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  • Disc Golf and Photography
    DGCR Number
    Real name
    Eileen Wa
    DeBary - Volusia County FL
    March 7
    Years Playing
    15.5 Years
    Total Reviews / Avg. Score
    1 / 1.00 star(s)
    Voting Record
    0 0
    Updated Course Conditions


    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Stat Addict
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Workout
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Course Explorer
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Shutterbug
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Uploader
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Linker
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • Disc Collector
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • State Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Country Explorer
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Road Warrior
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Discoverer
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Correspondent
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Videographer
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Wordsmith
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Competitor
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Tournament Director
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Informant
    • Premium
    • Aces
    • Aces
    • Aces
    • Aces



    Thanks!! I hope to write a review or two soon. Especially about the courses that no longer exist that we traveled close to an hour to get to. I am new to the sport but my husband played a few times in the past. We plan on visiting other courses soon.
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