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Recent content by Bhoffman09

  1. Bhoffman09

    The question they wouldn't ask

    Haha. Alright, I will take you up on that whenever I can come out.
  2. Bhoffman09

    The question they wouldn't ask

    I agree with the course promotion and that the question is leading the voter towards a response of B. The PDGA is also able to do both, as David Sauls has said. The PDGA should encourage, be mindful of, and promote the pro tour, but I think it would be wrong to say this is where the growth would...
  3. Bhoffman09

    Scoring in Disc Golf

    I agree that the -90 score looks kinda ridiculous. The answer, I believe, is to force a greater number of good/great shots in order to birdie (I.e. par 4 based courses) and to increase the difficulty of putting (I.e. smaller baskets - as others have advocated). This will bring back the...
  4. Bhoffman09

    pro forehand distance

    It was probably a year and a half ago now, but I was with Jerm on hole 2 at hornets, a ~420/430 foot shot, when I feel like I recall him saying that the distance there was about the farthest he would choose to throw forehand given both options. So approximately, 450 is a good guess for what he...
  5. Bhoffman09

    If there were no distance drivers...

    Uh, yeah. My game would be probably 3+ strokes per round worse... And thats assuming I can keep my pack of 4 gazelles. Basically everything over 320ish is getting a driver from me.
  6. Bhoffman09

    Nikko Calls Foot Fault on Gurthie ... "Don't you shake his hand, bro.."

    When I first saw the video I noticed that it looked like a foot fault before it even showed Nikko call it. Good for Nikko for upholding the rules.. I don't see any reason to assume improper motives. It was a FF...
  7. Bhoffman09

    What is your Bag Size, and Why?

    I carry 21-25 largely because that's how many my Discarrier holds (and I won that in a tourney). Other than that, it's for discs with a range of stabilities: X4 Nukes X4 Gazelles X3 Bosses X2 Ibices (Ibexes) X2 Destroyers X2 Warlocks ... And some other utility discs.
  8. Bhoffman09

    What's your PDGA rating?

    984.. And like gcr_Russell, I'm a pretty terrible casual player.
  9. Bhoffman09

    Disc Golf Coverage REinvented - FLYBOY video

    MUTEMATH for the background song basically doubled the awesomeness of the original video for me.
  10. Bhoffman09

    80% at 20 feet

    Ive pretty much written it down on my mental scorecard from 20 feet.. But I know 80% is probably realistic because after a few of my best rounds (~30 Pts above rating) I actually realized, "hey, I didn't miss any inside 25' at all.. I didn't really make anything outside of 25' but my round was...
  11. Bhoffman09

    7 Mold/25 Disc Limit

    Champ Glo Gazelles Super soft Warlocks 1st Run Vibram Ibices (Ibexes) GL Fuses Champ Bosses Z Nukes Star Destroyers
  12. Bhoffman09

    Starting a DG club at my college

    Our club consisted of about three to four people for our first two semesters with the goal of just playing a few collegiate events. After being unaffiliated for the first semester, we did the paperwork last spring to become a sport club and received funding for the 2012-2013 year in preparation...
  13. Bhoffman09

    Pro Vs. Avg Joe- Skill Gap

    I think increasing the difficulty of putting is a route to be thoroughly considered. When you have guys like MJ and Paul who can shoot -16 or -17 on courses, you're basically maxing out the potential within the round for these guys. What can we do to hinder "maxed out" scores? Increasing the...
  14. Bhoffman09

    2013 Goals

    1. Play and contend in collegiate nationals 2. Get up to the 1000 rating mark 3. Play 10+ tourneys. Bring on 2013!
  15. Bhoffman09

    The Official 'Ask Paul McBeth' Thread

    Paul - Baseball is full of slumps and hot streaks. Have you found your DG career to be similar? Also, superstitions were always fun in baseball as I played through high school (not stepping on foul lines before the game or mentioning a pitcher's no hitter, etc). Once I went on a hitting...