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Recent content by Crooow

  1. Hole #N/A Tee Sign

    Hole #N/A Tee Sign

    Tee sign for long tee #1
  2. Crooow

    Review by Crooow in course Homewood HoCo School Board of Ed.

    0.50 star(s) Fun Factor = 0 6 red Veteran baskets although #2 is slightly askew. No conflicts with other activities/areas except back parking lot. All baskets numbered (#1 through #6). No tees, no course map, no benches. Grass only mowed in big field (#9s fairway). Basket #2 is tilted. Off fairway has...
  3. Crooow

    Krimgold Park discussion

    I added the short (red) tee distances. I wanted to photograph the course map at the beginning but my phone died. I am unlikely to be near there again so if someone local could add it..............
  4. Crooow

    Review by Crooow in course Krimgold Park

    3.00 star(s) Good course Bright new yellow baskets that catch well. Tee signs on all holes at both locations. Turf pads on long (blue) tee locations. Port-a-potty in parking lot. Beautiful park. Course is mainly remote from other park activities. Mostly easy to navigate (see details below). Has...
  5. Crooow

    Course Baggers

    If I played 90% (all 9 of 9 or 17 of 18) then I count it. If certain holes were unavailable but I walk it then I count that. I don't count walking a course but not playing it. I have been places (e.g. on vacation) where I saw a course but didn't have my discs so I walked it. I also followed...
  6. Crooow

    Review by Crooow in course Avenel Local Park

    2.00 star(s) Not worth it Attractive park in affluent neighborhood. Baskets are easily spotted and in excellent condition. Tee signs/maps on all 7 holes; baskets are numbered. Lots of porta-potties in the parking lot. Hanging basket on #5; elevated basket on stump on #7. Some tree-lined fairways. Biased...
  7. Crooow

    Avenel Local Park discussion

    Went back today and confirmed. This is now a 7-hole practice course. I have attached the new course map but it is old holes 3-9 now renumbered as 1-7. I will review and updates shortly.
  8. Crooow

    Avenel Local Park discussion

    The course appears to be in some state of transition. I went to play yesterday and the map on this site is no longer accurate/ The original board at tee 1 is gone. The baskets on old holes 1 and 2 are also missing. I did see the basket on old #9 (elevated on a stump) and when I got there I...
  9. Crooow

    Review by Crooow in course Riverwalk Discgolf Course

    3.00 star(s) Good park course Bright new yellow baskets that catch very well. All baskets numbered with numbers facing tees. Next tee arrows on all baskets to direct to next tee (but see below). Two tees on all holes (but see below). No map currently available. Bathrooms available between holes 2&3 and holes...
  10. Crooow

    Review by Crooow in course Redland Middle School

    1.50 star(s) Okay school course New bright yellow baskets that catch well. No map necessary although the one on this site is accurate. School grounds are well-kept. Easy access from the main road. Couple of 'fun' holes (#5 & #6 for me). Good tee signs (although the target basket is obvious anyway)...
  11. Crooow

    Bad/Homer Course Reviews

    There are many holes on courses where I think "if that one tree wasn't there.........." but that's what makes the course challenging. If all fairways were wide open, I'd get bored pretty quickly.
  12. Crooow

    Next Version of DGCR Is Coming

    Me Too This also happened to me.
  13. Crooow

    How accurate are you from these distances?

    Appy Polly Loggies, my droogies Apologies as I truly didn't mean to be rude. And I deserve the remark about offering unsolicited advice. I presume when someone posts something they are interested in getting some kind of feedback. I recall when I was starting out that I spent most of my...
  14. Crooow

    How accurate are you from these distances?

    Not to be rude but you really need to practice and get these numbers up. Most putting practice areas I have played start at 10 feet and move out 5 feet per spot. As bad as I am, I never miss from 10 or 15 feet and rarely ever miss a 20-footer. Now on a real course with elevation change and...
  15. Crooow

    Classic Review lines

    Snakes From rodneytravis33's review of Basil Griffith Park: "Had a friend bit here several years ago reaching down to place his mini, luckily it was just by a rat snake." Yes I feel lucky when I get bitten by a snake as well.