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  • DGCR Number
    Huntington, WV
    Years Playing
    15.5 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    3 / 3.67 star(s)
    Voting Record
    14 0
    Updated Course Conditions


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    Hey, I checked out PDGA.com to see how you did in Fairmont. Great second round!! Was there a tie breaker between you and the other guy?
    Hah. thats great I actually have organized a group for a trailerpark boys halloween party, should be fun. I already put dibs on ricki and have been working on talkin like I got some book learnin. Its gonna be a SH*TSTORM!!
    I guess there is going to be a pdga sanctioned tourney in Ashland after all. If you go to pdga.com it is not listed, but if you go to abcdiscgolfclub.com it states that the tourney is August 20.
    I played novice too at the tourney in Ashland. At the time I had only been playing about 6 weeks. I shot a 65-62 that day. I am much improved since.
    What division did you play? I played a couple of times at rotary but I live 2 miles from armco so why waste the gas right? I dont think there will be a tourney at ashland this year because from what I hear, the TD is having trouble finding sponsors.
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