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Fly Stevo Dynamite
  • DGCR Number
    Real name
    Steven Karpinecz
    May 6, 1968 (Age: 56)
    Years Playing
    15.1 Years
    Voting Record
    4 0
    Updated Course Conditions


    "Shut up Mr. Burton. You are not brought upon this world to 'get it.'"

    -Lo Pan "Big Trouble in Little China"


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    Just wanted to let you know about Battle for the Border: Michigan V. Ohio, dates and location have been set. Check out the thread and hope you can make it.
    Izula, Hest, Esee3 and Esee5. The 5 is a frickin' beast. 1lb. 1/4 thick. Choppin' anything.

    Just got the DPX Hest Folder.
    Also just saw you are from Cleveland. If you haven't been out to Ashtabula and played Lake Shore, you should. It's an awesome course. The only other one that I have played that you have is Sims and it makes Sims look silly, and I think Sims is a damn good park.
    No problem. Just one of the thing I had picked up on here. The site can definitely make you a better player, or at least in my case I understand what I need to do. Whether I actually do it is another story, lol.
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