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Recent content by KC Red

  1. K

    Review by KC Red in course Blue Valley Park - Short Course

    2.00 star(s) Worth playing at least once.. Nice playground available for those golfers with children. Centrally located to city core. Elevation changes add challenge. Much more playable than the big course there. No signage. Very odd shaped tee pads. They are shaped in a way that they point to the basket...
  2. K

    Review by KC Red in course Legacy Park

    3.50 star(s) First time playing Legacy... Well designed course. Layed out in such a way that finding the next tee pad was not challenging. Benches at each hole. Course fairway was well groomed. Challenging play for me (a beginner) as well as boyfriend (tournament player) Little shade available for...
  3. K

    Which Driver Should I use?

    I watched the Worlds here in KC this year... I'm pretty sure many of those women were throwing something other than 150 class discs. Wish I could have gotten one of them to play a round with me and give me some pointers!
  4. K

    Which Driver Should I use?

    Thanks for the replies! Yes, the Teebirds tend to go way left for me. The new Cheetah I have also goes left. The beat-up cheetah disc is the one I use when there is a straight/Narrow drive.
  5. K

    Which Driver Should I use?

    I read through the post on the Technique board about using the right disc to match your power. I am a female player and relatively new to the game. I seem to be able to only drive around 100' and wonder if maybe my disc choice has to do with it or do I just need to keep playing to improve...
  6. K

    Review by KC Red in course Riley's Conference Center

    3.00 star(s) Course is well maintained. Did not see any indications of where to tee off from so we just tee'd from one basket to the next. Were in a hurry to avoid the rain so only played the first 5 holes. Once we located #1 and #2 it was easy to determine the layout of the course. The guard at the gate...
  7. Hole #6 Basket

    Hole #6 Basket

  8. K

    South Park DGC - Old Layout discussion

    Course Intro
  9. South Park DGC - Old Layout media

    South Park DGC - Old Layout media

    South Park DGC - Old Layout media
  10. K

    Review by KC Red in course South Park DGC - Old Layout

    2.00 star(s) Didn't know it was here! There aren't many other courses around so if you happen to be there like we were, and want to play, there's a course at least. No Tee pads, older 'handmade' style baskets. My parents live in JC and go to South Park to use the walking trail there. They happened to...
  11. Hole #1 Tee Sign

    Hole #1 Tee Sign

  12. K

    Sick of Litter on the course

    The problem here in Kansas City is that with the budget cutbacks the grounds keepers are just not making the rounds often enough so the cans are overflowing. It's also making it a PITA to find disks in the tall grass. We have one guy that plays with us that carries a sack and picks up trash as...
  13. K

    Why don't more women play disc golf?

    I'm new to the sport, been playing about 6 months or so. I admit that I never gave thought to playing until I started dating someone who plays. But now I regret not learning to play when I first heard that the sport existed. I love seeing the improvement in my game and look forward to the day...
  14. K

    Review by KC Red in course English Landing Park

    2.00 star(s) Go enjoy a nice day in the park... Beautiful location along the river with lots of other people out enjoying the park. There is playground equipment so it's a great place to go play a short round with the kids. Gets sloppy after rain and takes awhile to dry out. Difficult to locate the...
  15. K

    Review by KC Red in course William Yates Sprint DGC

    3.00 star(s) A Great Little Course Challenging shots even though they are short. Course is clean and well taken care of. No restroom facilities. Course closed during school hours (understandably) This is a quick course that provides a challenge for even skilled players. Even though the holes are not long...