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Disc Dog
  • I'm 61 and took up disc golf for the exercise and the competition. Now I am addicted.

    Computers, Disc Golf, Family, Yard work, old muscle cars
    DGCR Number
    Spokane, Washington
    Sep 24, 1960 (Age: 64)
    Years Playing
    17.3 Years
    Main Throwing Style
    DGCR Player Rating
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    48 / 3.35 star(s)
    Voting Record
    147 166
    Updated Course Conditions
    IT Security and Load Balancing.


    "I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it."
    — Thomas Jefferson (Letter to Archibald Stuart - 1791)


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    Hey, vote for me to have the Innova sponsorship! I need this! My page is here.

    Just thumbs up me and help campaign!
    Hey Disc Dog I've been talking to prerube about going out with you guys tomorrow.
    I'm in Fairfax so I can pick you up if need be.
    You can call me at 1-630-901-2877
    Joe: Chicago number
    I have not had the pleasure of The Grange. It is most certainly on my to do list. I will be playing Loriella for the 1st time on Friday. That is in the same general area. Spending most of my time on work crews at Giles Run getting things ready for the Wind Up on the 21st. Hope to run into you some time.
    Hey Dog, Saw you were in the Commonwealth so I stopped by to check it out. Be Safe. SEE YA!
    I have info on a job. I have been trying to send you a pm and I can't get it to work and I don't want to post this in public.
    I work for a rent-to-own store. The other driver and I play whenever we get a chance. I'm planning on playing Bayville toorrow around 10ish. You're welcome to come if you can. I'll pm you with my work cell, best way to get in touch with me.
    I'm off every Sunday. Wednesdays I'm usually off unless there is a holiday that week like July 4th on Sat is going to be my day off that week. I don't need much notice maybe a day or two just to get stuff like laundry done first, and get my parents to babysit the kids.
    Let me know when you are planning to come down. I've got 2 kids and a wife who just doesn't understand, but I will do my best to get her to let me out of jail for a day to play. There's a couple of buddies that I play wih down here, that could play if I couldn't. BTW sundays and wednesdays are usually best for me.
    Yea Dorey would be amazing if it got some TLC. Bryan is less than 5 minutes from my house so I'm there almost every day. Gillies is great this time of year too - the trees have really filled in nicely.


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      Somebody likes you

      Somebody out there reacted positively to one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!
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      1,000 messages? Impressive!
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      Can't stop!

      You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!
    4. 5

      Keeps coming back

      30 messages posted. You must like it here!
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      Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.
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