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Recent content by hyzerfool

  1. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course Shoals DGC

    3.00 star(s) Pleasantly surprised Most holes are at least a little bit interesting. Some of the better ones, like hole 4, are quite good. Some of the fairways are tight, but the holes are short and all of them are fair. Throw a good shot and you'll score well. Don't and, well, you'll score like I did...
  2. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course Central Park DGC

    4.00 star(s) Much improved! Fair fairways Lots of elevation change Varied shots required Few places require making choices Tee pads not in great shape I like the redesigned course quite a lot better than the older versions. I haven't played here in several years and was pleasantly surprised. Consistently...
  3. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course NGCT - Original

    4.00 star(s) Meaningless Title Pretty course Lots of elevation change Consistently fair fairways Good tee pads Course in near perfect shape when I played it A few basket placements I didn't like Lack of depth / subtlety In general, I liked it. It was fun. Course was pretty. Fairways were fair. A couple...
  4. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course Herman C. Michael Park

    2.00 star(s) Most of a fun little course Many of the holes in the woods are fun in a short, cute sort of way. Most of the course is isolated from other users of the park. Holes are generally fair. Very short. Several of the holes that aren't in the woods are as boring as you're going to find anywhere...
  5. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course Cliff Stephens Park

    3.50 star(s) Well worth a visit Well designed course, makes good use of available land. Almost every hole forced a decision of some kind, either choosing which route to take, choosing how brave to be dealing with the water or trees, or both. The back 9 is longer, hole 16 is an excellent hole, I thought...
  6. H

    Review by hyzerfool in course Fort Yargo State Park

    2.50 star(s) Pleasant Surprise Fair holes, great land. Excellent tee pads on holes 1, 2, and 3. Almost no conflicts with other users of the park (bike trail comes in the vicinity a few times). The gravel tee pads are a problem (every hole except 1, 2, and 3). I don't like gravel in the first place, and...