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  • DGCR Number
    Real name
    Chad Richardson
    Brown City, Michigan
    Mar 28, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Years Playing
    19.5 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Voting Record
    1 0
    Updated Course Conditions


    Chad Richardson
    MVP Disc Sports


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    Hello. I'm curious as to how many of the Halloween Stamped Axis Protons were produced. I'm looking for a replacement for the one my GF lost. It was her favorite disc, she loved the stamp : /

    I love the Ion soft big time. Got at least 4 of em. Tell me what the volt is like. I am a big forehand thrower. would it be worth getting?

    Chad, I am from the west side of the state, Grand Rapids. I have been throwing Ions since the second runs. I was just wondering if you knew where or who has some opaque unstamped ion putters? FR would be sweet, but they are so expensive.

    Thank you,
    Just wanted to let you know about Battle for the Border: Michigan V. Ohio, dates and location have been set. Check out the thread and hope you can make it.
    Hey, I plan to take a short trip to play courses this spring around Waterford. Is it OK to stop by the headquarters while I am there, or is that not allowed?

    Hey LOVE what you've done with the new soft ION... they are totally awesome!!! Keep up the good work!
    Hey those Mediums are sweet discs... what a true flying disc. They're starting to win me over.. had you put any thought into improving the grip on the bottom and extending the rougher plastic another inch or so in? I gotta say it's been great slippy, it's improved my game as the Ion's unforgiving if you don't have a clean release.
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