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Recent content by jaypay85

  1. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    Neil putting on clinics... no pun intended.
  2. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    I certainly don't want a reach around from you or any dude here that's for sure... Let's have a discussion and challenge your idea here.. as comes off as "cause I said so"... because there's more "numbers" that's better than tech disc? But tech disc has other numbers that GP doesn't have so...
  3. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    This had me laughing as both Sheep and DiscgolfNeil go off on tangents about things that aren't necessarily relevant to the conversation but they feel the need to educate (nothing wrong with that). You guys are more alike the what first meets the eye....
  4. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    Found this in my email from when I tested it last year. Fairly similar to my numbers when I first got and started using the tech disc. They had some kind of monthly fee associated with using the app so I opted to not go with them.
  5. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    Not to be pedantic, but it does say "flight speed" not disc speed. I will again, re-iterate what I said from my earlier post, when talking to the guys who ran the booth for gamerproof they said and I quote "The flight speed should never be faster then the arm speed" in a heavy European accent...
  6. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    Too focused on that other thread and had tunnel vision lol
  7. J

    Gameproofer - Question about the Speed Ratio data

    Remembering my conversation from the game proofer guys who had a demo tent set up last year at USDGC. I specifically asked the difference between arm vs flight speed. It is the loss of speed from the arm to the disc on release, as you all have discussed. They flight speed should never be faster...
  8. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    For frame of reference, just from personal experience, going from 1200 to 1300 is really hard, I've only hit 1400 once. Having spin around 1000-1100 is average for someone who plays fairly regularly. Also, that 1400 came at around 66mph in which throwing "hard" wasn't my focus but trying to hit...
  9. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    Would you typically say discs act more under stable In general with less spin? Excluding certain disc shapes.
  10. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    Does this change at all for forehand?
  11. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    Just to further highlight here is a sample, you will notice differences between the spin are small, but the nose/launch is more dramatic and changes the distance drastically. Again, take this with a grain of salt as the metrics are only as accurate to the degree that tech discs metrics are...
  12. J

    Tech disc test driven development

    Based on my own experience relying heavily on tech-disc numbers... nose-angle and launch angle will impact the distance of your throws more so than spin would. Not saying that spin does not impact it but less so when you change your nose/launch angles. There is likely some connection to how you...
  13. J

    First time poster, long-time lurker- RHBH form critque

    Did more shadow swings, finding success going from low-high swing plane working for me. Trying not to get to focused on throwing speeds. Also, keeping my throwing arm closer to body until extension into backswing.
  14. J

    First time poster, long-time lurker- RHBH form critque

    I did a some shadow swings, to see if this is what you meant. I am trying to keep my swing plane less "flat" or "horizontal". Just want to confirm that is is more of what you meant by swinging upward.
  15. J

    First time poster, long-time lurker- RHBH form critque

    So... this was a session yesterday prior to your response. The throw in question is the last one and I want to see if anyone can discern anything different in my form that lead to it. Also, would like to see if disc-golf Neil has had any anomalous readings on his tech-disc or anyone who uses it...