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Recent content by from_source

  1. F

    A Grey Ace?

    why so small? #BlackAcesMatter
  2. F

    Camping near Lemon Lake

    I have traveled to Lemon Lake on two different occasions and stayed at Emerald Trails Campground both times. Approximately a 15 min drive to LL. They have primitive campsites available with showers/restrooms at the main office included with the night. Don't remember the cost but it was...
  3. F

    Driving range

    0/10 troll harder.
  4. F

    End of Jump Putting as we know it

    here is a better look at feldberg's walk through: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNM6fFEn0t8&NR&feature=player_detailpage#t=602s at least the walk through is more refined than the pseudo-epileptic jump i see in vast majority of "jump putts" i dont jump putt. i think it is ridiculous and see...