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Recent content by bikedoctor

  1. bikedoctor

    Kiddie Starter Sets

    I started my 9yr daughter with a 132 DX Leopard and a 150 Aviar. http://www.discgolfcenter.com/main_displayProduct.php?p=37&PPQT1=19
  2. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    How cheap. :D Am I Par yet??
  3. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    And with such a position comes certain responsibilities.
  4. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    You are a key member of this forum.
  5. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    Three putt I expect a little more from you.
  6. bikedoctor

    [Discraft] Discraft more consistant than Innova

    I guess this is what a thrower must consider. Do I want the company deciding the "tweek" of the disc from plastic to plastic. Or do I trust my judgement and knowlede of plastic to make the right decision. Being a noob I will probably stay Innova like nightstraveler said because you can find...
  7. bikedoctor

    How many discs, is too many?

    But dont get me wrong. You will need a mold or a weight to make a shot but knowing the technique first will help you in the long run to getting the most out of the disc. This is where an old disc'er comes in handy or a good local shop to help you in your disc selection.
  8. bikedoctor

    How many discs, is too many?

    This was my disc count after three months in. I wish a friend would have given me a putter, a roc and a leopard and said come see me in two months, I would have learned my throw quicker. But buying disc's are fun, some just look cool. I cant throw my clear Q-JLS with rainbow foil stamp but...
  9. bikedoctor

    [Discraft] Discraft more consistant than Innova

    During a recent tournament a guy on my card had only discraft in his bag. When I asked why he said Discraft molds are more consistant than Innova. So when he loses his Discraft discs he is confident he can buy the exact disc given the same plastic and weight. He said the disc would feel the...
  10. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    I know there is a formula used to calculate the legal weight of the disc based on the surface area. I think the idea is to keep the disc (essentially a high speed projectile) from become potentially leathal. I've seen some Wraiths come in like Scuds and I would imagine at 30 grams heavier...
  11. bikedoctor

    What makes a disc "legal"

    Recently I got my butt spanked in Lafayette, LA on the Ace Run Course at Acadiana Park. On a few holes the shots were so tight and the tunnels were surrounded by poison ivy and thorn vines. At one point I was getting so much tree-jection that I thought, "Man, an Ultimate disc would really be...
  12. bikedoctor

    [Innova] Roc paper scissors

    Dude you Roc. I can be such an Orc sometimes. :)
  13. bikedoctor

    [Innova] Roc paper scissors

    You may find David's response interesting. And he owns a disc golf company. Insightful. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYfytPTs5qU
  14. bikedoctor

    [Innova] Roc paper scissors

    I would like to throw a Buzz but I dont speak discraft ... If I like Champ and Star plastic, what would that translate to? Didn't we just have a thread about Discraft plastic and Innova plastic? If not shouldn't we star one?