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Recent content by Bearcat42

  1. Bearcat42

    Throw far or putt good

    I think its more fun to throw super far, but putting is without a doubt more essential to a good round
  2. Bearcat42

    Need side arm tips

    Well I did find mine out in a field that had recently been mowed, and it was very evidently sun bleached and weathered :p So that might be why, but my katana is almost more overstable than my boss. Honest
  3. Bearcat42

    Need side arm tips

    Do you throw your forehand in an S-curve or a straight hyzer curve? (Granted the hyzer-anhyzer thing always confuses me) If I want to throw a shot that will go straight and then fade to the right at the end I'll use a Leopard for mid distance, a Beast for long distance, or an X-Clone for very...
  4. Bearcat42

    Expensive Stores

    Here in Columbus (Westerville) everywhere seems to have started selling discs due to the proximity to Hoover (Brent Hambrick Memorial), but I have yet to find "overpriced" discs. The most expensive are the big chain stores like Dicks, but local gas stations (especially the Duke and Duchess by...
  5. Bearcat42

    The Best disc no one throws

    Other than discs I throw that are just out of production (X-Clone and Cyclone 2), what about the cobra? I can throw it straight for 300+ feet with zero fade or take a little off and still keep it straight for an approach. I have never seen anyone with a cobra even in their bag, but maybe its...
  6. Bearcat42

    What is this disc worth?

    @ Booter Thanks! It's good to actually know where the disc came from :D
  7. Bearcat42

    What is this disc worth?

    I recently picked up an old, used disc called a Cyclone 2. It's definitely not in great condition but it flies great. I guess I'm more interested in the history of the disc. I've never heard of the cyclone 2, though I throw old cyclones and x-clones extensively. Does anyone know how long/ when...
  8. Bearcat42

    Trends in Disc Golf

    How about rather than FH, alot of new players only seem to throw tomahawk or some other form of overhead? In my opinion it seems like a no-skill shot (although I would admit to using it every now and then , it has its uses =P). When I see someone throwing the tomie on a 500 ft. hole, I...
  9. Bearcat42

    NE Ohio and surrounding players!

    I live down in Columbus but I'd be more than willing to come up and help out build a new course
  10. Bearcat42

    Plastic Finding Season - Post Yours

    Equal trade overall Summer so far I've found nice beat up DX eagle (always has its uses) a second Elite Z Buzzz (found my other one on the same course) And a brand new star katana =) All no ink Unfortunately, I've also lost a disc almost immediately after/before finding a new one Lost: Beat...
  11. Bearcat42

    Diversity in the bag?

    Thanks everybody! Glad to hear that I what I kinda reached on my own is basically how the game is played =)
  12. Bearcat42

    Diversity in the bag?

    Alright so if I'm jumping in on a hot topic here someone let me know before I get started so I can dump the thread, But as far as maker diversity in the bag, is there some sort of stigma against having both Innova and Discraft in the same bag? I've noticed that a lot of players will carry just...
  13. Bearcat42

    understable discs?

    Long distance - Discraft X Xpress Mid - Hard thrown DX Cobra (Just bought a new one because my old BDGW Cobra split =/) will curve off right sometimes even when thrown straight ahead - Beat Innova DX Panthers. Extremely reliable
  14. Bearcat42

    Review by Bearcat42 in course Burnet Woods (Univ. of Cincinnati)

    1.50 star(s) A course of Possibilites +Right next to University of Cincinnati's Campus +Park Staff is pretty friendly +Great Landscape -Two missing baskets -Dirt tees -little to no signage, very confusing to play -Very worn out baskets This is a course with HUGE potential. Right next to a big University...
  15. Bearcat42

    Oldest Driver in Da Bag?

    x-clones (out of production) I've got two oooooold x-clones I got from my dad. They are the discs I learned to throw with (sidearm) and were the only thing I would throw until about a year ago when I started picking up a backhand as well. They are still my go to discs for my sidearm although...