it is the most dynamic yet peaceful spot of the course.
My favorite hole to play was right after it. Hole 9 starts off flat with gentle tree dodging before a stark uphill shot. From where the player tees off, it doesn't look like much until you get closer. It's not terribly far but still a fun hole to play.
My least favorite hole is hard to pin down. I could say "the one that overlaps with a walking path," but that doesn't narrow it down much. So, I'll just say hole 4 because that one was the first serious offender.

And that brings me effortlessly to the one gigantic gripe that I have with this course. At least half of the course's holes cross or play right on top of established gravel walking paths. If you come here on a nice day, then your session will unavoidably be interrupted by a dog walker, a group of friends out for a stroll, a family on a bike ride or even other disc golfers just trying to play other parts of the course. It simply can't be helped, and you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. Please use extreme caution when throwing, and be confident in your ability to yell, "Fore!" if you need it.

Those very gravel paths/fairways I mentioned have a distinct advantage over most other courses, though. As this review's title hints at, I suspect that rainfall will take longer to negatively impact the playability of this course. So, I think Yetter Park is the first-ever place I have encountered that is prepared to be played in the rain! That's a big deal. Most of the pedestrians would be gone, and the fairways would not be mucky and muddy because of this gravel. So, simply wear a poncho, and you just might have a better time!

It's a popular park. And the locals here are welcoming. Before starting, I chatted with a few golfers as they were warming up for a doubles match that was scheduled to happen later that afternoon. They invited me to join in! Seeing as how I didn't have a partner, I politely declined, but I detected a distinct tone of pride in their voices as they told me about their local course I was about to play. And it's not hard to see why.

That river is calming to look at and a thrill to throw beside. The partially open forest through which this course plays presents some nice tree dodging puzzles and more than a few tight tunnels. It isn't a terribly large park, however. That is reflected in the course's brevity. Brevity isn't necessarily a bad thing, mind you! For many players, this could be the perfect course to get some mid range tree practice. The absolute longest on offer is 403 feet with the course average coming in at 300 ft. There is only one tee per hole, but I'm happy to see them in the process of installing a second set of baskets for a shorter layout. Truth be told, I acknowledge that installing a course within an already-established park must have been exceedingly difficult. I would say that the space was used as efficiently as it could be while still completing a whole circuit. So, unfortunately, that means that some of the holes can feel samey. From start to finish, the player is surrounded by woods of varying density. There are no wide-open holes for long glides. Add to that a mostly flat texture, and you've got a course that plays well and plays tight but doesn't change enough between holes to be too striking or memorable.

Bottom lines: Despite the dislike I have for the fairways overlapping the walking paths, I have to imagine what this course would be like on a perfect day without pedestrians. When I do that, I see an efficient little course that presents players with lots of little challenges to overcome in the form of its varied forest and modest elevation features, and that's why we play: to be challenged. If you want a course with lots of little challenges that can be played in any type of weather, then Yetter Park is for your consideration.
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6 0
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 7.3 years 444 played 411 reviews
4.00 star(s)

A great wooded course! 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 17, 2019 Played the course:once


+ The course has really developed since previous reviews and pictures; I added 30+ new pictures to give a more up-to-date look
+ All teepads are paved (previous reviews have them as gravel). All are bordered on two sides and front with sunken 4x4 wood as frames
+ Some of the baskets are a bit old, and some of the chains are rusting - but everything works fine


- As other have noted, a lot of the holes play along the park's walking trails. I didn't find this to be a problem because I played midday during the week - but I can imagine hikers and trail bikers could slow down play on the weekends
- Hole #9's sign is incorrect - I'm guessing the original basket position was straight out, as shown on the sign. The pin is actually off the left corner of the tee - there's a nice narrow tunnel up to the basket (I took a picture to show you the line) - but if you go by the map, you'll be aiming in the wrong place
- Many of the signs face away from the basket, so when you're looking at the map, your back is to the pin (I first noticed this on #6, and almost threw in the wrong direction). Once you're aware of it, it's really not a big problem, and the "fronts" of the tees aim in the right direction. The way the signs are set up, you generally see them as you approach from the previous hole, which is a nice touch
- Some of the holes have alternate baskets (look for the blue bands). I think this might be a work in progress, because they're not on the map by the parking lot, and they're not yet on every hole. If you're playing the course as mapped and as on uDisc, make sure you're throwing at the yellow bands

Other Thoughts:

A handful of really good holes:
#1 - starts you off with a great double mando (and a well-marked relief area). The course is telling you it's serious
#2 - a really pretty fairway, with a tight but clear line down the right side
#3 - takes advantage of a dramatically leaning tree across the fairway - low bridge!
#8 - risk/reward: are you confident enough to play to the right of the tree and hang it out over the river?
#10 - another tight throwing line - and this time you have some elevation to consider
#11 - so tight - but you can actually play it along the more open right side, and cut in to the basket with some luck
#14 - ace run! Just know there's a bit of a drop right behind the basket

I live an hour away, and visited Yetter while I was bagging other courses (the best of the others was Moore Township). A combo of Yetter and Moore is well worth the drive.

Really good courses like Yetter don't just happen by themselves. Somebody (or more likely some group of somebodies) is making it better. Thanks for your efforts!
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6 3
disc golfer
Experience: 26.2 years 15 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Pleasantly Amazed! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 30, 2013 Played the course:once


- Course is easy to find and so is Hole 1
- Fantastic Par 3 woods course.
- Excellent use of property available.
- Smart holes and course design (great fairways, nicely placed tees and baskets and great use of trees as obstacles and tunnel shots).
- Perfect mix of all shot types.
- Fun course to play with nice challenging holes.
- Not one hole was frustrating or stupid.
- Flat, all in the woods, with one elevated basket and one elevated tee.
- Baskets in great shape.
- Well marked and easy to navigate through. Each tee sign has a "next tee" directional.
- Food and "civilization" nearby. :)


- I did not see any bathrooms. They may exist at park so I may have missed them.
- The tees were in good shape, but I'm personally not a big fan of gravel. They became uneven and lumpy, so much smoothing out was needed.
- Only a few people had used the "walking paths/fairways" while I was there and no one was in my way, other than waiting a couple of minutes for an older man to walk through. The foot traffic was not a problem for me but may be for a disc golfer in a bad mood....lol.

Other Thoughts:

- I loved this course. It was a pleasure to play. It doesn't take long so a few rounds for the day is easy. There was a nice stream there along a few holes but does not come into play unless a throw is shanked badly or disc hits a tree with a bad kick. This course is smart, fun and well worth the trip while in the area. I will be back to play. Great job on this course guys!
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7 4
Experience: 12.4 years 13 played 12 reviews
1.00 star(s)

Why Do I Keep Coming Here? 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Apr 12, 2016 Played the course:5+ times


-Challenging for all skill levels. Makes you try new things and push your skills.

-Little chance of losing discs at most holes. River presents a minor challenge and encourages accuracy

-A tobacco and alcohol free environment. Good if you don't like smoke or drunks.

-Summer doubles on Wednesday nights, 5PM


-Foot traffic/joggers. Keep an eye out and call 4 where need be.

Most if not all baskets have seen better days, quite a few are lopsided and bent, and some even spin when hit. Most chains rusted.
Baskets heights vary, in addition to their poor condition.

A tobacco/alcohol free environment. Bad if you smoke and/or like to drink while you play.

Illegal dumping of household trash dispersed in the woods really gives this park that Eastern Pennsylvanian charm. This has been cleaned up to some extent, but it still pretty bad.

Gravel tee boxes are a joke and usually are flooded out. Money is slowly being raised for concrete pads. A twisted ankle or worse just waiting to happen.

A few unreasonable par 3's.

Foul odor emanates from the adjacent river once in awhile.

No bathrooms, no water fountains

One log bench

Sketchy people and miscreants walk through regularly

Layout can be very confusing the first time going through

Other Thoughts:

I really hate this place. I keep asking myself why I come back. Challenging for sure, but not really worth the frustration. If you want to hit a great, proper course in eastern PA, make the trek to Prompton State Park. I play here only because its close to where I work. I've been asked twice by locals what I think of the course and they all were mad and got defensive about my answer. Truth hurts! There is not much to be proud of here guys. New baskets and concrete pads will make a HUGE difference. A review of the par scheme is in order as well.
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5 2
Experience: 13.5 years 22 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Wooded course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Apr 9, 2012 Played the course:5+ times


-If you like wooded courses, this is your course.
-All the holes are unique and offer different shots that you have to take.
-Convenient for people in the Stroudsburg/East Stroudsburg region.
-Holes differ in length. Some holes require long, straight drives. Others may require a mid-range drive.
-There is slight elevation changes (not much, but enough).
-The course is clearly marked. To hole 15 is spray painted on a tree, right near hole 14's basket.
-Signs (next to the tee box) give an accurate description on where the basket is from the tee box.
-All shots are available here. You can throw forehands, backhands, hyzers, rollers, etc.


-The whole entire course is played in a park where bike riders, walkers and joggers go. They all stay on a gravel path, which takes you to each hole.
-Foot traffic. Some people take their time, but others know that people disc golf there so they will move for you, or let you throw first.
-In the summer the course becomes far more difficult because the trees grow in.
-In winter, spring, and fall, it may be difficult to find your disc because there is a lot of foliage on the ground.

Other Thoughts:

This is a great course for people who like the woods. Every hole is in the woods, which makes every shot challenging. This is a difficult beginner course because the course is all woods. Example, hole 3, has about 5 trees, 10 feet in front of the tee box. This course is more geared towards active players who want to practice keeping their disc low. Some holes are extremely easy, (holes 9,12) and then some holes are extremely difficult (11,15). This course will make you think, and at the same time will be a fun experience.
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1 9
Experience: 13.2 years 15 played 13 reviews
2.00 star(s)

eh 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Sep 19, 2012 Played the course:2-4 times


Diagrams on the tees are helpful. A few of the holes I would describe as excellent. You see some fine players out here and the members sure do love their home course.


I had to wait on lots of foot traffic my first time out, just a little better the second time. Number 11 especially; tees off from along a park entrance and the traffic problem is made even worse because the fairway runs right through a 3 trail junction. I spent a week on that hole one afternoon. Judging from the thumbs down on this review, the dedicated locals feel differently. Oh well, I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

Other Thoughts:

I am not particully fond of holes that follow walking paths, but this course does about as good as you can with it.

Requires accuracy. Plays longer than the scorecard shows because you have to hit a number of the lines or else.

Alternate tees and/or baskets recently installed. The course plays tough but fair from the standard locations. Very tough from the new.
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1 6
Experience: 13.2 years 4 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

My Virginity 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Aug 12, 2011 Played the course:once


***Keep in mind, I am a beginner and this was the very first course that I have played***

The course is very wooded and there are no holes that are "wide open." That being the case, I was able to play on a day with the temperature in the 90s, but remained very cool. There is little to no elevation change, which also made for a round that wasn't too physically taxing. The gravel / rock fairways are nice and well maintained, as well as the tee boxes. Although the course is only minutes away from the general population, it gives a feeling of being secluded out in the woods.


If you have never played the course, the signage is horrible and even though there are nice gravel fairways, it is still very misleading.

Because it is so wooded (to me, a beginner), there aren't many opportunities to "grip it and rip it."

Other Thoughts:

This course took my disc golf virginity, so it will always have a special place in my heart!
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1 7
Experience: 16.4 years 15 played 11 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Fun Beginner Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Sep 3, 2010 Played the course:once


This course is a perfect beginner course for anyone but is also a fun course to play at all levels. Every hole has the ability of being a birdie shot and most have fun ace runs if you really throw at it. Which comes into play a lot. The crushed stone paths make the course navigable and easy to take a off road stroller through.


Some holes and walking to next tees cross over each other which eliminates the possibility of heavy attended events.
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13 2
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 15.2 years 85 played 64 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Solid Wooded Course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Aug 26, 2010 Played the course:once


Located conveniently from I-80 and other major PA roadways, it's not difficult to find or get to Yetter Park. Challenging, but not overly punishing, the course is completely wooded and requires finesse and carefully shaped lines. At an average of 300' per hole, a solid drive could lead to a birdie (or a possible ace), but an inadvertant kick off one of the abundant trees could easily cause your score to head north of par. That aside, Yetter is a solid course and makes for an enjoyable round.

The designers seem to have done the best they could to incorporate a pretty good course into a compact space. Hole layouts range from many laser-straight tunnels to fairways studded with trees. While there aren't too many hills at the park, the design does incorporate some use of elevation, which helps increase variety and add a note of interest to many holes.

The gravel fairways that run through most of the course are reminiscent of those available at many pay-to-play courses. With very little exception, the course was very clean and well maintained. Garbage cans were numerous and available on many of the holes. With the exception of throwing a disc into the adjacent creek, although there was extensive undergrowth and brush, none of it was thick enough to lose a disc.


Safety is always my primary concern when looking critically at a course. While fairly minimal, Yetter had a few safety issues. Specifically, there were a few holes that had blind baskets, others where baskets and/or tees from different holes were in close proximity to each other, and the most concerning safety issue were the two fairways that crossed each other.

While the layout isn't bad, there is some repition to several of the holes, frequently favoring straight shots or left-turning fairways. Additionally, there are a few holes > 400', but no real chances to really uncork a drive for big D as this would help add variety to the course. The other issue I had with the layout was that the bulk of the first fairway bordered someone's back yard.

Despite the lack of garbage on 17 of the holes, the first hole had litter strewn very near to the fairway and included large pieces of broken glass.

Yetter Park also had some navigation issues. Even though there were spray-painted trees with arrows, locating tees was frequently difficult and several holes required backtracking, or crossing other fairways to get to tees. In any case, there was no signage whatsoever...neither at the tees or hole numbers visible on most baskets.

Given its proximity to the adjacent creek, the course can get somewhat soggy, especially after any rain. The tees were nothing more than 4x4s hammered into the ground with uneven tee areas. Additionally, some of the baskets were rusted and beginning to show signs of wear.

Other Thoughts:

Given the amount of land available, Yetter Park was laid out extremely well and was a quick, fun play. The course isn't a standout or a must-play, but the park still a solid 18 holes that can be played and enjoyed by any level of disc golfer. If you happen to be around the Stroudsburg/East Stroudsburg area (especially if you're an ESU student) and you have the time, Yetter Park is worth checking out.
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8 2
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Experience: 16.2 years 776 played 417 reviews
3.00 star(s)

Just Follow the Gravel-Filled Road 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 29, 2010 Played the course:2-4 times


Between the gravel paths leading to the tees and baskets, the blue tape on the upper spokes of the basket, paint on some trees, and the map, this course was easy for a first-time visitor to navigate. Plenty of shade. Food/petrol options nearby.


Single unnumbered/uneven gravel tees that hold water, single basket position. Many walking paths used by non-players. A bit of backtracking between some tees and baskets.

Other Thoughts:

Course plays atop a small ridge, and the flat land between the ridge and a river, of a wooded, but not densely so, public park. Two broad paths parallel the ridge and river, with multiple smaller paths connecting the two, and the course plays along and across these paths. The front nine offers nice challenges - 300'+/-, trees to avoid at various points during the flight, some subtle turns, nothing too tight but certainly nothing wide open. Minimal underbrush, except some on #1, so small chance to lose a disc, even if a tree knocks your disc off course. The back nine is more "extreme" - the long holes are longer, the short holes are shorter, the tight holes are tighter, and the turns, where required, are sharper. Other than losing elevation at #1's midpoint, steeply gaining elevation at the end of #9, losing it early on #10, and #14's long downslope, the course plays quite flat. Variety of shot-shaping needed, with left-turns/straight more prevalent than right-turns/S-shape.

Favourite holes: #10, need to throw through a window early, after which you immediately lose 20' of elevation, then a long, mostly open path to a basket on the left, 370' away; #14, downward slope the first couple hunderd feet, down a broad path with some trees - one of which has a very large branch coming directly over the path, at a height typical for a disc to be flying! A few trees to dodge, elevation to regain, and a little left-tun at the end.

Enjoyable play, good way to avoid the sun on a hot day, worth a visit if in the area.
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1 7
Experience: 17.6 years 10 played 3 reviews
3.50 star(s)

pretty good 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 11, 2010 Played the course:once


Very nice course. Most holes were challenging but ok for beginners too.


Some confusion with finding next hole and no information at the tee box regarding distance or location of goal.

Other Thoughts:

The was very pretty and ran along a river. It was a pleasant afternoon in the woods. We will definitly go back while we are still in the area. Water shots were not a problem during July.
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2 2
Experience: 28.4 years 36 played 14 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Worth playing. 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jul 4, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


Good use of the area provided. Nice technical course in a pretty neighborhood park. River next to the course is only a minor threat but a welcome respite in the summer.

Hole 14 (I think) is one of my favorites anywhere, downhill and to the left with a large branch to bracket the fairway. One day I will get a skip ace here!!(Pounding the table!)

While you won't need a great variety of shots there is a nice mix and flow to the course. Fairly evenly spaced righty/lefty shots.

Hole # 9, basket up on a ridge is a great hole.

Bring your friend with the big arm and watch them suffer negotiating the endless tress.


No signs, maps or distance markers. Uneven dirt tee pads. No chance to really open up on any holes. Righties get a chance on #2 and one other hole whose # escapes me now. Other than that most holes are tight through the woods.

Other Thoughts:

This is a nice course, worth seeking out. You will probably want to play it multiple times as it has a way of playing harder than it looks. Most of the holes are fairly short, but the trees never give you a break. There are plenty of deuce (and even ace) opportunities to make up for the 4's that come from hitting wood, but still easy to end up 4-6 over.

I struggled with a 3 or a 3 1/2 for this course. Should a course with no signs and dirt pads get over a 3? The shot selection gets a little tiresome after a while, too. But, it is a tough little course in a nice park that may drive you crazy and will bring you back. Not a powder puff. I finally settled on 3 1/2 because it is a "very good" course.

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5 2
Experience: 16.8 years 139 played 5 reviews
4.00 star(s)

2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:5+ times


this is one of my favorite courses....nice use of elevation on some holes, water hazard on a few others, and a load of trees to avoid. the gravel pathways made navigating kind of easy, but not for all of them. there are lots of birdie attempts, but you can easily get thrown off track but the trees....it park is a lot cleaner then the first time i went there two summers ago...great job!! this is truly a beautiful course in the summer. its about a 30-40 min. drive for me, but i would still drive longer if i had to. it was love after the first round!!


like others said, there are no maps. some trees have arrows and numbers painted on them, but i think they were for the ice bowl last week. some of the tee pads were kind of messy since it was so warm and wet out, but the holes they used the gravel on were great. could use a little more stone on some of the pathways as well. thats all i can say bad about this course.

Other Thoughts:

i also played in the 2010 ice bowl, and we couldnt have asked for a better day!! tee shirts in jan.!! i havent been playing for all that long, but this course is definitely in my top 5 favs...definitely worth the ride for anyone looking to travel to a new course....its really easy to get to also...there are some hikers, joggers, and bikers that come through some of the trails, but they all know whats going on and keep out of the way. i really recommend this course to anyone and everyone. two thumbs up in my eyes.
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7 3
Gold level trusted reviewer
Experience: 14.1 years 92 played 92 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Decent Wooded Course 2+ years

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:once


Wooded course with a nice variety of holes requiring an assortment of different shots. Good use of what little elevation there is (hole #9 basket in particular is a neat little uphill approach/putt). Holes near a river or body of water are always a pleasure aesthetically. Most baskets are visible from the tee. A fair balance of both birdie opportunities and more challenging shots.


Not experienced enough yet to appreciate "tunnel" shots- a couple of holes require pinpoint drives to clear trees 10-12 feet from the tee box. While the course was generally clean, the remnants of what appeared to be a garbage dump litters the hole #3 tee off area. Lack of good signage a negative and would add immeasurably to the course. Gravel tee boxes need to be raked out a bit and leveled off. Would have liked a couple of open holes to mix it up a bit. Brush and undergrowth in spots probably not friendly to the inexperienced summer player.

Other Thoughts:

Played in the 2010 Ice Bowl and had a positive experience on this course. A bit of care and general maintenance to take care of "the little things" would go a long way. While some are turned off by the gravel pathways, I was told they were necessary because it is a swampy, low-lying area which would have standing water in too many areas without them. A deli in front of the course is a huge plus for the munchies between rounds. Overall, a pretty decent course which I'd travel to play again.
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9 4
Diamond level trusted reviewer
Premium Member
Experience: 17.4 years 275 played 236 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Unique quality course 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jan 16, 2010 Played the course:once


18 hole course that utilizes the elevation and trees very well. Course features multiple holes that could be considered "signature holes".
Tournament quality course, the friendly locals actually let me play through even though I was interupting the 2010 Ice Bowl like an annoying noobie.

Course never gets monotonous, there are so many holes with personality:
Hole 3 is a memorable tunnel shot. Several holes run along the river.
Hole 9 starts down by the water, but the basket is on a 15-20 foot ledge requiring a stellar up putt to save your score.
Hole 10 throws downhill through a small army of trees. Hole 15 was a nice, narrow, blind, dogleg left. 16 is really short but guarded by 1 thick tree in front of the basket and scores of thin trees blocking all other angles.

Course was very clean and I saw garbage cans on the way to 6 and 11.

gravel tee pads averaged 8' x 4', (ofcourse when the tee pads are muddya nd slippery, the extra size doesn't help)


There were some problems with navigation, but the locals took the time to steer me back to the correct tee. Finding 7 and 15 were the hardest.
No signage at the tees to tell you how far, flight path, or even if you were at the correct tee.
Chance of disc loss was moderate. A bad bounce or roll on hole on 4 could send your disc into the drink. A treeflection on hole 8 could also take your disc into the water. The fallen leaves or snow can also hide your disc in the fall and winter.
Course was very muddy and gravel stones can chew up discs.

Other Thoughts:

With proper signage this course would be amazing.
It cost me .75 in tolls each way to the course.
The corner store right infront of the course is perfect to buy a last minute drink or cure the munchies.

The course is not too hard to find. Once you find Stokes, just follow it to Roosevelt, you'll know you are close when you see the little corner store.
(thank you to the reviewer who warned me that the corner store only takes cash)

If you feel like making it 27, River's Edge is just 10 minutes away, but not as high quality.
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4 4
Experience: 15.4 years 54 played 12 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Completely worth the drive!!!!! 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Nov 1, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Layout is very unique with what they had to do to make this course, I used to live a few years back in the area and the place was an absolute dump and was not even worth the time of day to walk thru it. The baskets are well placed, the gravel on the course give it a feeling that you dont get in most courses its hard to describe its like a fairway and helps keep water issues down to almost non existant after rainfall only on a few holes will this be an issue. There are plenty of ace chances on a few of the holes and there is garbage bins located in many places of the park and a bathroom on site. There are many differnt paths for both sidearm or backhand throwers so pick the lines that look good and let it rip, This course is all about risk vs reward on many of the holes in certian aspects you will not be disapointed and you will not be glad your on 18 when the time comes you will be disapointed it was over and will want to play another round, its hard to want to leave once you get the hang of the place. Great elevation changes.


There needs to be some signs but after you play once you will know where the t's are located and where the next hole is.[not that hard to figure out but some may be confused]. A few holes have the little stream nearby that moves fast but isnt deep its great to swim in during the summer but a pita if you lose a disk and dont feel like jumping in, some holes if you throw really bad you will catch this.

Other Thoughts:

Bring cash if you decide to get food from the deli right in front of the park they still have not added an atm or take debit/credit cards even after i first went in there 5 years ago. they make a great "premade" sandwich ask for that its cheap and delicious.
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6 4
Experience: 1 played 1 reviews
4.00 star(s)

Van D. Yetter 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Played on:Jun 7, 2009 Played the course:5+ times


Simply put, the best laid out and designed course in the woods. The course flows very well and is a tough test to any disc golfer. The Brodhead Creek comes into play on a few holes.


More markers and directions would be useful, although after playing there 2 times the layout becomes obvious.

Other Thoughts:

Yes there are walkers and fisherman around, but rarely are they in play or in the way.

Jordan did an amazing job designing this course. I my opinion, hands down the best course the Pocono region has to offer. Aside from a few needed directional signs this course doesnt need a thing.
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2 5
Experience: 15.6 years 17 played 4 reviews
3.50 star(s)

Yetter Park 2+ years drive by

Reviewed: Updated: Played on:Jul 6, 2009 Played the course:2-4 times


Good variety of holes and is a fun course to play. Course makes good use of the land. Bottom line, I would play it again.


If you don't keep it on the fairway, some of the brush is very thick. There are also lots of walkers who don't realize they are sharing the area.

Other Thoughts:

The gravel everywhere is a bit weird. Painting the tee boxes or some more signs would help. Many boxes are almost buried.
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