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  • Billiards, Artist, Musician, Disc Dyeing
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    May 2, 1974 (Age: 50)
    Years Playing
    13.5 Years
    DGCR Player Rating
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    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions
    Graphic Designer, Cartographer


    "Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein


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    Hey man. I have a picture of a google map marking the new Lions layout. I can text or email it to you so you can know the new hole locations and numbers. Justhit me back if you're wanting that file, or if you want me to come along and just play the new layout with you.
    Sorry i havent been able to reply sooner. That sucks about your finger! Its good that it isnt your throwing hand. That would suck even more. Good to hear the business is doing well even though its due to a ****ty situation. The family is doing well though. We have just been traveling a lot around England. We went to Dover this past saturday. That place is amazing. I definitely suggest you going one day if you get the chance. I have been playing gorilla golf a lot too. Its so far to the course that i just go out to these woods where im trying to get a course started and play there. Hopefully that eventually turns into a true course. Its only a quarter mile from the house. How's your game been going? You get that backhand down yet?
    Going pretty well. I almost sliced my left index finger off last Tuesday. It's all right though. Got stitches and shouldn't have too much nerve damage. It's just been a bad year.

    Business is doing ok. These rash of storms have kept me pretty busy with custom work. Everything from Emergency Services, Utilities, Relief businesses and Insurance Adjusters. It's been kinda crazy.

    Are you enjoying it over there? How's the family? Madison doing well?
    How's it goin buddy? I got to find one of the courses here last weekend. It's in Colchester at the university of essex. Awesome course! I only played the first two holes and it was badass! I had the wife and daughter with me and it was around 35 degrees so I couldn't finish, but I'll be back soon to check the entire course out.
    You know Im not that home sick just yet. It's just that everything is different and I'm not use to it. I just get on here, listen to music, fly my plane, or watch the local news in OKC online and I feel like I'm there and I'm fine. It's different here though. I'm looking forward to the experiences to come. I can't wait to get out and play the courses here! I will definitely do some sort of video like forest did at will. I'll try at least. Lol
    We've got some friends in Edinburgh that are going through some hard times. My dads old school chum is going through chemo right now and we are trying to get over there. I'll let you know as soon as I know more.*

    Happy new year and the next four years will fly by. See ya soon.*
    Glad that you are getting settled in. Yeah, the culture shock can be extremely rough if you've never dealt with it. You'll get used to it. It gets better. Oklahoma will be here when you get back. I was lucky in that I was 18 when I hit the culture shock. Happened to me in Lucerne Switzerland. It was during the second week that it hit me hard. That night, in the hotel room, I was listening to USO radio and Bob Seger's "Turn the Page" came on. Everything went back to normal and the homesickness went away. I hope you can find something that does the same for you. Just think, you have access to a lot of different cultures to get immersed in. It will be worth it in the long run.

    Now, every time that I go overseas, I don't want to come back to the US. :) Hopefully I'll make it to the isles this summer.*
    Hey bud! How's it going? The UK is definitely a lot different than the states! I didnt think i would have much culture shock until i got here. I miss Oklahoma a LOT! Especially when i think about it and know that i'll be here for the next four years. How are you?
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