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Brody Cannon
  • Just discovered disc golf last summer and have been learning very quickly

    Snowboarding, Skateboarding, and Disc Golf
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Brody Cannon
    Beaverton, OR
    Nov 5, 1991 (Age: 32)
    Years Playing
    17.3 Years
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    10 / 3.80 star(s)
    Voting Record
    4 11
    Updated Course Conditions
    School :-(

    Other info

    Average Drive: 420-500
    Aces: 25
    Estimated CURRENT rating: ~970


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    No, but you're from Beaverton and I'm from Sherwood. Just looking for some people to play with this summer.
    Yo Brody-
    I was just looking through the lost n found list at spinners and you have a couple of discs there. Suprise they are both blue. A star Xcaliliber and a DX XD. They charge $2 a disc. I know your mom lives down hear so i thought I'd let you know. Hope all is well, and keep huckin.
    Kyle Smith #34925
    hey whats up brody? thanks for adding me. question for you do you know a guy named Chris Kuhly? i played w/ him the other day down at greenway he says he knows you and plays w/ you often. if you do know him does he have a profile on this site so that i can get into contact w/ him? thanks dude and get back to me when ya get a chance
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