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Recent content by big cat

  1. big cat

    Review by big cat in course New Hopewell DGC

    3.00 star(s) Good course to throw your discs Open holes leave room for options in attacking the baskets. Ace runs throughout the course. Course is simple to navigate. Although it is currently a 9-hole course, more baskets have been added. Wooded holes make some shot shaping necessary. Use of obstacles...
  2. big cat

    Review by big cat in course Dunkle's Wetlands

    2.50 star(s) fun, challenging, repetitive Allows usage for all discs. Holes vary in distance. Bridges for over water. Great tee pads. Great practice course. Lack of signs can make navigating the course a bit confusing. Much of the course is back and forth across open grass which can be a bit...
  3. big cat

    Review by big cat in course Jackson Rec. Park DGC

    4.00 star(s) fast, fun, challenging Holes use scarce obstacles well. Signs at each tee pad have accurate distances. Discatcher baskets. Lost and found box for lost discs. No bridges for over water. Lack of trees and hills leaves the course vulnerable to gusting winds. One of the best courses in the area...
  4. big cat

    mid range or fairway driver

    How can i tell when i should use a mid range disc and a fairway driver? Please help.. Thanks!
  5. big cat

    Take this poll for 2 chances to WIN a F2 Vintage 11x FB!

    big cat PA, Long Trout Winery
  6. big cat

    Review by big cat in course Long Trout Winery

    4.00 star(s) Challenging yet fun Great use of elevation throughout the course. The number of trees make shot shaping a major requirement for this course. Hole #17 has a hanging basket which is coupled with a mando to make one of the most unique holes I have come across. Challenges await almost every hole...