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Recent content by Brychanus

  1. Brychanus

    Frustration can’t get over 250ft max 327

    Massed learning and repetition, letting your brain connect the intent with the outcome, and rest/spacing practice over a long time. The feels and focus will naturally change as you look at and feel different parts of the moves at different times. As motions become more integrated people tend...
  2. Brychanus


    I usually tend to think the evident wrist curl is something like what you describe - "sharper pull-in-to-out redirect angle which increased the chance that my wrist naturally got pushed into a more curled position even when I was just trying to keep it mostly straight." I've encouraged you to...
  3. Brychanus


    w.r.t. spin specifically: I'm curious the extent to which his emphasis on the straight wrist works in the context of the larger move. As a gross oversimplification, I find it interesting that his overall move through the weight shift looks fundamentally a little more rotational than some other...
  4. Brychanus

    Would love some form help

    Former robot here: Jump/bounce/hop around, get loose, let your butt wiggle a little before you set up. You do have a bit of that rigidity overall because you are so focused on trying to make your body hit your idea of what the right sweet spots are. But instead you are overcontrolled hitting...
  5. Brychanus

    Tech disc test driven development

    If you get in touch with Chris I would be curious how that goes if you're willing to share here or elsewhere. One of the things I've always found interesting from aerial views is that even with the pocket is relatively deep in a 90-degrees-to-tee camera angle, you more often see what appears in...
  6. Brychanus

    Tech disc test driven development

    I'm not sure if this is currently the case for you, but may be seeing a lot of your motion: when I started messing with the horizontal abduction without first working on balance and having the rear arm stay in tight/assist the balance/assist the shift, the horizontal abduction would just make...
  7. Brychanus

    Tech disc test driven development

    Just to add the martial arts point, if you are literally elbowing someone (or a heavy bag) somewhere to your side, there is a low effort maneuver that is mostly about body rotation delivering the elbow to the target. If you're massive, you might be able to deliver some force through it and be...
  8. Brychanus

    Hilariously Bad Backhand Form, Please Advise

    Agree it's trending better. Still looking at your whole body motion and balance/weight shift. I'm wondering what will happen if you take your setup there, but allow the front foot to come off the ground more like an MLB batter before (to help you get "onto" the rear leg before shifting...
  9. Brychanus

    form check 6 years late

    FWIW my lat engagement seemed to improve after I got the rear side to anchor the core loading/x-factor. Hard to know exactly, but I think it works something like oblique sling loads until peak of backswing, and lats stretch relative to that load, then as the shift completes the elastic tension...
  10. Brychanus

    Would love some form help

    In your X-step you are getting your pelvis entirely closed off from the target, which means that you then need to rotate it all the way back around to commit the shot. Instead you need to make it function more like walking, running, or hopping more "sideways" balanced briefly on it...
  11. Brychanus

    form check 6 years late

    Holistic comment, sidewinder may help you with details/cause/effect. You've got a lot of the key pieces, but I don't think you're putting your body in the posture & sequence to maximize (1) core and (2) lat loading in the backswing. So your action through your core and upper body is a bit...
  12. Brychanus

    Repository of Cool Images

    Cross-referenced for posteriority/high density of cool images entering the release point. Original link: https://www.dgcoursereview.com/threads/tech-disc-test-driven-development.178565/post-4266970
  13. Brychanus

    Repository of Cool Images

    All I can do as a non-moderator is make another plea: please stay on topic in this thread. It used to be one of the only places where the posts don't devolve into a profound s***fit. Personally, I just like paging through images that people think are cool all in one place. It seems like that...
  14. Brychanus

    Tech disc test driven development

    IMO this is part of a healthy "multimethod" approach to the problem for N=1.
  15. Brychanus

    Tech disc test driven development

    +1 to cognitive dissonance. Also (as I know you know) there is the general question about how/where the "pocket" should exist in the cause-effect chain, which always seems deeply related to the overall concept for the mechanics (to me). From a coaching/cueing perspective I still wouldn't be...