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Recent content by BeloitDavisJA

  1. BeloitDavisJA

    "Sports" with a similar profile

    I compete with my dogs in agility trials. Requires a lot of training (for you and your dog), and to be competitive, a lot of athleticism. It occasionally gets on ESPN2 (part of the annual Eukanuba dog show). It's another sport where there's definitely a mix of hardcore people, and casual...
  2. BeloitDavisJA

    Magellan disc golf bag

    +1 for cookrite. I've had the bag for over a month as well, and it's holding up just fine. Sure, there are more heavy duty bags out there (for a lot more money). I don't think this is what Academy aimed to replace. They were looking to make a cheap, affordable backpack-style bag, at a price...
  3. BeloitDavisJA

    Magellan disc golf bag

    Ordered one Monday, and received it today. I'm a casual player, so this fits my needs, and most importantly, my budget perfectly. I was able to fit 20 discs - variety of putters, mids, and drivers - and it doesn't feel cramped. Going from an 11 disc PDGA sholder bag, this is a huge...
  4. BeloitDavisJA

    New to site....newish to disc golf

    I've been playing casually for 10 years or so. Plodded along playing every now and again with a beginner innova set. A coworker and I play a 12 hole course a few times a week during lunch, and in the last 9 months we've expanded each of our disc collections, and started watching a bunch of...
  5. BeloitDavisJA

    Newbie Question about Finger Protection

    Same problem. The grip I use for my midrange shots rubs the inside of my middle finger on the side of the knuckle, and splits the skin after a while. Tried bandaids but since it's on the knuckle, they don't last the round. Saw these at a grocery store and tried them out for the first time...