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Recent content by jedimasterbryan

  1. jedimasterbryan

    Review by jedimasterbryan in course Conklin DGC

    2.50 star(s) Nice Small Course -Concrete Tees -Quality Baskets -Good course Bulletin Board containing general disc golf rules -Pretty good use of the available space -Some of the teepads are a little short -The signage for each of the holes is pretty poor -The pars on this course seem a bit high, I think...
  2. jedimasterbryan

    when did you guys play your first tourny

    I played my first tournament after about 10 or so months of disc golfing. I wasn't great but I think experiencing the tournament setting and playing with better players than me really helped improve my game.
  3. jedimasterbryan

    Review by jedimasterbryan in course Heritage Park

    3.50 star(s) Great local course -Nice park setting, looks pretty well maintained -Quality baskets -The layout is very straightforward, you never have to search for the next hole, even without a map or signage -Good variety of holes -Most of the holes are pretty short -The park itself is pretty small and I...
  4. jedimasterbryan

    Review by jedimasterbryan in course Riverfront Park

    1.00 star(s) Small and Short -Beautiful Park setting -A big ravine and a lot of elevation changes that COULD be used(but are not with the current layout) -Natural tees, no concrete -Super short course -Not much variety, pretty much wide open with the exception of a couple holes -Poor course map at beginning...
  5. jedimasterbryan

    Review by jedimasterbryan in course Francis E. Walter Dam - Original

    2.00 star(s) Not great -Concrete tees(except for #15) -Multiple pin positions on some holes -Decent variety of holes will test a lot of different shots -Good variety in terms of hole lengths -Course layout was pretty poor some pins were difficult to locate -Poor signage, navigation was often difficult -Hole...
  6. jedimasterbryan

    Review by jedimasterbryan in course Shelton Springs DGC

    4.00 star(s) Nice Course -2 tees on every hole(red and black) -Good signs at the tee breaking down distance, par, etc. -Course is very well maintained, don't really have to worry about looking for discs unless you have a really poor shot -Good Variety of holes, allowing you to use all the shots in your...
  7. jedimasterbryan

    How many putters?

    3, a SSS Wizard for putting, a soft anode for driving, and a blunt gumputt if I need my disc to hit the ground and not roll
  8. jedimasterbryan

    Flight Analyzer

    i love this tool, hopefully they'll keep adding discs to it
  9. jedimasterbryan

    [Innova] Anyone prefer dx plastic to the premiums?

    I like dx better for certain molds, the one that most comes to mind is the beast which i prefer in dx
  10. jedimasterbryan

    what company should i start selling?

    you'd get more variety with lat 64 i think, but MVP discs seem to be getting really popular lately as well.
  11. jedimasterbryan

    How many courses have you played?

    8 courses in 3 states
  12. jedimasterbryan

    What was the first course you ever played?

    Widefield Park Widefield, CO http://www.dgcoursereview.com/course.php?id=720
  13. jedimasterbryan

    Post your most recent plastic purchase.

    ESP Nuke Z Buzz DX beast
  14. jedimasterbryan

    Post your most recent plastic purchase.

    Stopped by Chainbangerz in WA yesterday and picked up a 137g blizzard boss and a 149g blizzard DD2